Will the debiased output automatically replace my model's output or not? - ibm-watson

I ran a tutorial and see 'De-biased' output. I am not sure if that output is being sent to my application instead of my model's output. If it is not, is there a way to consume it?

No the debiased output will not replace model output. Debias process will only add additional debiased_prediction, debiased_probability and debiased_decoded_target columns having debiased details.


Using the Python API is there anyway to get the Test Run's Status?

I currently have a python program which exports Test Runs, Test Plans, and Test Cases to CSV.
I am using the TestRun Model but I cannot get the information highlighted in the status column seen here. Is there anyway to get this information?
I currently have a python program which exports Test Runs, Test Plans, and Test Cases to CSV.
This is great. Please consider contributing your script under https://github.com/kiwitcms/api-scripts
I am using the TestRun Model but I cannot get the information highlighted in the status column seen here. Is there anyway to get this information?
Note: these screenshots are old!
There is no TestRun.status field, the status is only a visual property which is calculated by the UI based on the presence or absence of TestRun.stop_date field. If this field is null/None then the status is "Running", otherwise it is "Stopped".
In the current TR search page for example we query the TestRun.filter API with a
stop_date__isnull=True parameter.

How to generate testNG report with assert pass or fail information

Hi I have a testNG class with Assert.assertTrue(true, "PASS"); and Assert.assertFalse(false, "FAIL"); statements. After the execution I am not able to find these PASS and FAIL result in the HTML report generated. I googled and found these may not be displayed in the report generated. So my question is, if testNG report does not provide this feature, is there any other reporting with which I can find these data after execution of my test in my report?
To log the information from the script to the HTML report we must use the class org.testng.Reporter. Now to print the data to the report we must use Reporter.log("PASS/FAIL");.
if you use Assert.assertTrue(condition, message); then when the condition is fail means it does not returns true, then the message is printed. So if assertion is true or pass then message is not printed.
To customize the HTML reports in TestNG, you need to use TestNG Listeners. below link will help you
Let me know, if it is what you looking for.
Thank You,
If you want to fail the same Test case then you need to add Assert.fail() in your test case. Then it will display as fail in your report.

Get values from an array. JMeter

I have values in file:
en-us, de-de, es-es, cs-cz, fr-fr, it-it, ja-jp, ko-kr, pl-pl, pt-br, ru-ru, tr-tr, zh-cn, zh-tw.
how can I get this values for one request?
I want to create a query that takes the value of these in turn and writes the variable
This scenario can be achieved using Jmeter component "CSV Data Set Config"
Please refer to below mentioned link:
Jmeter CSV Data Set Config
Hope this will help
Can't comment, not enough karma. In response to above questions your path is probably wrong. If you use a debug sampler to show what path the CSV reader is taking I think you will find it is looking at something like C:/Jmeter/C:/path/to/CSV/file.
Another option for completing this is to use inline CSVRead. In your HTTP request use code like this -
etc/filters is the RELATIVE path from Jmeters active running directory. In my case this evaluates to
In either case, I am sure your problem is that Jmeters active running directory is not what you think it is. I have had this problem several times with the same error.

Asterisk library libgami

I am trying to use libgami in order to retrieve differentes events from Asterisk AMI. However I do not know how to parse the response that is return with this library. As the code coments say:
Returns: #GSList of status information (stored as #GHashTable) on
success, %NULL on failure
How can I get the peers out of that list? Has anyone dealt with this before?
Read this
to see how it looks.
After that just got hash element with name as described accordinly to your event.

DotNetNuke Event Logging format

Using DotNetNuke 5.
I am using the EventLogController along with LogInfo to add custom messages to the event logs in dot net nuke.
Within LogInfo we have a method to Add a Property/Value. I am under the assumption that the Controller.AddLog(logInfo) converts the properties & vlaues into XML using the LogInfo->Serialize method for DNN to store it.
My problem is that I want linebreaks in my message. Is there anyway I can add a newline. "\r\n" wouldn't work, wouldn't work, CDATA escaped wouldn't work. Everything gets escaped through the Log function.
How do I pretty print the log message myself?
Regards, V
Sadly, due to the HTML encoding that is done on all messages, you are going to be out of luck trying to do this in the DNN event Log.
Depending on what/where you are, you have a few options.
You can add them as individual detail lines using properties, see my example below.
You could report on something yourself, using a custom log table or something similar
If you are in the context of a Scheduled Job, you can log to that history, which is NOT escaped.
Log Properties
objLog = new DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.LogInfo();
objLog.AddProperty("SecureMyInstall", "Phase 2 Error Processing User Accounts");
objLog.LogTypeKey = DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.EventLogController.EventLogType.HOST_ALERT.ToString();
The content of the logs is displayed as HTML, so you should be able to put <br /> to add line breaks.
