code execution slower in half-parallel OpenMP - c

good day.
I want to implement inner product in 3 method:
1 - sequential
2 - half-parallel
3 - full-parallel
half parallel means multiplication in parallel and summation in sequential.
here is my code:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int *x, *y, *z, *w, xy_p, xy_s, xy_ss, i, N=5000;
double s, e;
x = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*N);
y = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*N);
z = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*N);
w = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*N);
for(i=0; i < N; i++) {
x[i] = rand();
y[i] = rand();
z[i] = 0;
s = omp_get_wtime();
xy_ss = 0;
for(i=0; i < N; i++)
xy_ss += x[i] * y[i];
e = omp_get_wtime() - s;
printf ( "[**] Sequential execution time is:\n%15.10f and <A,B> is %d\n", e, xy_ss );
s = omp_get_wtime();
xy_s = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for shared ( N, x, y, z ) private ( i )
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
z[i] = x[i] * y[i];
for(i=0; i < N; i++)
xy_s += z[i];
e = omp_get_wtime() - s;
printf ( "[**] Half-Parallel execution time is:\n%15.10f and <A,B> is %d\n", e, xy_s );
s = omp_get_wtime();
xy_p = 0;
# pragma omp parallel shared (N, x, y) private(i)
# pragma omp for reduction ( + : xy_p )
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
xy_p += x[i] * y[i];
e = omp_get_wtime() - s;
printf ( "[**] Full-Parallel execution time is:\n%15.10f and <A,B> is %d\n", e, xy_p );
so I have some question:
first I want to know: does my code correct?!!!!
second: why half-parallel is faster than sequential?!
third: is 5000 a good size for parallelism?
and finally why sequential is the fastest? because of 5000?!
an sample output:
Sequential execution time is:
0.0000196100 and dot is -1081001655
Half-Parallel execution time is:
0.0090819710 and dot is -1081001655
Full-Parallel execution time is:
0.0080959420 and dot is -1081001655
and for N=5000000
Sequential execution time is:
0.0150297650 and is -1629514371
Half-Parallel execution time is:
0.0292110600 and is -1629514371
Full-Parallel execution time is:
0.0072323760 and is -1629514371
anyway, why half-parallel is the slowest?


Numbers not randomized after runs

I'm trying to create an openMP program that randomizes double arrays and run the values through the formula: y[i] = (a[i] * b[i]) + c[i] + (d[i] * e[i]) + (f[i] / 2);
If I run the program multiple times I've realised that the Y[] values are the same even though they are supposed to be randomized when the arrays are initialized in the first #pragma omp for . Any Ideas as to why this might be happening?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ARRAY_SIZE 10
double randfrom(double min, double max);
double randfrom(double min, double max)
double range = (max - min);
double div = RAND_MAX / range;
return min + (rand() / div);
int main() {
int i;
double min, max;
int imin, imax;
/*A[10] consists of random number in between 1 and 100
B[10] consists of random number in between 10 and 50
C[10] consists of random number in between 1 and 10
D[10] consists of random number in between 1 and 50
E[10] consists of random number in between 1 and 5
F[10] consists of random number in between 10 and 80*/
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp parallel for
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
a[i] = randfrom(1, 100);
b[i] = randfrom(10, 50);
c[i] = randfrom(1, 50);
d[i] = randfrom(1, 50);
e[i] = randfrom(1, 5);
f[i] = randfrom(10, 80);
printf("This is the parallel Print\n\n\n");
#pragma omp parallel shared(a,b,c,d,e,f,y) private(i)
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic) nowait
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
/*printf("A[%d]%.2f",i, a[i]);
printf("B[%d]%.2f", i, b[i]);
printf("C[%d]%.2f", i, c[i]);
printf("D[%d]%.2f", i, d[i]);
printf("E[%d]%.2f", i, e[i]);
printf("F[%d]%.2f", i, f[i]);
y[i] = (a[i] * b[i]) + c[i] + (d[i] * e[i]) + (f[i] / 2);
printf("Y[%d]=%.2f\n", i, y[i]);
#pragma omp parallel shared(y, min,imin,max,imax) private(i)
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic) nowait
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
min = y[i];
imin = i;
else {
if (y[i] < min) {
min = y[i];
imin = i;
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic) nowait
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
max = y[i];
imax = i;
else {
if (y[i] > max) {
max = y[i];
imax = i;
printf("min y[%d] = %.2f\nmax y[%d] = %.2f\n", imin, min, imax, max);
return 0;
First of all, I would like to emphasize that OpenMP has significant overheads, so you need a reasonable amount of work in your code, otherwise the overhead is bigger than the gain by parallelization. In your code this is the case, so the fastest solution is to use serial code. However, you mentioned that your goal is to learn OpenMP, so I will show you how to do it.
In your previous post's comments #paleonix linked a post ( How to generate random numbers in parallel? ) which answers your question about random numbers. One of the solutions is to use rand_r.
Your code has a data race when searching for minimum and maximum values of array Y. If you need to find the minimum/maximum value only it is very easy, because you can use reduction like this:
double max=y[0];
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(y) reduction(max:max)
for (int i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
if (y[i] > max) {
max = y[i];
But in your case you also need the indices of minimum and maximum value, so it is a bit more complicated. You have to use a critical section to be sure that other threads can not change the max, min, imax and imin values while you updating their values. So, it can be done the following way (e.g. for finding minimum value):
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
if (y[i] < min) {
#pragma omp critical
if (y[i] < min) {
min = y[i];
imin = i;
Note that the if (y[i] < min) appears twice, because after the first comparison other threads may change the value of min, so inside the critical region before updating min and imin values you have to check it again. You can do it exactly the same way in the case of finding the maximum value.
Always use your variables at their minimum required scope.
It is also recommend to use default(none) clause in your OpenMP parallel region so, you have to explicitly define the sharing attributes all of your variables.
You can fill the array and find its minimum/maximum values in a single loop and print their values in a different serial loop.
If you set min and max before the loop, you can get rid of the extra comparison if (i == 0) used inside the loop.
Putting it together:
double threadsafe_rand(unsigned int* seed, double min, double max)
double range = (max - min);
double div = RAND_MAX / range;
return min + (rand_r(seed) / div);
In main:
double min=DBL_MAX;
double max=-DBL_MAX;
#pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(a,b,c,d,e,f,y,imin,imax,min,max)
unsigned int seed=omp_get_thread_num();
#pragma omp for
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
a[i] = threadsafe_rand(&seed, 1,100);
b[i] = threadsafe_rand(&seed,10, 50);
c[i] = threadsafe_rand(&seed,1, 10);
d[i] = threadsafe_rand(&seed,1, 50);
e[i] = threadsafe_rand(&seed,1, 5);
f[i] = threadsafe_rand(&seed,10, 80);
y[i] = (a[i] * b[i]) + c[i] + (d[i] * e[i]) + (f[i] / 2);
if (y[i] < min) {
#pragma omp critical
if (y[i] < min) {
min = y[i];
imin = i;
if (y[i] > max) {
#pragma omp critical
if (y[i] > max) {
max = y[i];
imax = i;
// printout
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
printf("Y[%d]=%.2f\n", i, y[i]);
printf("min y[%d] = %.2f\nmax y[%d] = %.2f\n", imin, min, imax, max);
I have updated the code according to #Qubit's and #JérômeRichard's suggestions:
I used the 'Really minimal PCG32 code' / (c) 2014 M.E. O'Neill / from Note that I do not intend to properly handle the seeding of this simple random number generator. If you would like to do so, please use a complete random number generator library.
I have changed the code to use user defined reductions. Indeed, it makes the code much more efficient, but not really beginner friendly. It would require a very long post to explain it, so if you are interested in the details, please read a book about OpenMP.
I have reduced the number of divisions in threadsafe_rand
The updated code:
#define ARRAY_SIZE 10
// *Really* minimal PCG32 code / (c) 2014 M.E. O'Neill /
// Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (NO WARRANTY, etc. see website)
typedef struct { uint64_t state; uint64_t inc; } pcg32_random_t;
inline uint32_t pcg32_random_r(pcg32_random_t* rng)
uint64_t oldstate = rng->state;
// Advance internal state
rng->state = oldstate * 6364136223846793005ULL + (rng->inc|1);
// Calculate output function (XSH RR), uses old state for max ILP
uint32_t xorshifted = ((oldstate >> 18u) ^ oldstate) >> 27u;
uint32_t rot = oldstate >> 59u;
return (xorshifted >> rot) | (xorshifted << ((-rot) & 31));
inline double threadsafe_rand(pcg32_random_t* seed, double min, double max)
const double tmp=1.0/UINT32_MAX;
return min + tmp*(max - min)*pcg32_random_r(seed);
struct v{
double value;
int i;
#pragma omp declare reduction(custom_min: struct v: \
omp_out = omp_in.value < omp_out.value ? omp_in : omp_out )\
initializer(omp_priv={DBL_MAX,0} )
#pragma omp declare reduction(custom_max: struct v: \
omp_out = omp_in.value > omp_out.value ? omp_in : omp_out )\
initializer(omp_priv={-DBL_MAX,0} )
int main() {
struct v max={-DBL_MAX,0};
struct v min={DBL_MAX,0};
#pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(a,b,c,d,e,f,y) reduction(custom_min:min) reduction(custom_max:max)
pcg32_random_t seed={omp_get_thread_num()*7842 + time(NULL)%2299, 1234+omp_get_thread_num()};
#pragma omp for
for (int i=0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
a[i] = threadsafe_rand(&seed, 1,100);
b[i] = threadsafe_rand(&seed,10, 50);
c[i] = threadsafe_rand(&seed,1, 10);
d[i] = threadsafe_rand(&seed,1, 50);
e[i] = threadsafe_rand(&seed,1, 5);
f[i] = threadsafe_rand(&seed,10, 80);
y[i] = (a[i] * b[i]) + c[i] + (d[i] * e[i]) + (f[i] / 2);
if (y[i] < min.value) {
min.value = y[i];
min.i = i;
if (y[i] > max.value) {
max.value = y[i];
max.i = i;
// printout
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
printf("Y[%d]=%.2f\n", i, y[i]);
printf("min y[%d] = %.2f\nmax y[%d] = %.2f\n", min.i, min.value, max.i, max.value);
return 0;

Parallel code with OpenMP takes more time to execute than serial code

I'm trying to make this code to run in parallel. It's a chunk of code from a big project. I thought I started parallelizing slowly to see if there is a problem step by step (I don't know if that's a good tactic so please let me know).
double best_nearby(double delta[MAXVARS], double point[MAXVARS], double prevbest, int nvars)
double z[MAXVARS];
double minf, ftmp;
int i;
minf = prevbest;
#pragma omp parallel for shared(nvars,point,z) private(i)
for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
z[i] = point[i];
for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
z[i] = point[i] + delta[i];
ftmp = f(z, nvars);
if (ftmp < minf)
minf = ftmp;
else {
delta[i] = 0.0 - delta[i];
z[i] = point[i] + delta[i];
ftmp = f(z, nvars);
if (ftmp < minf)
minf = ftmp;
z[i] = point[i];
for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++)
point[i] = z[i];
return (minf);
NUM_THREADS is #defined
The function has some more lines but they are the same among the parallel and the serial.
It looks like the serial code takes on average 130s thus the parallel takes something like 400s. It baffles me that such a small change can lead up to so much increase in exe time. Any ideas on why this happens? Thank you in advance!
double f(double *x, int n){
double fv;
int i;
fv = 0.0;
for (i=0; i<n-1; i++) /* rosenbrock */
fv = fv + 100.0*pow((x[i+1]-x[i]*x[i]),2) + pow((x[i]-1.0),2);
return fv;
Currently, you are not parallelizing much. You can start by parallelizing the f function since it looks computational demanding:
double f(double *x, int n){
double fv = 0.0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:fv)
for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
fv = fv + 100.0*pow((x[i+1]-x[i]*x[i]),2) + pow((x[i]-1.0),2);
return fv;
Test and check the results. After that you can try to expand the scope of the parallelization to include also the outermost loop.

parallelizing matrix multiplication through threading and SIMD

I am trying to speed up matrix multiplication on multicore architecture. For this end, I try to use threads and SIMD at the same time. But my results are not good. I test speed up over sequential matrix multiplication:
void sequentialMatMul(void* params)
cout << "SequentialMatMul started.";
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (k = 0; k < N; k++)
for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
X[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
cout << "\nSequentialMatMul finished.";
I tried to add threading and SIMD to matrix multiplication as follows:
void threadedSIMDMatMul(void* params)
bounds *args = (bounds*)params;
int lowerBound = args->lowerBound;
int upperBound = args->upperBound;
int idx = args->idx;
int i, j, k;
for (i = lowerBound; i <upperBound; i++)
for (k = 0; k < N; k++)
for (j = 0; j < N; j+=4)
mmx1 = _mm_loadu_ps(&X[i][j]);
mmx2 = _mm_load_ps1(&A[i][k]);
mmx3 = _mm_loadu_ps(&B[k][j]);
mmx4 = _mm_mul_ps(mmx2, mmx3);
mmx0 = _mm_add_ps(mmx1, mmx4);
_mm_storeu_ps(&X[i][j], mmx0);
And the following section is used for calculating lowerbound and upperbound of each thread:
bounds arg[CORES];
for (int part = 0; part < CORES; part++)
arg[part].idx = part;
arg[part].lowerBound = (N / CORES)*part;
arg[part].upperBound = (N / CORES)*(part + 1);
And finally threaded SIMD version is called like this:
for (int part = 0; part < CORES; part++)
handle[part] = (HANDLE)_beginthread(threadedSIMDMatMul, 0, (void*)&arg[part]);
for (int part = 0; part < CORES; part++)
WaitForSingleObject(handle[part], INFINITE);
The result is as follows:
Test 1:
// arrays are defined as follow
float A[N][N];
float B[N][N];
float X[N][N];
Core=1//just one thread
Sequential time: 11129ms
Threaded SIMD matmul time: 14650ms
Speed up=0.75x
Test 2:
//defined arrays as follow
float **A = (float**)_aligned_malloc(N* sizeof(float), 16);
float **B = (float**)_aligned_malloc(N* sizeof(float), 16);
float **X = (float**)_aligned_malloc(N* sizeof(float), 16);
for (int k = 0; k < N; k++)
A[k] = (float*)malloc(cols * sizeof(float));
B[k] = (float*)malloc(cols * sizeof(float));
X[k] = (float*)malloc(cols * sizeof(float));
Core=1//just one thread
Sequential time: 15907ms
Threaded SIMD matmul time: 18578ms
Speed up=0.85x
Test 3:
//defined arrays as follow
float A[N][N];
float B[N][N];
float X[N][N];
Sequential time: 10855ms
Threaded SIMD matmul time: 27967ms
Speed up=0.38x
Test 4:
//defined arrays as follow
float **A = (float**)_aligned_malloc(N* sizeof(float), 16);
float **B = (float**)_aligned_malloc(N* sizeof(float), 16);
float **X = (float**)_aligned_malloc(N* sizeof(float), 16);
for (int k = 0; k < N; k++)
A[k] = (float*)malloc(cols * sizeof(float));
B[k] = (float*)malloc(cols * sizeof(float));
X[k] = (float*)malloc(cols * sizeof(float));
Sequential time: 16579ms
Threaded SIMD matmul time: 30160ms
Speed up=0.51x
My question: why I don’t get speed up?
Here are the times I get building on your algorithm on my four core i7 IVB processor.
sequential: 3.42 s
4 threads: 0.97 s
4 threads + SSE: 0.86 s
Here are the times on a 2 core P9600 #2.53 GHz which is similar to the OP's E2200 #2.2 GHz
sequential: time 6.52 s
2 threads: time 3.66 s
2 threads + SSE: 3.75 s
I used OpenMP because it makes this easy. Each thread in OpenMP runs over effectively
lowerBound = N*part/CORES;
upperBound = N*(part + 1)/CORES;
(note that that is slightly different than your definition. Your definition can give the wrong result due to rounding for some values of N since you divide by CORES first.)
As to the SIMD version. It's not much faster probably due it being memory bandwidth bound . It's probably not really faster because GCC already vectroizes the loop.
The most optimal solution is much more complicated. You need to use loop tiling and reorder the elements within tiles to get the optimal performance. I don't have time to do that today.
Here is the code I used:
//c99 -O3 -fopenmp -Wall foo.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>
#include <omp.h>
void gemm(float * restrict a, float * restrict b, float * restrict c, int n) {
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
for(int k=0; k<n; k++) {
for(int j=0; j<n; j++) {
c[i*n+j] += a[i*n+k]*b[k*n+j];
void gemm_tlp(float * restrict a, float * restrict b, float * restrict c, int n) {
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
for(int k=0; k<n; k++) {
for(int j=0; j<n; j++) {
c[i*n+j] += a[i*n+k]*b[k*n+j];
void gemm_tlp_simd(float * restrict a, float * restrict b, float * restrict c, int n) {
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
for(int k=0; k<n; k++) {
__m128 a4 = _mm_set1_ps(a[i*n+k]);
for(int j=0; j<n; j+=4) {
__m128 c4 = _mm_load_ps(&c[i*n+j]);
__m128 b4 = _mm_load_ps(&b[k*n+j]);
c4 = _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(a4,b4),c4);
_mm_store_ps(&c[i*n+j], c4);
int main(void) {
int n = 2048;
float *a = _mm_malloc(n*n * sizeof *a, 64);
float *b = _mm_malloc(n*n * sizeof *b, 64);
float *c1 = _mm_malloc(n*n * sizeof *c1, 64);
float *c2 = _mm_malloc(n*n * sizeof *c2, 64);
float *c3 = _mm_malloc(n*n * sizeof *c2, 64);
for(int i=0; i<n*n; i++) a[i] = 1.0*i;
for(int i=0; i<n*n; i++) b[i] = 1.0*i;
memset(c1, 0, n*n * sizeof *c1);
memset(c2, 0, n*n * sizeof *c2);
memset(c3, 0, n*n * sizeof *c3);
double dtime;
dtime = -omp_get_wtime();
dtime += omp_get_wtime();
printf("time %f\n", dtime);
dtime = -omp_get_wtime();
dtime += omp_get_wtime();
printf("time %f\n", dtime);
dtime = -omp_get_wtime();
dtime += omp_get_wtime();
printf("time %f\n", dtime);
printf("error %d\n", memcmp(c1,c2, n*n*sizeof *c1));
printf("error %d\n", memcmp(c1,c3, n*n*sizeof *c1));
It looks to me that the threads are sharing __m128 mmx* variables, you probably defined them global/static. You must be getting wrong results in your X array too. Define __m128 mmx* variables inside threadedSIMDMatMul function scope and it will run much faster.
void threadedSIMDMatMul(void* params)
__m128 mmx0, mmx1, mmx2, mmx3, mmx4;
// rest of the code here

OpenMP with C program

I am having a hard time using OpenMP with C to parallelize this method. I was wondering if anyone could help and possibly tell me what is wrong with my parallelization of this method.
void blur(float **out, float **in) {
// assumes "padding" to avoid messy border cases
int i, j, r, c;
float tmp, term;
term = 1.0 / 157.0;
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(8)
#pragma omp for private(r,c)
for (i = 0; i < N-4; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < N-4; j++) {
tmp = 0.0;
for (r = 0; r < 5; r++) {
for (c = 0; c < 5; c++) {
tmp += in[i+r][j+c] * mask[r][c];
out[i+2][j+2] = term * tmp;
You shall either declare tmp inside the loop:
// at line 11:
float tmp = 0.0;
or specify tmp as a private variable:
// at line 7:
#pragma omp for private(r,c,tmp)
Or it would be treated like a shared variable among threads.

OpenMP C Normal Random Generator

I was doing a C assignment for parallel computing, where I have to implement some sort of Monte Carlo simulations with efficient tread safe normal random generator using Box-Muller transform. I generate 2 vectors of uniform random numbers X and Y, with condition that X in (0,1] and Y in [0,1].
But I'm not sure that my way of sampling uniform random numbers from the halfopen interval (0,1] is right.
Did anyone encounter something similar?
I'm using following Code:
double* StandardNormalRandom(long int N){
double *X = NULL, *Y = NULL, *U = NULL;
X = vUniformRandom_0(N / 2);
Y = vUniformRandom(N / 2);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (i = 0; i<N/2; i++){
U[2*i] = sqrt(-2 * log(X[i]))*sin(Y[i] * 2 * pi);
U[2*i + 1] = sqrt(-2 * log(X[i]))*cos(Y[i] * 2 * pi);
return U;
double* NormalRandom(long int N, double mu, double sigma2)
double *U = NULL, stdev = sqrt(sigma2);
U = StandardNormalRandom(N);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) U[i] = mu + stdev*U[i];
return U;
here is the bit of my UniformRandom function also implemented in parallel:
#pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(i)
for (long int j = 0; j < N;j++)
if (i == 0){
int tn = omp_get_thread_num();
I[tn] = S[tn];
I[j] = (a*I[j - 1] + c) % m;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (long int j = 0; j < N; j++)
U[j] = (double)I[j] / (m+1.0);
In the StandardNormalRandom function, I will assume that the pointer U has been allocated to the size N, in which case this function looks fine to me.
As well as the function NormalRandom.
However for the function UniformRandom (which is missing some parts, so I'll have to assume some stuff), if the following line I[j] = (a*I[j - 1] + c) % m + 1; is the body of a loop with a omp parallel for, then you will have some issues. As you can't know the order of execution of the thread, the current thread (with a fixed value of j) can't rely on the value of I[j - 1] as this value could be modified at any time (I should be shared by default).
Hope it helps!
