INSERT statement conflict with the foreign key - database

INSERT statement conflicts with the foreign key. I may be entering the foreign key incorrectly.
No row was updated.
The data in row 1 was not committed.
Error Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider.
Error Message: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Movie_Director". The conflict occurred in database table Director column Director ID.
Foreign Key
The Project Tables

Since You don't have any data in director table you can't perform entry to movie table(because of foreign key reference) so first enter some data into the director table then enter data into movie table
For more details you can refer to this link
INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint - SQL Server

Can you provide the executed insert query ? make sure that the value you are inserting into a column that references another table exists in that table. i.e in your example table, if you are inserting to a movie table the DirctorID should exist in the Director tale.


how to add foreign key to Azure SQL DB Table

I am stumped by an Add Constraint Foreign Key error I am encountering.
I just created TableA with a Primary Key on PLAN_ID. The table contains zero records. I am attemtpting to execute:
alter table TableB
add constraint FK_TASK_PLAN Foreign Key (TASK_PLAN_ID)
references TableA (PLAN_ID)
Which keeps returning
"Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 5. The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_TASK_PLAN". The conflict occurred in database "DT_Worklist", table "dbo.TableA", column 'PLAN_ID'.
This essentially seems to be telling me I cannot create an FK on the specified column.
What am I doing wrong which is preventing me from creating this Foreign Key? Is it OK my Parent Table is empty or does it need at least one record? What about the FK column; does it need to be Not Null or does it need to have at least 1 record?
Actually, I think I figured this out... My PARENT Table which I just created is empty while my CHILD Table which was created * populated about a week ago already has values in the FK column. So there is no way to create the PK/FK relationship when the FK already contains values.....

Error insert statement conflicted with the foreign key constraint

I have to table "Account_Manager" and "Partner" and both table contains foreign Key of each other and now I want to add data and it show the error Foreign Key conflict issue.
Guide me how I can insert data into these two table.
Table 1
Table 2
Make both columns (designated as FKs) nullable. Thats only way you can make circular reference/FK

Foreign key linked with primary key in same table

I have a table Categories with columns Id, ParentId (for "subcategories" whom can have any level of nesting) and some other. Using SQL Server 2012 I can't make foreign key in same table, FK_Categories_Categories (Id -> ParentId).
Error message is
'Categories' table
- Unable to create relationship 'FK_Categories_Categories'. The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY SAME TABLE constraint "FK_Categories_Categories". The conflict occurred in database "pokupaykadb", table "dbo.Categories", column 'Id'.
That needs for cascade deletion of subcategories. What solution can be? It's desirable to be a some property, like cascade deletion from another table by foreign key
If there are orphaned records that does not meet your constraint criteria - delete them before creating the foreign key.
Usually there are few records which doesn't go by the new constraint and that the DBMS doesn't allow to create the constraint.
In the case of orphaned values, the first occurrence is provided in the error label with the value that is orphaned.
It would certainly have helped to see what code you have tried to execute.
Below is a valid table definition :
CREATE TABLE dbo.Categories
Id int NOT NULL IDENTITY(-2147483648, 1)
, ParentId int NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT FK_Categories_ParentId
FOREIGN KEY (ParentId) REFERENCES dbo.Categories

SQL Server 2008 foreign key confilict

We have got table which has many rows. I want create foreign key between these two tables but
I get the following error.
'CMEvent' table saved successfully;
'BaseEvent' table
Unable to create relationship 'FK_CMEvent_Oid'.
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_CMEvent_Oid". The conflict occurred in database "CMO_RestoredData", table "dbo.BaseEvent", column 'Oid'.`
I was able to duplicate this error when I had a row in the CMEvent table that did not exist in BaseEvent.
Try running this query:
FROM CMEvent c
FROM BaseEvent
WHERE oid = c.oid )
If you get any rows back, these will have to be deleted before you can apply the foreign key constraint.
If you need to keep these orphaned rows, you can use WITH NOCHECK to only apply the constraint to new rows.

primaykey and foreign key exception?

i get this error when i inserting the data in a table this is my error
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_playlistvideos_videos". The conflict occurred in database "tpvnew", table "dbo.videos", column 'videoid'.
You didn't provide a valid key for your foreign key column.
Just check if the videoid in the new record you insert into playlistvideos actually exists in videos table.
The INSERT into the target table referenced a key that doesn't exist in the foreign table.
