Prevent click on other item than the swiped item - angularjs

How to prevent click on other item when there was already an item swiped open or was going to close.
Every item in the list has detail page (upon tap/click) and swipe-able.
Actual behavior
Swipe on the item (Burt Bear) to reveal the option.
Tap/click on the swiped item (Burt Bear) area (not the Delete) to remove option, works fine.
Actual usage
Swipe on the item (Burt Bear) to reveal the option.
Click on the item OTHER THAN the swiped item (Charlie Cheetah) and expect to remove option. BOOM! The detail page for the clicked item (Charlie Cheetah) was shown instead.
The actual usage was based on iPhone Whatsapp app. When u swiped a chat, then u tap on other chat, it will close the options and WILL NOT open the chat you just tapped.


In React how to update page after deleting an item from favourite

I'm facing a problem I don't know how to resolve.
I created a favourite tab containing all the characters the user saved.
In the favourite page it displays the tab.
The user can remove an item from his favourite by clicking on the top icon heart.
It works perfectly, the item is instantly removed but if I'm on the second page, and remove all the items from the page, I get a blank screen even if the pagination updates accordly (from 2 pages to 1).
I have to refresh manually the page so that it show the remaining items.
How can I force to refresh the page automatically ?
You can see on the image that when the item is deleted, the page 2 is deleted but I'm still on the deleted page (the 1 on pagination is not bold).

tealium button click track

I have an application page , where clicking on button "find product" , goes to search products page with a list of products mapped search criteria selected on previous page.
page 1. search criteria, "find product" button
page 2. products list matching search criteria
I would like to track "find product" click event. As soon as find product button clicked, user will be navigated to page 2.
Not sure, if a page load is occurring on a button click, will I be able to capture and track button click event ?
I am thinking to use "" implementation for this.
May be I am wrong, any suggestions helpful.
You could add the event on the mousedown interaction to give you a few milliseconds head start on the tracking.

Click button until button disappears from webPage

I have web page in which it displays only 10 items if there are more then 10 items on the page then show more button displays, so need to click on show more button to see more then 10 items.
Problem is when I click on show more button it will display 10 more item and then again i have to click show more button to see next 10 more item and once all items are displayed on the page then show more button disappears from page.
Here I want to click show more button until all the items are displayed
How to achieve this using Selenium + Web driver?
Until "show more" button present keep clicking on that link in loop.
while(isElementPresent(By.linkText("Show more"))) {
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Show more")).click();
Check here for isElemenetPresent() methods implimentation.
P.S : For safety break the loop after reaching some max limit.

Sencha Touch - Nested List - Refreshing a list item. (Using getItemTextTpl to se Template )

I have a nested list with a template by using getItemTextTpl. Template is simple it checks for a flag and if true it shows a button on a list item. If false show no button.
When on the list item I press the button (It's a delete button) I want to refresh that list item to not show the button. To make the button change I have to navigate up two levels and back down for it to update the list item.
My problem is getting the list item to refresh/Update. Can force the template to check the list item again etc? I can get the button to fire the event.
for the display layer:
why not just use css to apply/change the class of the delete button to hide it? then you don't have to refesh anything.
then you can programically set the value in your code, or send to the server to make sure the status is set when the view reloads at another point.

Keep menu open after selecting a item

I need my menu (opened by a menubutton) to stay open after you select an item from the menu. So that you can select more then one items before it closes (by clicking outside of the list)
I couldn't find anything in the api, so i hope you guys know the trick
Another solution would be if you hover over the button, then the menu opens. When you leave the menu with your mouse, the menu would close.
Cross post from the mailing List:;cid=1345706918184-716
Answer from the list:
In order to keep the menu open after clicks, you need to provide your
own implementation of menu.Button. You can subclass,
and then need to overwrite the _onClick method so it doens't call (Have a look on source code).
Then, onMouseout of the entire menu, call
