Storing & recovering 2-dimensional Array in a Class - arrays

I just recently moved from VB6 to VB.NET and I'm recoding an old app. So I'm pretty unexperienced with .NET so far.
I have multiple (lets say 4 in this code example) twodimensional string arrays (or actually an array of arrays) which I want to store as a ComboBox items ie. one twodimensional array is one item.
Public Class MyItem
Private sName As String
Private sArr As Array()
Public Sub New(ByVal Name As String, ParamArray Arr As Array())
sName = Name
sArr = Arr
End Sub
Public Property Arr() As Array()
Return sArr
End Get
Set(ByVal sValue As Array())
sArr = sValue
End Set
End Property
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return sName
End Function
End Class
Dim sMyArray as Array()
For i As Integer = 0 to 3
sMyArray = Nothing ' resetting the array before refilling it
' No code here but filling sMyArray by reading a text file, each line
' number as dim 1 and splitted each line into dim 2 with ";" using Split(sRead, ";")
' so Debub.Print(sMyArray(0)(0)) prints the beginning of the first line until first ";" <- this works fine
' Then passing sMyArray to a ComboBox item
ComboBox.Items.Add(New MyItem("item" & i, sMyArray))
Next i
The problem is that when recovering the arrays from ComboCox items only the last ComboBox item has array data. So for example
Dim sMyNewArray As Array() = ComboBox.Items.Item(0).Arr
throws an error while
Dim sMyNewArray As Array() = ComboBox.Items.Item(3).Arr
does not and prints the last item's last row's ubound
Can anyone figure out what is it I'm missing or tell me a better way to do this? I'm pretty sure there is one..

I'm not 100% sure, but I think the problem is in this section:
Dim sMyArray as Array()
For i As Integer = 0 to 3
sMyArray = Nothing ' resetting the array before refilling it
Arrays are technically reference types, but like strings, there's some extra compiler magic to make them feel at times more like value types, and I have a sense in this case the actual sMyArray reference was used (perhaps because of a ParamArrays optimzation), such that setting it to Nothing broke things. The more idiomatic way to write this code for .Net it like this:
For i As Integer = 0 to 3
Dim sMyArray as Array()
.Net has a much more sophisticated garbage collector than was available for VB6. We don't often set variables to Nothing any more, but instead just re-assign them or let them fall out of scope. In fact, setting a variable to Nothing can in rare cases be actively harmful. Moreover, we want to see the Dim keyword inside the loop, so you're working with a different variable on each iteration, with the smallest possible scope.
While I'm here, in .Net we pretty much never use the base Array type. Instead of this:
Private sArr As Array()
You pretty much always do this:
Private arr As String()()
or this, for true two-dimensional (non-jagged) arrays:
Private arr As String(,)
or, best of all, this:
Private arr As New List(Of String())
Since VB.Net has more collection types than just array.
Also, I don't have the link handy, but Microsoft's coding guidelines now explicitly ask you not to use hungarian warts for variable and class names (so sArr can just be arr). This is a change from the VB6 era because of changes to the language where the type is more likely to be implicit with the variable and improvements to the tooling, where the prefixes usually no longer add much utility and have been shown to hurt readability.

Not really sure why you have a 2 dimensional array, but here is a small sample NOT using the Array type. It uses just plain strings and string arrays. Let me know if this helps. This splits a few strings, then reads out the results after populating.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sMyArray()() As String
Dim line1 As String = "a;b;c;d 1;2;3;4;5"
Dim line2 As String = "z;x;y;w 99;65;32;21;18"
sMyArray = ParseString(line1)
cboBox1.Items.Add(New MyItem("System0", sMyArray))
sMyArray = ParseString(line2)
cboBox1.Items.Add(New MyItem("System1", sMyArray))
For i As Integer = 0 To cboBox1.Items.Count - 1
For j As Integer = 0 To UBound(cboBox1.Items(i).arr)
For k As Integer = 0 To UBound(cboBox1.Items(i).arr(j))
Debug.Write(cboBox1.Items(i).arr(j)(k) & " ")
End Sub
Private Function ParseString(s As String) As String()()
Dim rows As String() = s.Split(" ")
Dim matrix As String()() = New String(rows.Length - 1)() {}
For i As Integer = 0 To rows.Length - 1
matrix(i) = rows(i).Split(";")
Return matrix
End Function
End Class
Public Class MyItem
Private sName As String
Private sArr As String()()
Public Sub New(ByVal Name As String, ByVal ParamArray Arr As String()())
sName = Name
sArr = Arr
End Sub
Public Property Arr() As String()()
Return sArr
End Get
Set(ByVal sValue As String()())
sArr = sValue
End Set
End Property
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return sName
End Function
End Class


Populating two one-dimensional arrays with text file

For my Visual Basic final, my program is required to read data from a text file into two different arrays, each being one-dimensional. The following is my code for doing so:
Option Explicit On
Option Infer Off
Option Strict On
Public Class frmMain
'Constant for filename and a dirty flag variable
Const INVENTORY_FILENAME As String = "inventory.txt"
Dim noFile As Boolean = False
Private Sub frmMain_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Populates DVD listbox with text file data upon load
'Variable for reading the file
Dim myFile As IO.StreamReader
'Declaring arrays for DVD names and prices
Dim arrayDVD() As String
Dim arrayPrice() As Double
'Variables for populating arrays with respective data
Dim dvdName As String
Dim dvdPrice As Double
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Checking that file exists then reading data to each array
'Read data to arrays
Do Until myFile.Peek = -1
dvdName = myFile.ReadLine()
dvdPrice = Double.Parse(myFile.ReadLine())
arrayDVD = dvdName
arrayPrice = dvdPrice
'Using arrays to populate multicolumn listbox
lstDVD.Items.Add(arrayDVD(i) & arrayPrice(i))
i += 1
'Closing the file
End If
End Sub
End Class
The text file alternates names and prices of DVDs to be read as individual lines, making the arrays parallel:
Pulp Fiction
And so on...
I'm receiving a value type error code stating that I cannot convert 'String' to 'String()' or convert 'Double' to 'Double()' when setting the arrays' values equal to their respective variables. Is there a way to correct this? Thanks in advance!
These lines are wrong:
arrayDVD = dvdName
arrayPrice = dvdPrice
arrayDVD and arrayPrice are arrays. You need to assign to a specific element in each of those arrays:
arrayDVD(i) = dvdName
arrayPrice(i) = dvdPrice
Don't forget to make sure the arrays actually have enough elements for this.
Hint: ReDim Preserve is pretty much the least efficient way possible to make sure an array is big enough. Each use will allocate a brand new array, copy the elements one at a time, assign the new array to the old reference, and then release the old array. It does not preserve in-place. Nevertheless, if this is a 100-level course it might be what you are expected to do at this point.
Finally, you should never use Double when working with money (use Decimal instead).
Separate from the question, here is how I might approach this without the weird array limitation:
Private Iterator Function ReadInventoryFile(filePath As String) As IEnumerable(Of (String, Decimal))
Using rdr As New StreamReader(filePath)
Dim DVDName As String = Nothing
While (DVDName = rdr.ReadLine()) IsNot Nothing
Yield (DVDName, Decimal.Parse(rdr.ReadLine()))
End While
End Using
End Function
Const INVENTORY_FILENAME As String = "inventory.txt"
Private data As List(Of (String, Decimal))
Private Sub frmMain_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Try 'Replaces the File.Exists() check
data = ReadInventoryFile(INVENTORY_FILENAME).ToList()
For Each item As (String, Decimal) In data
' Actually do something here. Empty catch blocks are rarely correct.
' Note I catch at this level, rather than in the ReadFile() method.
End Try
End Sub

Visual Basic code works but is inelegant - any suggestions?

I am trying to stay ahead of my Year 12 Software class. Starting to work with records and arrays. I have answered the question, but the solution feels very clunky. I am hoping someone has suggestions/links for completing this task in a more efficient way.
The task: read in lines from a text file and into a structure, and then loop through that, populating four list boxes if an animal hasn't been vaccinated.
Here's the code:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
'Set up the variables - customer record, total pets not vaccinated, total records in the file, and a streamreader for the file.
Structure PetsRecord
Dim custName As String
Dim address As String
Dim petType As String
Dim vacced As String
End Structure
Dim totNotVac As Integer
Dim totalRecCount As Integer
Dim PetFile As IO.StreamReader
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub btnLoad_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnLoad.Click
'set an array of records to store each record as it comes in. Limitation: you need to know how many records in the file. Set the array at 15 to allow for adding more in later.
Dim PetArray(15) As PetsRecord
'variables that let me read in a line and split it into sections.
Dim lineoftext As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim arytextfile() As String
'tell them what text file to read
PetFile = New IO.StreamReader("patients.txt")
totNotVac = 0
totalRecCount = 0
' read each line in and split the lines into fields for the records. Then assign the fields from the array. Finally, reset the array and loop.
Do Until PetFile.Peek = -1
'read in a line of text
lineoftext = PetFile.ReadLine()
'split that line into bits separated by commas. these will go into the array.
arytextfile = lineoftext.Split(",")
'dunno whether this is the best way to do it, but stick the array bits into the record, and then clear the array to start again.
PetArray(totalRecCount).custName = arytextfile(0)
PetArray(totalRecCount).address = arytextfile(1)
PetArray(totalRecCount).petType = arytextfile(2)
PetArray(totalRecCount).vacced = arytextfile(3)
totalRecCount += 1
Array.Clear(arytextfile, 0, arytextfile.Length)
For i = 0 To PetArray.GetUpperBound(0)
If PetArray(i).vacced = "No" Then
totNotVac += 1
lblVacTotal.Text = "The total number of unvaccinated animals is " & CStr(totNotVac)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Something went wrong with the file")
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub btnExit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
End Sub
End Class
And one line from the patient.txt file:
Richard Gere,16 Sunset Blvd,Gerbil,No
I hope this isn't out of place.
If you want to use Streams be aware that they need to be disposed.
File.ReadAllLines returns an array of lines. Since the array is initialized where it is declared we don't need to specify a size.
If you use List(Of T) you do not have to know in advance the number of elements in the list. Avoids the limitation of array.
Using a For Each avoids having to use the size. The small c following "," tells the compiler that this is a Char which is what .Split is expecting. If you had Option Strict On, which you always should, you would have seen an error. You add items to the list by creating a New PetsRecord. The parametrized Sub New receives the values and sets the properties.
Don't change the display in the label on each iteration. Use an interpolated string (preceded by a $) which allows embedded variables surrounded by braces { }. It is not necessary to change the number to a string as it is implied by the interpolator. (Available in VS2015 and later)
Public Structure PetsRecord
Public Property custName As String
Public Property address As String
Public Property petType As String
Public Property vacced As String
Public Sub New(name As String, add As String, pType As String, vac As String)
custName = name
address = add
petType = pType
vacced = vac
End Sub
End Structure
Private Sub btnLoad_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnLoad.Click
Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines("patients.txt")
Dim lstPet As New List(Of PetsRecord)
For Each line In lines
Dim splits = line.Split(","c)
lstPet.Add(New PetsRecord(splits(0), splits(1), splits(2), splits(3)))
Dim totNotVac As Integer
For Each pet In lstPet
If pet.vacced = "No" Then
totNotVac += 1
End If
lblVacTotal.Text = $"The total number of unvaccinated animals is {totNotVac}"
End Sub
If you don't need the 'PetsRecord' array to store data, take a look at the following code:
Dim totNotVac As Integer
Private Sub btnLoad_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnLoad.Click
File.ReadAllLines("your text file path").ToList().ForEach(Sub(x)
totNotVac += 1
End Sub)
lblVacTotal.Text = "The total number of unvaccinated animals is " & CStr(totNotVac)
End Sub

Adding Item to Array (VB 2008)

The objective of the program is to interpret hockey statistics from a file using StreamReader and then display an added column of points. The following code kinda does so, however it’s ineffective in the sense that it doesn’t add the points value to the array - it separately outputs it. Looking for assistance as to how it would be possible to incorporate the points value into aryTextFile();
Dim hockeyFile, LineOfText, aryTextFile() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim nameText(), NumberText(), goalsText(), assistsText(), GamesWonText() As String
Dim IntAssists(), IntGoals(), PointsText() As Single
hockeyFile = "C:\Users\Bob\Downloads\hockey.txt" 'state location of file
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(hockeyFile) 'objReader can read hockeyFile
For i = 0 To objReader.Peek() <> -1 'reads each line seperately, ends when there is no more data to read
LineOfText = objReader.ReadLine 'stores seperate lines of data in HockeyFile into LineofText
aryTextFile = LineOfText.Split(",") 'takes lines and converts data into array
Name = aryTextFile(0) 'first piece of data in lines of text is the name
nameText(i) = aryTextFile(0)
If nameText(0) = "Name" Then
TextBox1.Text = LineOfText & ", Points." & vbCrLf 'displays first line fo text and adds "Points" label
End If
If Name <> "Name" Then 'when second line starts, then begin to intepret data
NumberText(i) = aryTextFile(1)
assistsText(i) = aryTextFile(2) 'assists are in third value of array
goalsText(i) = aryTextFile(3) 'goals are in fourth value of array
GamesWonText(i) = aryTextFile(4)
IntAssists(i) = Val(assistsText(i)) 'since our assists value is a string by default, it must be converted to a integer
IntGoals(i) = Val(goalsText(i)) 'since our goals value is a string by default, it must be converted to a integer
PointsText(i) = (IntGoals(i) * 2) + (IntAssists(i)) 'goals are two points, assists are one point
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & NumberText(i) & assistsText(i) & goalsText(i) & GamesWonText(i) & PointsText(i) & vbCrLf 'Displays points as last value in each line
End If
Next i
This should get you pretty close:
It'll need extra validation. It doesn't take into account whatever value you have between the name and the goals.
Private Sub ProcessHockeyStats()
Dim inputFile As String = "c:\temp\hockey.txt"
Dim outputFile As String = "c:\temp\output.txt"
If Not File.Exists(inputFile) Then
MessageBox.Show("Missing input file")
End If
If File.Exists(outputFile) Then
End If
Dim lines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(inputFile)
Dim output As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)
Dim firstLine As Boolean = True
For Each line As String In lines
Dim values() As String = line.Split(","c)
Dim points As Integer
If firstLine Then
output.Add("Name, Assists, Goals, Points")
firstLine = False
'needs validation for values
points = CInt(values(1) * 2) + CInt(values(2))
output.Add(String.Concat(line, ",", points))
End If
File.WriteAllLines("c:\temp\outfile.txt", output)
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(String.Concat("Error occurred: ", ex.Message))
End Try
End Sub
VS2008 is ancient, especially when later versions of Visual Studio are free. I felt like showing an implementation using more-recent code. Like others, I strongly support building a class for this. The difference is my class is a little smarter, using the Factory pattern for creating instances and a Property to compute Points as needed:
Public Class HockeyPlayer
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Number As String
Public Property Assists As Integer
Public Property Goals As Integer
Public Property Wins As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property Points As Integer
Return (Goals * 2) + Assists
End Get
End Property
Public Shared Function FromCSVLine(line As String) As HockeyPlayer
Dim parts() As String = line.Split(",")
Return New HockeyPlayer With {
.Name = parts(0),
.Number = parts(1),
.Assists = CInt(parts(2)),
.Goals = CInt(parts(3)),
.Wins = CInt(parts(4))
End Function
End Class
Dim hockeyFile As String = "C:\Users\Bob\Downloads\hockey.txt"
Dim players = File.ReadLines(hockeyFile).Skip(1).
Select(Function(line) HockeyPlayer.FromCSVLine(line)).
ToList() 'ToList() is optional, but I included it since you asked about an array
Dim result As New StringBuilder("Name, Number, Assists, Goals, Wins, Points")
For Each player In players
result.AppendLine($"{player.Name}, {player.Number}, {player.Assists}, {player.Goals}, {player.Wins}, {player.Points}")
Next player
TextBox1.Text = result.ToString()
I was gonna give you VS 2008 version afterward, but looking at this, the only thing here you couldn't do already even by VS 2010 was string interpolation... you really should upgrade.
Parallel arrays are really not the way to handle this. Create a class or structure to organize the data. Then create a list of the class. The list can be set as the DataSource of a DataGridView which will display your data in nice columns with headings matching the names of your properties in the Hockey class. You can easily order your data in the HockeyList by any of the properties of Hockey.
Public Class Hockey
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Number As String
Public Property Goals As Integer
Public Property Assists As Integer
Public Property Points As Integer
Public Property GamesWon As Integer
End Class
Private HockeyList As New List(Of Hockey)
Private Sub FillListAndDisplay()
Dim path = "C:\Users\Bob\Downloads\hockey.txt"
Dim Lines() = File.ReadAllLines(path)
For Each line As String In Lines
Dim arr() = line.Split(","c)
Dim h As New Hockey()
h.Name = arr(0)
h.Number = arr(1)
h.Assists = CInt(arr(2).Trim)
h.Goals = CInt(arr(3).Trim)
h.GamesWon = CInt(arr(4).Trim)
h.Points = h.Goals * 2 + h.Assists
Dim orderedList = (From scorer In HockeyList Order By scorer.Points Ascending Select scorer).ToList
DataGridView1.DataSource = orderedList
End Sub

VBA Arrays - test for empty, create new, return element

Please would someone who understands VBA Arrays (Access 2003) help me with the following code.
The idea is that ClassA holds a dynamic array of ClassB instances. The dynamic array starts empty. As callers call ClassA.NewB() then a new instance of ClassB is created, added to the array, and returned to the caller.
The problem is that I can't return the new instance of ClassB to the caller, but get "Runtime error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set"
Also, a little WTF occurs where UBound() fails but wrapping the exact same call in another function works!?!? (Hence MyUbound() )
I'm from a C++ background and this VBA stuff is all a bit strange to me!
Thanks for any help!
Main code:
Dim a As clsClassA
Dim b As clsClassB
Set a = New clsClassA
Set b = a.NewB(0)
Option Compare Database
Private a() As clsClassB
Public Sub Init()
Erase a
End Sub
Public Function NewB(i As Integer) As Variant
'If (UBound(a, 1) < i) Then ' FAILS: Runtime error 9: Subscript out of range
If (MyUBound(a) < i) Then ' WORKS: Returns -1
ReDim Preserve a(0 To i)
End If
NewB = a(i) ' FAILS: Runtime error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set
End Function
Private Function MyUBound(a As Variant) As Long
MyUBound = UBound(a, 1)
End Function
Option Compare Database
' This is just a stub class for demonstration purposes
Public data As Integer
Your approach stores a collection of ClassB instances in an array. For each instance you add, you must first ReDim the array. ReDim is an expensive operation, and will become even more expensive as the number of array members grows. That wouldn't be much of an issue if the array only ever held a single ClassB instance. OTOH, if you don't intend more than one ClassB instance, what is the point of storing it in an array?
It makes more sense to me to store the collection of instances in a VBA Collection. Collections are fast for this, and aren't subject to the dramatic slow downs you will encounter with an array as the number of items grows.
Here is a Collection approach for clsClassA.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private mcolA As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mcolA = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set mcolA = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function NewB(ByVal i As Integer) As Object
Dim objB As clsClassB
If i > mcolA.Count Then
Set objB = New clsClassB
mcolA.Add objB
Set objB = Nothing
End If
Set NewB = objB
Set objB = Nothing
End Function
The only change I made to clsClassB was to add Option Explicit.
This procedure uses the class.
Public Sub test_ClassA_NewB()
Dim a As clsClassA
Dim b As clsClassB
Set a = New clsClassA
Set b = a.NewB(1) '' Collections are one-based instead of zero-based
Debug.Print TypeName(b) ' prints clsClassB
Debug.Print '' prints 0 = 27
Debug.Print '' prints 27
Set b = Nothing
Set a = Nothing
End Sub
Try this:
Public Function NewB(i As Integer) As Variant
'If (UBound(a, 1) < i) Then ' FAILS: Runtime error 9: Subscript out of range
If (MyUBound(a) < i) Then ' WORKS: Returns -1
ReDim Preserve a(0 To i)
End If
Set a(i) = New clsClassB
Set NewB = a(i)
End Function
You need to set a(i) to a new instance of the class (or it will simply be null), you also need to use Set as you're working with an object...
I'd perhaps also suggest changing the return type of NewB to clsClassB rather than Variant.
You could also do
Public Sub Init()
ReDim a(0 To 0)
Set a(0) = New Class2
End Sub
to remove the need for the special UBound function.
The UBound function throws this error when you try to use it on an array with no dimension (which is your case since you did an Erase on the array). You should have an error handler in your function to treat this case.
I use a special function to check if the array is empty, but you can just use parts of it for error handling.
Public Function IsArrayEmpty(ByRef vArray As Variant) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
On Error Resume Next
IsArrayEmpty = False
i = UBound(vArray) > 0
If Err.Number > 0 Then IsArrayEmpty = True
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Also, if you still want to do an array then you could
redim preserve MyArray(lbound(MyArray) to ubound(MyArray)*2)
which will lesson the amount of times it redimensions, you would need a counter to redimension it at the very end.
Also, Dictionaries are supposed to be really fast (and more versatile than collections), they're like collections and you need to add a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime if you want to do dictionaries.

VBA - Returning array from Property Get

If arrays are returned by reference, why doesn't the following work:
'Class1 class module
Private v() As Double
Public Property Get Vec() As Double()
Vec = v()
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ReDim v(0 To 3)
End Sub
' end class module
Sub Test1()
Dim c As Class1
Set c = New Class1
Debug.Print c.Vec()(1) ' prints 0 as expected
c.Vec()(1) = 5.6
Debug.Print c.Vec()(1) ' still prints 0
End Sub
You don't have a let property. Also, the get property is returning the entire array, rather than just the element in question. Change the return type of Property Get from Double() to just plain Double. Add Property Let. Note that it takes two inputs, but only one is passed to it. The last variable (MyValue, in this case) is assumed to get it's value from whatever is after the = sign. Put a break point somewhere early in Test1() and see how the values are affected in the Locals window. Compare the variables created by the original code versus my code:
'Class1 class module
Private v() As Double
Public Property Get Vec(index As Long) As Double
Vec = v(index)
End Property
Public Property Let Vec(index As Long, MyValue As Double)
v(index) = MyValue
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ReDim v(0 To 3)
End Sub
' end class module
'Begin module
Sub Test1()
Dim c As Class1
Set c = New Class1
Debug.Print c.Vec(1) ' prints 0 as expected
c.Vec(1) = 5.6
Debug.Print c.Vec(1) ' prints 5.6
End Sub
'End module
In VBA, arrays are never returned by reference unless they are returned through a ByRef parameter. Furthermore, whenever you use = to assign an array to a variable, you've made a new copy of the array, even if you're assigning it to a ByRef argument inside of a procedure, so you're pretty much out of luck trying to make this work.
Some alternative are...
Use a VBA.Collection instead of an array.
Make your own class that encapsulates an array and exposes procedures for indirectly accessing and manipulating the internal array.
I want to suggest another nice way to do this using a Collection and a static Property without the need to use a class:
imagine you want to have the xlCVError enum as an array (or collection), e.g. to loop through it on errors and handle it based on the actual error.
The following is initialized once on access:
Static Property Get XlCVErrorColl() As Collection
Dim c As Collection 'will be already initalized after 1st access
'because of "Static Property" above!
Set XlCVErrorColl = c
If Not c Is Nothing Then Exit Property
'initialize once:
Set c = New Collection
c.Add XlCVError.xlErrDiv0
c.Add XlCVError.xlErrNA
c.Add XlCVError.xlErrName
c.Add XlCVError.xlErrNull
c.Add XlCVError.xlErrNum
c.Add XlCVError.xlErrRef
c.Add XlCVError.xlErrValue
Set XlCVErrorColl = c
End Property
Turning this into an array or implementing it as an array is straight forward, but collections seem to be more useful to me, with the disadvantage that their elements are not implicitely typed/(compile-time-)type checked.
So this would e.g. turn it into an (read-only) array (with the in-mem-copy-disadvantage mentioned in other answers/comments):
Static Property Get XlCVErrorArr() As XlCVError()
Dim a() As XlCVError
XlCVErrorArr = a
If UBound( a ) > 0 Then Exit Property
'initialize once:
Dim c As Collection: Set c = XlCVErrorColl
ReDim a(c.Count)
Dim i As Integer: For i = 1 To c.Count
a(i) = c(i)
Next i
XlCVErrorArr = a
End Function
So transforming the example from Clayton Ss answer into a static, modifiable module property using some array it would be:
'module (no class required)
Private v() As Double
Static Property Get Vec(index As Long) As Double
If UBound(v) < 3 Then 'initialize once:
ReDim v(0 To 3) 'one could initialize it with anyting after here too
end if
Vec = v(index)
End Property
Public Property Let Vec(index As Long, MyValue As Double)
v(index) = MyValue
End Property
