Organization Chart not escapaing variable - Angular 7 - primeng

Using PrimeNG advanced Organization Chart:
Angular 7
Chrome Browser: current version
compiler.js:2430 Uncaught Error: Template parse errors:
Unexpected character "EOF" (Do you have an unescaped "{" in your template? Use "{{ '{' }}") to escape it.) ("
</div>[ERROR ->]"): ng:///AppModule/OrdertreeComponent.html#16:6
Unexpected closing tag "ng-template". It may happen when the tag has already been closed by another tag. For more info see ("
[ERROR ->]</ng-template>
<ng-template let-node pTemplate="department">
{ { node.label } }
"): ng:///AppModule/OrdertreeComponent.html#11:4
Invalid ICU message. Missing '}'. ("
<p>Organization with advanced customization.</p>
<p-organizationChart [value]="data1" selectionMode="single" [(selection)]="selectedNode" (onNodeSelect)="onNodeSelect($event)" styleClass="company">
<ng-template let-node pTemplate="person">
<div class="node-header ui-corner-top">{{node.label}}/div>
<div class="node-content">
<img src="assets/showcase/images/demo/organization/{}" width="32">
<ng-template let-node pTemplate="department">
{ { node.label } }
Attempted fixes:
I tried to use different types of escape methods for the brackets and really nothing seemed to work. I couldn't find anything that changed with Angular 7.

Changing single curly braces to double curly braces solved this issue for me.


ng-show > 10 throws syntax error (VS browser link)

I have a table cell that shows if there's more than 10 records. Part of my pagination.
<td ng-show="totalRecords>10" colspan="5">
<ul uib-pagination style="margin:0;" total-items="totalRecords" ng-model="currentPage" ng-change="pageChanged()"></ul>
Pretty straightforward. But here's the crazy - it throws the following error in Chrome:
Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: td[ng-show='totalRecords # browserLink:37
bc.error # browserLink:37
bh # browserLink:37
bp # browserLink:37
I'll note that $scope.totalRecords is set to zero (0) in the controller. Setting it to other values doesn't change anything. Everything else in the controller works perfectly.
The following scenarios don't throw any error:
<td ng-show="totalRecords=10" colspan="5">...</td>
<td ng-show="totalRecords<10" colspan="5">...</td>
<td ng-show="totalRecords>9" colspan="5">...</td>
<td ng-show="totalRecords>=11" colspan="5">...</td>
<td ng-show="totalRecords" colspan="5">...</td>
Anyone have a guess as to why?
The problem is with Visual Studio's "browser link" feature which can cause problems with AngularJS. Based on some research I did about the error you are experiencing, it seems that people are recommending to disable the browser link feature in Visual Studio.
The following link includes a similar description of the error you have and a few ways to disable the browser link feature:

Syntax error on data-target in ReactJS

I am completely new to ReactJS and I 'm working on existing app, there I found some error in the line
<span data-toggle="modal" data-target="'#'+{providers.TICKET_NUMBER}">
{providers.TICKET_NUMBER} </span>
The error displaying is "jquery-1.10.2.min.js:21 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: '#'+{providers.TICKET_NUMBER}
Kindly please help,if possible. Excuse mistakes,If any.
You need to put the expression in a pair of {}
data-target={"#" + providers.TICKET_NUMBER}>

Syntax error in order() method using ng-click and ng-repeat

I am using the following html code to create an ng-repeat:
<td ng-repeat="parentCategory in totalParentCategoriesCount | orderBy :'-Count'">
<span class="sortorder" ng-show="predicate === 'CategoryParent{{parentCategory.Count}}'" ng-class="{reverse:reverse}"></span>
I wish to add the text CategoryParent with the number from parentCategory.Count to create a dynamic link.
When inspecting the link in the browser I get the corret outcome which is CategoryParent0, CategoryParent1, CategoryParent2 and so on. But when clicking the link I get the following error:
Error: [$parse:syntax]$parse/syntax?p0=%7B&p1=is%20an%20unexpe…Parent%7B%7BparentCategory.Count%7D%7D&p4=%7B%7BparentCategory.Count%7D%7D
at Error (native)
at http://localhost:51976/Scripts/angular.min.js:6:450
at $a.throwError (http://localhost:51976/Scripts/angular.min.js:165:141)
at $a.parse (http://localhost:51976/Scripts/angular.min.js:164:6)
at $get (http://localhost:51976/Scripts/angular.min.js:96:122)
at http://localhost:51976/Scripts/angular.min.js:129:290
at http://localhost:51976/Scripts/angular.min.js:10:248
at Array.forEach (native)
at q (http://localhost:51976/Scripts/angular.min.js:7:280)
at Uc (http://localhost:51976/Scripts/angular.min.js:10:219)
On the angular page its says the following:
Syntax Error: Token '{' is an unexpected token at column 15 of the expression [CategoryParent{{parentCategory.Count}}] starting at [{{parentCategory.Count}}].
I have been looking at this answer AngularJS expression throwing a Syntax error in ng-click and therefore tried many different compinations in the order() method but I cant figure out how to make the link dynamic without using brackets.
Right now the parentCategory.Count is an int but I have also tried to parse it to a string but without any success.
ng-click already takes an Angular expression - so no need for the {{}}
ng-click="order('CategoryParent' + parentCategory.Count)"

I cannot get ng-class working when the class I am adding has a hyphen in it .

I am trying to add a class to my element in Angular. Here's my code:
<button class="medium"
data-ng-disabled="!gridForm.$pristine || fetching.length != 0"
Retrieve<span class="fa fa-spinner fa-fw mlr75" data-ng-class="{fa-spin: fetching.length > 0}"> </span>
However it's giving me a strange error:
Syntax Error
error in component $parse
Syntax Error: Token '-' is at column {2} of the expression [{3}] starting at [{4}].
Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be wrong? Note that it works when I use the class faspin without the hyphen !!
Surround class name with singe quotation.
data-ng-class="{'fa-spin': fetching.length > 0}"
Otherwise angular search your scope for fa-spin which is not a valid name for variables.

angularjs + yeoman + ng-switch + build:minify -> assertion

I am using an ng-switch in angularjs to have dynamic content in my page, dependent on the url. And I am managing my project with yeoman. Here is the code of the dynamic content generation:
<div class="div-content bgcontent" id="content">
<span ng-switch on="renderPath[0]">
<div ng-switch-when="home" ng-include="'partials/home.html'"></div>
<div ng-switch-when="gallery" ng-include="'partials/gallery.html'"></div>
$scope.renderPath = $location.path().split('/');
// remove first entry because it's empty string
This works perfectly well when running the stuff with 'yeoman server'. But if I build with 'yeoman build:minify', it doesn't work anymore afterwards. It hits an assertion:
at assertArg (http://host:8888/scripts/vendor/d10639ae.angular.js:973:11)
at Object.ngDirective.compile (http://host:8888/scripts/vendor/d10639ae.angular.js:13474:5)
at applyDirectivesToNode (http://host:8888/scripts/vendor/d10639ae.angular.js:4047:32)
at compileNodes (http://host:8888/scripts/vendor/d10639ae.angular.js:3794:14)
at compileNodes (http://host:8888/scripts/vendor/d10639ae.angular.js:3799:14)
at compile (http://host:8888/scripts/vendor/d10639ae.angular.js:3739:29)
at update (http://host:8888/scripts/vendor/d10639ae.angular.js:13685:22)
at $get.Scope.$ (http://host:8888/scripts/vendor/d10639ae.angular.js:8002:24)
at Array.forEach (native)
at forEach (http://host:8888/scripts/vendor/d10639ae.angular.js:110:11) <!-- ngSwitchWhen: home -->
Does someone know how to fix this? Or where I need to look to debug it?
If you are using dependency-injection within your scripts, make sure to use the minify-proof syntax as described here:
