Cannot read property of undefined, but it is defined - reactjs

I have this componentDidMount function:
componentDidMount() {
const { insurances } = this.props;
const insuranceId =;
const insurance = insurances.find(insurance => == insuranceId);
this.setState({ insurance: insurance }, () => {
console.log("insurance",; <--- this is what i am talking about
That console.log() returns an object. But if i change it to console.log( which is one of the properties, I get the error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'tip' of undefined. I don't really understand how mounting works. Could it be because it is not mounted? If so, how do i fix it?
console.log('insurance', insurance), before setState is corect:
id: 1, user_id: 1, tip: "Asigurare", date_exp: "1974-10-14", date_notif: "1975-10-03", …}
created_at: "2019-03-15 10:54:40"
date_exp: "1974-10-14"
date_notif: "1975-10-03"
id: 1
note: "Nam id ipsam sequi."
tip: "Asigurare"
updated_at: "2019-03-15 10:54:40"
user_id: 1
but if I do console.log( returns an object with undefined properties
I think this is close to what i have

The way you have defined your state is the issue.
You have it as
state = {
insurance: [
tip: "1"
Change it to :
state = {
tip: "1"
For you to access it as it needs to be a key in the insurance object. What you have right now it[0].tip
Since insurance is an array right now.
lmk if this needs more clarification.


In React, how do I name a field of my form that is part of an array?

I'm building a React 16.13.0 application. In my form, I want to submit data (an address) as part of an array, so I set up my state like so ...
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
countries: [],
provinces: [],
errors: [],
newCoop: {
name: '',
types: [],
addresses: [{
formatted: '',
locality: {
name: '',
postal_code: '',
state: ''
country: FormContainer.DEFAULT_COUNTRY,
enabled: true,
email: '',
phone: '',
web_site: ''
I then created these functions for managing changes to the input fields ...
  handleInput(e) {
    let self=this
    let value =;
    let name =;
  setValue = (obj,is, value) => {
       if (typeof is == 'string')
         return this.setValue(obj,is.split('.'), value);
       else if (is.length === 1 && value!==undefined) { 
         return this.setState({obj: obj[is[0]] = value});
       } else if (is.length === 0)
         return obj;
         return this.setValue(obj[is[0]],is.slice(1), value);
                <Input inputType={'text'}
                   title= {'Street'} 
                   name= {'addresses[0].formatted'}
                   placeholder = {'Enter address street'}
                   handleChange = {this.handleInput}
                   errors = {this.state.errors} 
                  /> {/* Address street of the cooperative */}
The Input.jsx file looks like the below ...
const Input = (props) => {
    return (  
  <div className="form-group">
            isInvalid={props.errors && Boolean(props.errors[])}
      {props.errors && props.errors[] && (
          <FormControl.Feedback type="invalid">
                 {props.errors[].map((error, index) => (
                     <div key={`field-error-${}-${index}`} className="fieldError">{error}</div>
export default Input;
However, when I attempt to change the value, I get the below error. I'm not sure what else I need to be doing to name my component such that I can successfully change it's value. I would prefer not to change the data structure in my constructor, but I'm willing to if that's what it takes.
TypeError: Cannot set property 'formatted' of undefined
124 | if (typeof is == 'string')
125 | return this.setValue(obj,is.split('.'), value);
126 | else if (is.length === 1 && value!==undefined) {
> 127 | return this.setState({obj: obj[is[0]] = value});
| ^
128 | } else if (is.length === 0)
129 | return obj;
130 | else
Cannot set property 'formatted' of undefined
// Reason : because you can't access obj["addresses[0]"]["formatted"]
// Solution : it should look something like obj["addresses"][0]["formatted"]
Because you are splitting up string by ., so a result you are getting
Now that you have successfully splitted up the string ,
You are trying to get object by name, specifically obj["addresses[0]"], But you can't access the object index like this,
It will give you undefined, so as a result, you are getting the above error. you can check that exact error by running below code snippet,
const obj = {
name: '',
types: [],
addresses: [{
formatted: '',
locality: {
name: '',
postal_code: '',
state: ''
const names = "addresses[0].formatted".split(".")
console.log("obj['addresses[0]'] ===>" , obj[names[0]])
console.log("obj['addresses[0]']['formatted'] ===>" , obj[names[0]][names[1]])
So now question is if not obj["addresses[0]"] this then what, the solution is obj["addresses"]["0"],
So you have 2 options :
First : change this addresses[0].formatted to addresses.0.formatted
Second : you need to split the sting with .split(/[\[\].]+/)
I would prefer second option as this addresses[0].formatted looks real form name, and this is how it should look like, you can check that in below code snippet also.
const obj = {
name: '',
types: [],
addresses: [{
formatted: '',
locality: {
name: '',
postal_code: '',
state: ''
const names = "addresses[0].formatted".split(/[\[\].]+/)
console.log("obj['addresses'] ==>" , obj[names[0]])
console.log("obj['addresses']['0'] ==>" , obj[names[0]][names[1]])
console.log("obj['addresses']['0']['formatted'] ==>" , obj[names[0]][names[1]][names[2]])
Now, once you solved the issue, real issue come up in the picture, obj: obj[is[0]] = value, here obj is object so this will throw error , and also your setValue function is limited to that functionality only, it should be generic
handleInput = e => {
let name =;
let value =;
const keys = name.split(/[\[\].]+/);
this.setState(this.updateValue(this.state, keys, value));
// I've created a recursive function such that it will create a
// copy of nested object so that it won't mutate state directly
// obj : your state
// name : input name
// value : value that you want to update
updateValue = (obj, name, value, index = 0) => {
if (name.length - 1 > index) {
const isArray = Array.isArray(obj[name[index]]);
obj[name[index]] = this.updateValue(
isArray ? [...obj[name[index]]] : { ...obj[name[index]] },
index + 1
} else {
obj = { ...obj, [name[index]]: value };
return obj;
Your code is quite confusing, that's part of your problem to begin with, the other problem with your code is that it is not good practice to have nested objects in react's state. You can learn more by reading this answer in this other question.
Here is an example of what you could do with your code to set the state, however, notice that this is a bad way of solving the issue:
handleInput(e) {
let value =;
this.setState(prevState =>{
newCoop: {
addresses: [
formatted: value

typescript how to find inside an array that is already in an array?

I want to find a value inside an array that is already inside an array.
To give an example of my array:
ConcessionId: 1,
ConcessionName: "Coyotes",
KnownAs: [
TeamId: 1,
Name: "Arizona Coyotes",
TeamId: 2,
Name: "Phoenix Coyotes",
ConcessionId: 2,
ConcessionName: "Devils",
KnownAs: [
TeamId: 3,
Name: "Colorado Rockies",
TeamId: 4,
Name: "New-Jersey Devils",
What I want is when Icall my function it returns me the team name.
For example, I the parameter value is 3, I want Colorado Rockies as a name:
public getInfo(_TeamID) {
const concession: ConcessionInfo[] = this.concessionList$.filter(function (x) {
x.KnownAs.filter( (y)=> {
y.TeamId= +_TeamID;
return y.Name;
I try so many different way with filter. But never get something good. Never works.
I can make a double .foreach , for each array. but I think a better method exist than making a double loop.
Instead of using the filter method (which is in fact working similar as a for loop), you could do forEach on both arrays. For your current data structure, there is no other way around it.
getInfo = (_TeamID) => {
let teamName = '';
this.concessionList$.forEach(entry => {
entry.KnownAs.forEach(team => {
if(team.TeamId === _TeamID){
teamName = team.Name;
return; // break the loop.
return teamName;
Here is a working example
If you have a look at the polyfill implementation of filter from Mozilla which is in equivalent to the native implementation of filter, you can see that it is looping through the whole array, the same way as a forEach loop. The difference is that the filter method will return a new array based on the boolean condition inside the callback function, while a forEach loop does not return anything.
Assuming myArray is contains the data you provided.
The following code will work if you're using Typescript 3.7 and above.
public getInfo(teamId: number): string | undefined {
const team = this.concessionList$
.map(concession => concession.KnownAs)
.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), [])
.find(team => team.TeamId === teamId)
return team ? team.Name : undefined
this.getInfo(3) // Colorado Rockies
Ok how this work?
You have to understand what is find. For example:
const result = [{name: 'foo', age: 1}, {name: 'bar', age: 2}]
.find(people => === 'foo')
console.log(result) // {name: 'foo', age: 1}

Find object in state and update property

I have a problem with a dynamic state I am setting. My first state looks like this:
const [exercises, setExercises] = useState([{
id: 123,
title: "Title here",
category: "someCategory"
A user then selects an item of this state. I create a second state representing the selected object, but adding additional properties to it. For instance I am adding and initializing the properties 'amount' and 'unit'.
const [selectedExercises, setSelectedExercises] = useState([{
id: 123,
title: "Title here",
category: "someCategory",
amount: 0,
unit: ''
I want the user to choose amount and unit from a form. How do I access and change those two properties in the state? Since I don't know the user's selection, I have to find the object within the state first.
I have tried things like (el being called from an input element somewhere):
(selectedExercises.find(exercise => exercise.title === el.title).amount = 1),
How do I find the object in question and update its amount property (for example in an onChange method)?
const [selectedExercises, setSelectedExercises] = useState([{
id: 123,
title: "Title here",
category: "someCategory",
amount: 0,
unit: ''
// Your handler should look like this and
// you should call handleAmountChange(, 1)
function handleAmountChange(amount, id) {
setSelectedExercises(prev => => {
if ( === id) {
return {
return selectedExercise;
A more generic function to change any property would look like this.
function handleChange(id, property, value) {
setSelectedExercises(prev => => {
if ( === id) {
return {
[property]: value
return selectedExercise;

Is there any way to update state by find Item and replace on a nested state?

I am building an order functionality of my modules in the component state on react
so the state object looks like that
"activity": {
"name": "rewwerwer",
"description": "werwerwerwerwer",
"modules": [
"name": "Text",
"order": 1,
"module_id": 1612,
"name": "Text2",
"order" 2,
"module_id": 1592,
handleSortUp = (moduleid ,newOrder) => {
const { modules } = this.state.activity;
const module = modules.find(element => element.module_id === moduleid);//Thios returns the correct object
this.setState({ activity: { ...this.state.activity.modules.find(element => element.module_id === moduleid), order: newOrder } });
I tried this but it updates the order field and object
but also removes all other objects from modules array :<
I like just to replace only the order field on each module by module id
and leave rest data there
the required response from the state that i need when the handleSortUp(1612,14); is fired
"name": "rewwerwer",
"description": "werwerwerwerwer",
"modules": [
"name": "Text",
"order": 2,
"module_id": 1612,
"name": "Text2",
"order": 1,
"module_id": 1592,
I can do this on a simple array the question is how to update the State on react
Also the one way to change the order is answered fine but how also to change the field that had that order registered
So when we fire Change Item 1 order to 2 the Item 2 needs to take the Order 1
Thank you
Sure! This would be a great place to use the built-in .map method available for arrays. Consider the following example.
let array = [{order: 1, type: "food"}, {order: 2, type: "notfood"} ]
const newArray = => {
if(item.order == 1){
return {
newField: "newData"
} else {
return item
Output is:
[{order: 1, type: "food", newField: "newData"}
{order: 2, type: "notfood"}]
So yes you could totally update the module you're looking for without mutating the rest of your array. Then use your findings to update the component state using some good ol spread.
activity: {
modules: newArray}
Of course they get all eliminated. Pay attention to what you wrote here:
this.setState({ activity: { ...this.state.activity.modules.find(element => element.module_id === moduleid), order: newOrder } });
What are you doing with that find? Let's see what Array.prototype.find() returns:
It returns an index, why would you insert an index into the state?
The answer partially came from yourfavoritedev.
As he said you can use the built-in and do it like this:
handleSortUp = (moduleid ,newOrder) => {
const { modules } = this.state.activity;
const newModules = => module.module_id === moduleid ? { ...module, order: newOrder } : module)
this.setState({ activity: { ...this.state.activity, modules: newModules } });
This should work, let me know but I strongly advice to ask me or search on the web if you don't understand what is happening there (syntactically or semantically speaking).

Immutable JS - getIn() returns undefined but works in console from the browser

Here is a snippet from my code:
this.state = {
data: Immutable.Map({
gender: "",
provinces: Immutable.Map(),
activeProvince: this.props.defaultProvince,
activeCity: this.props.defaultCity,
let cities =['provinces', '354']);
The structure would look like this:
gender: "",
activeProvince: "354",
provinces: {
354: {
name: "abc",
cities: Immutable.Map()
123: {
name: "def",
cities: Immutable.Map()
getting the 'provinces' only returns a Map with a size of 87 which means it has value, but going 1 level deeper gives me an undefined. Doing it in the console from the browser gives me the expected result.
I am doing it from the render() right before the "return"
let provinces ='provinces')
.sortBy( province => province.get('name') )
.map( (value, key) => {
return { text: value.get('name'), value: key }
// Supposed to do the same thing as above (provinces)
// with ['provinces'] only it returns a value, adding '354' returns undefined.
let cities =['provinces', '354']);
-- EDIT --
converting the provinces Map to an object by doing 'toObject()' shows the key exists, so why does getIn('provinces,'354') shows undefined?
When I try to reproduce your problem, I notice that provinces key and its one level children are immutable, but name and cities keys are actually mutable. That's why, I'm getting error on the line containing sortByfunction. To solve this, you need to define provinces with Immutable.fromJS() instead of Immutable.Map(). Immutable.Map() converts object to immutable for only one level. However, Immutable.fromJS(), converts all levels to immutable.
