Is free embed token app specific or user specific? - azure-active-directory

As mentioned in Power BI Documentation,
"Embed tokens with PRO license are intended for development testing, so the number of embed tokens a Power BI master account or service principal can generate is limited".
So my question is...
If developer require more free tokens for testing app in developement environment, can he change master account to acquire more free tokens ? Embed token are app specific or user specific ?
Any comments are appreciated.
I am new to Power BI Embedded.

You have a couple options: You can switch to another account (master service account) if you reach the limit but you will incur the cost of another PowerBI Pro License. You can also work with Microsoft support to have your limited reached to meet your needs until you are production ready. You can reach Microsoft support by going here and scrolling down to "CREATE SUPPORT TICKET"
Note: If you are in Production you will have to buy a capacity. There is no way around that.


IdentityServer3 vs Azure Active Directory vs AWS Directory Services

I'm evaluating the above three identity management technologies and wanted to try to find out the advantages/disadvantages and get a sense for when I should be using IdentityServer3 over the other technologies. I have three scenarios:
Internal MVC Client to Web API
External Phone Client to Web API
Internal Web API to Web API
Brock Allen's Comments:
According Brock Allen, the creator of IdentityServer:
Well, the main thing that differentiates IdentityServer is the ability
to customize the entire token service and have control of the user
data. SaaS products are very limited in customization because for the
most part they don't let you upload arbitrary code to alter or change
behavior and they often encapsulate the database of users. On the
other hand, this means you have to host IdSvr (which can be cloud
hosted) and you need to build a database for your users. So if you
need the control, IdSvr is a good choice.
Also, I should note that very often IdSvr is used in conjunction with
other identity providers (like ADFS or AAD). IdSvr is deployed in
between the apps and the ultimate IdPs, again, usually to allow the
customization that the apps need, yet still centralized and
My Own Findings
Disclaimer: I looked into this for use by the company I work for, who had existing infrastructure I had to cater to, so the solution I chose is skewed in that direction. Even so I've tried to give an impartial summary of my own thoughts during my research.
Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory is a hosted identity solution, so there is far less setup (especially if like me, you discover that you are already using it for Office 365). Out of the box, it provides some very nice features that can get you started very quickly.
The premium version has monitoring and reporting capabilities (Connect Health) so you can see who is logging into your system, it has two factor authentication, an identity management website and Microsoft is monitoring logins (a bit like cloudflare for identity), so it should in theory provide some added security. However, the customization of the UI is very basic, you have to pay for the premium features and using the Azure Portal to do identity management (if you go with the free version) is kind of a pain.
The documentation is pretty good and there are samples on GitHub with Microsoft devs actively monitoring the issues which was helpful. Some links I found useful:
Documentation Home Page
Documentation for each flow
Samples covering every flow
Introduction Video 1 and Video 2.
Build Videos 1, 2, 3.
IdentityServer is the Swiss Army knife of Identity management. It can do everything but does require a small amount of setup and a little more knowledge of the identity space. It can do most things that I listed above and a lot more beyond.
It has to be noted that even if you are using Azure Active Directory, there may still be reasons for choosing IdentityServer which I had not initially considered. For example, if you have more than one source of user data e.g. You are using AD and also a SQL database of users, then IdentityServer can be used to point to both of these sources of user information. In theory it should also make it easier to switch from AD to something else entirely as it decouples things.
The project is actively developed, has code samples for all the authentication flows and you can get answers from the community. Some links I found useful:
IdentityServer4 GitHub
Samples covering every flow
IdentityManager (A separate application for handling users, groups and roles).
Introduction Video
Authentication Flows
Fact: Security is hard. There are lots of different ways of doing authentication called flows. I put this link here because I found it very useful for understanding them.
I discounted AWS Directory Services as it's very young even though the company I work for uses AWS. We also use Office 365, so I discovered that we already had an Azure Active Directory linked to an on-premises active directory server. Even so, IdentityServer is still a valid contender for reasons I explained above. We are still trialing both solutions...
What you decide to choose depends entirely on the problem you have. Which should you choose? Well, it depends on the number of developers, time, money and effort you can expend setting this up. There is no one size fits all solution. Really, the differences in the two products above are the differences between a SaaS and PaaS solution.

Why Google App Engine has limitation of max 10 active applications?

I think question is pretty descriptive.
I have read following phrase in app engine documentation as well as books "You can have up to 10 active applications created by a given developer account. You can disable an application to reclaim a slot", RETAIL, 2012, Programming Google App Engine, 2nd Edition, OReilly.
However, they didn't said why or what's the reason(s)?
Does Google cannot count more than 10? :)
If you want more, simply enable billing. You can then have as many as you like.
I believe the reason is to avoid spam or abuse of service. If you can create unlimited number of apps you can basically create a farm of servers that can do unlimited things that can attack other websites or spam emails.
Enabling billing will verify your identity and can easily get caught once you violate their terms of service.

Rhino License - preventing multiple trial periods

We are seeking advice from anyone that has successfully implemented Rhino Licensing in a .NET desktop application. We have successfully integrated Rhino Licensing into our C# Winforms application as per the instructions found at;
Rhino Licensing
At the moment the only way to open our software is to link it to a valid license file. We plan to issue trial licenses (expiring after 30 days) to all users requesting a trial but question is how can we put in place a scheme which prevents users from obtaining a new trial/demo license each time the license expires. This would theoretically give them the ability to license our software for multiple trial periods, possibly inevitably.
My concern relates to the issue of trial licenses. We had originally thought to limit the issue of trial licenses based on an email address provided to use when the original license is generated but now there exists the potential for users to make use of temp inbox email accounts to register for an unlimited number of licenses.
What methods have you employed to prevent users from being re-issued with trial/demo licenses after the initial period has expired? Please assume the original licenses are being served to the user automatically from a server after they register for a trial license.
All ideas welcome.
You can create a unique hardware ID that is sent to the server when the user "activates" the license and save it.
If the user requests a new trial and tries to activate it, the server will respond indicating the hardware ID already exists in the database and revoke the license.

Access database sharing strategies

What are the strategies you employ to let multiple people work on an access database?
Is it possible to host it online and have its features still functional without having to develop a custom frontend?
MS Access as a software has a few nice features that don't require any programming to configure:
Drop down lists - choose one
Multi Checkbox lists - choose multiple
Is it possible to get all of these features available even when hosted online? I'm basically thinking of an alternate way to quickly get people to work with data using GUI features like the above without going the webapp<>MySQL way.
You have some good comments here. Keep in mind that things have changed quite a bit for access 2010.
Access 2010 allows you to build web applications. The development process is very much the same as it’s been for years, but you can’t use VBA in forms for these web applications (you use a new macro language). This new feature set allows you to publish applications you build to a website. Here is an video of an application of mine running in access 2010, and at the halfway point in the video I switch to running the access application 100% in a web browser:
The above is for access 2010…due out this year. The above will require you to be running SharePoint services, or use an hosting service that supports "access web" services.
For previous versions of access, for all intents and purposes, it’s not a web based system at all. Now when you say multiple users, you have to clarify what kind of users and where they plan to be. If your users are on a local office network, then MS access can be used as a multi user system right out of a box with no additional coding and programming required. It is recommended however that you split your application into a front end part that’s deployed on each user’s computer. This Concept as outlined in the following article of mine.
Now, perhaps the users are going to be on notebooks and in different locations all over the country? In this type of case you are attempting to connect over a wide area network, or have users connect to the application over the Internet. This is a different problem. In this type of scenario, a good solution is to use something like SQL server for the backend, and you continue to deploy the Access front ends to each user’s computer. This application tends to be about the most cost affordable also. And using sql server + ms-access means you get to continue developing in Access for the most part like you always done. Another way to accomplish wide area use without resorting to sql server is to use something called terminal services. I outline these possibilities in the following article:
As mentioned, a few others here posted links to some of the new SharePoint features that you can consider using, but they not out untill later this year.
Multi-user Access apps are pretty easy to do for small workgroup user populations in the 15-25 ranger or smaller. Above that, a developer should consider upsizing to a server back end, with the trade-off being greater administrative overhead for the server vs. having to program the app more carefully if you retain the Jet/ACE back end.
As to online access, you this isn't possible over HTTP, but if you have a Windows Terminal Server available, you can host your app there and give users access to that. This is actually an extremely easy and efficient and inexpensive way to support remote users of an app, though the larger the user population, the more problematic it becomes. But by the time an Access app has a user population that would strain a Windows Terminal Server setup, you're no longer going to be using a Jet/ACE back end.
And with a server back end, you could give access to a SQL Server on a VPN over the Internet, and if you write your Access app really efficiently, even over a standard broadband connection, your users could still work productively.
Then there's the future of Access: in Access 2010, a great deal of work has been done to integrate with a host of new features in Sharepoint 2010. If you create your A2010 app using the new type of Access web forms and reports, your app can be uploaded to a Sharepoint server running the new Access Services, and it can then be used running in a web browser (not limited to IE and not dependent on any plugins or web controls, as was the case in the past with the completely worthless Access Data Access Pages). The data store can either be a SQL Server, or you could keep it Jet/ACE for users not accessing it via the web browser, and have the data stored in Sharepoint for the online users. Also, you can have an app integrated with Sharepoint running locally in Access that uses Sharepoint when connected to the Internet, and still be able to work offline when disconnected. When connected again, you synch your local changes with the Sharepoint server, resolve any differences and continue working.
The features are really quite remarkable, and according to what I've heard and seen, if the Access app is built entirely of web forms and reports, it will look and function identically when run in Access and when run in the web browser via Sharepoint. And if you need to have client-side features that you don't expose to the users running the app in the browser, you can still use traditional Access objects!
The Access development team's blog has a number of posts on what's coming in A2010, and there's a good video posted there demonstrating how A2010 integrates with Sharepoint 2010's new Access Services.
This constitutes a quantum leap in Access's web capabilities, which were previously almost non-existent, and I'm quite excited about this. I was formerly quite wary of the changes being made to Access that seemed entirely to make it a servant of Sharepoint, but now I can see that the benefit to Access users and Access developers will be huge.
One way i've heard of, is to import the access database into a SQL Server database.
(Almost any version will do.).
Then link to the SQL Server database with Access and let users use it as they did before.
Look at this link:
If you want an online solution i'd recommend going with a normal web application architecture. (Talking to a proper database.).
I have never needed to support it myself, but from what I heard so far, performance dramatically breaks down as soon as you need to support multiple users writing simultaneously. I think this is because Access uses simple file locking to implement isolation, and this just is not the right technique for a concurrent database system.
Hosted on-line? Do you mean on the network? Technically it will work on a network but there is a reason MS-Access in not in Visual Studio - it is not considered a development platform - it is a desktop application. When MS-Access first hit the scene many people built applications using it. The multiuser functionality just is not there. Upto four or five users is ok. But I would not go for more.

When should one use the following: Amazon EC2, Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure and

I am asking this in very general sense. Both from cloud provider and cloud consumer's perspective. Also the question is not for any specific kind of application (in fact the intention is to know which type of applications/domains can fit into which of the cloud slab -SaaS PaaS IaaS).
My understanding so far is:
IaaS: Raw Hardware (Processors, Networks, Storage).
PaaS: OS, System Softwares, Development Framework, Virtual Machines.
SaaS: Software Applications.
It would be great if Stackoverflower's can share their understanding and experiences of cloud computing concept.
EDIT: Ok, I will put it in more specific way -
Amazon EC2: You don't have control over hardware layer. But you can take your choice of OS image, Dev Framework (.NET, J2EE, LAMP) and Application and put it on EC2 hardware. Can you deploy an applications built with Google App Engine or Azure on EC2?
Google App Engine: You don't have control over hardware and OS and you get a specific Dev Framework to build your application. Can you take any existing Java or Python application and port it to GAE? Or vice versa, can applications that were built on GAE be taken out of GAE and ported to any Application Server like Websphere or Weblogic?
Azure: You don't have control over hardware and OS and you get a specific Dev Framework to build your application. Can you take any existing .NET application and port it to Azure? Or vice versa, can applications that were built on Azure be taken out of Azure and ported to any Application Server like Biztalk?
Good question! As you point out, the different offerings fit into different categories:
EC2 is Infrastructure as a Service; you get VM instances, and do with them as you wish. Rackspace Cloud Servers are more or less the same.
Azure, App Engine, and Salesforce are all Platform as a Service; they offer different levels of integration, though: Azure pretty much lets you run arbitrary background services, while App Engine is oriented around short lived request handler tasks (though it also supports a task queue and scheduled tasks). I'm not terribly familiar with Salesforce's offering, but my understanding is that it's similar to App Engine in some respects, though more specialized for its particular niche.
Cloud offerings that fall under Software as a Service are everything from infrastructure pieces like Amazon's Simple Storage Service and SimpleDB through to complete applications like Fog Creek's hosted FogBugz and, of course, StackExchange.
A good general rule is that the higher level the offering, the less work you'll have to do, but the more specific it is. If you want a bug tracker, using FogBugz is obviously going to be the least work; building one on top of App Engine or Azure is more work, but provides for more versatility, while building one on top of raw VMs like EC2 is even more work (quite a lot more, in fact), but provides for even more versatility. My general advice is to pick the highest level platform that still meets your requirements, and build from there.
This is an excellent question. Full disclosure as I am partial to Azure but have experience with the others.
Where I think Azure stands out from the others is the quick transition from on prem to the cloud. For example -
SQL Azure - change connection string, upload DB, go!
Queues work a lot like MSMQ.
Blobs are pretty much blobs any way you shake them but they scale like crazy.
The table storage component is good because it provides incredible scalability for name/value pairs - but takes some getting used to.
Service Bus is my favorite of the services because it allows for a variety of communications paradigms. Two SB endpoints first try to connect to each other, if they cannot, then they route through the cloud - makes for very secure and scalable processing when firewalls tend to get in the way.
Access control list - paired typically with the service bus to make sure the right people access the right things - think SAML in the cloud.
I hope that helps!
My cloud experience is currently limited to
For standard business operations and automation it provides a significant number of features that allow us to get apps up and running very quickly. We are particularly benefitting from the following:
Security (Administrators can control access to objects and fields)
Workflow & Approvals
Automatic UI generation
Built in reporting and dashboards
Entire system (including our custom changes) is accessible via web services
Ability to make the data in the system available through public sites (e.g. eCommerce)
Large library of third party apps to solve standard problems
The platform does NOT solve every problem.
I would not use the platform to model a nuclear power station or build the next twitter.
The major points of cloud computing is to save on costs by paying for usage and enable immediate deployment of computing resources.
The costs are not purely x amount of cents per instance per hour. The costs include maintenance, development, administration, etc. The huge benefit of cloud, in my mind is to liberate the customers from having to manage anything that is not within the realm of their core business competency. If I am an insurance business, I want my developers to concentrate on my insurance problems that help solve needs of my claims, rates, etc. I would rather avoid dealing with problems of email servers, file servers, document repositories, and administrating OS patches, service packs, etc.
Thus, in my opinion, the biggest benefits are derived from the SaaS and PaaS cloud offerings. One should go to IaaS only when PaaS or SaaS have serious restrictions to specific needs (i.e. I need to install a set of proprietary COM components and Azure does not support them).
SaaS is good for commodity type of applications that are not the core line of business for the client, but are more of a utility. These are your typical Messaging systems, Portals, Document Repositories, Email systems, CRMs, ERP's, Accounting, etc. etc. etc. Why reinvent the wheel by writing your own when you can customize a well supported third party product.
PaaS is great for core line of business software that supports companies' main business offering. Abstracts clients from having to deal with OS management and lets clients concentrate on the business system development - something that noone else can do for the client.
One can also take advantage of the benefits of PaaS (let's say, Google App Engine) and extend it, at times and if necessary, by pulling out some virtual machines from IaaS providers (e.g. Amazon) to do some number crunching then just send back the output to Google App Engine.
This way, you get the best of both worlds -- you can rapidly develop scalable apps in GAE, then you can always augment it by running any program you want from Amazon virtual machines.
This keeps changing, now Windows Azure also supports VM, so it is also an IaaS provider now.
Now how about Free Amazon EC2 for a year to do a better comparision. Check this out.
