How to implement nested Routing (child routes) in react router v4? - reactjs

The component tree i want is as below
- Login
- Home
- Contact
- About
Contact and About are children of Home.
This is my App.js ,
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Route exact path="/home" component={HomeView} />
render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
This is Home,
export const HomeView = ({match}) => {
<NavBar />
Here i want to render the contact component, (Navbar need to stay)
This is my Navbar,
export const NavBar = () => {
return (
<Link to="/home">Home</Link>
<Link to="/home/contact">Contact</Link>
Contact component just need to render "hello text".

To make nested routes you need to remove exact:
<Route path="/home" component={HomeRouter} />
And add some routes:
export const HomeRouter = ({match}) => {
<NavBar />
{/* match.path should be equal to '/home' */}
<Route exact path={match.path} component={HomeView} />
<Route exact path={match.path + '/contact'} component={HomeContact} />
You don't need use match.path in nested routes but this way it will be easier to move everything from "/home" to "/new/home" in case you decide to change your routing.


Seperate route from rest of layout - react

I have an app that I want to add an admin page to. I want the admin page to have its own layout seperate from the client layout. With what I have what's the current and 'best' way to implement this?
import './App.css';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
import HomePage from './pages/HomePage';
import ItemDetailPage from './pages/ItemDetailPage';
import Header from './components/Header';
import Footer from './components/Footer';
import CollectionPage from './pages/CollectionPage';
import AdminPage from './pages/AdminPage';
function App() {
return (
{/* Admin app routes */}
{/* <Route exact path="/admin" component={AdminPage}/> */}
{/* Client app routes */}
<div className="app">
<Header />
<Route exact path="/" component={HomePage}/>
<Route exact path="/item/:itemID" component={ItemDetailPage}/>
<Route exact path="/collections/:collection" component={CollectionPage}/>
<Footer />
export default App;
export default function ClientLayoutHOC(props) {
const {component: Component,} = props;
return (
<div className="app">
<Header />
{/*<Component {}/> */}
<Footer />
I found this. Should I create an AdminLayout and ClientLayout components and filter the pages through?
You could create a High Order Component and add it to your non-admin pages like this:
The HOC can contain your div wrapper and the Header and Footer.
Then all of your routes stay clean in the Router.Switch
The anonymous functions for HOC, HomePage, ItemDetailPage, and CollectionPage below are meant to be samples of the changes you'll make to those components. The HOC component will be a separate component too.
const HOC = (props) => {
const {component: Component,} = props;
return (
<div className="app">
<Component {}/>
const HomePage = (props) => {
return (
{/* replace with HomePage content*/}
const ItemDetailPage = (props) => {
return (
{/* replace with ItemDetailPage content*/}
const CollectionPage = (props) => {
return (
{/* replace with CollectionPage content*/}
function App() {
return (
{/* Admin app routes */}
<Route exact path="/admin" component={AdminPage}/>
{/* Client app routes */}
<Route exact path="/" component={HomePage} />
<Route exact path="/item/:itemID" component={ItemDetailPage}/>
<Route exact path="/collections/:collection" component={CollectionPage}/>
In looking at your added HOC code I would suggest the following changes:
export default function ClientLayoutHOC(props) {
const {component: Component, children,} = props;
return (
<div className="app">
<Header />
<Component {}>
<Footer />

React-Router nested routes loading blank page instead of loading inside parent component

I am new to React and trying to create a layout with nested routes. Here's my scenario
show Login when URL is /
show Dashboard when URL is /dashboard
show Profile when URL is /dashboard/profile (this should load
inside the dashboard content area)
The login page and dashboard page are loading properly when the URL is accessed in the browser but for /dashboard/profile, the browser goes to a blank page instead of loading it inside the dashboard component.
<App />
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
{/* <Switch> */}
<Route exact path='/' component={SignIn}/>
<Route exact path='/dashboard' component={Dashboard}/>
{/* </Switch> */}
export default App;
class Dashboard extends React.Component {
render() {
const { classes } = this.props;
return (
<CssBaseline />
<div className={classes.root}>
<Header classes={classes} open={} click={this.handleDrawerOpen} />
<Sidebar classes={classes} open={} click={this.handleDrawerClose} />
<main className={classes.content}>
<div className={classes.appBarSpacer} />
*********I expect profile component to load here
but when I access the URL /dashboard/profile I get a new blank page*********
Route path="/dashboard/profile" exact component={Profile} />
You need to remove the exact prop from the Dashboard route (present in Switch) while doing the child routing.
This is the minimal implementation of your use case:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import "./styles.css";
import {
BrowserRouter as Router,
} from "react-router-dom";
const App = () => (
<div className="App">
<NavLink to="/login">Login</NavLink>
<NavLink to="/dashboard">Dashboard</NavLink>
<Route exact path="/login" component={Login} />
<Route path="/dashboard" component={Dashboard} />
const Login = () => <span>Login Page</span>;
const Dashboard = () => {
return (
<div>Dashboard Page</div>
<NavLink to="/dashboard/profile">Go to profile</NavLink>
<Route exact path="/dashboard/profile" component={Profile} />
const Profile = () => {
return <span>Profile Page</span>;
export default App;
You can find the working example here:

React router v4 - route with params renders blank page?

I'm trying to implement React Router v4 in my create-react-app app and my routes work except for the route with an /:id parameter as it just renders a blank page. I've searched for 2 days and tried implementing the solutions here which says to add <base href="/" /> to the head section of index.html and I've also tried following this Medium guide for simple routing but it still does not work. I don't understand, what is going on?
My code is below, any help is greatly appreciated!
<App />
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Routes />
export const Routes = () => {
return (
<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
<Route exact path="/movies" component={Search} />
render() {
let filteredMovies = this.state.movies.filter((movie) => {
return movie.title.toLowerCase().indexOf( !== -1;
return (
<p>Search Page</p>
<input type="text" value={} onChange={this.updateSearch}/>
{, idx) =>
<div key={idx}>
<Link to={`/movies/${movie.videoId}`}>
<img src={movie.image.high.url} height="160px" width="100px" alt=""/>
<Route path="/movies/:id" component={Single} />
export default Search;
class Single extends Component {
render() {
return (
<p>Single Movie...</p>
export default withRouter(Single);
Every route works except for /movies/:id where it just renders a completely blank page. It doesn't even show the <p>Single Movie...</p>.
You should remove exact from route that corresponds to Search component in your Routes, i. e.:
export const Routes = () => {
return (
<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
<Route path="/movies" component={Search} />
The explanation is pretty simple: the exact prop means that your component will render only if current route is exactly the same as you specified in the path prop
If you want to render the list of movies only when no :id is specified, you should render your list in Switch:
<Route exact path="/movies" render={props => {
return (
{, idx) =>
<div key={idx}>
<Link to={`/movies/${movie.videoId}`}>
<img src={movie.image.high.url} height="160px" width="100px" alt=""/>
} />
<Route path="/movies/:id" component={Single} />

Multiple Layouts with React Router v4

I'm pulling my hair out trying to render multiple layouts with React Router v4.
For instance, I'd like pages with the following paths to have layout 1:
exact path="/"
and the following paths to have layout 2:
Effectively what's being answered here but for v4: Using multiple layouts for react-router components
None of the other answers worked so I came up with the following solution. I used the render prop instead of the traditional component prop at the highest level.
It uses the layoutPicker function to determine the layout based on the path. If that path isn't assigned to a layout then it returns a "bad route" message.
import SimpleLayout from './layouts/simple-layout';
import FullLayout from './layouts/full-layout';
var layoutAssignments = {
'/': FullLayout,
'/pricing': FullLayout,
'/signup': SimpleLayout,
'/login': SimpleLayout
var layoutPicker = function(props){
var Layout = layoutAssignments[props.location.pathname];
return Layout ? <Layout/> : <pre>bad route</pre>;
class Main extends React.Component {
return (
<Route path="*" render={layoutPicker}/>
simple-layout.js and full-layout.js follow this format:
class SimpleLayout extends React.Component {
return (
<Route path="/signup" component={SignupPage}/>
<Route path="/login" component={LoginPage}/>
So, for this you should use render function (
A really good article that helped me:
In the end you will be use something like this:
<DefaultLayout path="/" component={SomeComponent} />
<PostLayout path="/posts/:post" component={PostComponent} />
I solved this problem utilizing a bit of both of your solutions:
My Routes.js file
import BaseWithNav from './layouts/base_with_nav';
import BaseNoNav from './layouts/base_no_nav';
function renderWithLayout(Component, Layout) {
return <Layout><Component /></Layout>
export default () => (
{/* Routes with Sidebar Navigation */}
<Route exact path="/" render={() => renderWithLayout(Home, BaseWithNav)} />
{/* Routes without Sidebar Navigation */}
<Route path="/error" render={() => renderWithLayout(AppErrorMsg, BaseNoNav)} />
<Route path="/*" render={() => renderWithLayout(PageNotFound, BaseNoNav)} />
Base.js (where routes get imported)
export default class Base extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<Routes />
class BaseWithNav extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return <div id="base-no-nav">
<MainNavigation />
export default BaseWithNav;
class BaseNoNav extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
let {classes} = this.props;
return <div id="base-no-nav">
export default BaseNoNav;
I hope this helps!
I know i am replying late but it's easy to do that, i hope it will helps to newbie.
i am using React 4
export default props => (
<NavMenu />
export default props => (
Now finally we have our App
function renderWithLoginLayout(Component, Layout) {
return <LoginLayout><Component /></LoginLayout>
function renderWithLayout(Path, Component, Layout) {
return <Layout><Route path={Path} component={Component} /></Layout>
export default () => (
<Route exact path='/' render={() => renderWithLayout(this.path, Home, Layout)} />
<Route path='/counter' render={() => renderWithLayout(this.path, Counter, Layout)} />
<Route path='/fetch-data/:startDateIndex?' render={() => renderWithLayout(this.path, FetchData, Layout)} />
<Route path='/login' render={() => renderWithLoginLayout(Login, LoginLayout)} />

Route not rendering component when Url changes

I have the following ProductThumbnail component where as i click on the link it updates the URL and changes the route to redirect toward ProductDesc component. It generates the URL /productDescRedux/itemId properly.
const ProductThumbnail = (props) => {
const itemId = props.product
<Link to={`/productDescRedux/${}`}>
<img src={props.product.images[0].imagesUrls.entry[1].url} alt="Thumbnail small pic"/>
ProductThumbnail.propTypes = {
product: React.PropTypes.object
export default ProductThumbnail;
However despite URL changes, it does not call the component ProductDesc and i have to reload the page to display the component ProductDesc. Below the routes and the component ProductDesc
const Routes = function(){
<Provider store={store}>
<Router history={ hashHistory }>
<Route path="/" component={ Container }>
<IndexRoute component={ Home } />
<Route path="/productredux" component={ App } >
<IndexRoute component={ ProductsGrid }/>
<Route path="/productDescRedux/:id" component={ ProductDesc } />
<Route path="*" component={ NotFound } />
export default Routes;
const ProductDesc = ()=>({
return (
And here for completion the App component which uses connect() as well as the Main component
function mapStateToProps(state){
return {
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch){
return bindActionCreators(actionCreators,dispatch);
const App = connect(mapStateToProps,mapDispatchToProps)(Main);
export default App;
//in a different file
const Main = (props) => ({
return (
{React.cloneElement(props.children, this.props)}
export default Main;
So I don't see why when changing the URL , routing is not calling the component ProductDesc. any insight ?
Syntax issue on the Main component which is the parent of all. I needed
{React.cloneElement(this.props.children, this.props)}
instead of
{React.cloneElement(props.children, this.props)}
Ref issue
