Consult data on table , fields are related to each other - sql-server

Hello guys Im just starting with SQl server,
Sorce data
type num1 num2 date1
A 1 2 01/01/2019
b 1 01/02/2019
b 3 05/02/2017
a 1 1 03/02/2019
a 2 3 15/03/2018
b 2 20/12/2018
Expected result
type num1 num2 date1 'date2'
a 1 2 01/01/2019 20/12/2018
a 1 1 03/02/2019 01/02/2019
a 2 3 15/03/2018 05/02/2017
this is the best i made until now, and my date2 are all messed up im not getting the correct values , and i still have the problem with dates that the same number can exist in diferent years num1 1 type b exist in 2017 and 2019
select c1.type, c1.num1, c1.num2,, as 'date2'
from t1 c1
inner join t1 c2 on c2.num2=c1.num1
order by c1.type
Thanks for your help

I think this is as simple as:
t2.date1 AS date2
LEFT JOIN t2 ON t2.num1 = t1.num2 AND t2.num2 IS NULL
But note that I had to make the requirement up to some degree, as it wasn't entirely clear from your question.

What you need to do is join on yourself, then allow date
Declare #table1 table (type Char(1)
,num1 int
,num2 int
,date1 date)
insert into #table1 (type,num1,num2,date1)
select t.*,t2.date1 'Date2'
from #table1 t
inner join #table1 t2
on t.num2 = t2.num1
and t.type = 'a'
and t2.type = 'b'


How to Left Inner Join two queries in Sybase?

I have two queries that should be joined together. Here is my query 1:
WHEN 'A' THEN SUM(t1.amount)
WHEN = 'D' THEN SUM(t1.amount)
WHEN = 'H' THEN SUM(t1.amount)
WHEN = 'J' THEN SUM(t1.amount)
END AS Amount
FROM Table1 t1
GROUP BY, t1.rec_id, t1.category, t1.code
Query 1 produce this set of results:
Rec ID Category Name Code Amount
1 1 A MIX 70927.00
1 3 D MIX 19922.00
1 2 H MIX 55104.00
1 4 J MIX 76938.00
Then I have query 2:
WHEN t2.category_id = 1 THEN SUM(t2.sum)
WHEN t2.category_id = 2 THEN SUM(t2.sum)
WHEN t2.category_id = 3 THEN SUM(t2.sum)
WHEN t2.category_id = 4 THEN SUM(t2.sum)
END AS TotalSum
FROM Table2 t2
INNER JOIN Table1 t1
ON t1.amnt_id = t2.amnt_id
AND t2.unique_id = #unique_id
GROUP BY t2.category_id
The result set of query 2 is this:
All I need is this result set that combines query 1 and query 2:
Rec ID Category Name Code Amount TotalSum
1 1 A MIX 70927.00 186013.00
1 3 D MIX 19922.00 47875.00
1 2 H MIX 55104.00 12136.00
1 4 J MIX 76938.00 974602.00
As you can see there is connection between table 1 and table 2. That connection is amnt_id. However, I tried doing LEFT INNER JOIN on query 1 and then simply using same logic with case statement to get the total sum for table 2. Unfortunately Sybase version that I use does not support Left Inner Join. I'm wondering if there is other way to join these two queries? Thank you
I wondered if the CASE statement makes sense in the first query because it sums in every row. Are there other values for the name column except A, D, H, J? If not you can change the CASE statement to SUM(t1.amount) AS Amount. Also the GROUP BY in the first query seems dubious to me: you are grouping by the record id column - that means you are not grouping at all but instead return every row. If that is what you really want you can omit the SUM at all and just return the pure amount column.
As far as I understood your problem and your data structure: the values in Table2 are kind of category sums and the values in Table1 are subsets. You would like to see the category sum for every category in Table1 next to the single amounts?
You would typically use a CTE (common table expression, "WITH clause") but ASE doesn't support CTEs, so we have to work with joins. I recreated your tables in my SQL Anywhere database and put together this example. In a nutshell: both queries are subqueries in an outer query and are left joined on the category id:
WHEN 'A' THEN SUM(t1.amount)
WHEN = 'D' THEN SUM(t1.amount)
WHEN = 'H' THEN SUM(t1.amount)
WHEN = 'J' THEN SUM(t1.amount)
END AS Amount
FROM Table1 t1
GROUP BY t1.rec_id,, t1.category, t1.code
) AS t1
SELECT category_id, SUM(sum) FROM
GROUP BY category_id
) AS totals(category_id, total_sum)
ON totals.category_id = t1.category;
This query gives me:
Rec ID Category Name Code Amount Category_id total_sum
2 3 D MIX 19922.00 3 47875.00
3 2 H MIX 55104.00 2 12136.00
1 1 A MIX 70927.00 1 186013.00
4 4 J MIX 76938.00 4 974602.00
You surely have to tweak it a bit including your t2.unique_id column (that I don't understand from your queries) but this is a practical way to work around ASE's missing CTE feature.
BTW: it's either an INNER JOIN (only the corresponding records from both tables) or a LEFT (OUTER) JOIN (all from the left, only the corresponding records from the right table) but a LEFT INNER JOIN makes no sense.

T-SQL query to show all the past steps, active and future steps

I have 3 tables in SQL Server:
map_table: (workflow map path)
stepId step_name
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E
stepId timestamp author
1 9:00am John
2 9:20am Mary
Id currentStageId waitingFor
12345 3 Kat
I would like to write a query to show the map with the workflow status. Like this result here:
step name time author
1 A 9:00am John
2 B 9:20am Mary
3 C waiting Kat
4 D
5 E
I tried left join
m.stepId, m.step_name, h.timestamp,
map_table m
left join
history_table h on m.stepId = h.stepId
I thought it will list all the records from the map table, since I am using left join, but somehow it only shows 3 records which is from history table..
So I changed to
m.stepId, m.step_name, h.timestamp,
map_table m
left join
history_table h on m.stepId = h.stepId
m.stepId, m.step_name, '' as timestamp, '' as author
map_table m
m.stageId not in (select stageId from history_table)
order by
Then it list the result almost as I expected, but how do I add the 3rd table in to show the current active stage?
Thank you very much for all your help!! Much appreciated.
Looks like it's what you asked:
with map_table as (
select * from (values (1,'A')
,(5,'E')) t(stepId, step_name)
, history_table as (
select * from (values
,(2,'9:20am','Mary')) t(stepId, timestamp, author)
, current_stapeTable as (
select * from (values (2345, 3, 'Kat')) t(Id, currentStageId, waitingFor)
m.stepId, m.step_name
, time = coalesce(h.timestamp, case when c.waitingFor is not null then 'waiting' end)
, author = coalesce(, c.waitingFor)
map_table m
left join history_table h on m.stepId = h.stepId
left join current_stapeTable c on m.stepId = c.currentStageId
I think a union fits well with the data and avoids the coalescing the values on multiple joins.
with timeline as (
select stepId, "timestamp" as ts, author from history_table
union all
select currentStageId, 'waiting', waitingFor from current_stageTable
select step_id, step_name, "timestamp", author
map_table as m left outer join timeline as t
on t.stepId = m.stepId

SQL Server : how to declare variable in condition case when

I have a problem when running queries with a 'case when'. so I want to create a variable to hold the value of the results of the query 'select' to other tables. like the example below. please help me to get the results I want. thank you.
a.field1, a.field2,
a.field3 =
WHEN a.field1 = 'alfa'
-- I want to declare variable to check get value from another table with query select and condition 'WHERE' with variable declare
var varTest = (SELECT TOP 1 b.field1 FROM Table2 as b WHERE b.field2=a.field2) Then
if varTest = 'actif' then
SELECT (c.field4 * C.field5) as hasil FROM Table2 as c WHERE c.field1=varTest)
Table1 a(NOLOCK)
a.field1 = 'alfa'
This is sample data :
field1 | field2 | field3 | > Table1
alfa idAlfa 0
beta idBeta 0
carlie idCarlie 0
field1 | field2 | field4 | field5 | > Table2
actif idAlfa 80 5
pasif idBeta 50 5
other idCarlie 10 5
Result :
field1 | field2 | field3
alfa idAlfa 400
beta idBeta 250
carlie idCarlie 50
It looks to me like this is what you intended. Hard to be entirely sure. It's also possible that this isn't the most efficient query as it's generally a good idea to avoid subqueries inside case expressions.
a.field3 =
CASE WHEN a.field1 = 'alfa' THEN
SELECT TOP 1 b.field1 FROM Table2 as b
WHERE b.field2 = a.field
) = 'actif'
SELECT c.field4 * C.field5 as hasil FROM Table2 as c
WHERE c.field1 = 'actif'
ELSE a.field3
ELSE null
You don't need a variable of any type to accomplish this.
A simple JOIN and CASE will get the active (actif) record, calculate your field4 * field5 result (hasil) or use 0 for all passive (pasif) or other records like so:
CASE b.field1 -- check id...
WHEN 'actif'
THEN b.field4 * b.field5 -- if 'actif' record, calculate result
a.field3 -- not the 'actif' record, use default value
END AS hasil
FROM Table1 AS a -- join the two tables by id name
ON a.field2 = b.field2;
If you're using SQL Server 2012, you can condense this CASE statement by using IIF:
IIF(b.field1 = 'actif', b.field3 * b.field4, a.field3) AS hasil
FROM Table1 AS a
ON a.field2 = b.field2;
The results using your sample data from these queries are:
field1 | field2 | hasil
alfa idAlfa 400
beta idBeta 0
charlie idCharlie 0
For future reference, the IF syntax you showed in your sample SQL is invalid. That is used in flow control statements that affect how SQL is executed; usually seen in stored procedures. IF can't be used in expressions. Instead, use CASE or IIF statements.

Select Count Top Inner Join and Where Clause in SQL

This is my Query:
SELECT TOP 3 tablestudentanswer.examid,
FROM tablestudentanswer
INNER JOIN tablescore
ON tablestudentanswer.studentid = tablescore.studentid
AND tablestudentanswer.examid = tablescore.examid
WHERE tablestudentanswer.examid = 1
AND tablestudentanswer.itemno = 1
ORDER BY tablescore.score ASC
It returns this table:
ExamID StudentID ItemNo StudentAnswer Score
1006 1 1 A 25
1005 1 2 B 30
1004 1 3 A 35
What i want to do is it will return 2 if StudentAnswer='A' and 1 if StudentAnswer='B'
Guys there is nothing wrong with my query on top. What i am asking is what should I add in that query.
I have this which in my mind should return 2 but its an error.
Select COUNT(*) From (
Select Top 3 TableStudentAnswer.ExamID, TableStudentAnswer.StudentID, TableStudentAnswer.ItemNo, TableStudentAnswer.StudentAnswer, TableScore.Score
from TableStudentAnswer
Inner join TableScore on TableStudentAnswer.StudentID=TableScore.StudentID and TableStudentAnswer.ExamID=TableScore.ExamID
where TableStudentAnswer.ExamID=1 and TableStudentAnswer.ItemNo=1
Order By TableScore.Score Asc) where TableStudentAnswer.StudentAnswer = 'A'
It should return:
Please help me!
Will this do?
SELECT TOP 3 tablestudentanswer.examid,
when tablestudentanswer.studentanswer = 'A' then 2
when tablestudentanswer.studentanswer = 'B' then 1
else NULL
end as [MyColumn]
FROM tablestudentanswer
INNER JOIN tablescore
ON tablestudentanswer.studentid = tablescore.studentid
AND tablestudentanswer.examid = tablescore.examid
WHERE tablestudentanswer.examid = 1
AND tablestudentanswer.itemno = 1
ORDER BY tablescore.score ASC
Your question is a bit unclear. Perhaps you want the amount of answers for each?
count(1) over (partition by tablestudentanswer.studentanswer)
This will give you a column with the amount of all the answers with the given studentanswer to each of the rows in the result set. However, note that this could be quite slow. If you can, you're better off using a normal group by.
Do you mean you would like the query to return the number of answers? If so, using COUNT may help.
SELECT tablestudentanswer.studentid,
COUNT(1) AS NumberOfAnswers
FROM tablestudentanswer
INNER JOIN tablescore
ON tablestudentanswer.studentid = tablescore.studentid
AND tablestudentanswer.examid = tablescore.examid
GROUP BY tablestudentanswer.studentid, tablestudentanswer.studentanswer
Please correct me if I am wrong.
By the way, why does your result table doesn't consist of itemno even though you have it in your SELECT statement?

How to combine fields from 2 columns to create a "matrix"?

I have a logging table in my application that only logs changed data, and leaves the other columns NULL. What I'm wanting to do now is create a view that takes 2 of those columns (Type and Status),
and create a resultset that returns the Type and Status on the entry of that log row, assuming that either one or both columns could be null.
For example, with this data:
Type Status AddDt
A 1 7/8/2013
NULL 2 7/7/2013
NULL 3 7/6/2013
NULL NULL 7/5/2013
B NULL 7/4/2013
C NULL 7/3/2013
C 4 7/2/2013
produce the resultset:
Type Status AddDt
A 1 7/8/2013
A 2 7/7/2013
A 3 7/6/2013
A 3 7/5/2013
B 3 7/4/2013
C 3 7/3/2013
C 4 7/2/2013
From there I'm going to figure out the first time in these results the Type and Status meet certain conditions, such as a Type of B and Status 3 (7/4/2013) and ultimately use that date in a calculation, so performance is a huge issue with this.
Here's what I was thinking so far, but it doesn't get me where I need to be:
, Status.StatusDesc
, *
jw50_Item c
OUTER APPLY (SELECT TOP 10000 * FROM jw50_ItemLog csh WHERE csh.ItemID = c.ItemID AND csh.StatusCode = 'OPN' ORDER BY csh.AddDt DESC) [Status]
OUTER APPLY (SELECT TOP 10000 * FROM jw50_ItemLog cth WHERE cth.ItemID = c.ItemID AND cth.ItemTypeCode IN ('F','FG','NG','PF','SXA','AB') ORDER BY cth.AddDt DESC) Type
c.ItemID = #ItemID
So with the help provided below, I was able to get where I needed. Here is my final solution:
, CustomerNum
, OrderTitle
, ItemTypeDesc
, ItemTypeCode
, StatusCode
, OrdertatusDesc
jw50_Order c1
(SELECT c.ItemTypeCode, c.OrderStatusCode, c.OrderStatusDt as [DateTime] FROM jw50_Order c WHERE c.OrderID = c1.OrderID
select (select top 1 c2.ItemTypeCode
from jw50_OrderLog c2
where c2.UpdatedDt >= c.UpdatedDt and c2.ItemTypeCode is not null and c2.OrderID = c.OrderID
order by UpdatedDt DESC
) as type,
(select top 1 c2.StatusCode
from jw50_OrderLog c2
where c2.UpdatedDt >= c.UpdatedDt and c2.StatusCode is not null and c2.OrderID = c.OrderID
order by UpdatedDt DESC
) as status,
UpdatedDt as [DateTime]
from jw50_OrderLog c
where c.OrderID = c1.OrderID AND (c.StatusCode IS NOT NULL OR c.ItemTypeCode IS NOT NULL)
) t
WHERE t.ItemTypeCode IN ('F','FG','NG','PF','SXA','AB') AND t.StatusCode IN ('OPEN')
order by [DateTime]) quart
WHERE quart.DateTime <= #FiscalPeriod2 AND c1.StatusCode = 'OPEN'
Order By c1.OrderID
The union is to bring in the current data in addition to the log table data to create the resultset, since the current data maybe what meets the conditions required. Thanks again for the help guys.
Here is an approach that uses correlated subqueries:
select (select top 1 c2.type
from jw50_Item c2
where c2.AddDt >= c.AddDt and c2.type is not null
order by AddDt
) as type,
(select top 1 c2.status
from jw50_Item c2
where c2.AddDt >= c.AddDt and c2.status is not null
order by AddDt
) as status,
(select AddDt
from jw50_Item c
If you have indexes on jw50_item(AddDt, type) and jw50_item(AddDt, status), then the performance should be pretty good.
I suppose you want to "generate a history": for those dates that has some data missing, the next available data should be set.
Something similar should work:
Select i.AddDt, t.Type, s.Status
from Items i
join Items t on (t.addDt =
(select min(t1.addDt)
from Items t1
where t1.addDt >= i.addDt
and t1.Type is not null))
join Items s on (s.addDt =
(select min(s1.addDt)
from Items s1
where s1.addDt >= i.addDt
and s1.status is not null))
Actually I'm joining the base table to 2 secondary tables and the join condition is that we match the smallest row where the respective column in the secondary table is not null (and of course smaller than the current date).
I'm not absolutely sure that it will work, since I don't have an SQL Server in front of me but give it a try :)
