How to add an element to Material-UI TablePagination? - reactjs

I'm using Material-UI Table with TablePagination in my project. This is how it appears:
Now I want the pagination to be aligned to left instead of right, and on the left I want to add another element, for example Button.
I was able to move the alignment to left by restyling the .spacer element. Here's my code:
rowsPerPageOptions={[5, 10, 25]}
native: false,
classes={{spacer: classes.paginationSpacer}} >
Now I'm trying to add another element. I tried to use action property:
action="<div>Some text</div>"
But that is not even showing. Tried to use
component="<td>Some text</td>"
Got the following error: Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <<th>Some text</th>> cannot appear as a child of <tr>. Same thing with div.
Then I tried something like that:
...all the props
<td>Some text</td>
The text appeared, but it completely scrambled my entire Table:
And <td> is about the only element that was even showing, since TableRow generates, well, <tr> element.
Any ideas how to insert an element in there?

...all the props
<TableCell colSpan={1}>
<p>Some text</p>
hope this can help you

You need to place the TablePagination outside of table all together.Look at the 3 example on the demos


React - render functional subcomponent

I am having an issue rendering a React functional component when included as subcompnent in a parent component.
The following renders perfectly:
<Table title="Actions">
<TableHeaderCell>Start Date</TableHeaderCell>
{ => (
However, when replacing the TableRow with a functional component, then the TableRow is never shown. I created the following Subcomponent:
export const ActivityRowComponent = props => {
console.log('entered ActivityRowComponent');
const item = props.activityItem;
return (
ActivityRowComponent.propTypes = {
activityItem: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
and changed the code from above to:
<Table title="Actions">
<TableHeaderCell>Start Date</TableHeaderCell>
{ => (
<ActivityRowComponent key={item.activity_id} activityItem={item} />
Note that the "console.log" in "ActivityRowComponent" is never reached. Also, if I set a breakpoint I can observe that "ActivityRowComponent" is never called. And, note that the array has a length of 1.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong? What to do in order for the ActivityRowComponent to be rendered?
I've reproduced your scenario at CodeSandbox using HTML table.
And your component is rendering OK. Changed a bit though.
Please check.

How to animate Table Item Entry using TransitionGroup and Material UI Tables in ReactJS

I am having an issue where I can't seem to get TransitionGroup to work with Material UI ReactJS library
My expectation is pretty simple, upon entry into the table the row should be animated in like sliding into the table.
I have tried the following but this only end up scattering the table, the headers and everything becomes out of shape.
Here is what I have tried using the Material UI library for ReactJS
<Table aria-label="stats-table">
(rowsPerPage > 0 ? games.slice(page * rowsPerPage, page * rowsPerPage + rowsPerPage) : games
).map((row: Game) => (
<SimpleTableRow row={row} key={}/>
emptyRows > 0 && (
<TableRow style={{height: 53 * emptyRows}}>
<TableCell colSpan={6}/>
The moment I add the TransitionGroup, the entire table headers and body becomes scattered.
How can I make this work? Thanks
You can try to pass component={null} instead component="tbody".

Material UI: How do I divide a table into 2 parts?

I want to divide a table into 2 halves using a vertical line(e.g. blue line in the image) such that there are 2 sections of columns. Each section of column can have multiple columns as follows (Please pardon my terrible drawing skills). How can I achieve this using material ui table?
Please help me out. Thanks
What I've tried till now(didnt work):
const tableHeaders = this.getTableHeaders()
const tableRows = this.getTableRows()
return (
<div className='segment-table-container'>
<TableCell />
<Divider orientation='vertical' />

How to hide/show columns with material-ui table?

I'm using, Is it possible to hide/show columns based on the device? For example, on desktop, I want to show 6 columns but on a phone, I might want to show 3 specific columns. How to do this?
I know I am late but this answer is for someone who wants to do it with only material-ui.
Material-ui provides theme breakpoints and withWidth HOC. Both of them can be used to show/hide columns on device size.
Here is an example of using theme breakpoints to change styles based on device width. Same concept can be used to hide/show columns.
You can specify a CSS className on the corresponding TableHeaderColumn and TableRowColumn elements that is hidden/shown depending on a CSS #media query.
For convenience sake, I'm using Bootstrap below and its "hidden-xs" CSS class, which provides such a media query. You'll see that the "Status" column is hidden when you resize the browser window below a certain width.
class Example extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<TableHeaderColumn className="hidden-xs">Status</TableHeaderColumn>
<TableRowColumn>John Smith</TableRowColumn>
<TableRowColumn className="hidden-xs">Employed</TableRowColumn>
<TableRowColumn>Randal White</TableRowColumn>
<TableRowColumn className="hidden-xs">Unemployed</TableRowColumn>
<TableRowColumn>Stephanie Sanders</TableRowColumn>
<TableRowColumn className="hidden-xs">Employed</TableRowColumn>
<TableRowColumn>Steve Brown</TableRowColumn>
<TableRowColumn className="hidden-xs">Employed</TableRowColumn>
You could use a grid library like reflexbox.
There's a Hidden component that does exactly what you're asking for. See the documentation.

react Material-UI - Table - TableBody cannot be looped

I have an issue with react material-UI's table component.
I wanna create a table where the content is shown dynamically based on the data it receives. So I'm looping through the data, each time creating a new TableBody as the root element. But when I'm looping through the data, it only displays the first (or maybe the last) cycle in the loop.
Here is my code from the render method (the code is vastly simplified):
<Table selectable={ false }>
<TableHeader displaySelectAll={false} adjustForCheckbox={false}>
<TableHeaderColumn colSpan={3}>{ this.i18n('Filename') }</TableHeaderColumn>
{, idx) => (
<TableBody displayRowCheckbox={ false } key={idx}>
<TableRowColumn>{ }</TableRowColumn>
<TableRowColumn colSpan={2}><Button variant="flat" data-name='cancel' color="primary">{ this.i18n('Delete') }</Button></TableRowColumn>
<TableRow />
<TableRowColumn colSpan={3}>
<RadioButtonGroup name='caption' />
<RadioButton />
<RadioButton />
<Input type='text' />
This only outputs one cycle in the in the loop, even though the data contains several loops.
NOTE::: The code works, when I replace the material-UI with a html table, then it works as expected.
this is because you create a tableBody every item loop, try to set the loop right after < TableBody > tag, because you want to loop < TableRow > not < TableBody >
