how can I send emails from react using sendinblue? - reactjs

I am working in React applications (using the .net core in the back-end)
I have to send emails from the client side , we have to use sendinblue instead of mailgun , I need your help

You should not send emails from the client side.
Consider that in doing so, you're going to expose your API Key to any client, leading to a severe vulnerability for your application (anyone could impersonate you and send emails as if they were you).
In order to really make that work, you should perform an AJAX request to your server and there, connect to the Sendinblue API and make the request to send the email. In this case, the API Key could be safely stored in your server.


Client Side Rendering and API Security [duplicate]

I'm developing the restful web app that using some popular web framework on the backend, say (rails, sinatra, flask, express.js). Ideally, I want to develop client side with Backbone.js. How do I let only my javascript client side interact with those API calls? I don't want those API calls to be public and be called by curl or simply by entering the link on browser.
As a first principle, if your API is consumed by your JS client, you have to assume, that it is public: A simple JS debugger puts an attacker into a position, where he can send a byte-for-byte identical request from a tool of his choice.
That said, if I read your question correctly, this is not, what you want to avoid: What you really don't want to happen is, that your API is consumed (on a regular basis) without your JS client being involved. Here are some ideas on how to if not enforce, then at least encourage using your client:
I am sure, your API has some sort of authentication field (e.g. Hash computed on the client). If not, take a look at This SO question. Make sure you use a salt (or even API key) that is given to your JS client on a session basis (a.o.t. hardcoded). This way, an unauthorized consumer of your API is forced into much more work.
On loading the JS client, remember some HTTP headers (user agent comes to mind) and the IP address and ask for reauthentication if they change, employing blacklists for the usual suspects. This forces an attacker to do his homework more thoroughly again.
On the server side, remember the last few API calls, and before allowing another one, check if business logic allows for the new one right now: This denies an attacker the ability to concentrate many of his sessions into one session with your server: In combination with the other measures, this will make an abuser easy detectable.
I might not have said that with the necessary clarity: I consider it impossible to make it completely impossible for an abuser to consume your service, but you can make it so hard, it might not be worth the hassle.
You should implement some sort of authentication system. One good way to handle this is to define some expected header variables. For example, you can have an auth/login API call that returns a session token. Subsequent calls to your API will expect a session token to be set in an HTTP header variable with a specific name like 'your-api-token'.
Alternatively many systems create access tokens or keys that are expected (like youtube, facebook or twitter) using some sort of api account system. In those cases, your client would have to store these in some manner in the client.
Then it's simply a matter of adding a check for the session into your REST framework and throwing an exception. If at all possible the status code (to be restful) would be a 401 error.
There's an open standard now called "JSON Web Token",
see &
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a JSON-based open standard (RFC 7519) for
creating tokens that assert some number of claims. For example, a
server could generate a token that has the claim "logged in as admin"
and provide that to a client. The client could then use that token to
prove that they are logged in as admin. The tokens are signed by the
server's key, so the server is able to verify that the token is
legitimate. The tokens are designed to be compact, URL-safe and usable
especially in web browser single sign-on (SSO) context. JWT claims can
be typically used to pass identity of authenticated users between an
identity provider and a service provider, or any other type of claims
as required by business processes.[1][2] The tokens can also be
authenticated and encrypted.[3][4]
Set a SESSION var on the server when the client first loads your index.html (or backbone.js etc.)
Check this var on the server-side on every API call.
P.S. this is not a "security" solution!!! This is just to ease the load on your server so people don't abuse it or "hotlink" your API from other websites and apps.
Excuse me #MarkAmery and Eugene, but that is incorrect.
Your js+html (client) app running in the browser CAN be set up to exclude unauthorized direct calls to the API as follows:
First step: Set up the API to require authentication. The client must first authenticate itself via the server (or some other security server) for example asking the human user to provide the correct password.
Before authentication the calls to the API are not accepted.
During authentication a "token" is returned.
After authentication only API calls with the authentication "token" will be accepted.
Of course at this stage only authorized users who have the password can access the API, although if they are programmers debugging the app, they can access it directly for testing purposes.
Second step: Now set up an extra security API, that is to be called within a short limit of time after the client js+html app was initially requested from the server. This "callback" will tell the server that the client was downloaded successfully. Restrict your REST API calls to work only if the client was requested recently and successfully.
Now in order to use your API they must first download the client and actually run it in a browser. Only after successfully receiving the callback, and then user entry within a short frame of time, will the API accept calls.
So you do not have to worry that this may be an unauthorized user without credentials.
(The title of the question, 'How do I secure REST API calls', and from most of what you say, that is your major concern, and not the literal question of HOW your API is called, but rather BY WHOM, correct?)
Here's what I do:
Secure the API with an HTTP Header with calls such as X-APITOKEN:
Use session variables in PHP. Have a login system in place and save the user token in session variables.
Call JS code with Ajax to PHP and use the session variable with curl to call the API. That way, if the session variable is not set, it won't call and the PHP code contains the Access Token to the API.

Restrict Api Access

I make a web site with next.js and it retrieve it's data from a parse server, the problem is that i want to restrict my parse server api to be accessed only by my website i thought if i can generate a secret key or a token the moment the client hits the web page and send it to the parse server (the web site and parse server live in different places) and pass it to the website so the parse server on every request check for this key and it's validity and decide whether it accept the client or not, i want to know if this is a good idea or if there is a better way to do this.
my question is how to secure my api and be accessed only by my website,
i find something on restricting domain by allowing only your domain to access your api but the javascript execute in the client and there is no fixed domain.
so i thought if i generate a token and pass it to the client and send it to the parse server.
The client connect to the parse server with this token and if the token is valid that's ok the parse server accept it and give it data else it reject the client, and the client can't generate a token wile it is generated in the server side of the website(my next.js website with custom routes so there is a express server and it is possible to do some work before sending the page to the client).
finally please tell me if this method is good and if it is not what is the best way to secure an api like this.

Difference between API calls from frontEnd and Api calls from Backend to any external Backend server Code

since i was struggling in making API calls to apache server from my angular app running in node-express,
So i was unable to call apache server with POST calls inspite of setting the CORS filter in most of the ways available,
So someone suggested rather of making calls from AngularJs(Frontend) , make it from NodeJs(Backend-server) which serves your angulas(frontEnd) code.
So kindly assisst me in this as to what exactly is the difference between making API call's from frontEnd to any server or from the backend(server) of the same frontEnd ??
What factors makes it more preferable over the other one ?
Is it proxy or CORS thing which effects FrontEnd based API calls ?
Thanking all in advance
Shohil Sethia
CORS is a policy that is voluntarily enforced by the browser (chrome, firefox, etc.). The decision to allow or deny a request is based on the presence of a certain header (Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *) in a response from the server. There is no equivalent policy in a server side setting, so you are free to make cross-origin requests all day.
[CORS] prevents JavaScript from making requests across domain boundaries
This is why I usually build a small server api in Node to grab data from external 3rd party servers.
When the user makes a request on the front end the request is sent to the backend function with optional parameters which the end-user specified.
Depending on the parameters supplied, different functions might be run before the backend queries the third party API.
3rd party API response is returned to the backend.
Backend either passes the response along or does more stuff before passing the response along.
Then the frontend does stuff with the data based on the response received (ie there were less than 5 results so adding pagination is not necessary).
If developed this way you gain access to the following which all benefit your application/website.
Keep any necessary credentials on the server. ( extremely important )
Obtain logs.
Validate on both the server side and the client side for an added layer of security.
Use the server to filter sensitive results if necessary before they reach the frontend.
Vary which parts of the heavy lifting are done on the server vs the device in order to improve the application performance.

How to hide data received via HTTP requests?

I am currently designing a web application using AngularJS. In this I am fetching and posting data via Rest API(s) with different methods. The data I retrieving is fetched in the form of JSON.
Issue here is, while I am using https, the data sent and received via HTTP requests can still be seen in proxy tool or traffic monitors. All the JSON can be easily read from this.
Each of my request has a token attached in it's header which takes care of authentication. However, once authorized, there is some part I don't want to be displayed in/ caught in such monitoring tools.
This data is stored in an encrypted way in database and all, however while coming via HTTP request, it is first decrypted and then sent. How can I hide/protect this data?
You can't.
If you give it to the client, then the client has to be able to see it.
If the user has configured their browser to proxy requests, then the proxy is the client.
Once the data leaves your server in an HTTP response then anyone/anything thing the user of the client wants to trust with that data can access it. You don't have control at that point.
proxy tool or traffic monitors will see https data only if the client has accepted the man-in-the-middle (MITM) by installing the ssl certificate used by the MITM:
To see the content (other than the host name) of an https connection, someone who is neither the client or the server must do a MITM.
If someone do a MITM with a certificate not trusted by the client, the client will reject the connection.
WARNING: If the server do NOT use HSTS, the person doing the MITM can do an SSLSTRIP attack if the first connection is http. In that case, the MITM do not need a trusted certificate because the connection will stay in plain text (http)

How to secure client data in Angular JS?

I have developed a single page AngularJS application. For data retrieval/storage, it communicates with REST APIs over https. As per client requirement, i need to implement Client Authentication. i.e., As the application is based on REST APIs, how can we ensure that the request made to API is from a valid client and not from fiddler or a tempered client.
the current approach is:
1> configure a client secret and a key in the angular app.
2> authenticate the client by requesting a token from server using this client secret and key.
3> server checks this secret and key, if validates, responds with a newly generated token.
4> all further requests from angularjs app would carry this token in header, to ensure that the request is from a valid client.
But it is not good enough, as attacker can easily capture the requests using fiddler and also can easily read the client secret and key. or can debug using firebug.
Is there any secure way to authenticate the client app?
No security possible in the case if your REST API call is been shield by any User Authentication. I mean if User need to put Username/Password then they are able to call those API then you can implement some security.
But if your requirement like follows :
Any GUEST user with any browser open your application pages, which intern call your REST API.
Then there is no security. Since any attacker can intercept your Request/Response and call it further.
Note : From security prepective, Whatever a Browser can do, any good attacker can do the same.
But if you shield REST CALL Pages with username/password validation, then you can restrict the calls from server side with proper session validation.
JSON Web Tokens (JWT - pronounced jot) might be what you're looking for. Auth0 has a swell blog post that specifically addresses AngularJS + JWT.
You cannot trust the client to validate anything. If the user is using Firebug or Fiddler to "trick" your application then all you can do is verify the information server side to ensure it is valid.
You can trust the client to keep the user's session safe (to some extent), but if you can't trust the user then you can't trust anything the client sends to you.
If you need to ensure the integrity of a piece of data that is held client side you can use a MAC (Message Authentication Code) which is effectively a hash of the message appended to a server-side secret key that can be later verified. Sometimes this is (incorrectly) called signing. JWTs are the current standard to accomplish this.
It depends at the end of the day what threat you are trying to keep your application safe against - if it is a game with high scores that runs on the client, there's not much you can do to prevent the user from altering their score before it is sent to the server. If you need to trust such data, run it server side.
