Cancel button is not working in Azure B2C Sign up policy - azure-active-directory

From mobile app, authorize endpoint is invoked and loaded in webview.
When cancel button is pressed, It does not go back to APP(redirect URI).
It works for Web app client where it returns to web app with error code.
Help me to fix this issue?


Blazor WASM with Azure AD Login pop up flashing and disappearing

I have a Blazor WASM app with Azure AD Authentication. I use Visual Studio as IDE and use Browserlink to test before deploying to Azure App Service.
This morning (was fine yesterday) when I try to use the Browserlink "View in Browser", the website comes up properly in localhost, but when I click the Login button, the microsoft authentication window (pop up) flashes up and then disappears and I can't see it or get to it in any way.
I deployed the exact same current application to Azure App Service and the authentication window comes up as expected with no issues. I do have the localhost address in the Azure portal under the App registrations authentication section and am using https for all calls.
Not sure what else to check. Appreciate any help, thank you.
Please check if it was the issue with Internet explorer as there are known issues with pop-up windows on Internet Explorer.
During sign in, to acquire tokens using MSAL.js, the library first attempt a silent token request using the acquireTokenSilent method and checks the cache in browser storage to see if a valid token exists and returns it.See if it is not clearing the cache and has azure AD Session is found already which may not redirect or pop up for login.
If no valid token is in the cache, it sends a silent token request to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) from a hidden iframe . However, if no valid Azure AD Session exists, silent token request fails and user can be either provided with a login popup or redirect.
In your case, at the first launch of the application, when no valid token in the cache or valid Azure AD Session is found, silent token request fails and you are presented with the login popup but subsequent logins work without login popup.
Pop up and redirect
I still have no idea what was going on. I had tried the hard refresh and empty cache option as well as a reboot.
It seems to have fixed itself as today was fine. Thank you for your responses.

How to get Azure App Service EasyAuth Apple sign in to work with MobileServiceClient.LoginAsync?

I have Azure App Service EasyAuth working successfully with Google, Microsoft, and Facebook providers in my Mobile App using the MobileServiceClient.LoginAsync method. However, I'm having trouble getting it to work with Apple.
I am able to successfully kick off the authentication process as follows:
await myMobileServiceClient.LoginAsync("Apple", "myapp");
This does launch a new browser window and display the Apple login. I am able to authenticate successfully in the browser window.
The first problem I have is that post_login_redirect_url is being ignored and not passing back control to the mobile app using the myapp://easyauth.callback protocol. Instead, the login successful page is displayed in my Azure App Service website and there is no redirect.
I managed to hack around this issue by omitting the code_challenge and code_challenge_method parameters in the call to my Azure App Service. This DOES NOT pass back control to the mobile app using a redirect:
This DOES pass back control to the mobile app after authentication:
The second problem, regardless of whether I meddle with the call to the Azure App Service above, I do not get back an authorization_code parameter. Instead, I get a token:
Does anyone have a working example or insight into the details of OAuth to get this to work?

Linkedin showing an error "the application is disabled"

I have a web application developed in AngularJS that uses LinkedIn authenticated user login. It used to work, but not now. The Facebook and Google based login do work. The frontend is calling RestAPIs developed using AWS Lambda and integrated with AWS APIGateway.
When I click on the button "Login with LinkedIn" it is displaying an error "The application is disabled. I tried creating a new app in LinkedIn Developer and modified the environment variables for the Lambda function by giving the new client ID and secret key. Still it is not working. The browser URL seems to show the old Client_ID, which seem to suggest the front end has hardcoded the Client_ID. I'm not conversant with Angular to check and modify the code.
Is there a way to re-enable the app on #linkedin Developer?

Firebase authentication timeout with Google account login

Please can anyone help with config/troubleshooting for Firebase authentication with GAE Python apps.
I've tried to get the Firenotes app working ( but when the app loads there's a popup with the error: The operation has timed out. Dismiss.
The email authentication works fine, all OK: can login, save notes, logout.
The problem is with the Google OAuth login.
Clicking on the Google sign button gives an error:
This site can’t provide a secure connection. didn’t accept your login certificate, or your login certificate may have expired.
The project was imported into the firebase project and as far as I can tell the config of main.js and app.yaml is correct.
The GAE has been added to the OAuth authorized doamins
The same error is if running local or deployed to GAE.
If you go to the 'Overview' section of your firebase console. You can select to "add firebase to your web app". A screen pops up with the config information for the frontend main.js file.
Mind you, the apiKey in the client config needs to be set to the google cloud platform api key for the app engine project your using.
This will enable the login.

Salesforce Mobile SDK Issue Login "Receiving Remote Access Authorization Error"

I am using the salesforce mobile sdk to develop an application in native IOS. I was doing some testing logging in as a user. All was fine. Then I logged out. When I logout I call the coordinator revoke authentication method. I then tried to login as a new user who had never logged into the device and I received the following error: "Receiving Remote Access Authorization Error there was a problem in setting up your remote access." I then selected the Not me link and it logged me out. However, when I tried to login again as the user that wasn't able to login it takes me to the salesforce website for that user?!!!! It did not take me to the application but to the salesforce website? Anyone know why first the error above occurs? Does it have to do with a possible token issue? Also why would I be driven to the salesforce website when I try to login as the user again?
Note: The salesforce login is in its own webview component. I had a button to force a logout no matter where I am in the app. When I force the logout and try to login as the person it then takes me to the application. Very confused in terms of what is going on in this scenario.
There is potentially a solution posted here, or at least some clues: seems to suggest a timing issue and refreshing the web view in applicationDidBecomeActive might fix it
Also more information here:
You might also try making sure that you have a Connected App properly set up under Setup/Create/Apps, and that the key and return URL match those hardcoded in your app.
