Here is my following code, in my for loop I'm trying to store an unsigned short int inside of the char* memory created by malloc. I'm indexing to do this and I would like to keep it that way if possible.
However, inside myMemory when printing out a sizeof(myMemory[0]) or even printing out the address myMemory[0] itself, it seems that the integer value of p is being stored, not the unsigned short int. The integer itself is correct, but the byte size is 1, not 2, hence not an unsigned short int.
char* myMemory;
typedef unsigned short int R;
void main(){
R *p:
myMemory = malloc(65536)
for (int i = 0; i<36;i++){
myMemory[i] = p;
myMemory[i] = p;
printf("testing size of an index %d\n",sizeof(myMemory[2]));
I think you're looking for
char* myMemory = malloc(sizeof(*p) * 36);
for (int i=0; i<36; ++i) {
memcpy(myMemory+i, p, sizeof(*p));
i += sizeof(*p);
But you could simply use
char* myMemory = malloc(sizeof(*p) * 36);
memcpy(myMemory, p, sizeof(*p) * 36);
p += 36;
Note that incrementing a pointer causes it to move forward to the next element, so ++p advanced the pointer by sizeof(*p) bytes, and p += 36 advances it by sizeof(*p) * 36 bytes.
I am trying to initialize matrices in a helper function, but I am getting a warning accessing the matrix inside the helper function that I can't figure out how to fix. I was reading about multidimensional arrays and even saw the same notation used to pass and access a matrix in multiple examples, but mine generates a warning and I'm not quite sure why.
To my knowledge this error means that the argument is not of a type the function is expecting, but I was using it just fine inside the main function before relocating the initialization into its own function. This leads me to think that I'm doing something wrong when passing the matrix to the helper function.
passing argument 1 of 'memmove' makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]
Here's my code for the initializer. p is a pointer to data inside an array that I want to initialize into my matrix. I'm using this type of nested for loop to spread 16 bytes of data coming from p into my matrix 1 byte per cell.
void initialize(const unsigned char *p, unsigned char (*matrix)[4]) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; j++){
memmove(matrix[i][j], p + (4*i+j), 1); <--- Warning here
Initialize is being called in another function like this:
void func(const unsigned char *p) {
unsigned char matrix[4][4] = {
initialize(p, matrix);
Function memmove() takes a pointer as the first argument. While matrix[i][j] is a char, a type from integer family. Assingning an integer other than constant 0 to a pointer require a cast. Otherwise a warning is raised.
Therefore I expect that in order to copy a single char you should pass a pointer to element matrix[i][j]. Pointers are formed by applying & operator to objects.
memmove(&matrix[i][j], p + (4*i+j), 1);
however it can written far simpler, more readable and likely more optimal as:
matrix[i][j] = p[4 * i + j];
or even by copying the whole array without any loops:
memmove(matrix, p, 16);
passing argument 1 of 'memmove' makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]
Instead of passing an integer value as the destination:
unsigned char (*matrix)[4]
// v----------v This is an integer of type unsigned char
// memmove(matrix[i][j], p + (4*i+j), 1);
Pass the address of the integer as the destination:
memmove(&matrix[i][j], p + (4*i+j), 1);
// ^-----------^ This is an address
void *memmove(void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n); expects s1 to be an address.
matrix in func() is a matrix, aka "2-D array".
matrix in initialize() is not really a matrix, but a pointer to an array[4] of unsigned char.
Since C99 and selectively afterwards, code can use a variable length array notation.
void initialize(size_t rows, size_t cols, unsigned char (*m)[rows][cols],
const unsigned char *p) {
printf("%zu %zu %zu\n", rows, cols, sizeof *m);
for (size_t r = 0; r < rows; r++){
for (size_t c = 0; c < cols; c++){
(*m)[r][c] = *p++;
#define ROW 5
#define COL 7
int main(void) {
unsigned char matrix[ROW][COL];
unsigned char bytes[sizeof matrix] = "Something abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwxy z";
size_t r = sizeof matrix / sizeof matrix[0];
size_t c = sizeof matrix[0] / sizeof matrix[0][0];
printf("%zu %zu %zu\n", r, c, sizeof matrix);
initialize(r, c, &matrix, bytes);
I was wondering if you could help me overcome a hurdle I've run into with my C syntax. I have written the function:
binary_and_trim(char *password, unsigned *key1, unsigned *key2)
that has achieved the goal of converting a provided string into binary and trimmed off the leading zero. I have assigned my key1 and key2 pointers to the correct indexes. But then, when I return to the main function the values are all lost.
I believe that the problem is that when I pass the *key1/*key2 pointers to the function it only receives a copy of them. But, as I am new to C, I don't know how to fix it?
I created a for loop to help me test/debug.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void binary_and_trim(char *password, unsigned *key1, unsigned *key2);
unsigned int get_n_bits(unsigned *bits, int width, int index);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
unsigned *key1 = NULL;
unsigned *key2 = NULL;
binary_and_trim("password", key1, key2);
//This test fails with a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error
for(int i = 0 ; i < 28; i++){
printf("key1[%d] %u key2[%d] %d\n", i, key1[i], i, (key2 + i));
void binary_and_trim(char *password, unsigned *key1, unsigned *key2){
char c;
int count = 0;
unsigned tmp;
unsigned long len = strlen(password);
unsigned trimmedbinary[len * 7];
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){
c = *(password + i);
for( int j = 6; j >= 0; j--) {
tmp = 0;
if(c >> j & 1){
tmp = 1;
*(trimmedbinary + count) = tmp;
key1 = trimmedbinary;
key2 = &trimmedbinary[28];
//This test works correctly!!!
for(int i = 0 ; i < 28; i++){
printf("key1[%d] %d key2[%d] %d\n", i, *(key1 + i), i, *(key2 + i));
I believe that the problem is that when I pass the *key1/*key2 pointers to the function it only receives a copy of them.
Yes, exactly. Pointers are just integers and integers get copied. You solve this with a pointer to a pointer, a "double pointer".
However, there is another problem. trimmedbinary is using stack/automatic memory. "Automatic" meaning it will be freed once the function exits. Once the function returns key1 and key2 will point at freed memory. trimmedbinary must be declared in heap/dynamic memory with malloc.
void binary_and_trim(char *password, unsigned int **key1, unsigned int **key2){
unsigned int *trimmedbinary = malloc(len * 7 * sizeof(unsigned int));
*key1 = trimmedbinary;
*key2 = &trimmedbinary[28];
for(int i = 0 ; i < 28; i++) {
printf("key1[%d] %u, key2[%d] %u\n", i, (*key1)[i], i, (*key2)[i]);
And call it as binary_and_trim("password", &key1, &key2);
Update: I answered the question about how to alter the pointer value, but I have not noticed the memory issue in the code. Please refer to this answer instead.
Pointers are variables themselves. You may already know that with a pointer, you can change the value stored in the variable the pointer points to. Therefore, you need to use a pointer to a pointer to change the value (the memory address) stored in the pointer.
Change your function signature to:
void binary_and_trim(char *password, unsigned **key1, unsigned **key2)
Call with:
binary_and_trim("password", &key1, &key2);
and replace key1 and key2 to *key1 and *key2 in the function definition.
Your problem is that the variable you use to fill with your keys data trimmedbinary is allocated only for the scope of the function binary_and_trim. That said, when you print inside the function
void binary_and_trim(char *password, unsigned **key1, unsigned **key2){
unsigned trimmedbinary[len * 7]; // <--
*key1 = trimmedbinary; // <--
*key2 = &trimmedbinary[28]; // <--
//This test works correctly!!!
for(int i = 0 ; i < 28; i++){
printf("key1[%d] %d key2[%d] %d\n", i, *(key1 + i), i, *(key2 + i));
it just works because the data your key1 pointer is trying to access is still there.
However, when you return from your function back to main, key1 and key2 still point back to the buffer you initialized inside binary_and_trim, which is no longer valid because is out of scope.
I suggest you create a buffer in main and pass it as a parameter,
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
const char* password = "password";
unsigned long len = strlen(password);
unsigned buffer[len * 7]; // <-- Add buffer here
unsigned *key1 = NULL;
unsigned *key2 = NULL;
binary_and_trim(password, &key1, &key2, &buffer, len * 7);
//This test succeeds
for(int i = 0 ; i < 28; i++){
printf("key1[%d] %u key2[%d] %d\n", i, key1[i], i, (key2 + i));
void binary_and_trim(char *password, unsigned **key1, unsigned **key2, unsigned** buffer, size_t buff_size){
char c;
int count = 0;
unsigned tmp;
//Use *buffer instead of trimmedbinary
//Check if buff_size matches len(password) * 7
or alternatively, make the buffer heap allocated (dont forget to free() later).
I believe that the problem is that when I pass the *key1/*key2
pointers to the function it only receives a copy of them.
Already altered in code as well.
Wow! Thank you EVERYONE! I finally got it up and running (after 4 hours of beating my head against the wall). I can't begin to say how clutch you all are.
I'm realizing I have tons to learn about the granular memory access of C (I'm used to Java). I can't wait to be an actual WIZARD like you all!
I'm trying to iteratively copy an unsigned char array to a uint_32t variable (in 4 byte blocks), perform some operation on the uint_32t variable, and copy it back to the unsigned char array.
Here's my code:
unsigned char byteArray[len]
for (int i=0; i<len; i+=4) {
uint32_t tmpInt = 0;
memcpy(&tmpInt, byteArray+(i*4), sizeof(uint32_t));
// do some operation on tmpInt here
memcpy((void*)(byteArray+(i*4)), &tmpInt, sizeof(uint32_t));
It doesn't work though. What's wrong, and how can I achieve what I want to do?
The problem is that you are adding 4 to i with each iteration and multiplying by 4. You should be using byteArray + i.
Also, as #WeatherVane pointed out below, your loop would be more consistent with a sizeof():
for (int i = 0; i < len; i += sizeof(uint32_t)).
As others pointed out you are doing too much by incrementing i as well as multiplying it by the size of your target.
On top of this
the code shown might run into a buffer overflow issue reading beyond the source array.
the sizeof operator evaluates to size_t not int.
the code repeats defining the size of the target independently several times.
Fixing all, the result might look like this:
unsigned char byte_array[len];
typedef uint32_t target_type;
const size_t s = sizeof (target_type);
for (size_t i = 0; i < (len/s)*s; i += s) {
target_type target;
memcpy(&target, byte_array + i, s);
// do some operation on target here
memcpy(byte_array + i, &target, s);
To avoid the typedef just define the target outside of the for-loop:
unsigned char byte_array[len];
uint32_t target;
const size_t s = sizeof target;
for (size_t i = 0; i < (len/s)*s; i += s) {
memcpy(&target, byte_array + i, s);
// do some operation on target here
memcpy(byte_array + i, &target, s);
An equivalent to
byte_array + i
would be
which might be more intuitively to read.
To avoid the "strange" (len/s)*s one could step away from using an index at all, but use a pointer instead:
for (unsigned char p = byte_array; p < byte_array + len; p += s) {
memcpy(&target, p, s);
// do some operation on target here
memcpy(p, &target, s);
In my opinion this is a more elegant solution.
int arr[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int (*p)[5] = &arr;
result: p = *p = arr = 0x7ffee517c830 they are all the address of the array
The right way to use p to visit arr[i] is *(*p+i)
The type of pointer p is int(*)[5], so p point to an array which type is int [5]. But we can't say that p point to an invisible shell of arr, p is a variable after all. It stores the address of arr, which is also the address of arr[0], the first element of arr.
I thought *p will get me 1, which is the first element of arr.
The dereference operation means take the value in p as address and get the value from this address. Right?
So p stores the address of arr,which is 0x7ffee517c830 here, and 1 is stored in this address. Isn't **p illegal? The first dereference give us 1, and second dereference will use 1 as address which is illegal.
What I am missing?
The result of *p is an lvalue expression of array type. Using (*p) is exactly the same as using arr in any expression you could now think of.
For example:
&*p means &arr
**p means *arr (which is legal).
(*p)[i] means arr[i].
sizeof *p means sizeof arr.
Arrays are not special in this regard. You can see the same phenomenon with int x; int *q = &x;. Now *q and x have exactly the same meaning.
Regarding your last paragraph, I think you are confusing yourself by imagining pointers as glorified integers. Some people teach pointers this way but IMO it is not a good teaching technique because it causes the exact confusing you are now having.
If you dereference an int(*)[5] you get an int[5] and that's all there is to it. The data type matters in dereferencing. It does not make sense to talk about "dereferencing 0x7ffee517c830". Again this is not peculiar to arrays; if you dereference a char ***, you get a char ** etc.
The only way in which arrays are "different" in this discussion is what happens if you try to do arithmetic on them, or output them, etc. If you supply an int[5] as a printf argument for example, there is implicit conversion to int * pointing at the first of those 5 ints. This conversion also happens when applying the * operator to an int[5], which is why you get an int out of that.
p is declared as a 'pointer to int[5]'.
arr is declared as an 'int[5]`
so the initializer p = &arr; is not really that strange. If you substituted any primitive type for int[5] you wouldn't bat an eye.
*p is another handle on arr. so (*p)[0] = 1.
This really only comes up in wierd cases. It's most natural where you dereference the pointer-to-array using the subscript operator. Here's a contrived example where I want to pass a table as argument.
#include <stdio.h>
int print_row_range(int (*tab) [2], int first, int last)
int i;
for(i=first; i<= last; i++)
printf("{%d, %d}\n", tab[i][0], tab[i][1]);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int arr[3][2] = {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}};
This example treats the table as an array of rows.
Dereferencing doesn't give you a value. It gives you an object, which can be used as a value of its type if it can be converted to.
*p, being identical to arr, is an object of an array of 5 ints, so if you want to get an integer from the array, you must dereference it again like (*p)[3].
Consider a bigger example:
int arr[5][5];
int (*p)[5] = arr;
Now you get arr[0] with *p, which itself is an array of 5. Here comes the difference:
*( p+1) == arr[1];
*(*p+1) == arr[0][1];
^ ^^^
Got the point?
One use case is to be able to allocate with malloc an 2D (or more) pointer of arrays with only one malloc:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static int (*foo(size_t n))[42] {
return malloc(sizeof *foo(0) * n);
// return malloc(sizeof(int [n][42]); works too
int main(void) {
size_t n = 42;
int (*p)[42] = foo(n);
if (!p) {
return 1;
int accu = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof *p / sizeof **p; j++) {
p[i][j] = accu++;
printf(" %d", p[i][j]);
I think this very funny.
One more with VLA:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static void *foo(size_t elem, size_t n, size_t m) {
return malloc(elem * n * m);
int main(void) {
size_t n = 42;
int (*p)[n] = foo(sizeof **p, n, n);
if (!p) {
return 1;
int accu = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof *p / sizeof **p; j++) {
p[i][j] = accu++;
printf(" %d", p[i][j]);
I'm doing a school project and this problem came up.
by the way, i can't use library.
How to convert a int variable to char array?
I have tried this but it didn't work, tried a lot of other things and even magic doesn't work...
char *r = malloc(sizeof(char*));
int i = 1;
r[counter++] = (char) i;
Can someone help me?
Thank you for your time.
In your code, you should allocate for char size and not char *. Please try with this code segment
char *r = malloc(sizeof(char) * N); // Modified here
int i = 1;
r[counter++] = i & 0xff; // To store only the lower 8 bits.
You could also try this:
char *r = malloc(sizeof(char));
char *s = (char*)&i;
r[counter++] = s[0];
This is an other funny way to proceed and it allows you to access the full int with:
s[0], s[1], etc...
Do you mind losing precision? A char is generally 8 bits and an int is generally more. Any int value over 255 is going to be converted to its modulo 255 - unless you want to convert the int into as many chars as is takes to hold an int.
Your title seems ot say that, but none of the answers give so far do.
If so, you need to declare an array of char which is sizeof(int) / sizeof(char) and loop that many times, moving i >> 8 into r[looop_var]. There is no need at all to malloc, unless your teacher told you to do so. In whch case, don't forget to handle malloc failing.
Let's say something like (I am coding this w/o compiling it, so beware)
int numChars = sizeof(int) / sizeof(char);
char charArry[numChard]; // or malloc() later, if you must (& check result)
int convertMe = 0x12345678;
int loopVar;
for (loopVar = 0; loopvar < numChars)
charArry[loopVar ] = convertMe ;
convertMe = convertMe >> 8;
If you can't use the library, you can't use malloc.
But this will work:
int i = 0;
char *p = (char *)&i;
p[0] = 'H';
p[1] = 'i';
p[2] = '!';
p[3] = '\0';
printf("%s\n", p);
Assuming your int is 32bit or more (and your char is 8).
It then follows that if you have:
int i[100];
You can treat that as an array of char with a size equal to sizeof (i). i.e.
int i[100];
int sz = sizeof(i); // probably 400
char *p = (char *)i; // p[0] to p[sz - 1] is valid.
You can use a union instead. Assuming that sizeof int == 4,
typedef union {
int i;
char[4] cs;
} int_char;
int_char int_char_pun;
int_char_pun.i = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Be careful; int_char.cs usually won't be a null-terminated string, or it might be, but with length < 4.
if you don't want to include the math library:
unsigned long pow10(int n);
void main(){
char test[6] = {0};
unsigned int testint = 2410;
char conversion_started = 0;
int i=0,j=0;float k=0;
if(k<1 && conversion_started==0) continue;
if(k >= 0 && k < 10){
testint = testint - (k * pow10(i));
unsigned long pow10(int n){
long r = 1;
int q = 0;
if(n==0) return 1;
for(q=0;q<n;q++) r = r * 10;
return r;
NOTE: I didn't care much about the char array length, so you might better choose it wisely.
hmm... what is wrong with the code below
char *r = malloc(sizeof(char) * ARR_SIZE);
int i = 1;
printf("int %d converted int %s",i,r);
will it now work for you