Firebase Realtime array populate div - arrays

Okay so I’m need guidance on where to start.
What I want to do is upon clicking a button in my web app which will be labelled “search” the web app will connect to my realism database and search the data base for the “search criteria” and the once found all matching cases it will create div blocks with the information inside it, in a list view and assign the ID of the div to the UID it gets back from the database.
--> Country
--------> Users informantion

Welcome to StackOverflow!
A great place to get started is the Firebase Realtime Database doocumentation or searching for Firecasts on YouTube (linked below).
As requested, here are some questions to ask yourself to get started and help scope out and define your new Firebase project.
What language are you going to use?
Are you planning on using any frameworks/libraries? e.g. For Javascript, these would include things like jQuery, Polymer, and React
What information are you storing in your database? e.g. user profiles, private user data/settings, public indexes, username lists, etc.
How is your database structured?
What data is being searched? The entire database? Values in a certain location?
What data needs to be displayed in your view?
Is the data accessible for just the current user or is it a public database that anyone can use?
What search criteria will be used? Is it just one filter at a time or many?
The answers to these questions aren't set in stone, but are to help you start thinking about the future of your project. They can be changed at any time as this isn't SQL where everything has to have its own schema.
If you intend on using "advanced searches" where you'll filter by multiple parameters at the same time, consider using Cloud Firestore instead.
I recommend looking at some Firecasts to help guide you through these questions. Here are some links to them:
Firebase YouTube Channel
Video: Getting Started with the Firebase Realtime Database on the Web
Playlist: Firebase on the Web


Chat with React and Realtime database firebase. Do I need backend? How can I structure my data?

I'm working on a project using React 18 with Firebase Authentication and Realtime Database.
The project is a real-time chat between two users, I wan't this project to be very secure and protect messages/conversations. I have the following "cases" or "rules" to specify this chat functions:
User with profile Volunteer can chat with maximum 10 users with the simple-user profile.
Volunteer can see previous messages or the "history" with a registered simple-user but simple-user can't see previous messages. I need to protect chats for simple-user.
All the active "chats" between one volunteer and maximum 10 simple-users have to be seen just for the Volunteer profile. The simple-user just send and receive messages with a random Volunteer.
I search on the Internet which database fit better with my project model and Realtime Database looks like the better option. But now I would like to have your opinions about how can I handle the database to get the data and connection that I need according to the previous rules I wrote.
I know Firebase is a No-SQL database, but I create this diagram to know if the data structure for this chat could work.
If I store different information like the image above, could I get the information I need from each chat?
Turn is the working shift time that "volunteer" is working on the chat platform.
Session is the information of the turn of that volunteer and simple-users that they talk.
Chat is the "conversation" or the instance to generate messages between two different users.
My questions are:
Do I need a backend project such as nodejs? This backend would be for store the endpoints to firestore and apply some logic rules for queries this way I can have a React project without logic
If I structure my database like the image above, can I be able to get the information to achieve the "rules" that I need?
Do you have any suggestion to build a chat like this? In the future this project could be huge with a lot of data store and multiple users chatting with each other. Right now I have just the UI code and firebase connection. No other code yet.
Thanks for your contributions!

How do I upload/import a Dart database to Firebase? Information based app content

I have built an information based app with server side content that is displayed for the user to view but not edit or generate on their own. The information is examples of Species and the User is able to favourite a Species. Currently I have the Species hardcoded in a Dart db and is passed throughout the app when navigating or favouriting to that runtime instance.
I have set up users through firebase. I assume I will need to convert my Species db to JSON and store as a collection on Firebase in order for the user to favourite and instance of a species. My question is how do I upload or import my Dart database into Firebase? I know there's the JSON conversion but I assume we don't want to run that everytime the app loads.
Any help or guidance as I haven't found anything just yet, it may be my ignorance of nomenclature! I don't believe it is a real time database, but please correct me. Thanks.

I want to fetch the data from wordpress database

Hi I have a question about wordpress.
How does wordpress templates retrieve or fetch data from database? They must be having some query which I am not able to figure out. I want to create a new column to the database for ex, wp_data and fetch that column with the help of the function and display it. So I want to know how the template actually fetches data from database so that I can do the same. I tried contacting the support team of the template owners, but they replied saying they would provide the service only to the Pro version users. Please help me while I am stuck with this.
Thanks in advance
If you want to fetch data from the database without using inbuilt functions go through with this link interacting with the wordpress database
Before you starts with wordpress read the document from its official site wordpress documentation which will help you how wordpress works.

Developing an app that sends a picture to a web page using couchbase

ok guys, im pretty confused with a class project i've been assigned. I need to make an app that allows the user to take a picture, and then send it to a database. I also need to create a webpage where all the pictures taken with the app will be shown. so, the user takes the picture with the app, and then it sends it to the page, where its displayed. I guess is something like a pseudo-instagram.
the part that really confuses me is the database/server part of the app. i think the app will send the pictures to the database, from where the website will retrieve the latest ones (or some other sorted way). after reading a little about databases i found couchbase and i think thats the way to go.
The part i dont really understand about couchbase is where is the data stored. does couchbase just gives me the database and i have to store all the information (photos) somewhere like a computer that acts as a server or in the cloud; or its stored in some kind of server provided by couchbase?
also, is what i described the way to go in this app? the basic idea is to send information from the app to a database/server and then retrieve that data to the webpage. any advice is truly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
couchbase provides key value store. Data is stored within the couchbase. In your case you need to store the images as value. CouchBase is capable of storing binary data. So, you probably want to convert your images in the binary data and store it.
CouchBase has great API, which you can query to retrive your images.
Not sure if this helps you. good luck with your project.

Sync google contacts by group to a limited number of users

I am trying to build an open-source python code hosted at GAE to sync contacts by group to a limited number of users. In a web interface users will be able to pick their group and whom it will be synced with.
I understand there is a lot of applications on market place withe the same functionality, but my organization is concerned about those provides selling contacts to 3rd parties. We are a non-profit organization, so the code could be hosted at google project or github for community contribution.
(sorry for the long intro)
How is the best way to start? is there tutorial available with similar functionality that I can expand?
What is the best way to compare two Contact kind elements? To see if they need to be sync.
Is there a last update on the Contact kind elements? In case I want to implement a last update wins?
I don't know of any tutorials for syncing and comparing contacts specifically, but there is a getting started guide for the Google Contacts API at
The contacts are sent as XML blobs, so you could compare two contacts by parsing them and looking at the individual elements within them. I don't think there's a better way to do this but there are libraries to handle it for you.
There is a last updated field sent as part of the contacts when retrieving them with the API. It is an XML element labeled <updated>.
how are you getting different user's contacts feeds?
i tried to save the tokens in the datastore when the
users grant the access, but when i get the token back
from datastore for 2 users at a time, after an hour
when the token expires,
all tokens start working like the current users token
and i can only get current users contacts.
token = Get_Shared_User_Token(user_email)
contact_client = gdata.contacts.client.ContactsClient(source=USER_AGENT)
authorized_client = token.authorize(contact_client)
contacts_feed = authorized_client.GetContacts(q = query)
can you please tell how one can get any user's contacts?
