Apache Camel - Create a custom Component/Endpoint? - apache-camel

I need to consume messages from a Websocket, but I have to do some logics before consume the data, so I can't use Webscoket Component.
I have a java code that do Authentication in this Websocket and subscribe a "Sensor" to receive data.
Can I create a Camel Component that I use this code in from() and every time I receive new data onNext() the Camel starts the process?
WebSocket webSocket = new WebSocket(uri, apiKey, (api, authenthication) -> {
console.println("Authenticated successfully as " + authenthication.getUserName());
String[] sensors = {sensorId};
api.getMetrics(sensors).subscribe(metrics -> {
Metric[] allMetrics = metrics.get(sensorId);
Arrays.sort(allMetrics, (metric1, metric2) -> metric1.getId().compareTo(metric2.getId()));
Metric firstMetric = allMetrics[0];
console.println("Metric: " + firstMetric.getDisplayName());
String metricId = firstMetric.getId();
String[] metric = {metricId};
api.getUnits(metric).subscribe(units -> {
Unit unit = units.get(metric[0])[0];
console.println("Unit: " + unit.getName());
Instant now = Instant.now();
Instant aMinuteAgo = now.minus(timeInterval, ChronoUnit.SECONDS);
Date start = Date.from(aMinuteAgo);
Date end = Date.from(now);
api.getData(sensorId, metricId, unit.getId(), emptyMap(), start, end).subscribe(new DisposableObserver<Data>() {
public void onNext(Data data) {
console.println("Data from last " + timeInterval + " seconds: ");
public void onComplete() {
console.println("Data update:");
Disposable subscription = api.subscribeData(sensors, metricId, unit.getId()).subscribe(updates -> {
ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(daemonThreadFactory);
scheduler.schedule(subscription::dispose, cancelDelay, SECONDS);
public void onError(Throwable error) {
console.println("Connection was closed by server.");


Tenant to tenant user migration in Azure Active Directory using Graph API

Is it possible to migrate users using the MS Graph API in Azure AD?
If so, please explain how to migrate users from one tenant to the other using the MS Graph API.
You can export the users with MS Graph. Note, you can't export the passwords. This means that you have to create a new password and share it with the users. Or choose a random password and let the users reset their password using the self-service password rest feature.
Here is an example how to export the users from a directly
public static async Task ListUsers(GraphServiceClient graphClient)
Console.WriteLine("Getting list of users...");
DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
Dictionary<string, string> usersCollection = new Dictionary<string, string>();
int page = 0;
// Get all users
var users = await graphClient.Users
.Select(e => new
// Iterate over all the users in the directory
var pageIterator = PageIterator<User>
// Callback executed for each user in the collection
(user) =>
usersCollection.Add(user.DisplayName, user.Id);
return true;
// Used to configure subsequent page requests
(req) =>
var d = DateTime.Now - startTime;
Console.WriteLine($"{string.Format(TIME_FORMAT, d.Days, d.Hours, d.Minutes, d.Seconds)} users: {usersCollection.Count}");
// Set a variable to the Documents path.
string filePrefix = "0";
if (usersCollection.Count >= 1000000)
filePrefix = usersCollection.Count.ToString()[0].ToString();
if (page >= 50)
page = 0;
string docPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), $"users_{filePrefix}.json");
System.IO.File.WriteAllTextAsync(docPath, JsonSerializer.Serialize(usersCollection));
return req;
await pageIterator.IterateAsync();
// Write last page
string docPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), $"users_all.json");
System.IO.File.WriteAllTextAsync(docPath, JsonSerializer.Serialize(usersCollection));
catch (Exception ex)
After you export the users, you can import them back to the other tenant. The following example creates test users. Change the code to set the values from the files you exported earlier. Also, this code uses batch with 20 users in single operation.
public static async Task CreateTestUsers(GraphServiceClient graphClient, AppSettings appSettings, bool addMissingUsers)
Console.Write("Enter the from value: ");
int from = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()!);
Console.Write("Enter the to value: ");
int to = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()!);
int count = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Starting create test users operation...");
DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
Dictionary<string, string> existingUsers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// Add the missing users
if (addMissingUsers)
// Set a variable to the Documents path.
string docPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "users.json");
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(docPath))
Console.WriteLine("Can't find the '{docPath}' file.");
string usersFile = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(docPath);
existingUsers = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>>(usersFile);
if (existingUsers == null)
Console.WriteLine("Can't deserialize users");
Console.WriteLine($"There are {existingUsers.Count} in the directory");
List<User> users = new List<User>();
// The batch object
var batchRequestContent = new BatchRequestContent();
for (int i = from; i < to; i++)
// 1,000,000
string ID = TEST_USER_PREFIX + i.ToString().PadLeft(7, '0');
if (addMissingUsers)
if (existingUsers.ContainsKey(ID))
var user = new User
DisplayName = ID,
JobTitle = ID.Substring(ID.Length - 1),
Identities = new List<ObjectIdentity>()
new ObjectIdentity
SignInType = "userName",
Issuer = appSettings.TenantName,
IssuerAssignedId = ID
new ObjectIdentity
SignInType = "emailAddress",
Issuer = appSettings.TenantName,
IssuerAssignedId = $"{ID}#{TEST_USER_SUFFIX}"
PasswordProfile = new PasswordProfile
Password = "1",
ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn = false
PasswordPolicies = "DisablePasswordExpiration,DisableStrongPassword"
if (addMissingUsers)
Console.WriteLine($"Adding missing {ID} user");
// POST requests are handled a bit differently
// The SDK request builders generate GET requests, so
// you must get the HttpRequestMessage and convert to a POST
var jsonEvent = graphClient.HttpProvider.Serializer.SerializeAsJsonContent(user);
HttpRequestMessage addUserRequest = graphClient.Users.Request().GetHttpRequestMessage();
addUserRequest.Method = HttpMethod.Post;
addUserRequest.Content = jsonEvent;
if (batchRequestContent.BatchRequestSteps.Count >= BATCH_SIZE)
var d = DateTime.Now - startTime;
Console.WriteLine($"{string.Format(TIME_FORMAT, d.Days, d.Hours, d.Minutes, d.Seconds)}, count: {count}, user: {ID}");
// Run sent the batch requests
var returnedResponse = await graphClient.Batch.Request().PostAsync(batchRequestContent);
// Dispose the HTTP request and empty the batch collection
foreach (var step in batchRequestContent.BatchRequestSteps) ((BatchRequestStep)step.Value).Request.Dispose();
batchRequestContent = new BatchRequestContent();
// Add the event to the batch operations
// Console.WriteLine($"User '{user.DisplayName}' successfully created.");
catch (Exception ex)

ABP framework / parallel programming

I have one AsyncPeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase base class(DataValidateWorker) which runs 1 minute interval.
I need to send the data I get from the DB to a third party web service and update the results in the db. A Web service response arrives in about 30-40 seconds. For this reason, I need to send Web service queries simultaneously, not sequentially.
For this reason, I wrote code in accordance with parallel programming as seen below. I cannot pull the database connection for the Task I wrote. DB connection closed, I got many errors like Executing.
How can I create the db connection for my Task?
Would it be better to write this job in an external application (exe or service) instead of ABP?
public class DataValidateWorker : AsyncPeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase
private readonly IUnitOfWorkManager _unitOfWorkManager;
private readonly IDataFilter _dataFilter;
public DataValidateWorker(AbpAsyncTimer timer, IServiceScopeFactory serviceScopeFactory, IDataFilter dataFilter, IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager) : base(timer, serviceScopeFactory)
_dataFilter = dataFilter;
_unitOfWorkManager = unitOfWorkManager;
Timer.Period = 60 * 1000; // 60 seconds
protected async override Task DoWorkAsync(PeriodicBackgroundWorkerContext workerContext)
var notificationValidationRepository = workerContext.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IRepository<NotificationValidation, int>>();
var notificationValidationItems = await notificationValidationRepository.GetQueryableAsync();
List<NotificationValidation> list = new List<NotificationValidation>();
using (var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin())
using (_dataFilter.Disable<IMultiTenant>())
list = notificationValidationItems.Where(x => x.RecordDateTime <= DateTime.Now && x.ValidationResult == (int)ValidationResult.NotStarted).ToList();
NotificationValidationArgs jobArgs = new NotificationValidationArgs();
foreach (var item in list)
jobArgs.notificationValidationId = item.Id;
Task taskA = Task.Factory.StartNew(async (Object obj) =>
// doing some third party web service operations and db operations
}, jobArgs);
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.LogCritical(2001, ex, DateTime.Now.ToString() + " -> DataValidateWorker -> try 1 -> RDMS uow");
You don't await any of tasks, so lifetime of object ends while your task is still running.
Try to store all of the tasks in a collection and await them before method execution finishes.
Something like below:
public class DataValidateWorker : AsyncPeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase
public DataValidateWorker(AbpAsyncTimer timer, IServiceScopeFactory serviceScopeFactory) : base(timer, serviceScopeFactory)
protected override async Task DoWorkAsync(PeriodicBackgroundWorkerContext workerContext)
var tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var item in list)
tasks.Add(YourLongJob(arg)); // don't await here. collect in a collection
await Task.WhenAll(tasks); // wait until all of them is completed.
private async Task YourLongJob(object arg)
await Task.Delay(30 * 1000); // a long job

Re-index items in DSpace 6.2 after updating through REST

We are trying to build an application to provide bulk editing of item metadata ingested in DSpace, using the REST API. The update operations are being reflected in the DSpace UI. However the metadata remains unchanged in Solr, unless we run index-discovery. Since we intend to work with a large amount of data, running index-discovery everytime a metadata is edited, would be expensive. Could someone suggest a workaround/solution for this?
You could trigger an item update in the Java class of the REST endpoint.
For example:
In method addItemMetadata of java class org.dspace.rest.ItemsResource which represents the /items REST endpoint you could add the following line after the item metadata has been changed:
itemService.update(context, dspaceItem);
This line of code triggers an index update for that specific item.
This is what the complete addItemMetadata method will look like after the above change:
#Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
public Response addItemMetadata(#PathParam("item_id") String itemId, List<org.dspace.rest.common.MetadataEntry> metadata,
#QueryParam("userIP") String user_ip, #QueryParam("userAgent") String user_agent,
#QueryParam("xforwardedfor") String xforwardedfor, #Context HttpHeaders headers, #Context HttpServletRequest request)
throws WebApplicationException
log.info("Adding metadata to item(id=" + itemId + ").");
org.dspace.core.Context context = null;
context = createContext();
org.dspace.content.Item dspaceItem = findItem(context, itemId, org.dspace.core.Constants.WRITE);
writeStats(dspaceItem, UsageEvent.Action.UPDATE, user_ip, user_agent, xforwardedfor, headers, request, context);
for (MetadataEntry entry : metadata)
// TODO Test with Java split
String data[] = mySplit(entry.getKey()); // Done by my split, because of java split was not function.
if ((data.length >= 2) && (data.length <= 3))
itemService.addMetadata(context, dspaceItem, data[0], data[1], data[2], entry.getLanguage(), entry.getValue());
itemService.update(context, dspaceItem);
catch (SQLException e)
processException("Could not write metadata to item(id=" + itemId + "), SQLException. Message: " + e, context);
catch (ContextException e)
processException("Could not write metadata to item(id=" + itemId + "), ContextException. Message: " + e.getMessage(),
} catch (AuthorizeException e) {
processException("Could not update item(id=" + itemId + "), AuthorizeException. Message: " + e.getMessage(),
} finally
log.info("Metadata to item(id=" + itemId + ") were successfully added.");
return Response.status(Status.OK).build();

AngularJS/ Spring Boot application - automatically navigate to signin page after an idle time

I use AngularJS in frontend and Spring Boot/Spring Security in backend.
The backend looks like this:
public class TokenUtils {
public static final String MAGIC_KEY = "obfuscate";
public String createToken(final UserDetails userDetails) {
final long expires = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000L * 60 * 60;
return userDetails.getUsername() + ":" + expires + ":" + computeSignature(userDetails, expires);
public String computeSignature(UserDetails userDetails, long expires) {
final StringBuilder signatureBuilder = new StringBuilder();
MessageDigest digest;
try {
digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No MD5 algorithm available!");
return new String(Hex.encode(digest.digest(signatureBuilder.toString().getBytes())));
public String getUserNameFromToken(final String authToken) {
if (null == authToken) {
return null;
final String[] parts = authToken.split(":");
return parts[0];
public boolean validateToken(final String authToken, final UserDetails userDetails) {
final String[] parts = authToken.split(":");
final long expires = Long.parseLong(parts[1]);
final String signature = parts[2];
final String signatureToMatch = computeSignature(userDetails, expires);
return expires >= System.currentTimeMillis() && signature.equals(signatureToMatch);
If user does not use the frontend for awhile and returns to frontend by e.g. a bottonclick, he is moved to the signin page.
My intention is that the application moves to signin page automatically after expiration time.
Is there a possibility to do this with AngularJS in frontend?
you may wanna use ng-idle plugin
how to configure ?
myApp.config(['KeepaliveProvider', 'IdleProvider', function(KeepaliveProvider, IdleProvider) {
how to implement and listen timeouts in any scope ?
it is emitting some events at $rootScope. you can listen to it at any scope with
$scope.$on('IdleStart',fn) like functions
so you can call logout api endpoints & change route to login page

How to unit test Soap service access from Crm 2011 Silverlight application?

In a Silverlight 5 application in Dynamics CRM 2011 I access the Organization Service of the CRM to query for entity Metadata. I wrote a service that takes an entity name and returns a list of all its fields.
How can I test this service method automatically? The main problem is how to obtain a reference to the organization service from a Silverlight app that does not run in the context of the CRM.
My Service method looks like this:
public IOrganizationService OrganizationService
if (_organizationService == null)
_organizationService = SilverlightUtility.GetSoapService();
return _organizationService;
set { _organizationService = value; }
public async Task<List<string>> GetAttributeNamesOfEntity(string entityName)
// build request
OrganizationRequest request = new OrganizationRequest
RequestName = "RetrieveEntity",
Parameters = new ParameterCollection
new XrmSoap.KeyValuePair<string, object>()
Key = "EntityFilters",
Value = EntityFilters.Attributes
new XrmSoap.KeyValuePair<string, object>()
Key = "RetrieveAsIfPublished",
Value = true
new XrmSoap.KeyValuePair<string, object>()
Key = "LogicalName",
Value = "avobase_tradeorder"
new XrmSoap.KeyValuePair<string, object>()
Key = "MetadataId",
Value = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
// fire request
IAsyncResult result = OrganizationService.BeginExecute(request, null, OrganizationService);
// wait for response
TaskFactory<OrganizationResponse> tf = new TaskFactory<OrganizationResponse>();
OrganizationResponse response = await tf.FromAsync(
OrganizationService.BeginExecute(request, null, null), iar => OrganizationService.EndExecute(result));
// parse response
EntityMetadata entities = (EntityMetadata)response["EntityMetadata"];
return entities.Attributes.Select(attr => attr.LogicalName).ToList();
I can create and execute unit tests with Resharper and AgUnit. Thus, the problem is not how to write a unit test in general.
I have tweaked the GetSoapService from the standard Microsoft SDK to accept a fall back value. This means no codes changes are needed when debugging in visual studio and running in CRM. Anyway here it is
public static IOrganizationService GetSoapService(string FallbackValue = null)
Uri serviceUrl = new Uri(GetServerBaseUrl(FallbackValue)+ "/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc/web");
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(Uri.UriSchemeHttps == serviceUrl.Scheme
? BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport : BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly);
binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = int.MaxValue;
binding.MaxBufferSize = int.MaxValue;
binding.SendTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20);
IOrganizationService ser =new OrganizationServiceClient(binding, new EndpointAddress(serviceUrl));
return ser;
public static string GetServerBaseUrl(string FallbackValue = null)
string serverUrl = (string)GetContext().Invoke("getClientUrl");
//Remove the trailing forwards slash returned by CRM Online
//So that it is always consistent with CRM On Premises
if (serverUrl.EndsWith("/"))
serverUrl = serverUrl.Substring(0, serverUrl.Length - 1);
return serverUrl;
//Try the old getServerUrl
string serverUrl = (string)GetContext().Invoke("getServerUrl");
//Remove the trailing forwards slash returned by CRM Online
//So that it is always consistent with CRM On Premises
if (serverUrl.EndsWith("/"))
serverUrl = serverUrl.Substring(0, serverUrl.Length - 1);
return serverUrl;
return FallbackValue;
