How to deploy antd-admin dashboard in apache2? - apache2

I am deploying ant-admin dashboard in apache2 rather nginx.
How do I configure apache2 for antd-admin dashboard?
npm run build
// Generated build files under /dist
copy paste in apache2 document root /Library/Web
cp -r /dist Library/WebServer/Documents/
trying to call
Page is not loading
When I checked console. css, js files are serving from http://localhost/umi.css but expecting it should serve from http://localhost/dist/umi.css
How do I serve css, js and sub directory /dist in apache2?

use home page key in the package.json
"homepage": "./dist"


My live site throws error with React Router Dom, but kinda works in my local host [duplicate]

I have a built using create-react-app and hosted in netlify.
In this link it is mentioned that I need to write redirect rules for SPAs.
/* /index.html 200
But redirecting to index.html is not working since no view is rendered with that URL.
I also tried redirecting to / like
from = "/*"
to = "/"
but this is also not working.
How do I do a catch-all redirect for create-react-app?
To catch all the redirects use /* /index.html 200 in _redirects file.
According to the netlify docs, the _redirects file should be in your root build directory.
create-react-app by default creates all build files under the folder named build
so just modify the build scripts in package.json to add the _redirects in the build folder after building the app.
"scripts": {
"build": "react-scripts build && echo '/* /index.html 200' | cat >build/_redirects ",
If you have multiple redirects to make things easier you can create a _redirects file with all the redirects in your root(/) folder of the CRA
then in the package.json will become
"scripts": {
"build": "react-scripts build && cp _redirects build/_redirects",
make sure that the build command in your netlify is yarn run build or npm run build
after making the changes in package.json simply rebuild your code.
UPDATED: much better way
IN CRA(Create React App), the build script copies every file in public directory to the build folder so just put the _redirects with the rules in the public directory without changing anything and you are good to go.
There are two (2) ways to create redirects when hosting on Netlify.
_redirects file in the root of the publish directory (/build in CRA)
[[redirects]] list in the netlify.toml config file at the root of the repository (project)
/public/_redirects (option 1)
Put the _redirects in the /public directory. CRA will copy all files in /public to the build directory when running the build command.
/* /index.html 200
/netlify.toml (option 2)
Put the netlify.toml in the root (/) directory of your project (repository) being deployed to Netlify. You can add the redirect lines to the end of the netlify.toml if it exists already.
from = "/*"
to = "/index.html"
status = 200
force = false
Note: These options can be combined, but remember the _redirects will overwrite an entry with the same source (from) path in the netlify.toml.
You can also use the redirects playground to convert from one format to the other.

Deploy Next Js to cPanel Shared Hosting

I followed this tutorial in order to deploy my nextjs app to shared hosting on cPanel.
Road map for deploying on cPanel Next App with server-side rendering (not only static) :
Build locally (next build)
Copy into html_folder all your project directory (not only the build folder, and except node_modules of course) :
Note: A custom server is needed as cPanel needs a startup file (use the next's default one)
create your node application ("setup node.js app") with options :
Application root : public_html/my_project
Application startup file : server.js
"Run NPM install" to create node_modules packages
Finally "Start App"
package.json with the start command :
"scripts": {
"start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production node server.js"
However, visiting my website after going through the entire process gives me this error:
All you really need to do is run next build && next export and put the contents of the out folder in the public_html folder or /var/www/html/, /sites-available/, etc, depending on setup.
Make sure to copy the .next folder, in the cpanel's folder, like this:
my_project --> folder in cpanel
| .next | --> this folder
If you can't see this folder in your project, enable the option to show hidden files.

Catch all redirect for create-react-app in netlify

I have a built using create-react-app and hosted in netlify.
In this link it is mentioned that I need to write redirect rules for SPAs.
/* /index.html 200
But redirecting to index.html is not working since no view is rendered with that URL.
I also tried redirecting to / like
from = "/*"
to = "/"
but this is also not working.
How do I do a catch-all redirect for create-react-app?
To catch all the redirects use /* /index.html 200 in _redirects file.
According to the netlify docs, the _redirects file should be in your root build directory.
create-react-app by default creates all build files under the folder named build
so just modify the build scripts in package.json to add the _redirects in the build folder after building the app.
"scripts": {
"build": "react-scripts build && echo '/* /index.html 200' | cat >build/_redirects ",
If you have multiple redirects to make things easier you can create a _redirects file with all the redirects in your root(/) folder of the CRA
then in the package.json will become
"scripts": {
"build": "react-scripts build && cp _redirects build/_redirects",
make sure that the build command in your netlify is yarn run build or npm run build
after making the changes in package.json simply rebuild your code.
UPDATED: much better way
IN CRA(Create React App), the build script copies every file in public directory to the build folder so just put the _redirects with the rules in the public directory without changing anything and you are good to go.
There are two (2) ways to create redirects when hosting on Netlify.
_redirects file in the root of the publish directory (/build in CRA)
[[redirects]] list in the netlify.toml config file at the root of the repository (project)
/public/_redirects (option 1)
Put the _redirects in the /public directory. CRA will copy all files in /public to the build directory when running the build command.
/* /index.html 200
/netlify.toml (option 2)
Put the netlify.toml in the root (/) directory of your project (repository) being deployed to Netlify. You can add the redirect lines to the end of the netlify.toml if it exists already.
from = "/*"
to = "/index.html"
status = 200
force = false
Note: These options can be combined, but remember the _redirects will overwrite an entry with the same source (from) path in the netlify.toml.
You can also use the redirects playground to convert from one format to the other.

ReactJS app published to Github pages with custom domain

I have a reactjs application that I created using the create-react-app. I have installed gh-pages and successfully deployed it to github pages (project page) using the following command:
gh-pages -d build
However, when I add a custom domain to my github project repository my application could not load the js and css files. My browser is looking for the following files:
http://my.custom.domain/<repo name>/static/css/main.caaf9ea4.css
http://my.custom.domain/<repo name>/static/js/main.76fabd7f.js
The correct link to load these files should be:
In the GitHub repo pages, I have set custom domain to be 'my.custom.domain' (root domain without www). The source is gh-pages branch.
My DNS settings are:
A record, #, value:
A record, #, value:
CNAME record, www, value:
Any ideas how to change the settings so that repo name is not added to the domain?
Make sure your package.json have the attribute homepage. e.g.
"homepage": "https://<git-USER>",
That's literally what I just did with my cra projet. If you want to take a look on my project just look at the develop branch. However, I haven't use gh-pages -d build. I just built the project myself and create the branch gh-pages and put the content of my build into it. It should be the same though.
Adding a copy CNAME script to my package.json scripts worked for me as it wasn't being published to gh-pages branch automatically in the React Create App build dir.
"copy": "cp ./CNAME ./build/CNAME",
"predeploy": "yarn build && yarn copy",

index.html from create-react-app build doesn't work in web browser

I'm using create-react-app.
The react application works well by npm start.
I ran npm run build then index.html and main...js/main...css were create in build directory.
And moved this files into tomcat web application's home directory.
When I open the index.html in the browser, blank screen only shown.
What's the problem ?
(I added "homepage" : "." into package.json, so this isn't 404 problem)
