how to redirect to another .jsf page from fragment on button click - oracle-adf

I am using fragments in my application.
There are 2 jsf pages abc.jsf and xyz.jsf.
In abc.jsf page there is a fragment of name jkl.jsff is showing, in that fragment there is a button through which i want to redirect to xyz.jsf page.
How i can redirect from fragment to another .jsf page?

In the abc.jsf Taskflow add Parent Action and set the value Parent Outcome property as it is between abc.jsf and xyz.jsf


Wagtail Page prevent asking parent page

I dont like this step, I want to add page and there should not be any parent or child. it will stand alone a page only.
Like when i click on creating a page from wagtail hooks or wagtail snippet it should direct redirect me to content creating panels instead of asking parent or child like this page.
I dont want my page should have any parent or child. and even i hate this step of asking parent page.
I have addeed this variable there but yet it showing this steps.
class ListingPage(Page):
parent_page_type = []
subpage_types = [
Can anyone help me to get rid of this section?
Pages need to have a parent - the page tree structure determines the URL that a page will have, so if there's no parent, it will never be possible to reach that page at any URL.
However, if a new page has exactly one possible parent, then this choice screen will be skipped. For example, if you set parent_page_types = ['home.HomePage'] and only one HomePage exists in your site structure, then it will skip this prompt and take the user straight to the editing view (which will then create a page as a child of the homepage).

React + Redux - component doesn't re-render in a diferente route

I am following the Redux tutorial to understand how it works and to use it.
My code is on codesandbox. Link here.
In the App.js, there is 2 routes. The first route ("/") render 2 components in the same page, first one (AddPostForm) is a form do create a post, and the second (PostsList) is a list of posts. The second route ("/index") render just the PostsList.
So, when I open the 2 pages in my browser, and in the "/" I create a new post, this post show on the list of this page, but, when I check the "/index", the new post doesn't show up.
I want to know this is supposed to happen, and how can I make the PostList in the route "/index" to update too.

React-router links not working when nested in child pages

I need the following structure in my application,
Login -> Dashboard ,with the following side menus
1..Test List -> URL must be /dashboard/testlist
2. User List -> URl must be /dashboard/userlist
UserList should be selected by default and details page should show on the right panel.
When I click on any item in the Userlist it should show another menus
User Info -> URL must be /dashboard/testlist/userinfo
User friends-> URl must be /dashboard/testlist/userinfo
I have designed following structure for routing and when we click on the links the URL changing but the page is not loaded
Codesandbox link as follows
I can make this work by adding URL params in the dashboard route as follows
but it will need more URL params when more nesting requires in the child pages. Some help, please

admin-on-rest Show component with specified id on custom page

I am using admin-on-rest in my React app and wonder how is possible to make a custom page containing Show (or another detail component) with specified resource Id (for example: I want my app to fetch only resource with id = 1)
I don't know if this is canonical or the intended way to do things but you can supply both basePath and record as props to the ShowButton and EditButton components.
You can use this to redirect your user basically anywhere.
It should be possible (using some switch case or dependent input addon) to also add these props to the ListButton in the Show and Edit view and redirect your user back to the originating ListView.
Here is documentation to supply actions to the List view.

Get the page URL (no Action Url) of the page I am visiting in MVC

I am using MVC.
I have a layout page that has some components that call the controllers. One of this component is the menĂ¹ that call the action GetMenu(...).
And then I have the page that use that layout page. I reach this page calling an action (Index) of another controller.
So.. Everytime I call at least two actions:
Now, from the action GetMenu, I need to take the url of the page I am visiting. In MVC, it means that I need to take the url of the other action (/ServiceXXXController/Index) but when I do Request.Url.* I obtain the url of the menu (/HomeController/GetMenu)
There is a way to obtain the url of that page I am visiting?
Thank you.
You can pass the URL to get menu while rendering it.
