Adding css class when component will mount - reactjs

I add some class to the body element when a Modal is open
const Modal = ({ ... }) => {
useEffect(() => {
return () => document.body.classList.remove('modal-open')
}, [])
But I notice there is a quick and short delay when applying the modal-open class (especially when this class contains some styles like margin-right: 17px, overflow-y: hidden and position: sticky !important) So i see the body element moving Which is not a good user experience of course.
So i moved adding the class out of the useEffect
useEffect(() => { ... }, [])
And it is working but this line of code document.body.classList.add('modal-open') is executed at every re-render and not just once as within useEffect
So is there a better approch ? maybe componentWillMount equivalent in hooks cause i'm not touching the state i'm just manipulating dom elements classes ?

useLayoutEffect can be used instead of useEffect to apply changes earlier.
The signature is identical to useEffect, but it fires synchronously
after all DOM mutations. Use this to read layout from the DOM and
synchronously re-render. Updates scheduled inside useLayoutEffect will
be flushed synchronously, before the browser has a chance to paint.


How to implement promise when updating a state in functional React (when using useState hooks)

I know similar questions are bouncing around the web for quite some time but I still struggle to find a decision for my case.
Now I use functional React with hooks. What I need in this case is to set a state and AFTER the state was set THEN to start the next block of code, maybe like React with classes works:
someStateFlag: true
}, () => { // then:
this.someMethod(); // start this method AFTER someStateFlag was updated
Here I have created a playground sandbox that demonstrates the issue:
Please push the button to get the confirmation dialog opened. Then confirm with "YES!" and notice the lag. This lag occurs because the loading data method starts before the close dialog flag in state was updated.
const fireTask = () => {
setOpen(false); // async
setResult(fetchHugeData()); // starts immediately
What I need to achieve is maybe something like using a promise:
const fireTask = () => {
setOpen(false).then(() => {
Because the order in my case is important. I need to have dialog closed first (to avoid the lag) and then get the method fired.
And by the way, what would be your approach to implement a loading effect with MUI Backdrop and CircularProgress in this app?
The this.setState callback alternative for React hooks is basically the useEffect hook.
It is a "built-in" React hook which accepts a callback as it's first parameter and then runs it every time the value of any of it's dependencies changes.
The second argument for the hook is the array of dependencies.
import { useEffect } from 'react';
const fireTask = () => {
useEffect(() => {
if (open) {
}, [open]);
In other words, setResult would run every time the value of open changes,
and only after it has finished changing and a render has occurred.
We use a simple if statement to allow our code to run only when open is false.
Check the documentation for more info.
Here is how I managed to resolve the problem with additional dependency in state:
Thanks to all that helped.

Alert Automatic Disappear function

My aim is to give the user to see the alert at starting of the my page without clicking any button.And after a while it should be disappear automatically i am trying this on reactjs so any body help me out to find which logic should i apply
First render your alert component. Define a boolean state variable with initial value false.
then update that state variable with setTimeout.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
export const Alert = () => {
const [timeIsUp, setTimeIsUp] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
}, []);
if (timeIsUp) {
return null;
return <div>your actual alert component content</div>;
You can refer this link: custom-modal-popup-component
Also just make the state of modal true at fist and add a setTimeout in useEffect and make it to false after a desired time.
Are you using class components or functional components for rendering your React page?
What you're looking for is called life cycles, i highly recomend you taking a look in ReactJS life cycle docs.
The life cycle method that executes or do something when the page is loaded has two usages:
If you're using class components, there is a native method you can call inside your component called ComponentDidMount(), his usage is available in docs here.
Now, if you're using functional components, you need to take a look on useEffect in React Hooks.
After that, you can take a look in setTimeout native method from javascript as observed.
Hope this helps too!

I thought react-spring (useSpring) causes the component to re-render a lot, but it may not and how do we make it so?

I thought react-spring useSpring() causes the component to re-render a lot, so if it is a component that already has a lot of CPU intensively work to do, then react-spring is not best suited for the task.
I can see that it re-renders a lot, in their example:
(by looking at the console.log output, which has a lot of print out of renderCount. The print out is a lot more when we change the duration to 5000 which is 5 seconds).
Likewise, if it is a component that is similar to react-spring, it'd render a lot:
However, the following code:
let renderCount = 0
export default function App() {
const styles = useSpring({
loop: true,
to: [
{ opacity: 1, color: '#ffaaee' },
{ opacity: 0.5, color: 'rgb(14,26,19)' },
{ transform: 'translateX(100px)' },
{ transform: 'translateX(0px)' },
from: { opacity: 0, color: 'red', transform: 'translateX(0px)' },
config: { duration: 500 },
console.log('renderCount', ++renderCount)
return <a.div style={styles}>I will fade in and out</a.div>
We can see that the renderCount hardly get printed out at all. react-spring should need to keep on updating the style of the component, so after a minute, I'd expect a lot of print out of renderCount like the first two examples above, but it does not.
How and why doesn't react-spring cause a lot of re-rendering in this case, and how do we know in what situation would react-spring cause a lot of re-rendering (and how to prevent it)?
react-spring updates styles incrementally to create animations (as opposed to css animations with transition).
Naive animations outside React
If react-spring was to exist outside of React (which it OBVIOUSLY doesn't because then it wouldn't be named react-spring), this could most easily be done by modifying a given element's style by means of Javascript according to some predetermined pattern based on multiple factors (like delay, duration, etc....). One scenario could be
setTimeout(() => document.getElementById("#el").style.opacity = 0.34,100)
setTimeout(() => document.getElementById("#el").style.opacity = 0.39,150)
setTimeout(() => document.getElementById("#el").style.opacity = 0.42,200)
setTimeout(() => document.getElementById("#el").style.opacity = 1.0, 1000)
Exactly how this would be implemented is of course not the point of this answer and the above would be a very naive implementation, but this is basically what could go on if we wanted to make some animated transition where the interpolation between two endpoints would be calculated and implemented by ourselves (using spring physics) as opposed to in the browser (with css transition).
Naive animations in React
In React, we know that the preferred way to do things is to provide changes inside React, which React then processes after which necessary changes to the DOM is handled by React. Taking the previous (naive) example to React, this would imply some scheme where a state storing the opacity would be updated repeatedly until the desired endpoint was reached.
const Component = () => {
const [opacity, setOpacity] = useState(0)
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => setOpacity(0.34),100)
setTimeout(() => setOpacity(0.39),150)
setTimeout(() => setOpacity(0.42),200)
setTimeout(() => setOpacity(1.0), 1000)
}, [])
return (
<div style={{ opacity }} ... />
This would work, but as one would expect, it could be quite burdensome since animations are supposed to happen fast and smooth and React rerendering on every animation frame could be problematic; if the component within which animation took place was expensive to render, the animation itself could be suffering and not look very good.
react-spring in React
The solution to this problem by react-spring is to do updates OUTSIDE of React via refs instead. The previous toy example could look like:
const Component = () => {
const ref = useRef(null)
useEffect(() => {
if(ref.current) {
setTimeout(() => = 0.34,100)
setTimeout(() => = 0.39,150)
setTimeout(() => = 0.42,200)
setTimeout(() => = 1.0, 1000)
}, [])
return (
<div ref={ref} ... />
Again, this is an example, exactly how one would implement this in the best way (as in react-spring) is a different story. But we can agree on that if we would log to the console every time the above component rendered, it would only log once even though the opacity would continue to change.
To sum up, when react-spring is used optimally, it uses refs to update properties on DOM elements whereupon React is by-passed. Thanks to this, a component may render only once but still make repeated animations. This particularly applies to the situation when the api is used to perform updates (as oppose to storing a state in a parent component which is set every time we want an animation to take place):
const [spring, api] = useSpring(() => ({ <INITIAL PROPS> })) // use api to make changes
const spring = useSpring({ <INITIAL PROPS }) // rerender component to update props
When using the basic HTML elements supplied by react-spring (such as animated.div, animated.span etc...), react-spring takes care of attaching a ref on the corresponding DOM element and via this ref, it manages to animate the element and therefore also all the content in it. When creating your own custom component wrapped in animated, it is your concern to make sure that your custom component can take a ref (via forwardRef) and to pass it on to the element which should be animated, if you want optimal animations. If you don't do this, the element will be rerendered on every animation frame by react-spring. Even though this works too, it is suboptimal from a performance point of view.
Your examples
In your examples some other things are at play as well. In the first example, the hook useMeasure is being used from react-use-measure. This hook will continuously provide different values from the child component (here height is provided) whereupon the parent will rerender. Since Tree components are nested, whenever ONE Tree component changes height, all parent Tree components whose heights will be changed will also rerender. We therefore see quite a lot of rerendering. Also, because StrictMode is enabled, the number is doubled. useSpring is used without api but it doesn't matter here since the parent rerenders a lot due to useMeasure anyways.
In your second example with react-spring, the api is not used either but since the animation is looped, it doesn't require any state in the parent to be set and so it doesn't rerender. Because the parent doesn't rerender, the animated component doesn't rerender either and so also in this case, it doesn't matter if we use the api or not. In this example if we would like to update the animated props however, using the api to do so would cause the parent NOT to rerender whereas otherwise, the state holding the props to update to would reside in the parent (or a grand-parent) and so the animated component would rerender as well when the parent rerenders.

Save React Component scroll position in Redux on Component update

I have a React Component using a hook to save the scroll position of the component when the component unmounts. This works great but fails when navigating from one set of data to another set of data without the component unmounting.
For instance, imagine the Slack Interface where there is a sidebar of message channels on the left and on the right is a list of messages (messageList). If you were to navigate between two channels, the messageList component would update with a new set of data for the messageList, but the component was never unmounted so scroll position never gets saved.
I came up with a solution that works, but also throws a warning.
My current useEffect hook for the component (stripped down) and the code that currently saves scroll position whenever the messageList ID changes:
// Component...
const usePrevious = (value) => {
const ref = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = value;
return ref.current;
// Save scroll position when Component unmounts
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
setScrollOffset(parent._id, scrollPos.current);
}, []);
// Save scroll position when Parent ID changes
const oldParent = usePrevious(parent);
if (oldParent && parent._id !== oldParent._id) {
setScrollOffset(oldParent._id, list ? list.scrollTop : 0);
// ...Component
The error this throws is:
Warning: Cannot update a component from inside the function body of a different component.
And the line that is causing it is the setScrollOffset call inside of the last if block. I'm assuming that while this works it is not the way that I should be handling this sort of thing. What is a better way to handle saving scroll position when a specific prop on the component changes?
Add parent._id to the dependency array. Refactor your code to still cache the previous parent id, add that to the dependency, and move the conditional test inside the effect.
Cleaning up an effect
The clean-up function runs before the component is removed from the UI
to prevent memory leaks. Additionally, if a component renders multiple
times (as they typically do), the previous effect is cleaned up before
executing the next effect.
// Return previous parent id and cache current
const oldParent = usePrevious(parent);
// Save scroll position when Component unmounts or parent id changes
useEffect(() => {
if (oldParent && parent._id !== oldParent._id) {
setScrollOffset(oldParent._id, list ? list.scrollTop : 0);
return () => {
setScrollOffset(parent._id, scrollPos.current);
}, [parent._id, oldParent]);
If this does't quite fit the bill, then use two effects, one for the mount/unmount and the other for just updates on the parent id.
Thanks to the suggestions of #drew-reese, he got me pointed down the right path. After adopting his solution (which previously I could not get working properly), I was able to isolate my problem to usage with react-router. (connected-react-router in my case). The issue was that the component was rendering and firing the onScroll event handler and overwriting my scroll position before I could read it.
For me the solution ended up being to keep my existing useEffect hook but pull the scroll offset save out of it and into useLayoutEffect (Had to keep useEffect since there is other stuff in useEffect that I removed for the sake of keeping the sample code above lean). useLayoutEffect allowed me to read the current scroll position before the component fired the onScroll event which was ultimately overwriting my saved scroll position reference to 0.
This actually made my code much cleaner overall by removing the need for my usePrevious hook entirely. My useLayoutEffect hook now looks like this:
useLayoutEffect(() => {
return () => {
setScrollOffset(parent._id, scrollPos.current);
}, [parent._id]);

Can't perform a React State update on unMounted child component?

Am getting this warning:
Can't perform a React state update on unmounted component. This is a no-op...
It results from a child component and I can't figure out how to make it go away.
Please note that I have read many other posts about why this happens, and understand the basic issue. However, most solutions suggest cancelling subscriptions in a componentWillUnmount style function (I'm using react hooks)
I don't know if this points to some larger fundamental misunderstanding I have of React,but here is essentially what i have:
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import Picker from 'emoji-picker-react';
const MyTextarea = (props) => {
const onClick = (event, emojiObject) => {
//do stuff...
const isMountedRef = useRef(true);
useEffect(() => {
isMountedRef.current = true;
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
console.log('will unmount');
isMountedRef.current = false;
return (
{ isMountedRef.current ? (
<Picker onEmojiClick={onClick}/>
export default MyTextarea;
(tl;dr) Please note:
MyTextarea component has a parent component which is only rendered on a certain route.
Theres also a Menu component that once clicked, changes the route and depending on the situation will either show MyTextarea's parent component or show another component.
This warning happens once I click the Menu to switch off MyTextarea's parent component.
More Context
Other answers on StackOverflow suggest making changes to prevent state updates when a component isn't mounted. In my situation, I cannot do that because I didn't design the Picker component (rendered by MyTextarea). The Warning originates from this <Picker onEmojiClick={onClick}> line but I wouldn't want to modify this off-the-shelf component.
That's explains my attempt to either render the component or not based on the isMountedRef. However this doesn't work either. What happens is the component is either rendered if i set useRef(true), or it's never rendered at all if i set useRef(null) as many have suggested.
I'm not exactly sure what your problem actually is (is it that you can't get rid of the warning or that the <Picker> is either always rendering or never is), but I'll try to address all the problems I see.
Firstly, you shouldn't need to conditionally render the <Picker> depending on whether MyTextArea is mounted or not. Since components only render after mounting, the <Picker> will never render if the component it's in hasn't mounted.
That being said, if you still want to keep track of when the component is mounted, I'd suggest not using hooks, and using componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount with setState() instead. Not only will this make it easier to understand your component's lifecycle, but there are also some problems with the way you're using hooks.
Right now, your useRef(true) will set isMountedRef.current to true when the component is initialized, so it will be true even before its mounted. useRef() is not the same as componentDidMount().
Using 'useEffect()' to switch isMountedRef.current to true when the component is mounted won't work either. While it will fire when the component is mounted, useEffect() is for side effects, not state updates, so it doesn't trigger a re-render, which is why the component never renders when you set useRef(null).
Also, your useEffect() hook will fire every time your component updates, not just when it mounts, and your clean up function (the function being returned) will also fire on every update, not just when it unmounts. So on every update, isMountedRef.current will switch from true to false and back to true. However, none of this matters because the component won't re-render anyways (as explained above).
If you really do need to use useEffect() then you should combine it into one function and use it to update state so that it triggers a re-render:
const [isMounted, setIsMounted] = useState(false); // Create state variables
useEffect(() => {
setIsMounted(true); // The effect and clean up are in one function
return () => {
console.log('will unmount');
}, [] // This prevents firing on every update, w/o it you'll get an infinite loop
Lastly, from the code you shared, your component couldn't be causing the warning because there are no state updates anywhere in your code. You should check the picker's repo for issues.
Edit: Seems the warning is caused by your Picker package and there's already an issue for it
