How to create multiple database users on AWS? - database

When you create an database on AWS (basically any type) you create a master account for the database. Does anyone know how to create secondary accounts, possibly specify permissions, with different usernames and passwords?


Snowflake Role based Access control hierarchy

I am looking for your suggestions on Snowflake Role based Access control hierarchy which I created for a Snowflake data warehousing project.
Basically, we need to maintain different client data with different databases. This database creation process is automated with a script including create databases(DEV, QA and PROD), roles etc.. for a specific client. Here I have created a hierarchy with 3 different default roles for a database.
Then I created a set of roles which have access to all databases like..
Hope below image illustrates that..
My questions are:
Is this right approach to continue?
When creating database objects, which role should I use? SYSADMIN? For example: for creating database objects in CLIENT_1_DEV_DB database, should I use ADMIN_DEV_CLIENT_1 role or SYSADMIN?
ADMIN_DEV_CLIENT_1 role should be able to create new users and grant the privileges. In that case should I use USERADMIN or SECURITYADMIN? Are there any methods to restrict that to database level?
There is a use case to clone a schema in a database if any issue occurred. In that case How to manage the grants? When we clone a schema, the roles are not retained to the cloned schema. In that case what is the best approach to copy the grants. having another role with MANAGE GRANTS privileges and use that?
Hope you suggestions on these. Thanks
A couple of RBAC approaches articles to help you fine-tune yours:

How to share SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE schema using managed/reader account?

I am trying to share my Snowflake Database(default metadata)--> Account_Usage schema --> Query_History table to another managed account (i.e. reader account) but the data is not visible in another account.
is there any way to share the snowflake database without duplicating the data?
I am getting error as Already Imported Database (i.e) SNowflake cannot be shared for Datashare option.
for a Managed account for usage, I Snowflake database and schemas are available but are not able to see the data which is available.
According to the documentation you can't re-share any database that is shared with you:
Shared databases and all the objects in the database cannot be forwarded (i.e. re-shared with other accounts).
Since the Snowflake database is one that is shared to you from Snowflake, this is probably why you're having issues.
If you need to do this your best bet is to create a table and populate it with the data you need from the Snowflake database and share that table instead. Although it is strange that you'd want to share this info with another account.
Your other option would be to create database/schema in your account with views over the account usage data that you want to share, create a role that can access only that, and then provide a user login with that role only to the group needing to do analytics on your data.

Understanding access when there is database chaining

I am new to SQL Server database and I am struggling to figure out the access issue for one of the user on a particular view. I don't want to expose any of my base tables.
The scenario is: I have 3 databases, DB one, two and three
Database one has 2 base tables
Database two has one view on top of those tables (tables in database one)
Database three has one view which is on top of the view of database two
Database three is our data warehouse. So, I would like to know if I give select permission on only database three's view, will that suffice?
The catch is I don't want to expose any of my base tables in database one
If I grant select permission to user1 on datawarehouse view (view in database three) and deny all the permissions to the base tables (in database 1), then is it possible?
Ownership chaining allows access to data via the view without permissions on the underlying tables as long as all objects are owned by the same security principal. There is no need for an explicit GRANT or DENY on the indirectly used objects with an unbroken ownership chain since permissions are checked only on the directly access view. The object owner is typically inherited from the schema owner.
To allow ownership chaining to extend across multiple database:
The DB_CHAINING database option must be ON for the databases involved.
The user must be able to use the databases (have a user account in each database with CONNECT permissions), although only permissions on directly accessed objects are needed.
In the case of dbo-owned objects, the databases must be owned by the same login (AUTHORIZATION) since the dbo schema owner is the database owner. For other schemas, the schema owner must map to the same login.
DB_CHAINING should be enabled only when you fully trust highly-privileged users (those with permissions to create database objects).

How to create a public database in hive beeline?

Now I can use beeline to create role and user, every user have his/her own database using admin role to grant, but I need to create a new database that all users can create tables in the public database, how to create database like that?
Users can not create tables in other databases and can only create tables under their own databases.
You need an authorization provider that supports Hive. Apache Sentry is a popular one.
You will need to create a Sentry role that allows access to certain databases only.
Then assign a (Linux) group to that role.
Any user in above group will get access privileges to certain databases only (because of step 1.)

Password protect an individual table in MS SQL Server

I am transitioning a project from Advantage Database Server to MS SQL server. In Advantage, you can password protect an individual table, which is also encrypted. As such, you cannot open, view, update, etc. the table without the password. I place my project's registration information in this table, so I don't want any user to be able to look at its contents.
I cannot find a similar function in SQL server. Encrypting the data is insufficient. So my question is: is there a way to password protect a table in SQL Server.
In SQL server you can link various access roles to the users. These roles can be applied to tables, views, stored procedures etc. The best thing to do is to create views on the database, and let the users access specific views, rather than giving permissions on all DB objects.
Alternatively, you can deny permissions on a specific table to a user or a role.
Here are two articles on MSDN that will get you started:
GRANT Object Permissions
DENY Object Permissions
