Converting the response of Python get request(jpg content) in Numpy Array - arrays

The workflow of my function is the following:
retrieve a jpg through python get request
save image as png (even though is downloaded as jpg) on disk
use imageio to read from disk image and transform it into numpy array
work with the array
This is what I do to save:
response = requests.get(urlstring, params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
with open('PATH%d.png' % imagenumber, 'wb') as output:
This is what I do to load and transform png into np.array
imagearray = im.imread('PATH%d.png' % imagenumber)
Since I don't need to store permanently what I download I tried to modify my function in order to transform the response.content in a Numpy array directly. Unfortunately every imageio like library works in the same way reading a uri from the disk and converting it to a np.array.
I tried this but obviously it didn't work since it need a uri in input
response = requests.get(urlstring, params=params)
imagearray = im.imread(response.content))
Is there any way to overcome this issue? How can I transform my response.content in a np.array?

imageio.imread is able to read from urls:
import imageio
url = ""
# image is going to be type <class 'imageio.core.util.Image'>
# that's just an extension of np.ndarray with a meta attribute
image = imageio.imread(url)
You can look for more information in the documentation, they also have examples:

You can use BytesIO as file to skip writing to an actual file.
bites = BytesIO(base64.b64decode(response.content))
Now you have it as BytesIO, so you can use it just like a file:
img =
img_np = np.array(im)


how to read the contents of a json file returned from s3 storage as a blob in React

I have successfully retrieved a json file from s3 storage. It is returned as a blob. I am able to turn the blob into text with this code (taken from
export async function getS3Item(filename)
const result = await Storage.get(filename, { download: true });\
result.Body.text().then(string => {
// // handle the String data return String
but the text is all gibberish (I'm assuming since object is in binary?)... such as: "h�b```f�d`a}��ǀ|#1V ..."
Is there a way I can directly read this as a json object in javascript so that I can extract data from it...?
Optionally, I can download the json file (which is shown in the link above and I've gotten this to work) -- but I'd prefer not to download it -- just to extract legible data from the file
thanks so much (I'm quite unfamiliar with blobs).

json file doesn't show up in godot

I'm making a dating sim as my first game and I want to use a JSON file to store all of my dialogue, sprites and B.G.M. kind of like a A.P.I; but the file I wrote won't appear in the godot filesystem section.
I can't get the file path without it, is there a way for it to appear or should I just give up.
Try using the File API and read the data into the variable. Like so:
var data ={}
var path = "res://data.json"
func _ready():
var jsonfile =, File.READ)
data = parse_json(jsonfile.get_as_text())
Also you can install JSON Editor asset from Godot marketplace -

pdf.js and protected files not otherwise viewable

I am using the PDF.js library to display PDf files within my site (using the pdf_viewer.js to display documents on-screen), but the PDF files I am displaying are confidential and I need to be able to show them within the site but block non-authorized public folks from being able to view the same files just by typing in theie URLs and seeing them show up right in their browser.
I tried to add the Deny from all line in my htaccess file, but that also of courfse blocked the viewer from showing the docs, so that seems to be a no-go. Clearly anyone could simply look at inspector and see the pdf file that is being read by the viewer, so it seems a direct URL is not going to be secure in any way.
I did read about PDF.js being able to read binary data, but I have no knowledge of how I might read in a PDF in my own file system and prep it for use by the library, eveen if that means it is all a bit slower in loading to get the file contents and prep it on the fly.
Anyone have a solution that allows PDFJS to work without revealing the source PDF URL, or to otherwise read the file using local file calls?
Okay, after some testing, the solution is very easy:
Get the PDF data using an Ajax-called function that can figure out what actual file is to be viewed.
In that PHP file...
Read the file into memory, using fopen and fread normally.
Convert to base64 using the base64_encode
Pass that string back to the calling Javascript.
In the original calling function, use the following to convert the string to a Uint array and then pass that to the PDFJS library...
## The function that turns the base64 string into whatever a Uint8 array is...
function base64ToUint8Array(base64) {
var raw = atob(base64);
var uint8Array = new Uint8Array(raw.length);
for (var i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) {
uint8Array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i);
return uint8Array;
## the guts that gets the file data, calls the above function to convert it, and then calls PDF.JS to display it
type: "GET",
data: {file: <a file id or whatever distinguishes this PDF>},
url: 'getFilePDFdata.php', (the PHP file that reads the data and returns it encoded)
success: function(base64Data){
var pdfData = base64ToUint8Array(base64Data);
## Loading document.
PDFJS.getDocument(pdfData).then(function (pdfDocument) {
## Document loaded, specifying document for the viewer and
## the (optional) linkService.
pdfLinkService.setDocument(pdfDocument, null);

Dynamic images with Image class

I'm trying to do a simple case, output an image which is saved in a db.BlobProperty. I've read all of the GAE docs but can't seem to figure this one out.
Working: renders in browser
photo = Photo.get(photo_key)
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/png'
self.response.write( photo.image )
Failing: what I really want to do is modify the image using images
from google.appengine.api import images
photo = Photo.get(photo_key)
img = images.Image(photo.image)
# no actual processing/transforms, ruling out that as an issue
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/png'
self.response.write( img )
I believe it's a header issue. For some reason, when I write a Image object GAE is encoding it. The working example just returns with the image/png the failing give image/png; charset=utf-8.
I'm not sure what else to do since I am explicitly setting the Content-Type header in both cases. Thanks for the help.
You can't just use the images.Image object as the source for self.response.write. You need the actual data as a string, which you get from img.execute_transforms() even if you haven't asked for any transformations.

make a copy of an image in blobstore

I have an image in blob store which is uploaded by users(their profile pic). I want to make a copy of the same and and re-size the copy so that it can be displayed as a thumbnail. I want to make a copy of the same instead of using the ImageService because this would be used more often compared to the profile image.
What I am doing here is this:
reader = #get binary data from blob
data =
file_name = files.blobstore.create(mime_type=profile_image.content_type)#file to write to
with, 'a') as f:
blob_key = files.blobstore.get_blob_key(file_name)
image = images.Image(blob_key = blob_key)
image.resize(width=32, height=32)
entity.small_profile_pic = <MyImageModel>(caption=<caption given by user>,
This is giving me error:
BadValueError: Image instance must have a complete key before it can be stored as a reference.
I think this is because the blob is not saved(put()) into the datastore, but how do i do it. Doed files.blobstore.get_blob_key(file_name) not do it ?
I would also like to ask: does the blobstore also cache the dynamically transformed images images served using get_serving_url() ...
I would use the get_serving_url method. In the doc is stated that:
The get_serving_url() method allows you to generate a stable, dedicated URL for serving web-suitable image thumbnails. You simply store a single copy of your original image in Blobstore, and then request a high-performance per-image URL. This special URL can serve that image resized and/or cropped automatically, and serving from this URL does not incur any CPU or dynamic serving load on your application (though bandwidth is still charged as usual). Images are served with low latency from a highly optimized, cookieless infrastructure.
Also the code you posted doesn't seem to follow the exampled posted in the docs. I would use something like this
img = images.Image(blob_key=original_image_key)
img.resize(width=32, height=32)
thumbnail = img.execute_transforms(output_encoding=images.JPEG)
file_name = files.blobstore.create(mime_type='image/jpeg')#file to write to
with, 'a') as f:
blob_key = files.blobstore.get_blob_key(file_name)
