I created a table into an external server
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE external_table (
field_1 varchar(15) NULL,
field_2 int4 NULL
SERVER server_name
OPTIONS(compression 'pglz', stripe_row_count '500000');
Now I want to insert into external_table, but if I run this query
INSERT INTO external_table (field_1, field_2) VALUES ('test',1);
It return this error
ERROR: operation is not supported
How can I add record into a foreign table?
I've tried with the following insert
INSERT INTO external_table (field_1, field_2) select 'test',1;
It works, but I can't use a INSERT INTO with SELECT statment.

Looks like the extension you are using supports "insert into ... select .." but not direct inserts.
you can use you should probably ask this question while specifying the extension.
PS: It looks like the extension you use is cstore_fdw. It does not support direct inserts, because it completely cancels benefits of using columnar storage and create some extra overhead. If you are using cstore_fdw, try to use bulk inserts instead of single row ones. Inserting into a regular table and moving data into cstore_fdw table when data reaches certain size (i.e. stripe_row_count number of rows) is much better option.


Insert records from temp table where record is not already preset fails

I am trying to insert from temporary table into regular one but since there is data in temp table sharing the same values for a primary key of the table I am inserting to, it fails with primary key constraint being violated. That is expected so I am working around it by inserting only the rows that have the primary key not already present in table I am inserting to.
I tried both EXISTS and NOT IN approach, I checked examples showcasing both, confirmed both works in SQL server 2014 in general, yet I am still getting the following error:
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_dbo.InsuranceObjects'. Cannot
insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.InsuranceObjects'. The duplicate
key value is (3835fd7c-53b7-4127-b013-59323ea35375).
Here is the SQL in NOT IN variance I tried:
print 'insert into InsuranceObjects'
INSERT INTO $(destinDB).InsuranceObjects
Id, Value, DefInsuranceObjectId
SELECT Id, InsuranceObjectsValue, DefInsuranceObjectId
FROM #vehicle v
WHERE v.Id NOT IN (SELECT Id FROM $(destinDB).InsuranceObjects) -- prevent error when running scrypt multiple times over
If not apparent:
Id is the primary key in question.
$(destinDB) is command line variable. Different from TSQL variable.
It allows me to define the target database and instance in convenient
script based level or even multiple scripts based level. Its used in
multiple variations throughout the code and has so far performed
perfectly. The only downside is you have to run in CMD mode.
when creating all temp tables USE $(some database) is also used so
it's not an issue
I must be missing something completely obvious but it's driving me nuts that such a simple query fails. What is worse, when I try running select without insert part, it returns ALL the records from temp table despite me having confirmed there are duplicates that should fail the NOT IN part in where clause.
I suspect the issue is that you have duplicate ID values in your temp table. Please check the values there as it would cause the issue you are seeing.

Can one alter a PostgresSql table to have an autogenerated keys after the table has values?

Is it possible to only alter a table to make an existing column a serial auto generated key, without adding a new column? Sorry if this question is a bit newbie-ish for PostgreSQL, I'm more a SQL Server person but moving to PostgreSQL..
In a nut shell the program will copying an existing SQL Server database into PostgreSQL. With the desire to have a mirrored DB in PostgreSQL as the source from SQL Server with the only caveat one may selectively include/exclude any table or column as desired, or do everything...
Given the process copies all values, thought one should be able create the keys after the copy has finished just as one may do in SQL Server. Thought PostgreSQL would have a comparable methods as SQL Server's SET INSERT_IDENTITY [ON|OFF] so one may override the auto generated key with a desired value. Not seeing an equivalent in PostgreSQL. So my fallback is to create the mirrored records in Postgres without keys any keys and then alter the tables. But it seems to fix up the table as desired one has create a new column, but doing this break or cause a headache fixing up the RI for PK/FK relationships.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
In PostgreSQL, the auto-generated key is always overridden if you insert an explicit value for it. If you don't specify a value (omit the column), or specify the keyword DEFAULT, a generated key is used.
Given table
CREATE TABLE t1 (id serial primary key, dat text);
then both these will get a generated key from sequence t1_id_seq:
INSERT INTO t1 (dat) VALUES ('fred');
INSERT INTO t1 (id, dat) VALUES (DEFAULT, 'bob');
This will instead provide its own value:
INSERT INTO t1 (id, dat) VALUES (42, 'joe');
You are responsible for ensuring that the provided value doesn't conflict with existing data, or with future values the identity sequence will generate. PostgreSQL will not notice that you manually inserted a row with id 42 and skip when its own sequence counter gets to that point.
Usually what you do is load with provided values, then reset the sequence to the max of all keys already in the table, so it keeps counting from there for new local inserts.

update null primary key in a trigger using SQL Server

I'm migrating our system from Oracle to SQL SERVER. In Oracle we have insert triggers that are resposnible for setting primary key if not set. Below you will find code from PL/SQL.
create or replace trigger trigg1
before insert on table1
for each row
when (new.ID_T1 is null) -- if primary key is null
select OUR_SEQ.nextval into :new.ID_T1 from dual;
end trigg1;
Now I have to do something similar in T-SQL. I found the solution, but unfortunatelly I have to list all the columns for the table trigger is created. This is something I want to avoid (model for the system is still very dynamic).
Is it possible to implement such trigger without listing all the columns in trigger?

How to insert a null value into a primary key in DB2?

My webApp works with 2 DataBase servers Informix and DB2 (v9.5 run on localhost), when i work with informix DB i can insert null into a primary key (informix DB handle it and accepts nulls and auto increment the column (Serial8)) but when i switched to use DB2 it doesn't work and this error arrises (DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-407, SQLSTATE=23502, SQLERRMC=TBSPACEID=2, TABLEID=280, COLNO=0, DRIVER=3.50.152 , sqlCode = -407) it looks like DB2 doesn't allow nulls for primary keys (BigInt) ,so how to enforce DB2 to allow nulls for primary key? in a word i want DB2 to allow me insert nulls for this column and auto increment the values in it each time i make an insert
here's the script to create the table:
this is the specified col---->CORR_ID BIGINT NOT NULL,
ALTER TABLE corr.correspondence ADD CONSTRAINT u143_159 PRIMARY KEY
(corr_id) ;
Which version of Informix? What is the schema of the table? What is the INSERT statement? Which API are you using to access Informix? Which platform is the client code running on? Which platform is the database server running on?
I'm not convinced that you can insert nulls into a SERIAL-like column in Informix. Do you have a primary key constraint on your table, or just a SERIAL8 column that has no NOT NULL and no PRIMARY KEY constraint on it? You cannot insert NULL directly into a SERIAL8 column (nor, by inference, into a SERIAL or BIGSERIAL column).
Demonstration (using a development version of Informix 11.70.FC6 on RHEL 5 Linux x86/64; client is ESQL/C based, and both client and server are on the same machine):
SQL[1910]: begin;
SQL[1911]: create table t1(s8 serial8 not null, v1 char(8) not null);
SQL[1912]: insert into t1(s8, v1) values(null, "works?");
SQL -391: Cannot insert a null into column (t1.s8).
SQLSTATE: 23000 at /dev/stdin:6
SQL[1913]: rollback;
SQL[1914]: begin;
SQL[1915]: create table t1(s8 serial8 primary key, v1 char(8) not null);
SQL[1916]: insert into t1(s8, v1) values(null, "works?");
SQL -703: Primary key on table (t1) has a field with a null key value.
SQLSTATE: IX000 at <<temp>>:2
SQL[1917]: rollback;
SQL[1918]: create table t1(s8 serial8, v1 char(8) not null);
SQL[1919]: insert into t1(s8, v1) values(null, "works?");
SQL -391: Cannot insert a null into column (t1.s8).
SQLSTATE: 23000 at <<temp>>:2
SQL[1920]: drop table t1;
And bother, I forgot to restart the transaction after 1917!
This is behaving exactly as it should; you should not be allowed to insert a NULL into a SERIAL8 (or SERIAL, or BIGSERIAL) column. You can insert zeroes into those columns and a new value will be allocated automatically. But you cannot, and should not be able to, insert a NULL into the column.
DB2 is likewise correct in rejecting attempts to insert NULL into any of the columns in a primary key. It simply is not something you should be allowed to do.
Answering comments
Frank Computer commented:
Strange, I was under the impression that when loading data into a table with a SERIAL column, if I did not supply a value for the SERIAL column, it would convert the NULL to a zero during the insert, as if the loaded data contained a zero?
Also, with ISQL Perform, when I insert a new row into a table containing a SERIAL column, I don't supply a value for the SERIAL column, yet Perform displays a zero (0) and after hitting Escape, it converts it to the next highest INT value!
My immediate response was:
LOAD is done by a complex sub-routine in the client that munges the data, and it could/would deal with NULL for SERIAL columns.
With ISQL, Perform explicitly enforces 0 during data entry and reports back on the inserted value; again, the client-side code is preventing the error.
This is why it is important to know what is in use to demonstrate problems or features. Now I've got to make a LOAD and NULL demo using DB-Access...I don't think my SQLCMD program fixes up NULL for SERIAL columns during LOAD (or, if it does, I made that hack a long, long time ago).
Testing DB-Access (from IDS 11.70.FC2 on Mac OS X 10.7.4, this time), with:
|data for row 1|1|
|data for row 2|2|
LOAD FROM "xx.unl" INSERT INTO load_null;
DB-Access Output
$ dbaccess stores xx
Database selected.
Started transaction.
Table created.
703: Primary key on table (load_null) has a field with a null key value.
847: Error in load file line 1.
Error in line 3
Near character position 41
Transaction rolled back.
Database closed.
This does not lend support to the 'DB-Access maps NULL for a SERIAL8 column into a zero' hypothesis. This is SERIAL8 rather than plain SERIAL, but when I changed SERIAL8 into SERIAL, I got the same error; ditto with BIGSERIAL. I don't have ISQL as opposed to DB-Access on the Mac (laziness; I did the port a while ago, but didn't install it as it was not official, and it is not GA), and it is possible that there's a difference between the two LOAD commands, but relatively unlikely.
Testing SQLCMD on the same SQL and data (unload) files, I get the same error message.
I am more than ever unconvinced by the claim that it is possible to insert NULL values into a primary key column with Informix.
More comments and explanations
Although I know LOAD is not an Informix SQL native statement, I assumed it was added to the SE (Standard Engine) and OL (OnLine) engines?
No; the LOAD statement is handled by code in client programs: DB-Access, ISQL, I4GL, DB-Load, DB-Import. In each case, the statement is recognized and parsed by the client, converted into a suitable INSERT statement that is prepared, then the client reads and parses the data file, and sends the data to the server one row at a time (logically; actually, there's an INSERT cursor involved which gives you batch operation on insertions).
Or does LOAD statement actually call the DBLOAD.EXE utility in SE/OL or onload.exe?
No: the LOAD statement does not involve DB-Load, nor does it involve ON-Load.
Is the source for SQLCMD available? If so, can I dump dbaccess and replace it with a stripped down version of SQLCMD?
Yes. It is available from the IIUG (International Informix User Group) Software Archive. The version available there (87.02) is close to current (I'm using 87.06, but I'm not quite ready to release that to the rest of the world, and it'll be 88.00 when it is released). I don't support it on Windows, simply because I find Windows too hostile a development environment. It has, on occasion, been made to work on Windows, though. My last attempt stopped when I found Microsoft promulgating the 'Safe C Library' routines, but the routines they provide are not the same as the ones in the standard TR 27341. I gave up again at that point.
I just confirmed that my ole SE-4.10 clunker accepts NULL values for SERIAL columns when inserting a load file with LOAD.
OK. You couldn't specify PRIMARY KEY constraints in that version (those arrived with 5.00, I'm almost certain), but you could create unique indexes on SERIAL columns, etc. To the extent that it is a bug, it has presumably been fixed. It might or might not be fixed in SE 7.26; I'd expect it to be, but haven't demonstrated that it is. It is fixed in 11.70; my tests above demonstrate that.
You can't insert a null value into a primary key DB2. Instead, you need to modify your insert query to insert the new key, or just not include it in your Insert statement and have the database handle it automatically...
It would help if we knew the insert query (or at least part of it). We could offer better guidance on how to correct it. However, taking a guess at the source of your issue:
Assuming the table looks like this:
SomeOtherField VARCHAR(50)
Your statement should just be:
Insert into MyTable (SomeOtherField) Values ('somevalue')
instead of
Insert into MyTable (ID, SomeOtherField) Values (null, 'somevalue')
Insert into Values (null, 'somevalue')
A similar question and more info can be found here:
With Informix SERIAL columns, you can insert a zero (0) and it will automatically convert it to the next highest available integer value. You can also insert a specific integer value as long as it hasn't already been used, since SERIAL columns have a unique constraint.
Your question is ambiguous. Primary keys can also be non-SERIAL datatypes and accept a NULL value. If this is the case, I suggest you create a surrogate key (usually an autoincrement column) in order to uniquely identify each row.
What is your primary key used for and what is the reason for inserting NULL into your primary key?.. Is it because at the moment you're inserting the row, the value is unknown, but later on it will be updated with a known value?.. NULL's as primary keys tend to make things not work properly, especially when joining to foreign keys in a child table. If your primary key doesn't have a unique constraint, that means you could have several rows with duplicate NULL values as their primary key.. not a good idea in any DB, DB2 included!
You should try the following SQL statement to solve your problem:
insert into table(primarykey,c1, ...) values(null,v1,...).
Try insert into table(c1,...) values(v1,...)

Transact-SQL / Check if a name already exists

Simple question here.
Context: A Transact-SQL table with an int primary key, and a name that also must be unqiue (even though it's not a primary key). Let's say:
TableID INT,
TableName NVARCHAR(50)
I'm adding a new rows to this able through a stored procedure (and, thus, specifying TableName with a parameter).
Question: What's the best/simplest way to verify if the provided TableName parameter already exist in the table, and to prevent the add of a new row if it's the case?
Is possible to do this directly within my AddNewRow stored procedure?
If you're using SQL Server 2008 then you could use a MERGE statement in your sproc:
MERGE INTO YourTable AS target
USING (VALUES (#tableName)) AS source (TableName)
ON target.TableName = source.TableName
INSERT (TableName) VALUES (TableName)
You should still ensure that the TableName column has a UNIQUE constraint.
To add a unique constraint on TableName and handle the error if you try and insert a duplicate.
This avoids any issues with concurrent transactions inserting a duplicate in between you reading that it is not there and trying your insert.
See this related question.
I would prefer using Unique Constraint on the column and then explicitly checking on for its existance.
Handling an exception will result into Identity increment if present,
Secondly exception can be avoided by checking for existence before insertion which other wise is more expensive operation.
IF EXISTS (SELECT TOP(1) ColName FROM MyTable WHERE ColName=#myParameter)
If using Unique constraint you can also apply Unique Nonclustured index resulting into fast retrieval alongwith.
