Testing values with & 1<<0? - c

I am new when it comes to bit-wise operations and I stumbled across something interesting. Assume the following:
unsigned char A;
unsigned char B;
if(A & 1 << 0){
Why is it always required to have variable & 1<<0?
Is there a case when this is not required?
Suppose we have:
unsigned char temp;
temp = ~A & ~B;
and we are looking to test out temp. What is the difference when testing temp by itself vs testing only bit 0 with temp & 1<<0?

1<<0 is pointless, shifting 1 left zero bits has no effect.
1<<0 == 1
The below would work identical
unsigned char A;
unsigned char B;
if(A & 1){
It's the single & that makes this a bit-wise operation, not the shift left (<<) operation
If you wanted to test bit 7 for example, you could go about it two ways:
if (A & 128) {
if (A & (1<<7)) {
In the case of the latter since it's using constant values the compiler would simply distil this down to 128 and avoid the shl entirely, so it's entirely up to you which you would like to use depending on the code and your coding style.


C - Swap a bit between two numbers

I just tried with this code:
void swapBit(unsigned char* numbA, unsigned char* numbB, short bitPosition)//bitPosition 0-x
unsigned char oneShift = 1 << bitPosition;
unsigned char bitA = *numbA & oneShift;
unsigned char bitB = *numbB & oneShift;
if (bitA)
*numbB |= bitA;
*numbB &= (~bitA ^ oneShift);
if (bitB)
*numbA |= bitB;
*numbA &= (~bitB ^ oneShift);
to swap bit position x of a and b but because of the if() I think there's something better.
Also when i see this:
*numbB &= (~bitA ^ oneShift);
I really think that there's an easier way to do it.
If you have something for me, i would take it :)
Thanks in advance
First you should set the corresponding position in a number to 0, and then OR it with the actual bit, removing all of the conditions:
*numbB &= ~oneShift; // Set the bit to `0`
*numbB |= bitA; // Set to the actual bit value
The same for the other number.
A single bit is no easier than an arbitrary bitmask, so lets just talk about that. You can always call this function with 1U << bitpos.
If a bit position is the same in both values, no change is needed in either. If it's opposite, they both need to invert.
XOR with 1 flips a bit; XOR with 0 is a no-op.
So what we want is a value that has a 1 everywhere there's a bit-difference between the inputs, and a 0 everywhere else. That's exactly what a XOR b does. Simply mask this to only swap some of the bits, and we have a bit-swap in 3 XORs + 1 AND.
// call with unsigned char mask = 1U << bitPosition; if you want
void swapBit_char(unsigned char *A, unsigned char *B, unsigned char mask)
unsigned char tmpA = *A, tmpB = *B; // read into locals in case A==B
unsigned char bitdiff = tmpA ^ tmpB;
bitdiff &= mask; // only swap bits matching the mask
*A = tmpA ^ bitdiff;
*B = tmpB ^ bitdiff;
(Godbolt compiler explorer with gcc for x86-64 and ARM, includes a version with unsigned instead of unsigned char.)
You could consider if(bitdiff) { ... }, but unless you're going to avoid dirtying a cache line in memory by avoiding the assignments, it's probably not worth doing any conditional behaviour. With values in registers (after inlining), a branch to save two xor instructions is almost never worth it.
This is not an xor-swap. It does use temporary storage. As #chux's answer demonstrates, a masked xor-swap requires 3 AND operations as well as 3 XOR. (And defeats the only benefit of XOR-swap by requiring a temporary register or other storage for the & results.)
This version only requires 1 AND. Also, the last two XORs are independent of each other, so total latency from inputs to both outputs is only 3 operations. (Typically 3 cycles).
For an x86 asm example, see this code-golf Exchange capitalization of two strings in 14 bytes of x86-64 machine code (with commented asm source)
Form the mask
unsigned char mask = 1u << bitPosition;
And then earn the wrath of your peer group with XOR swap algorithm.
*numbA ^= *numbB & mask;
*numbB ^= *numbA & mask;
*numbA ^= *numbB & mask;
Note this fails when numbA == numbB.

Getting four bits from the right only in a byte using bit shift operations

I wanted to try to get only the four bits from the right in a byte by using only bit shift operations but it sometimes worked and sometimes not, but I don't understand why.
Here's an example:
unsigned char b = foo; //say foo is 1000 1010
unsigned char temp=0u;
temp |= ((b << 4) >> 4);//I want this to be 00001010
PS: I know I can use a mask=F and do temp =(mask&=b).
Shift operator only only works on integral types. Using << causes implicit integral promotion, type casting b to an int and "protecting" the higher bits.
To solve, use temp = ((unsigned char)(b << 4)) >> 4;

C variable smaller then 8-bit

I'm writing C implementation of Conway's Game of Life and pretty much done with the code, but I'm wondering what is the most efficient way to storage the net in the program.
The net is two dimensional and stores whether cell (x, y) is alive (1) or dead (0). Currently I'm doing it with unsigned char like that:
typedef struct {
int rows;
int cols;
unsigned char *vec;
} net_t;
n->vec = calloc( n->rows * n->cols, sizeof(unsigned char) );
i = ( n->cols * (x - 1) ) + (y - 1);
n->vec[i] = 1;
if( n->vec[i] == 1 )
but I don't really need 0-255 values - I only need 0 - 1, so I'm feeling that doing it like that is a waste of space, but as far as I know 8-bit char is the smallest type in C.
Is there any way to do it better?
The smallest declarable / addressable unit of memory you can address/use is a single byte, implemented as unsigned char in your case.
If you want to really save on space, you could make use of masking off individual bits in a character, or using bit fields via a union. The trade-off will be that your code will execute a bit slower, and will certainly be more complicated.
#include <stdio.h>
union both {
struct {
unsigned char b0: 1;
unsigned char b1: 1;
unsigned char b2: 1;
unsigned char b3: 1;
unsigned char b4: 1;
unsigned char b5: 1;
unsigned char b6: 1;
unsigned char b7: 1;
} bits;
unsigned char byte;
int main ( ) {
union both var;
var.byte = 0xAA;
if ( var.bits.b0 ) {
} else {
return 0;
Union and Bit Fields, Accessed 2014-04-07, <http://www.rightcorner.com/code/CPP/Basic/union/sample.php>
Access Bits in a Char in C, Accessed 2014-04-07, <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8584577/access-bits-in-a-char-in-c>
Struct - Bit Field, Accessed 2014-04-07, <http://cboard.cprogramming.com/c-programming/10029-struct-bit-fields.html>
Unless you're working on an embedded platform, I wouldn't be too concerned about the size your net takes up by using an unsigned char to store only a 1 or 0.
To address your specific question: char is the smallest of the C data types. char, signed char, and unsigned char are all only going to take up 1 byte each.
If you want to make your code smaller you can use bitfields to decrees the amount of space you take up, but that will increase the complexity of your code.
For a simple exercise like this, I'd be more concerned about readability than size. One way you can make it more obvious what you're doing is switch to a bool instead of a char.
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct {
int rows;
int cols;
bool *vec;
} net_t;
You can then use true and false which, IMO, will make your code much easier to read and understand when all you need is 1 and 0.
It will take up at least as much space as the way you're doing it now, but like I said, consider what's really important in the program you're writing for the platform you're writing it for... it's probably not the size.
The smallest type on C as i know are the char (-128, 127), signed char (-128, 127), unsigned char (0, 255) types, all of them takes a whole byte, so if you are storing multiple bits values on different variables, you can instead use an unsigned char as a group of bits.
unsigned char lives = 128;
At this moment, lives have a 128 decimal value, which it's 10000000 in binary, so now you can use a bitwise operator to get a single value from this variable (like an array of bits)
if((lives >> 7) == 1) {
//This code will run if the 8 bit from right to left (decimal 128) it's true
It's a little complex, but finally you'll end up with a bit array, so instead of using multiple variables to store single TRUE / FALSE values, you can use a single unsigned char variable to store 8 TRUE / FALSE values.
Note: As i have some time out of the C/C++ world, i'm not 100% sure that it's "lives >> 7", but it's with the '>' symbol, a little research on it and you'll be ready to go.
You're correct that a char is the smallest type - and it is typically (8) bits, though this is a minimum requirement. And sizeof(char) or (unsigned char) is (1). So, consider using an (unsigned) char to represent (8) columns.
How many char's are required per row? It's (cols / 8), but we have to round up for an integer value:
int byte_cols = (cols + 7) / 8;
int byte_cols = (cols + 7) >> 3;
which you may wish to store with in the net_t data structure. Then:
calloc(n->rows * n->byte_cols, 1) is sufficient for a contiguous bit vector.
Address columns and rows by x and y respectively. Setting (x, y) (relative to 0) :
n->vec[y * byte_cols + (x >> 3)] |= (1 << (x & 0x7));
n->vec[y * byte_cols + (x >> 3)] &= ~(1 << (x & 0x7));
if (n->vec[y * byte_cols + (x >> 3)] & (1 << (x & 0x7)))
/* ... (x, y) is set... */
/* ... (x, y) is clear... */
These are bit manipulation operations. And it's fundamentally important to learn how (and why) this works. Google the term for more resources. This uses an eighth of the memory of a char per cell, so I certainly wouldn't consider it premature optimization.

How do I perform a circular rotation of a byte?

I'm trying to implement a function that performs a circular rotation of a byte to the left and to the right.
I wrote the same code for both operations. For example, if you are rotating left 1010 becomes 0101. Is this right?
unsigned char rotl(unsigned char c) {
int w;
unsigned char s = c;
for (w = 7; w >= 0; w--) {
int b = (int)getBit(c, w);//
if (b == 0) {
s = clearBit(s, 7 - w);
} else if (b == 1) {
s = setBit(s, 7 - w);
return s;
unsigned char getBit(unsigned char c, int n) {
return c = (c & (1 << n)) >> n;
unsigned char setBit(unsigned char c, int n) {
return c = c | (1 << n);
unsigned char clearBit(unsigned char c, int n) {
return c = c &(~(1 << n));
There is no rotation operator in C, but if you write:
unsigned char rotl(unsigned char c)
return (c << 1) | (c >> 7);
then, according to this: http://www.linux-kongress.org/2009/slides/compiler_survey_felix_von_leitner.pdf (page 56), compilers will figure out what you want to do and perform the rotation it in only one (very fast) instruction.
Reading the answers and comments so far, there seems to be some confusion about what you are trying to accomplish - this may be because of the words you use. In bit manipulation, there are several "standard" things you can do. I will summarize some of these to help clarify different concepts. In all that follows, I will use abcdefgh to denote 8 bits (could be ones or zeros) - and as they move around, the same letter will refer to the same bit (maybe in a different position); if a bit becomes "definitely 0 or 1, I will denote it as such).
1) Bit shifting: This is essentially a "fast multiply or divide by a power of 2". The symbol used is << for "left shift" (multiply) or >> for right shift (divide). Thus
abcdefgh >> 2 = 00abcdef
(equivalent to "divide by four") and
abcdefgh << 3 = abcdefgh000
(equivalent to "multiply by eight" - and assuming there was "space" to shift the abc into; otherwise this might result in an overflow)
2) Bit masking: sometimes you want to set certain bits to zero. You do this by doing an AND operation with a number that has ones where you want to preserve a bit, and zeros where you want to clear a bit.
abcdefgh & 01011010 = 0b0de0g0
Or if you want to make sure certain bits are one, you use the OR operation:
abcdefgh | 01011010 = a1c11f1h
3) Circular shift: this is a bit trickier - there are instances where you want to "move bits around", with the ones that "fall off at one end" re-appearing at the other end. There is no symbol for this in C, and no "quick instruction" (although most processors have a built-in instruction which assembler code can take advantage of for FFT calculations and such). If you want to do a "left circular shift" by three positions:
circshift(abcdefgh, 3) = defghabc
(note: there is no circshift function in the standard C libraries, although it exists in other languages - e.g. Matlab). By the same token a "right shift" would be
circshift(abcdefgh, -2) = ghabcdef
4) Bit reversal: Sometimes you need to reverse the bits in a number. When reversing the bits, there is no "left" or "right" - reversed is reversed:
reverse(abcdefgh) = hgfedcba
Again, there isn't actually a "reverse" function in standard C libraries.
Now, let's take a look at some tricks for implementing these last two functions (circshift and reverse) in C. There are entire websites devoted to "clever ways to manipulate bits" - see for example this excellent one. for a wonderful collection of "bit hacks", although some of these may be a little advanced...
unsigned char circshift(unsigned char x, int n) {
return (x << n) | (x >> (8 - n));
This uses two tricks from the above: shifting bits, and using the OR operation to set bits to specific values. Let's look at how it works, for n = 3 (note - I am ignoring bits above the 8th bit since the return type of the function is unsigned char):
(abcdefgh << 3) = defgh000
(abcdefgh >> (8 - 3)) = 00000abc
Taking the bitwise OR of these two gives
defgh000 | 00000abc = defghabc
Which is exactly the result we wanted. Note also that a << n is the same as a >> (-n); in other words, right shifting by a negative number is the same as left shifting by a positive number, and vice versa.
Now let's look at the reverse function. There are "fast ways" and "slow ways" to do this. Your code above gave a "very slow" way - let me show you a "very fast" way, assuming that your compiler allows the use of 64 bit (long long) integers.
unsigned char reverse(unsigned char b) {
return (b * 0x0202020202ULL & 0x010884422010ULL) % 1023;
You may ask yourself "what just happened"??? Let me show you:
b = abcdefgh
* 0x0000000202020202 = 00000000 00000000 0000000a bcdefgha bcdefgha bcdefgha bcdefgha bcdefgh0
& 0x0000010884422010 = 00000000 00000000 00000001 00001000 10000100 01000010 00100000 00010000
= 00000000 00000000 0000000a 0000f000 b0000g00 0c0000h0 00d00000 000e0000
Note that we now have all the bits exactly once - they are just in a rather strange pattern. The modulo 1023 division "collapses" the bits of interest on top of each other - it's like magic, and I can't explain it. The result is indeed
A slightly less obscure way to achieve the same thing (less efficient, but works for larger numbers quite efficiently) recognizes that if you swap adjacent bits , then adjacent bit pairs, then adjacent nibbles (4 bit groups), etc - you end up with a complete bit reversal. In that case, a byte reversal becomes
unsigned char bytereverse(unsigned char b) {
b = (b & 0x55) << 1 | (b & 0xAA) >> 1; // swap adjacent bits
b = (b & 0x33) << 2 | (b & 0xCC) >> 2; // swap adjacent pairs
b = (b & 0x0F) << 4 | (b & 0xF0) >> 4; // swap nibbles
return b;
In this case the following happens to byte b = abcdefgh:
b & 0x55 = abcdefgh & 01010101 = 0b0d0f0h << 1 = b0d0f0h0
b & 0xAA = abcdefgh & 10101010 = a0c0e0g0 >> 1 = 0a0c0e0g
OR these two to get badcfehg
Next line:
b & 0x33 = badcfehg & 00110011 = 00dc00hg << 2 = dc00hg00
b & 0xCC = badcfehg & 11001100 = ba00fe00 >> 2 = 00ba00fe
OR these to get dcbahgfe
last line:
b & 0x0F = dcbahgfe & 00001111 = 0000hgfe << 4 = hgfe0000
b & 0xF0 = dcbahgfe & 11110000 = dcba0000 >> 4 = 0000dcba
OR these to get hgfedcba
Which is the reversed byte you were after. It should be easy to see how just a couple more lines (similar to the above) get you to a reversed integer (32 bits). As the size of the number increases, this trick becomes more and more efficient, comparatively.
I trust that the answer you were looking for is "somewhere" in the above. If nothing else I hope you have a clearer understanding of the possibilities of bit manipulation in C.
If, as according to your comments, you want to shift one bit exactly, then one easy way to accomplish that would be this:
unsigned char rotl(unsigned char c)
return((c << 1) | (c >> 7));
What your code does is reversing the bits; not rotating them. For instance, it would make 10111001 into 10011101, not 01110011.

Sign extension from 16 to 32 bits in C

I have to do a sign extension for a 16-bit integer and for some reason, it seems not to be working properly. Could anyone please tell me where the bug is in the code? I've been working on it for hours.
int signExtension(int instr) {
int value = (0x0000FFFF & instr);
int mask = 0x00008000;
int sign = (mask & instr) >> 15;
if (sign == 1)
value += 0xFFFF0000;
return value;
The instruction (instr) is 32 bits and inside it I have a 16bit number.
Why is wrong with:
int16_t s = -890;
int32_t i = s; //this does the job, doesn't it?
what's wrong in using the builtin types?
int32_t signExtension(int32_t instr) {
int16_t value = (int16_t)instr;
return (int32_t)value;
or better yet (this might generate a warning if passed a int32_t)
int32_t signExtension(int16_t instr) {
return (int32_t)instr;
or, for all that matters, replace signExtension(value) with ((int32_t)(int16_t)value)
you obviously need to include <stdint.h> for the int16_t and int32_t data types.
Just bumped into this looking for something else, maybe a bit late, but maybe it'll be useful for someone else. AFAIAC all C programmers should start off programming assembler.
Anyway sign extending is much easier than the proposals. Just make sure you are using signed variables and then use 2 shifts.
long value; // 32 bit storage
value=0xffff; // 16 bit 2's complement -1, value is now 0x0000ffff
value = ((value << 16) >> 16); // value is now 0xffffffff
If the variable is signed then the C compiler translates >> to Arithmetic Shift Right which preserves sign. This behaviour is platform independent.
So, assuming that value starts of with 0x1ff then we have, << 16 will SL (Shift Left) the value so instr is now 0xff80, then >> 16 will ASR the value so instr is now 0xffff.
If you really want to have fun with macros then try something like this (syntax works in GCC haven't tried in MSVC).
#include <stdio.h>
#define INT8 signed char
#define INT16 signed short
#define INT32 signed long
#define INT64 signed long long
#define SIGN_EXTEND(to, from, value) ((INT##to)((INT##to)(((INT##to)value) << (to - from)) >> (to - from)))
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
INT16 value16 = 0x10f;
INT32 value32 = 0x10f;
printf("SIGN_EXTEND(8,3,6)=%i\n", SIGN_EXTEND(8,3,6));
printf("LITERAL SIGN_EXTEND(16,9,0x10f)=%i\n", SIGN_EXTEND(16,9,0x10f));
printf("16 BIT VARIABLE SIGN_EXTEND(16,9,0x10f)=%i\n", SIGN_EXTEND(16,9,value16));
printf("32 BIT VARIABLE SIGN_EXTEND(16,9,0x10f)=%i\n", SIGN_EXTEND(16,9,value32));
return 0;
This produces the following output:
LITERAL SIGN_EXTEND(16,9,0x10f)=-241
16 BIT VARIABLE SIGN_EXTEND(16,9,0x10f)=-241
32 BIT VARIABLE SIGN_EXTEND(16,9,0x10f)=-241
int signExtension(int instr) {
int value = (0x0000FFFF & instr);
int mask = 0x00008000;
if (mask & instr) {
value += 0xFFFF0000;
return value;
People pointed out casting and a left shift followed by an arithmetic right shift. Another way that requires no branching:
(0xffff & n ^ 0x8000) - 0x8000
If the upper 16 bits are already zeroes:
(n ^ 0x8000) - 0x8000
• Community wiki as it's an idea from "The Aggregate Magic Algorithms, Sign Extension"
