To Do List: Delete Button Removes Info from Wrong List Item - reactjs

I am creating a basic React application which is essentially a to do list. The user can enter text and add an item to the list, which is an array that is rendered with the map method. Each item can be upvoted, downvoted, or deleted. The input text, number of upvotes, and number of downvotes are displayed on each item.
Here's the problem: When I click the delete button on an item, the input text from that item is deleted, but not the upvotes or downvotes. The upvotes and downvotes are always removed from the last item in the array. So when the list is re-rendered, the votes become all mixed up.
I've included the code from both my parent component (Category) and child component (Item). Sorry if it's a lot of code but I've had trouble pinpointing the source of the problem.
class Category extends Component {
state = {
inputValue: '',
items: this.props.items,
handleSubmit = e => {
this.setState({ items: this.state.items.concat(this.state.inputValue) })
this.setState({ inputValue: "" })
updateInputValue(evt) {
handleDelete = index => {
const newItems = this.state.items.filter((item, i) => {
return index !== i;
return this.setState({ items: newItems });
render() {
return (
<div className="category">
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
<input value={this.state.inputValue} onChange={e => this.updateInputValue(e)}/>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
{/* Enter all items: */}
{this.state.items.length > 0 ?, index) => {
const key = index;
return <Item
handleDelete={this.handleDelete.bind(this, index)}
}) : <p>There are no items here.</p>
class Item extends Component {
state = {
likes: 0,
dislikes: 0
handleUpvote = () => {
return this.setState({ likes: this.state.likes + 1 });
handleDownvote = () => {
return this.setState({ dislikes: this.state.dislikes + 1 });
render() {
return (
<div className="item">
<div className="move-item">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="chevron-left" />
<div className="item-content">
<div className="item-text">
<div className="item-actions">
<div className="item-action-icon">
<button onClick={this.handleUpvote}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="thumbs-up" />
<span> {this.state.likes}</span>
<div className="item-action-icon">
<button onClick={this.handleDownvote}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="thumbs-down" />
<span> {this.state.dislikes}</span>
<div className="item-action-icon">
<button onClick={this.props.handleDelete}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="trash-alt" />
<div className="move-item">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="chevron-right" />

You need to lift up your state of likes/dislikes to be associated with each item. Otherwise, each one will be associated by position (AKA index), and once you remove one item, the index that dissapears is the last one, causing you to mess up the votes
your parent state would be like
items: => ({ item, likes: 0, dislikes. 0 });
handleUpvote and handleDownvote should be on your Category component, and passed by props to your Item, which will call them passing the item.
That way you can update your likes/dislikes


Setting conditional onClick behaviour in ReactJS

(This is my first time using React)
I am working on app that filters videos based on the button click and this is the code below
const data = [{ address: '', category: 'java' },
{ address: '', category: 'C#' }];
class User extends React.Component {
videos : data,
return (
<div className="box">
<div className="buttons-filter">
<button onClick={()=>{
this.setState({videos: data })
<button id="btnJava" onClick={()=>{
this.setState({videos: data },
videos: this.state.videos.filter(item => { return item.category === 'java';})
<button id="btnReact" onClick={()=>{
this.setState({videos: data },
videos: this.state.videos.filter(item => {return item.category==='React';})
}} >
<div className="content">
<div className="wrapper">
{ => (
<ReactPlayer className="vid" url={video.address} controls={true} height="300" width="350" />
<div className='bottom-btn'>
{/* <a className='btn-logout'><Link to="/Login" className='link'>Logout</Link></a> */}
export default User;
I was thinking of a way to reduce redundancy in my code, so I want to add an onclick function, semthing like
if( === 'btnJava')
this.setState({videos: this.state.videos.filter(item => {
return item.category === 'java';})})
else if()
Any idea if and how JSX handles a situation like this?
You can have one function to handle all cases based on the button value:
handleClick = (event) => {
const value =;
this.setState({ videos: this.state.videos.filter(item => {
return item.category === value
<button value="java" onClick={this.handleClick}>Java</button>
<button value="React" onClick={this.handleClick}>React</button>
The idea is good to abstract the button click into its own function.
onClick passes event as a value to the function and you can get the id or value or which ever attribute from that.
If you are going to use
this.setState({videos: this.state.videos.filter(item => {
return item.category === 'java';
The your are going to loose your original video state after filtering.
I would recommend storing the filtered state into a different variable. This way you have the option to reset the filter.
Combining the answer from HermitCrab
videos : data,
filtered: data
handleClick = (event) => {
const value =;
this.setState({ filtered: this.state.videos.filter(item => {
return item.category === value
<div className="box">
<div className="buttons-filter">
<button value="java" onClick={this.handleClick}>Java</button>
<button value="React" onClick={this.handleClick}>React</button>
<div className="content">
<div className="wrapper">
{ => (
<ReactPlayer className="vid" url={video.address} controls={true} height="300" width="350" />

Hide all div and show one div on clicking multiple button

I am trying to fit 3 component in a single page by hiding/showing on a div.But I am not really getting into how to do it.This is the first div.
<p>What is the type of your property?</p>
<button >Residence</button>
<span style={{background:'transparent', border:'0', fontSize:'16px',color:'#ef3530'}}>Back</span>
<span style={{background:'transparent', border:'0', fontSize:'16px',color:'#ef3530'}}>Next</span>
Only If i click the 'Commercial' or 'Next' button it would go into the second div and first div will hide.
<p>What is the type of your commercial property?</p>
<button >Outlet</button>
<span style={{background:'transparent', border:'0', fontSize:'16px',color:'#ef3530'}}>Back</span>
<span style={{background:'transparent', border:'0', fontSize:'16px',color:'#ef3530'}}>Next</span>
and lastly if i click 'restaurant' button from the first div and any button of the second div except the back button it will go into the third div and other div will hide.this is the third div.
<div className='slider' style={{ marginTop:'165px',marginLeft:'319px',width:'700px',backgroundColor:'EF5350'}} >
<Slider min={850} max={5000} value={value} onChangeStart={this.handleChangeStart}
<div className='value'>{value} Squarefeet</div>
<div style={{marginTop:'86px'}}>
<span onChange={this.handleChange} onClick={() => this.saveValue()} >Next</span>
<span onChange={this.handleChange} onClick={() => this.saveValue()} >Next</span>
I tried to do it this way. But it will not work.
import React from 'react';
import Link from "next/link";
class Jh extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
shown: true,
hide: false
toggle() {
shown: !this.state.shown
toggles() {
shown: !this.state.hide
render() {
var shown = {
display: this.state.shown ? "block" : "none"
var hidden = {
display: this.state.shown ? "none" : "block"
return (
<button onClick={this.toggle.bind(this)} style={ shown }>
<p>What is the type of your property?</p>
<button >Residence</button>
<span style={{background:'transparent', border:'0', fontSize:'16px',color:'#ef3530'}}>Back</span>
<span style={{background:'transparent', border:'0', fontSize:'16px',color:'#ef3530'}}>Next</span>
<button onClick={this.toggles.bind(this)} style={ hidden }>
<p>What is the type of your commercial property?</p>
<button >Outlet</button>
<span style={{background:'transparent', border:'0', fontSize:'16px',color:'#ef3530'}}>Back</span>
<span style={{background:'transparent', border:'0', fontSize:'16px',color:'#ef3530'}}>Next</span>
export default Jh
What should be my approach?
There are many patterns to achieve a "switch case", I'll try to show my favorites:
For sipmlicity, I'll use a generic use case.
Straight Forward
Managing visible state for every component:
return {visible && <CoolComponent id={1} />};
Switch case in disguise
Manage a state of object keys. (currentCounter)
const countersPicker = {
counter1: <Counter id={1} />,
counter2: <Counter id={2} />,
coolComponent: <CoolComponent id={3} />
return {countersPicker[currentCounter]};
Here you also can take action on the object, for example, adding a header:
return {Object.entries(countersPicker).map(([key,component]) =>
<div key={key}>
<h1>Component key = {key}</h1>
Filter Children
Manage a predicate and use it for filtering/mapping the children.
Check React.Children API.
return (
<FilterComponents predicate={predicate}>
<Counter key={1} id={1} />
<Counter key={2} id={2} />
<CoolComponent key={3} id={3} />
<BestComponent key={4} id={4} />
function FilterComponents({ children, predicate }) {
const filteredChildren = React.Children.toArray(children).filter(child =>
// Use the predicate.
// Filter a child by key, key & type or even use ref etc.
return <div>{filteredChildren}</div>;
I believe you are looking for something like this.
Main things to-do:
Enhance your state-value. Keep track of the different pages in sequence by using an array. Track the current page. Track the start and end of the collection.
Here is the sandbox as well:
import React from "react";
class Pages extends React.Component {
state = {
currentPage: "property",
pages: ["property", "type", "firstBusiness"],
start: true,
end: false
changePage = event => {
const { currentPage, pages } = this.state;
const { name } =;
//check if we are going to end
if (
name == "next" &&
pages[pages.indexOf(currentPage) + 1] === pages[pages.length - 1]
) {
currentPage: pages[pages.indexOf(currentPage) + 1],
end: true,
start: false
//go to next page
} else if (name == "next") {
currentPage: pages[pages.indexOf(currentPage) + 1],
start: false
//check if we are going to beginning
} else if (
name == "back" &&
currentPage !== pages[0] &&
pages[pages.indexOf(currentPage) - 1] == pages[0]
) {
currentPage: pages[pages.indexOf(currentPage) - 1],
start: true
//go back one page
} else {
currentPage: pages[pages.indexOf(currentPage) - 1],
end: false
goToNextPage = () => {
const { currentPage, pages, end } = this.state;
//check if we are going to end
if (pages[pages.indexOf(currentPage) + 1] === pages[pages.length - 1]) {
currentPage: pages[pages.indexOf(currentPage) + 1],
end: true,
start: false
//go to next page
} else if (end) {
} else {
currentPage: pages[pages.indexOf(currentPage) + 1],
start: false
render() {
const { currentPage, start, end } = this.state;
return (
<div style={{ background: "gray" }}>
{currentPage === "property" ? (
<p>What is the type of your property?</p>
<button onClick={this.goToNextPage}>Residence</button>
<button onClick={this.goToNextPage}>Commercial</button>
) : null}
{currentPage === "type" ? (
<p>What is the type of your commercial property?</p>
<button onClick={this.goToNextPage}>Office</button>
<button onClick={this.goToNextPage}>Restaurant</button>
<button onClick={this.goToNextPage}>Outlet</button>
) : null}
{currentPage === "firstBusiness" ? (
<p>Is this your first business?</p>
<button onClick={this.goToNextPage}>Yes</button>
<button onClick={this.goToNextPage}>No</button>
) : null}
<button onClick={this.changePage} name="back" disabled={start}>
<button onClick={this.changePage} name="next" disabled={end}>
export default Pages;
So essentially you want router like functionality. Here is one approach:
class FirstPage extends React.Component {
render() {
//...first page content
class SecondPage extends React.Component {
render() {
//...second page content
const pages = {
first: FirstPage,
second: SecondPage
class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
page: 'first'
render() {
const PageComponent = pages[];
return <div>
<button onClick={() => this.setState({page: 'first'})}>First page</button>
<button onClick={() => this.setState({page: 'second'})}>Second page</button>
There are many ways to solve this problem. But in my opinion the best solution is the one which solves the problem in a succinct manner.
Please find below the working solution which I have tried and works like a charm:
import React from "react";
class Pages extends React.Component {
state = {
activeTab: 1
toggle = tab => {
activeTab: tab
togglePage = page => {
if (page === "next") {
activeTab: this.state.activeTab + 1
} else if (page === "back") {
activeTab: this.state.activeTab - 1
render() {
return (
<div style={{ background: "#dedede" }}>
<div hidden={this.state.activeTab === 1 ? false : true}>
<p>1) What is the type of your property?</p>
<button class="btn btn-primary" onClick={() => this.toggle(2)}>
<button onClick={() => this.toggle(2)}>Commercial</button>
<div hidden={this.state.activeTab === 2 ? false : true}>
<p>2) What is the type of your commercial property?</p>
<button onClick={() => this.toggle(3)}>Office</button>
<button onClick={() => this.toggle(3)}>Restaurant</button>
<button onClick={() => this.toggle(3)}>Outlet</button>
<div hidden={this.state.activeTab === 3 ? false : true}>
<p>3) Is this your first business?</p>
<button onClick={this.NextAction}>Yes</button>
<button onClick={this.NextAction}>No</button>
onClick={() => this.togglePage("back")}
disabled={this.state.activeTab === 1 ? true : false}
onClick={() => this.togglePage("next")}
disabled={this.state.activeTab === 3 ? true : false}
export default Pages;
In react we have a hidden attribute which you can use to show/hide the elements without having to write any css for the same.
And I have tried to solve the problem with the least number of variables.
The sandbox for the same can be found here :
Hope this helps!

React app not showing in Codepen no matter what?

I have a react app that I made in VS Studio, putting it into codepen, it doesnt seem to load a thing, any suggestions?
I have tried making sure React is linked and checked all of my syntax, no errors on local host but no display in codepen.
I have looked through the code multiple times and I feel its such a silly mistake
class TodoListt extends React.Component {
state = {};
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
userInput: "",
list: [],
editing: false,
changeUserInput(input) {
userInput: input
addToList() {
if (this.state.userInput === "") { (alert("Please enter a To-do")); return; };
const { list, userInput } = this.state;
list: [...list, {
text: userInput, key:, done: false
userInput: ''
handleChecked(e, index) {
const list = [...this.state.list];
list[index] = { ...list[index] };
list[index].done =;
handleEditing(e) {
editing: true
handleRemoved(index) {
const list = [...this.state.list];
list.splice(index, 1);
render() {
var viewStyle = {};
var editStyle = {};
if (this.state.editing) {
viewStyle.display = "none"
else {
editStyle.display = "none"
return (
<div className="to-do-list-main">
onChange={(e) => this.changeUserInput(}
<div class="submitButton">
<button onClick={() => { this.addToList(this.state.userInput) }}>Add todo</button>
{, index) => (
<div className="form">
{/* <div style={viewStyle} onDoubleClick={this.handleEditing.bind(t his)}> */}
<li key={list.key}>
<div class="liFlexCheck">
<input type="checkbox" onChange={(e) => this.handleChecked(e, index)} />
<div class="liFlexText">
<div class="liFlexTextContainer">
<span style={{ textDecoration: list.done ? 'line-through' : 'inherit' }}>
<button onClick={(index) => this.handleRemoved(index)}>Remove</button>
{/* </div> */}
Remove the import statements, working example.
You shouldn't use import when you got External Scripts.
Also, you got many errors in your code that should be handled, like:
<div class="submitButton">, use className.
Each child in a list should have a unique key prop.
Form field with value prop but without onChange handler.
Check out the logs:
In codpen, you don't need to import the react instead just write code,
here is codepen working one : codepen
from codesandbox, you can learn with all imports also because it doesn't uses any external scripts,
your code will work fine if you add an import to it
that is import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
codesandbox will show all these suggestions,
here is codesandbox working example: codesandbox

Update list of displayed components on deletion in React

in the beginning on my path with React I'm creating simple to-do app where user can add/remove task which are basically separate components.
I create tasks using:
let tasksList = this.state.tasksList;
this.setState({tasksList : tasksList});
I render list of components (tasks) using following method:
return (, index) => {
return <SingleTask
removeTask = {(id) => this.removeTask(id)}
key = {index}/>;
method to remove specific task takes unique ID of task as an argument and based on this ID I remove it from the tasks list:
this.setState(prevState => ({
tasksList: prevState.tasksList.filter(el => != uID )
But the problem is, when I delete any item but the last one, it seems like the actual list of components is the same only different objects are passed to those components.
For example:
Lets imagine I have 2 created componentes, if I set state.Name = 'Foo' on the first one, and state.Name='Bar' on the second one. If I click on remove button on the first one, the object associated to this component is removed, the second one becomes first but it's state.Name is now 'Foo' instead of 'Bar'.
I think I'm missing something there with correct creation/removing/displaying components in react.
Method used to remove clicked component:
SingleTask component:
class SingleTask extends Component{
constructor(props) {
showMenu : false,
afterInit : false,
id: Math.random()*100
this.toggleMenu = this.toggleMenu.bind(this);
this.setState({showMenu : !this.state.showMenu, afterInit : true});
<MDBCard className="singleTaskContainer">
<div class="priorityBadge">
<MDBCardBody className="singleTaskBody">
<div className="singleTaskMenuContainer">
<a href="#" onClick={this.toggleMenu}>
<i className="align-middle material-icons">menu</i>
<div className={classNames('singleTaskMenuButtonsContainer animated',
{'show fadeInRight' : this.state.showMenu},
{'hideElement' : !this.state.showMenu},
{'fadeOutLeft' : !this.state.showMenu && this.state.afterInit})}>
title="Remove task"
'float-right btn-floating btn-smallx waves-effect waves-light listMenuBtn lightRed'
<i className="align-middle material-icons">remove</i>
<a title="Edit title"
className={classNames('show float-right btn-floating btn-smallx waves-effect waves-light listMenuBtn lightBlue')}
<i className="align-middle material-icons">edit</i>
Below visual representation of error, image on the left is pre-deletion and on the right is post-deletion. While card with "22" was deleted the component itself wasn't deleted, only another object was passed to it.
Just to clarify, the solution was simpler than expected.
const showTasks = () =>, index) => (
removeTask ={removeTask}
key = {}
I was passing map index as a key, when I changed it to {} everything works as expected.
In short, in the statement tasksList.push(<SingleTask taskObj={taskObj} removeTask ={this.removeTask}/>);, removeTask = {this.removeTask} should become removeTask = {() => this.removeTask(}.
However, I would reconsider the way the methods addTask and showTasks are written. While the way you have written isn't wrong, it is semantically unsound. Here's what I would do:
let tasksList = this.state.tasksList;
this.setState({tasksList : tasksList});
return (, index) => {
return <SingleTask
removeTask ={() => this.removeTask(}/>;
const SingleTask = (task) => {
const { taskObj } = task;
return <div onClick={task.removeTask}>
{ taskObj.title }
// Example class component
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
tasksList: [
{ id: 1, title: "One" },
{ id: 2, title: "Two" },
{ id: 3, title: "Three" },
{ id: 4, title: "Four" }
addTask = (taskObj) => {
let tasksList = this.state.tasksList;
this.setState({tasksList : tasksList});
showTasks = () => {
return (, index) => {
return <SingleTask
removeTask ={() => this.removeTask(}/>;
removeTask(id) {
this.setState(prevState => ({
tasksList: prevState.tasksList.filter(el => != id )
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<div> {this.showTasks()} </div>
// Render it
<App />,
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

ReactJS: How to hide/unhide images inside toggled list items

I have implemented a React component that lists records, and allows records to be toggled (hidden and unhidden) via a <button> element.
I now need to toggle/hiding/unhide the image of each list item, via a separate switch/button that is present for each list item:
I currently have this code to toggle the display of images per list item:
hideUnhidePhoto(id) {
const newData = => {
if( === id) {
return { ...item, photoVisible: !item.photoVisible};
return item;
data: newData
And, I have this <a> anchor element that allows the image display to be controlled via click event:
<a style={{color: 'red'}} onClick={this.hideUnhidePhoto.bind(this,}>
Hide/Unhide Photo
The problem:
My issue is that each time I click on Hide/Unhide Photo button, rather than toggling the display of just the photo, clicking this button causes all the items in my list to hide:
My attempt:
import React, { Component, Fragment } from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
class Focus extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
data: [],
shown: true,
componentDidMount() {
data: [
{ id: "1", title: "my first title", image: "http://localhost/1.png", visible: true , photoVisible: true},
{ id: "2", title: "my second title", image: "http://localhost/2.png", visible: true, photoVisible: true},
{ id: "3", title: "my third title", image: "http://localhost/3.png", visible: true, photoVisible: true}
toggle(id) {
const newData = => {
if( === id) {
return { ...item, visible: !item.visible};
return item;
data: newData
hideUnhidePhoto(id) {
const newData = => {
if( === id) {
return { ...item, photoVisible: !item.photoVisible};
return item;
data: newData
render() {
return (
{, i) => (
<li key={i}>
<div style={{ display: post.visible ? "none" : "block"}}>
<b>Post Data:</b> {post.title} --{} <br />
<a style={{color: 'red'}} onClick={this.hideUnhidePhoto.bind(this,}> Hide/Unhide Photo </a><br />
<div style={{ display: post.visible1 ? "none" : "block"}}>
<img src={post.image} />
<button onClick={this.toggle.bind(this,}>Toggle ({}) </button>
<br />
If I understand your question correctly, then it looks like there are a few small mistakes in your render function, namely this:
style={{ display: post.visible1 ? "none" : "block"}}
From what I can see, there is no visible1 field on your post items, which will cause unexpected behaviour for your image toggling. You might consider revising your render() function a detailed by the comments bellow:
render() {
return (
{, i) => (
<li key={i}>
<div style={{ display: post.visible ? "none" : "block"}}>
<b>Post Data:</b> {post.title} -- {} <br />
{ /* Revise event handler binding with arrow function as shown.
Also consider a change from <a> to something like <span> to ensure
no default click behavour on <a> happens if href were added */ }
<span style={{color: 'red'}}
onClick={ () => this.hideUnhidePhoto( }>
Hide/Unhide Photo
<br />
{/* Update image display to be controlled via post.photoVisible
field */ }
<div style={{ display: post.photoVisible ? "block" : "none"}}>
<img src={post.image} />
{ /* I prefer to use arrow functions in general to make the code
a little more readable */ }
<button onMouseDown={ () => this.toggle( }>Toggle ({}) </button>
<br />
Also, consider revising your hideUnhidePhoto() method like so, to ensure that mapped data for evey item is cloned:
hideUnhidePhoto(id) {
this.setState(({ data }) => {
return {
data : => ({
photoVisible : (id == ? !item.photoVisible : item.photoVisible }))
Here's a working JSFiddle demonstrating the solution:
Hope that helps
the easiest way to do this is to include a style of display property inside your constructor function and trigger this with your trigger function
inside constructor function of your class
this.mystyle= {
display: "none"
give image this style by
img src="..." alt="..." style={this.mystyle} /
toggle the image by this type of code
