Why cannot catch error in redux-saga generator? - reactjs

Here is store/store.js
const initSagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();
const middlewares = [initSagaMiddleware, fetchPhotosMiddleware, putPhotoMiddleware];
const middlewareEnhancer = applyMiddleware(...middlewares);
export default store;
export default function* rootSaga() {
yield all([
function* photoWatcher() {
yield takeEvery(PUT_PHOTO, putPhotoWorker);
function* putPhotoWorker(action) {
try {
const payload = yield call(putPhoto, action.urlParams, action.body);
yield put({ type: PHOTO_UPDATED, payload });
} catch (err) {
yield put({ type: API_ERROR_PUT_PHOTO, payload: err });
and services/api.js
export function putPhoto(urlParams, body) {
return axios.put('/abc/' + urlParams.key + '/def/' + urlParams.id + '/edit', body)
.then(res => {
return res.data;
.catch(err => err);
My problem is: even when I get error from an api call, redux-saga putting PHOTO_UPDATED instead of API_ERROR_PUT_PHOTO. What am I doing wrong? How to catch error?

The problem is you are trying to catch the same error twice. Just remove the catch form the putPhoto function and it should work.
export function putPhoto(urlParams, body) {
return axios.put('/abc/' + urlParams.key + '/def/' + urlParams.id + '/edit', body)
.then(res => {
return res.data;

Both then and catch promises in putPhoto func were resulting in try statement. Because of that, I give up on try...catch, instead I'm using if...else statement now. Like this:
function* putPhotoWorker(action) {
const payload = yield call(putPhoto, action.urlParams, action.body);
if (isResponseTypeWhatIExpected) {
yield put({ type: PHOTO_UPDATED, payload });
} else {
yield put({ type: API_ERROR_PUT_PHOTO, payload });


How can i catch error? when i use redux-saga?

How can i catch error? when i use redux-saga?
if error occred in const refreshresult = yield call(refresh);
i want to stop and throw this error action
i don't know what can i do
yield put({
error: err.response.data,
how can i do that? how should i stop and send error action?
this is my code
function getPostAPI(data) {
return axiosInstace.post('/kakao/getpost', data);
function* getPost(action) {
try {
const result = yield call(getPostAPI, action.data);
yield put({
data: result.data,
} catch (err) {
if (err.response.data === 'jwtEx') {
const refreshresult = yield call(refresh); // <<<< if error occure refresh() i want to stop
yield put(action);
} else {
yield put({
error: err.response.data,
function* refresh() {
try {
const result = yield call(refreshAPI);
yield AsyncStorage.setItem(
() => {
// console.log('accesstoken 재발급 저장 완료');
yield put({
data: result.data,
} catch (err) {
yield put({
error: err.response.data,
I guess you're doing it the right way. Try and catch will work.
Check out this link for more info Redux-saga documentation

Fetch api data in redux-saga

I want to fetch api data with redux-saga .
Here is how I call my api :
export const getData = () => {
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
Here is my redux-saga :
import { takeLatest, put } from "redux-saga/effects";
import { delay } from "redux-saga/effects";
function* loadDataAsync() {
yield delay(500);
yield put({ type: "LOAD_DATA_ASYNC" });
export function* watchloadData() {
console.log("Im working buddy");
yield takeLatest("LOAD_DATA", loadDataAsync);
The problem Is I don't really know how to fetch data through redux-saga,I tried to do research but none of the information seemed to satisfy me.
Could you please give me some suggestions?
The problem Is I don't really know how to fetch data through redux-saga,
No, the problem is you don't really know function generators in javascript.
Anyways if I were to architect that piece of code I would do something like this:
export function* getData(){
yield agent
And then:
function* loadDataAsync() {
try {
const { body: { data } } = yield getData();
yield put({ type: "LOAD_DATA_ASYNC_SUCCESS" });
} catch(err) {
yield put({ type: "LOAD_DATA_ASYNC_FAILED" });

Handling Errors with Custom Axios and redux-saga

I have the following pipeline in my React App
saga.js :
function* handleGetTrack(action: ReturnType<typeof selectTrack>) {
try {
const getTrackResponse = yield httpGetTrack(action.payload)
yield console.log(getTrackResponse)
getTrackResponse.status === 200
? yield put(trackSelected(getTrackResponse.data))
: yield put(selectTrackError('Track Not Found (Get)'))
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof Error && err.stack) {
yield put(selectTrackError(err.stack))
} else {
yield put(selectTrackError('An unknown error occured.'))
export function httpGetTrack(trackId) {
return customAxios.get(`${URL}/tracks/${trackId}`)
customAxios.js :
export const customAxios = axios.create({
baseURL: process.env.REACT_APP_API_ENDPOINT,
timeout: 10000,
function(response) {
return response
function(error) {
const errorResponse = error.response
if (isTokenExpiredError(errorResponse)) {
return resetTokenAndReattemptRequest(error)
return error.response
Like this everything works fine, In fact in my saga.js I can make the console.log(getTrackResponse) print the error well,
However in the Axios documentation it says tu use return Promise.reject(error) instead of return error.response
Why is that ?? Am i doing well or wrong ??
Have you tried using the call effect? For example:
import { call } from 'redux-saga/effects';
const getTrackResponse = yield call(httpGetTrack, action.payload);
When you define your interceptor you should also follow the Axios docs
function(error) {
const errorResponse = error.response
return Promise.reject(error.response);
import Api from './path/to/api'
import { call, put } from 'redux-saga/effects'
function fetchProductsApi() {
return Api.fetch('/products')
.then(response => ({ response }))
.catch(error => ({ error }))
function* fetchProducts() {
const { response, error } = yield call(fetchProductsApi)
if (response)
yield put({ type: 'PRODUCTS_RECEIVED', products: response })
yield put({ type: 'PRODUCTS_REQUEST_FAILED', error })
Here is an answer for a similar problem

Saga is being called multiple times

How to stop saga being called multiple times. Once i dispatched an action i received the result multiple times. i don't know what i'm missing here.
export function* watchRegisterUser() {
yield takeLatest(REGISTER_USER, registerWithEmailPassword);
export function* watchLoginUser() {
const logi = yield takeLatest(LOGIN_USER, loginWithEmailPassword);
export function* watchLogoutUser() {
yield takeLatest(LOGOUT_USER, logout);
export default function* rootSaga() {
yield all([
When i put wrong credentials i get the response and notification is displayed, working fine for the first time. But when i change the credentials, i get notifications (multiple times). Even when state
Reference: Same problem here
I'm not sure what am i missing here.
function* loginWithEmailPassword({ payload }) {
const { history } = payload;
try {
const response = yield call(loginWithEmailPasswordAsync, payload.user);
console.log("login :", response);
if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
const loginUser = yield response.json();
localStorage.setItem("access_token", loginUser.access_token);
yield put(loginUserSuccess(loginUser));
} else if (response.status === 400) {
yield put({
error: "Email and Password are wrong!"
} catch (error) {
yield put({ type: LOGIN_USER_FAILURE, error: "Something went wrong!" });
you could try debounce to get around this, in the example below I debounce repeated actions withing a 500ms window.
function* createAutocompleteLists(action) {
const state = yield select()
if (!state.users.loaded && !state.users.loading) {
yield put(getUsers())
yield take([GET_SUCCESS, GET_FAIL])
yield call(parseAutocomplete, state.couchdbSavedSearch.current_share_with, state)
function* createAutocompleteForwardLists(action) {
const state = yield select()
if (!state.users.loaded && !state.users.loading) {
yield put(getUsers())
yield take([GET_SUCCESS, GET_FAIL])
yield call(parseForwardAutocomplete, state.forward.current_forward_to, state)
function* debounceCurrentShareWith () {
yield debounce(500, [GET_SUCCESS, SET_CURRENT_SHARE_WITH, SPACE_SET_CURRENT_SHARE_WITH], createAutocompleteLists)
function* debounceCurrentShareWithForward () {
yield debounce(500, [GET_SUCCESS, FORWARD_SET_CURRENT_FORWARD_TO], createAutocompleteForwardLists)
export default function* usersSagas() {
yield spawn(debounceCurrentShareWith)
yield spawn(debounceCurrentShareWithForward)

Redux saga multiple api calls

I have a bunch of action watchers of my api calls using redux-saga. The thing is I would like to make ONE action watcher which fire all these action watchers to fetch all the api without having to repeat the codes I already have. If one of the watcher return a rejected Promise, it should cancel all the other watchers. What's the best way of doing this?
function* watchFetchUsers() {
while(true) {
yield take([FETCH_USERS]);
try {
const users = yield call(api.fetchUserData);
yield put({ type:FETCH_USERS, payload: users });
} catch (err) {
yield put({ type:SIGNOUT, status: err });
return err;
function* watchFetchDepartments() {
while(true) {
yield take([FETCH_DEPARTMENTS]);
try {
const departments = yield call(api.fetchDepartmentData);
yield put({ type:FETCH_DEPARTMENTS, payload: departments });
} catch (err) {
yield put({ type:SIGNOUT, status: err });
return err;
function* watchFetchPositions() {
while(true) {
yield take([FETCH_POSITIONS]);
try {
const positions = yield call(api.fetchPositionData);
yield put({ type:FETCH_POSITIONS, payload: positions });
} catch (err) {
yield put({ type:SIGNOUT, status: err });
return err;
function* watchFetchBanks() {
while(true) {
yield take([FETCH_BANKS]);
try {
const banks = yield call(api.fetchBankData);
yield put({ type:FETCH_BANKS, payload: banks });
} catch (err) {
yield put({ type:SIGNOUT, status: err });
return err;
function* watchFetchAuthenticatedUser() {
while(true) {
try {
const user = yield call(api.fetchAuthenticatedUser);
yield put({ type:FETCH_AUTHENTICATED_USER, payload: user });
} catch (err) {
yield put({ type:SIGNOUT, status: err });
return err;
export default function* fetchData() {
yield [
How about this
export function* watchFetchAll() {
while(true) {
// const {type} = yield take(['FETCH_A', 'FETCH_B', ...]);
const {type} = yield take(action => /^FETCH_/.test(action.type));
console.log('type %s', type);
try {
const data = yield call(api.fetch, type);
console.log('data', data);
yield put({type, payload: data})
catch (error) {
console.log('error', error);
yield put({ type: 'SIGNOUT', status: error })
export default function* fetchData() {
yield *watchFetchAll();
The simple api implementation:
const api = {
fetch(type) {
switch (type) {
case 'FETCH_A': return Promise.resolve({result: 'Fetched A type'});
case 'FETCH_B': return Promise.resolve({result: 'Fetched B type'});
// other cases
default: console.log(`Unknown type ${type}`);
The forked task's error is propagated to parent tasks.
I'm not sure if the below is what you want. But maybe it will work.
function* watchFetchUsers() {
while(true) {
yield take([FETCH_USERS]);
const users = yield call(api.fetchUserData);
yield put({ type:FETCH_USERS, payload: users });
function* watchFetchDepartments() {
while(true) {
yield take([FETCH_DEPARTMENTS]);
const departments = yield call(api.fetchDepartmentData);
yield put({ type:FETCH_DEPARTMENTS, payload: departments });
function* watchFetchPositions() {
while(true) {
yield take([FETCH_POSITIONS]);
const positions = yield call(api.fetchPositionData);
yield put({ type:FETCH_POSITIONS, payload: positions });
function* watchFetchBanks() {
while(true) {
yield take([FETCH_BANKS]);
const banks = yield call(api.fetchBankData);
yield put({ type:FETCH_BANKS, payload: banks });
function* watchFetchAuthenticatedUser() {
while(true) {
const user = yield call(api.fetchAuthenticatedUser);
yield put({ type:FETCH_AUTHENTICATED_USER, payload: user });
export default function* fetchData() {
while (true) {
let tasks;
try {
tasks = yield [
yield join(...tasks)
} catch (e) {
yield cancel(...tasks);
yield put({ type:SIGNOUT, status: err });
Or if you don't want to restore tasks,
export default function* fetchData() {
try {
yield [
} catch (e) {
yield put({ type:SIGNOUT, status: err });
The answer called Parallel Task wherein you call 2 or more api at the same time, also efficient to handle than to this (example below)
// wrong, effects will be executed in sequence
const users = yield call(fetch, '/users')
const repos = yield call(fetch, '/repos')
//instead, try this one
import { all, call } from 'redux-saga/effects'
const [users, repos] = yield all([
call(fetch, '/users'),
call(fetch, '/repos')
for more information regards with your issue, I prefer to read more about sync and async of redux saga, Redux-Saga Parallel task and Non-Blocking Call
