I crossposted this in the curl mailing list (curl-users).
I know how to get multiple parts of an email header like this:
curl --url "imaps://imap.ionos.de/INBOX;UID=216;SECTION=HEADER.FIELDS%20(DATE%20FROM%20TO%20SUBJECT)" -u "user:password"
But is it possible to get multiple sections (received date and text in
my case) at once? I want to combine these two commands:
1: Fetch email receiving date
curl --url "imaps://imap.ionos.de/INBOX;UID=216;SECTION=HEADER.FIELDS%20(DATE)" -u "user:password"
2: Fetch email text
curl --url "imaps://imap.ionos.de/INBOX;UID=216;SECTION=TEXT" -u "user:password"
I tried something like this:
curl --url "imaps://imap.ionos.de/INBOX;UID=216;SECTION=HEADER.FIELDS%20(DATE);SECTION=TEXT" -u "user:password"
Thank you diciu, this works just fine. I have an additional question:
When i add --ouput output.txt the file only contains the last FETCH (SECTION=TEXT in this case). Is it possible to output all FETCH results to one output file? I know i can use >> output.txt to append but i use that to write a log file within the same command.
Here my full command:
curl --url "imaps://imap.ionos.de/INBOX;UID=295;SECTION=HEADER.FIELDS%20(DATE)" "imaps://imap.ionos.de/INBOX;UID=295;SECTION=TEXT"-u "user:password" --output output.txt --verbose >> logfile.log 2>&1
You have to add the two requests one after another, e.g.
curl --url "imaps://imap.ionos.de/INBOX;UID=216;SECTION=HEADER.FIELDS%20(DATE)" "imaps://imap.ionos.de/INBOX;UID=216;SECTION=TEXT" -u "user:password"
curl will issue the two commands on the same session, that is after SELECT-ing the folder it will yield two FETCH commands.
How might i take the output from a pipe and use curl to post that as a file?
E.g. the following workds
curl -F 'file=#data/test.csv' -F 'filename=test.csv' https://mydomain#apikey=secret
I'd like to get the file contents from a pipe instead but I can't quite figure out how to specify it as a file input. My first guess is -F 'file=#-' but that's not quite right.
cat data/test.csv | curl -F 'file=#-' -F 'filename=test.csv' https://mydomain#apikey=secret
(Here cat is just a substitute for a more complex sequence of events that would get the data)
The following works:
cat test/data/test.csv | curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type:multipart/form-data' --form 'file=#-;filename=test.csv' $url
If you add --trace-ascii - to the command line you'll see that curl already uses that Content-Type by default (and -XPOST doesn't help either). It was rather your fixed -F option that did the trick!
I need help sending text to a particular group using the adb shell.
Searching the forums here, I found the code below:
adb shell am start -n com.whatsapp/.Main
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.SEND -t text/plain -e jid
'xxxxxxxxxxx#s.whatsapp.net' --eu android.intent.extra.STREAM
file:///storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20181025_223214.jpg -p com.whatsapp
the question is:
How to identify a group's JID.
How to change this code to send a text instead of a file.
Groups jid you can get in messages.db at chat_list table by gorup name (subject column) or at messages table by message text. it will be like 77787987018-1602484814#g.us.
To send text u can use this command:
am start -a android.intent.action.SEND -c android.intent.category.DEFAULT -t text/plain -e jid {user jid} -e android.intent.extra.TEXT "{text}" -p {whatsapp packet name}
Please forgive me for the potentially basic question but I am a z/OS person trying to learn cURL and Cloudant. I have gotten the following example to work to add a record to a database (using DOS from Windows) :
curl -X POST -b /tmp/cloudant.cookie -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"_id\":\"2\",\"empName\":\"John Doe\",\"phone\":\"646-598-4133\",\"age\":\"28\"}" --url https://xxxxxxxxxx-bluemix.cloudant.com/rcdb
Now I would like to add a _attachment image1.jpg dile to that record...
Could anyone please tell me what the syntax on windows would be...trying a few combinations but nothing so far works.
To add an attachment follow the instructions in the Cloudant documentation at https://docs.cloudant.com/attachments.html
Assuming you have already created a document with ID "2" and revision number "1-954695fb9642f02975d76b959d0b5e98" in database rcdb, run the following command:
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" --data-binary "#image1.jpg" --url https://xxxxxxxxxx-bluemix.cloudant.com/$DATABASE/$DOCUMENT_ID/$ATTACHMENT?rev=$REV
replacing $DATABASE with rcdb, $DOCUMENT_ID with 2, $REV with 1-954695fb9642f02975d76b959d0b5e98 and $ATTACHMENT with the desired attachment property name, e.g. mypic.
How can I convert more than one document using the Document Conversion service.
I have between 50-100 MS Word and PDF documents that I want to convert using the convert_document API method?
For example, can you supply multiple .pdf or *.doc files like this?:
curl -u "username":"password" -X POST
-F "config={\"conversion_target\":\"ANSWER_UNITS\"};type=application/json"
-F "file=#\*.doc;type=application/msword"
That gives an error unfortunately: curl: (26) couldn't open file "*.doc".
I have also tried "file=#file1.doc,file2.doc,file3.doc" but that gives errors as well.
The service only accept one file at a time, but you can call it multiple time.
for doc in *.doc
echo "Converting - $doc"
-F 'config={"conversion_target":"ANSWER_UNITS"};type=application/json' \
-F "file=#$doc;type=application/pdf" "$URL"
Document Conversion documentation and API Reference.
I created my own command to check a specific URL
define command{
command_name check_url
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -f follow -H '$HOSTNAME$' -I '$HOSTADDRESS$' -u '$ARG1$'
If I run my command from the command line, it works:
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -f follow -H www.example.com -u http://www.example.com/server-status
HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 4826 bytes in 0.011 second response time |time=0.010625s;;;0.000000 size=4826B;;;0
But when run through Icinga, I'm getting
HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND - 314 bytes in 0.011 second response time
My guess is for check_http plugin for -u option you should provide the url appended after the server name not the whole url.
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -f follow -H www.example.com -u /server-status
Your manual test is not equivalent to your command definition.
The distinction with -H/-I is subtle, but very important.
When I have problems like this, where Icinga is abstracting exactly how it is executing the command, I find it helpful to find out precicely what Icinga is executing. I would accomplish this as follows:
Move check_http to a temporary location
# mv /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http_actual
Make a bash script that Icinga will call instead of the actual check_http script
# vi /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http
In that file, create this simple bash script, which simply echos the command line arguments it was called with, then exits:
echo $#
Then of course, make that bash script executable:
# chmod +x /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http
Now in Icinga, run the check_http command. At that point, the return status shown in the Icinga web interface will show exactly how Icinga is calling check_http. Seeing the raw command, it should be obvious as to what Icinga is doing wrong. Once you correct Icinga's mistake, you can simply move the original check_http script back into place:
# mv /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/{check_http_actual,check_http}