Appending All Entries in array to string? - arrays

I currently have an array containing x amount of strings and am looking to append all of these entries to a string in OCaml.
I know that the way to append a string to another in OCaml is by using
let a ="Hello"
let b= "Blah Blah " ^ a
However I would like to do this using all entries in my array. Then continue the string after appending the full array. Something similar to this:
let myArray = Array.make stages "Some text"
let myString = "I'm looking to append "^(ALL ENTRIES IN ARRAY)^" to this string"

If you had a list of strings rather than array then String.concat will do the trick. So if you have array you could convert the array to list and then apply String.concat as in:
String.concat " " (Array.to_list str_arr)
But if you don't want to convert it to a list you could use fold_left as in:
Array.fold_left (fun x y -> x ^ y ^ " ") "" str_arr
Notice that fold_left appends a space to every string in the array including the last one. String.concat is better; it uses the filler only between the strings


String.init(stringInterpolation:) with an array of strings

I was reading over some resources about Swift 5's String Interpolation and was trying it out in a Playground. I successfully combined two separate Strings but I am confused about how to combine an Array of Strings.
Here's what I did ...
String(stringInterpolation: {
let name = String()
var combo = String.StringInterpolation(literalCapacity: 7, interpolationCount: 1)
combo.appendLiteral("Sting One, ")
combo.appendLiteral("String Two")
return combo
How would you do something like this with an Array of Strings?
It’s unclear what this is supposed to have to do with interpolation. Perhaps there’s a misunderstanding of what string interpolation is? If the goal is to join an array of strings into a single comma-separated string, just go ahead and join the array of strings into a single string:
let arr = ["Manny", "Moe", "Jack"]
let s = arr.joined(separator: ", ")
s // "Manny, Moe, Jack”
If the point is that the array element type is unknown but is string-representable, map thru String(describing:) as you go:
let arr = [1,2,3]
let s ={String(describing:$0)}.joined(separator: ", ")
s // "1, 2, 3”

F# fsharp Fast way of finding a string "starting with" from two arrays

I have a problem with performance in large arrays (50k each). What would be the fastest way of finding a string that starts with another string given two arrays? I'm have tried different things, but the code below seems to be as good as I can get it.
let findFile (f:string, p:string, pc:string, pcn:string) =
f.StartsWith(p + "-" + pc) ||
f.StartsWith(p + "_" + pc) ||
f.StartsWith(p + "-" + pcn) ||
f.StartsWith(p + "_" + pcn)
|> (fun i p ->
allFiles |> (fun f ->
if findFile (f.Filename, p.Style, p.ColorCode, p.ColorName)
then {p with Filename = f.Filename }
else p
Thank you in advance.
First I would recommend to sanitize the filenames by splitting the two parts and if possible removing the rest:
Split the filenames by the '-'or '_' character so you compare tuples of (style * color) instead of strings twice. Also if at all possible, differentiate between when using color code from color name and separate into 2 arrays.
Now you have 2 options: use a Dictionary or sort the values
Dictionary: take the longer list and put it in a dictionary. Scan the shorter list looking for the values. Dictionaries use hash tables which make them very efficient and comparisons are also very fast. This requires that you use as a key only the style and color code/name leaving the rest of the string out.
The solution could look like this:
let dict () =
let dict = new Dictionary<_, _>()
allFiles |> Seq.iter (fun f -> f.Filename.Split '-' |> fun a -> dict.Add((a.[0], a.[1]), f) )
|> (fun p ->
let vRef = ref { Filename = "" }
if dict.TryGetValue((p.Style, p.ColorCode) , vRef)
then {p with Filename = (!vRef).Filename }
else p
If that is not possible consider then:
Sorting both lists: products and filenames. Scan both ordered lists simultaneously with an index each only advancing the lower value each time.
One more thing:
If you still want to do string comparisons you should consider using compiled Regex which are very efficient. Your regex could be something like: ^code[-_](red|FF0000) which would match any of the 4 values:
This is how you use compiled Regex:
let regex = new Regex(sprintf "^%s[-_](%s|%s)" p.Style p.ColorCode p.ColorName, RegexOptions.Singleline + RegexOptions.Compiled)
for i in 1..30 do
if regex.IsMatch(sprintf "code-%d" i) then printfn "%A" i

SCALA: change the separator in Array

I have an Array like this.
scala> var x=Array("a","x,y","b")
x: Array[String] = Array(a, x,y, b)
How do I change the separator comma in array to a :. And finally convert it to string like this.
String = "a:x,y:b"
My aim is to change the comma(separators only) to other separator(say,:), so that i can ignore the comma inside second element i.e, x,y. and later split the string using : as a delimiter
Your question is unclear, but I'll take a shot.
To go from:
val x = Array("a","x,y","b")
You can use mkString:

F# add a string to an array of strings

I have a string in F#:
let name = "Someone"
I also have an array of strings:
let mutable arraysOfNames : string[] = [||]
I want to add the string name to the array arrayOfNames. How do I do that? It doesn't have to be an array, it can be a Sequence or any other collection that I can check then if it is empty or not.
It is not possible to add an item to a zero-length array. All you can do is create a new array that holds the item. The currently accepted answer, using Array.append, does not modify the input arrays; rather, it creates a new array that contains the elements of both input arrays. If you repeatedly call append to add a single element to an array, you will be using memory extremely inefficiently.
Instead, in f#, it makes much more sense to use F#'s list type, or, for some applications, ResizeArray<'T> (which is f#'s name for the standard .NET List). If you actually need the items in an array (for example, because you have to pass them to a method whose parameter is an array type), then do as Steve suggests in his comment. Once you have built up the collection, call List.toArray or Array.ofList if you're using an F# list, or call the ToArray() instance method if you're using a ResizeArray.
Example 1:
let mutable listOfNames : string list = []
listOfNames <- "Alice" :: listOfNames
listOfNames <- "Bob" :: listOfNames
let names = listOfNames |> List.toArray
Example 2:
let resizeArrayOfNames = ResizeArray<string>()
resizeArrayOfNames.Add "Alice"
resizeArrayOfNames.Add "Bob"
let names = resizeArrayOfNames.ToArray()
Note that in the first example, you'll get the names in reverse order; if you need them in the same order in which they were added, you'd need
let names = listOfNames |> List.rev |> List.toArray
For any Seq which is IEnumerable<T> alias in F# you can write this function:
let addToSequence aseq elm = Seq.append aseq <| Seq.singleton elm
And use it this way:
let withSomeone = addToSequence [||] "Someone"
You can use Seq.toArray or Seq.toList after you get a result sequence
Take a look at Array.append.
// Signature: Array.append : 'T [] -> 'T [] -> 'T []
// Usage: Array.append array1 array2
So in your case, you can use it like this:
let name = "someone"
let mutable arrayOfNames = Array.append [|"test"; "abc"|] [|name|]
printfn "%A" arrayOfNames
//[|"test"; "abc"; "someone"|]
So you simply need to transform your string into an array (by using [|string|]). Since Array contains the append function, you can append a string this way to an array.
You can use Array.append with mutable arrays:
let mutable my_array = [||]
for i in 0 .. array_size do
my_array <- [|i|] |> Array.append my_array
// my_array <- Array.append my_array [|i|]
printfn "my array is: %A" my_array

How to find a substring in an array of strings in matlab?

I have a string 'ADSL'. I want to find this string in an array of strings char('PSTN,ADSL','ADSL,VDSL','FTTH,VDSL')
when i run this command
the output is 2
But I expect the output as [1 2]
strmatch only gives positive result if the search string appears at the begining of row.
How can I find the search string if it occurs anywhere in the row?
Given the following input:
array = {'PSTN,ADSL', 'ADSL,VDSL', 'FTTH,VDSL'};
str = 'ADSL';
We find the starting position of each string match using:
>> pos = strfind(array, str)
pos =
[6] [1] []
>> pos = regexp(array, str)
pos =
[6] [1] []
We can then find the indices of matching strings using:
>> matches = find(~cellfun(#isempty,pos))
matches =
1 2
For an array of strings, it's better to use a cell array. That way strings can be of differnet lengths (and regexp can be applied on all cells at once):
cellArray = {'PSTN,ADSL','ADSL,VDSL','FTTH,VDSL'};
str = 'ADSL';
result = find(~cellfun('isempty', regexp(cellArray, str)));
will give what you want.
If you really have a char array as in your example,
array = char('PSTN,ADSL','ADSL,VDSL','FTTH,VDSL');
you can convert to a cell array (with cellstr) and apply the above:
result = find(~cellfun('isempty', regexp(cellstr(array), str)));
i would use strfind
in this case will be a three by one cell array containing the index where you string starts at in the corresponding string
