Is it possible to display html formatted text in antd table? - reactjs

My backend service(elasticsearch percolator) annotates text with html tags to highlight matches.
I can't find a way to display such html data in antd Table.
I've tried Highlighter component, but it applies keywords to whole column, but I need to highlight different words in each row.
link to fiddle
const { Table } = antd
class TableColor extends React.Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
data: []
componentDidMount() {
data: [
{id:1, name: 'Lazy < bclass="myBackgroundColor">fox</b>', match: 'fox'},
{id:2, name: '<b class="myBackgroundColor">Dog</b> runs', match: 'Dog'},
{id:3, name: 'I saw <b class="myBackgroundColor">duck</b>', match: 'duck'}
render () {
const columns = [{
title: 'ID',
dataIndex: 'id',
}, {
title: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'name',
}, {
title: 'Match',
dataIndex: 'match',
return (
<div style={{padding: '20px'}}>
ReactDOM.render(<TableColor />, document.querySelector('#app'))

Since it looks like the name column already has highlighted html you could just add a render property to the name column definition that uses dangerouslySetInnerHtml to render the raw html.
...something like:
render: function(html) { return <div dangerouslySetInnerHtml({__html: html}) />
If you wanted to use react-highlight-words you could do the same thing with a render property but use the second argument passed to that function to get the .match property of the record and use that as the highlighted word.


Update state of a react component when language is changed

I have created a custom table component I forked from ant design. I reuse it in all my components, It takes an array of all columns and renders it. I pass columns as a prop called initialColumns.
My issue is whenever the user changes the language, the table contents is re rendering but not the columns which I passed, they don't get translated, How would I force a rerender when the language is changed.
custom table component
const TableComponent = (props) => {
const { initialColumns, dataSource, handleClick } = props
return ( <Table
pageSizeOptions: ['10', '20', '50'],
showSizeChanger: true,
Parent component, here I call my TableComponent as pass it columns
It looks something like this:
const columns = [
title: t.status,
dataIndex: 'status',
key: 'status',
sorter: (a, b) => a.status.localeCompare(b.status),
className: 'text-center',
checked: true,
here is how I get the translated files
const { messages: t } = useIntl()
and this is the render method:
So how would I update the initialColumns prop when the language is changed?

Using custom component in ag-grid cell render

I am trying to use a custom component in a cell in ag-grid, if i use a standard html component it works but not if i try to use a custom react component
Below code does not works
headerName: '', field: 'remarks', cellRendererFramework: (params) => {
return <div>
<SpinningWheel height={100}/>
But below code works fine
headerName: '', field: 'remarks', cellRendererFramework: (params) => {
return <div>
<button>push me</button>
Everything seems to be working fine for me. I have created a similar component wrapped inside a div in a plunker from one of their examples and it is working as expected. Look for the following in columnDefs in index.js file.
headerName: "Child/Parent",
field: "value",
cellRendererFramework: (params) => <div><SpinningWheel {...params} name="Spinning Wheel"/></div>,
colId: "params",
width: 180

React DataTable fails to change the font-size

I work on a React app and there is a component using DataTable (reference is here).
The default font-size looks too small so I want to change to make it look bigger.
I try to set the style to the table as the code below but it doesn't work.
Here is my code:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import DataTable from 'react-data-table-component';
export default class MyTable2 extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
const data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
data.push({ id: i, title: 'Conan the Barbarian' + i, summary: 'Orphaned boy Conan is enslaved after his village is destroyed...', year: '1982', expanderDisabled: true, image: 'http://conan.image.png' })
this.state = {
rs: data
render() {
const columns = [
name: 'Title',
selector: 'title',
sortable: true,
name: 'Year',
selector: 'year',
sortable: true
const handleChange = (state) => {
console.log('Selected Rows: ', state.selectedRows);
let styleobj = { "font-size": "25px" } //try to set the font-size here
return (
title="Arnold Movies"
selectableRows // add for checkbox selection
Is there anyone here can suggest me a solution?
Thank you in advanced.
Can you try this
// Override the row font size
const myNewTheme= {
rows: {
fontSize: '25px'
title="Arnold Movies"
selectableRows // add for checkbox selection
Theme reference
Source file
If you want to change an individual cell font size, you can do this
const columns = [
name: 'Title',
selector: 'title',
sortable: true,
cell: row => <div style={{fontSize: 25}}>{row.title}</div>
Hi #humanbean answer is correct, you can fix the inline stile or, if you want, you also can set the style directly in your app.css
Based on your custom classname (.dataTables_wrapper) I think that this css should work.
.dataTables_wrapper .rdt_TableCell{
this is the className used by react-data-table-component

React - Antd - Show/Hide Columns in table

I would like to resolve one problem.
How can I show/hide columns in table using Ant Design in React?
export const columns = () => [
key: "anyKeyOne",
title: "Title one",
dataSource: "AnyOne",
hide: true
key: "anyKeyTwo",
title: "TitleTwo",
dataSource: "AnyTwo",
hide: false
hideColumns = () => {
render() {
return (
Thank you for answers.
You can set a boolean state property like hideColumn
columns={this.state.hideColumn? this.state.columns: this.state.columns}
Use this function to build your visible column array. It uses dataIndex to compare the column name needed to be shown.
Form the arrayOfColumnNeeded by pushing values from a checkbox group maybe.
let columnsDisplayed = _.remove(columns, function(n) {
return arrayOfColumnsNeeded.includes(n.dataIndex);
You can add a className field in the object and add a css property 'display: none' to that class
key: "anyKeyOne",
title: "Title one",
dataSource: "AnyOne",
className: "hide"

How to pass a function prop to be used within react-table's columns

I am trying to pass a function to be used within ReactTable. Note that I'm referring specifically to
This is what I've attempted.
I defined MyFunctionCallback() in the parent of MyWrapper, and pass it through to ReactTable, for example:
MyFunctionCallback = this.props.MyFunctionCallback
data = etc
columns = etc...
and use it like this...
class MyWrapper extends Component{
render() {
var rowsArray = this.props.MyDataArray
var colsDef = [
Header: "First name",
accessor: "fname"
Header: "Last name",
accessor: "lname"
Header: "Select",
Cell: ({row}) => (<a href='#' onClick={(row) => this.props.MyFunctionCallback('abc', row._original.ID)}> View
return (
MyFunctionCallback = this.props.MyFunctionCallback
data ={rowsArray}
columns ={colsDef}
); //end-return
} //end-render
export default MyWrapper;
Almost works.. except this is not the correct way of doing it, otherwise i would not be asking the question.
How to do it? (please keep it simple, don't need any fancy HOC :-)
onClick={(row) => etc... should read onClick={() => etc...
use accessor: 'ID' so that you don't have to use row._original.ID, simply do row.ID
so corrected section should be:
Header: "Select",
accessor: "ID",
Cell: ({row}) => (
<a href='#' onClick={() => this.props.MyFunctionCallback('abc', row.ID)}>
Everything looks fine in your code except
MyFunctionCallback = this.props.MyFunctionCallback //this is not required
data ={rowsArray}
columns ={colsDef}
data ={rowsArray}
columns ={colsDef}
