I Have installed Oracle 12c r2 database software only on RHEL7 ( AWS EC2 instance). Then I created a database DB1 using DBCA. At the end of DBCA when it prompted for the listener I let it create the default 'LISTENER', Started the listener and the database and database registered automatically with the default 'LISTENER' as expected. Also verified my listener is started using lsnrctl.
Question: When I start netca, the option to reconfigure the existing listener is grayed out. When means netca is not able to recognize existing Listener.
How can I get a handle to default listener to either change the port, protocol or just to delete the listener. I tried netmgr and it can't see the listener as well.
In order to trace my actions on app I am using sql profiler.
Works fine, I am connecting to the server, filtering on host name, and everting what I click on app will be reflected as sql code in profiler.
But when I try to achieve the same using Extended Events it doesn't work for some reason.
After I start session I go "Watch Live Data", however, whatever I do on app it does NOT reflect in SSMS query window.
If I run something in SSMS it does reflect. But does not when using app.
Do you know what am I missing here?
Trace definition added:
ADD EVENT sqlserver.rpc_completed(SET collect_data_stream=(1),collect_output_parameters=(1),collect_statement=(1)
ADD EVENT sqlserver.rpc_starting(SET collect_data_stream=(0),collect_statement=(1)
Update 2
If I concurrently compare it to sql profiler (snip attached) - in Xevents I would only see SQL:Batch Starting transactions, which irrelevant to me.
What would that mean?
I need to store every incoming Event Hub data(JSON) into an Azure SQL Database using Azure Logic Apps. For this I'm using "Receive Event Hub Message" as trigger and Microsoft SQL Connector as Action.
After entering the details for SQL Connector, I chose "Insert into myTable(JSON)". I tried to assign the data from Event Hub to the table values using #triggers().outputs.body.[my_param] (got from git EventHubAPI-README.md), but the table doesn't get updated. Am I missing something here?
Can you try using the updated SDK for the Logic Apps, now you have new Actions under SQL Azure (Insert Row, Update Row) and more recently "Execute Stored Procedure" was also made available in the logic app preview
I am trying to accessing my Oracle database over Network. I have Google a lot and found many solutions, but those doesn't work for me.
The problem is that, I want to access my Oracle Database from One Computer to another Computer over my Local Network.
What I did is....
I found a Solution to modify listener.ora file with
When I modify this file and tried to run and access the Database nothing will happens, and it throws an Error, the port number you have specified is used by another listener, so i have changed port Number but I am not able to access Database.
2. I have configure a new listener with the help of oracle's tool Net Manager, which made a Listener for me, but it does not make accessible database over Network.
Here Some required results.
lsnrctl status : Listener using listener name LISTENER has already been started.
Connection String : jdbc:oracle:thin:#dbp.devProject.com:4541:myDB
Database Version :
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
status shows me this.
Version : TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
Start Date : 14-MAY-2015 11:58:05
Uptime : 0 days 2 hr. 29 min. 50 sec
Trace Level : off
Security : ON: Local OS Authentication
Listener Parameter File : product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin\listener.ora
Listener Log File : \listener\alert\log.xml
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Someone please Help me.
Thanks for your Help..
Whenever you encounter this kind of errors while creating remote access for you database, follow these steps beforehand.
Create a Listener using Net Manager tool of Oracle or create it Manually.
After generating Listener, check out "listener.ora"
[Located : ORACLE_INSTALLED_DIR\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN]
file, for your entry. (is there any Entry for the Listener which you have created just before. If you found your Entry than and than do next steps otherwise do it from FIRST step.)
If you found the Entry for your Listener, Open Command Prompt and fire command lsnrctl status. This will give you all currently running Listeners List, find out the one which you created just before.
Check out the Host Name and Port Number for your Listener.
Generate the Connection String as per the details you found in lsnrctl status
Connect with Database, and You can access the Database from anywhere in your Network.
If your host name and port number is listener then You could try this option by enabling port number in firewall settings.
Opening Ports in Windows Firewall
Open the Control Panel. ...
Open Windows Firewall. ...
Click the Advanced Settings link. ...
Select "Inbound Rules". ...
Create "New Rule" under "Inbound Rules". ...
Select "Port" from the first screen of the wizard. ...
Choose TCP or UDP. ...
Enter in the port range. ...
Finish the wizard.
Create an entry in TNSNAMES.ORA file on the system from which you are trying to connect to the database. (TNSNAMES.ORA is located in ORACLE_INSTALLATION_PATH/Network/Admin/ folder)
Sample entry:
If you have more than one Oracle clients installed, you might need to update this in all those TNSNAMES.ORA
I have hunted high and low for a fix to this, but everything is saying the same - a permissions error. The error given in the replication monitor clearly states it, but I can't see what I have got wrong.
The set-up (sorry for all the red lines in the screenshots - doing my best to disguise stuff ;) ):
Publisher and distributor are on SQL Server 2012 (11.0.3128)
Subscriber is a remote SQL Server 2008 (10.50.2550) - using a pull subscription
Windows user called SQL_Replication_Dev http://screencast.com/t/mz7ZX3fCW. This user exists on both servers with the same password
Login for SQL_Replication_Dev user created in both SQL Servers http://screencast.com/t/pGmnYQTZJm
The SQL_Replication_Dev user is mapped to the publishing DB and the distribution DB on the publisher and the subscriber DB on the subscriber. In all instances, has the db_owner role assigned http://screencast.com/t/2uVfHbkf4Q
The publication is using a network share and not the default folder http://screencast.com/t/OgnUcfBWlz
The SQL_Replication_Dev user has Full Control to the share http://screencast.com/t/d5s1ZZiW
The SQL_Replication_Dev user has Full Control to the underlying folder http://screencast.com/t/T6zJaku2Cob
The SQL_Replication_Dev user is on the Public Access List (PAL) for the publication http://screencast.com/t/BQ7EEh4vfc
Both the snapshot agent and the log reader agent are set as the SQL_Replication_Dev user http://screencast.com/t/iCpytv8yjL
The subscription distribution agent is set to use the SQL_Replication_Dev user and impersonate http://screencast.com/t/onD82Zd1gU0B
The subscription creates successfully and fires the publication snapshot agent to successfully create a snapshot in the folder share.
When looking at the replication monitor on the publisher, I then see the OS error 53 (http://screencast.com/t/4ORyBkQUYVRg) with the detail of The network path was not found. The path and file exist and are accessible to the SQL_Replication_Dev user (I tested this by logging into the server and navigating to the file via the share - is that good enough?).
Any ideas?
It looks like I did have everything configured correctly and I ended up creating a VPN connection between the publisher and subscriber. I could then set the Alternate Path in the subscriber properties to \\local_ip_address_of_publisher\ReplicationDev.
As the VPN connection was only needed for the initial snapshot I could then disconnect the VPN.
In the future, should I need to pass another snapshot, I can re-connect the VPN and make sure the Alternate Path in the subscriber properties are set to use the new local ip address of the publisher.
I have a package that I'm using to load records from a CSV file into a table. It has three elements in the control flow:
Truncate table
Load File into Table
Verify that there are records on the table after the load or raise an error
The idea is to have a single transaction on the package, so if the load of elements fails or the file was empty then the transaction is rolled back and the table isn't truncated.
To enable the transaction I just go to the package properties and set TransactionOption=Required, then I just try to execute the package and get this error while trying to execute the first element (The SQL task that tries to truncate the table):
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Failed to acquire connection "Database
Connection". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not
have the right permissions on this connection.
If I just go back and change the TransactionOption property of the package to the default (Supported) then the package executes correctly but if there's an error there's no rollback.
I am using ADO.NET to connect to a SQL Server DB.
Any idea of what am I doing wrong? Is this the correct way to use transactions or am I missing something?
I know this is an old topic, but I had the same problem as you - the package works fine until I set one of the containers transaction's option to TransactionOption=Required
From what I understand, this might be related to Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) service not being started on the SQL server.
When I had this issue I checked if MSDTC is started on the machine on which I was running the package - it was. Sadly, I couldn't access the SQL server to check the same thing.
But, following these steps on the machine running the package solved the problem:
On Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista:
Click Start, click Run, and type dcomcnfg to launch the Component Services Management console.
Click to expand Component Services and click to expand Computers.
Click to expand My Computer, click to expand Distributed Transaction Coordinator, right-click Local DTC, and click Properties.
Click the Security tab of the Local DTC Properties dialog.
In that dialog box, I had to enable "Network DTC Access" and also "Allow Inbound" and "Allow Outbound".
msdn forum about this
msdn article about troubleshooting Problems with MSDTC