SSRS Report-outputting ''Blank'' rather than 0 for end user - sql-server

First off, I am new and just learning about databases and reporting functionality.
Background: Let's say that I am an end user and I have requested a report from my IT department. I know that my company uses SQL server and they generate SSRS reports frequently.The SQL Server database is connected to a PIM(product data) application. Within the PIM there is a numeric field holding a quantity of bulbs. In the event that there is no bulb, that field is left blank. I do not have access to our database or the reporting parameters. I am at the mercy of someone else essentially.
When I receive my report, I see zeros '0' for every item that doesn't have a bulb. That is not the desired output, I want to see the field as a 'blank' just as it is in our PIM system. When I expressed this to the report writer, he informed me that this could not be done because that is a numeric field.
Does this seem correct? Please help!! I am fighting an uphill battle. I have a job to do and it relies heavily on IT support. I now have to go to my boss and tell her that this can't be done. I also understand that I can manually manipulate the report myself in excel but this is time consuming and if this can be handled before the report hits my inbox, that would be ideal. If there is a solution that someone out there can relay to me, I would be so appreciative-Thanks!!

If the report is definitely generated in SSRS, it is absolutely possible to set zero values as a blank field. To me, it sounds as if the person responsible just doesn't want to make the change because it's a fairly simple fix. It's as simple as opening the properties window of whatever field needs to be fixed. Since the field is numeric, you would want to format the textbox as a number anyways. The highlighted option displays where this change can be made. There's actually three default options for Show zero as: being blank, a dash(-), or displaying (None).


Salesforce Report - Field Not Populating Within Report

Hope you're well. I'm currently building out a report, but despite my best efforts so far, I can't get some information to populate within the report. It does not appear to me that salesforce is recognizing the field "Agent Incoming Connecting Time" within the object "AC_Agent_Performance". However, I can pull in some other fields within the same object into the Agent Performance report, so I'm not clear on what is not taking place in the field that I wish to see within the report. Here are some of the things that I've tried:
I have checked the access to the field. The first photo (Photo 1) Shows an example of a working object, the the second one shows an example of one that does not.
The API name seems to work, and is consistent with other fields within the object that work.
I have checked the page layout for the object (even though I don't think this is the issue), and I have mirrored other fields to the best of my knowledge that ARE populating within the report.
I reviewed the CTI flows to see if there was something missing in there on a lark, but there was nothing in there that would lead me to believe that this was the source of the problem.
I have tried setting up a new field in the object (formula), that references the field that I'm trying. to pull in, but that just returns a result of 'zero' for all values.
One thing that I have done that appears to be working, is I have set up a joined report, which uses both "AC Agent Performance" object and "AC Historical Queue Metrics" object in the report. The result that is returning appears to be accurate (please see the picture (picture number 3)). However, I don't think that this is the right way to go about this, and I don't want to do it this way. I want to use the report with one object rather than with two.
I know that permissions are the most likely issue, so I've taken a close look at these. Please let me know if there is something wrong with how I have the permissions configured. The First image depicts the 'Field Level Security'. The second image depicts the'field accessibility'. They are both like this, the whole way down:
Please note one other thing, which is that the last picture depicts a different field within the object displaying in the report.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can proceed so the field "Agent Incoming Connecting Time" will display within the report?
Please also note, that these are objects that contain data that is populated from AWS' Amazon Connect.
This last photo, shows that the object does not have any information in it within the report.
If the field isn't populated there's not much you can do on the reporting side of things. You already tried "joined report". You should check why the integration doesn't populate it, maybe read integration documentation, contact the managed package's support...
The tables are connected with lookup or master-detail, right? In a pinch you could try making formula field on "AC Agent Performance" looking "up" and pulling the value from related AC historical queue metrics. If the relationship is other way around (performance -> down to related list -> metrics) you could try to make-do with a master detail and rollup summary field. I don't know this package, no idea if you can pull it off when you don't have full control over the fields.
If you can't really use the relationships and absolutely need to report on single table - you could capture intermediate results of the report to a helper table and then report on that. It's called "reporting snapshots". Or write some nightly (hourly?) batch that recalculates stuff and writes homemade "rollup" to these fields?

MS Access loading values from a different table to control source in datasheet form

please bear with me; I'm not particularly confident with MS Access, although I am quite experienced with SQL Databases from website work.
For my sins, I have been tasked with developing a database which will unify the hundreds of spreadsheets which we currently use to record details of our clients, work, and other stuff... The database is established and built, but I am now working with the forms to allow data entry.
I have a datasheet form (we have a member of admin staff who is hell-bent on refusing to use forms, so a datasheet form seems to be the best way to appease her!) and it is bound to a specific table ('referrals') to allow a user to input data into that table. It looks like this:
However, I need to be able to load values from another table ('pupil_details') into the 'UPN' field so that if a pupil already exists in the 'pupil_details' table, the user can pick that pupil and have their details automatically filled into the form for convenience.
The form's Record Source is currently:
SELECT referrals.*
FROM referrals;
The most obvious way to do this seemed at first to be to use a join query for the form's record source, along the lines of:
SELECT referrals.*, pupil_details.UPN
FROM referrals LEFT JOIN pupil_details ON referrals.UPN = pupil_details.pupil_id
and then use this as the control source but when I do this, it breaks the functionality of the form (displays all the records, prevents it being used to enter data)
So, can anybody suggest to me how I might be able to get the 'UPN' field to display a list of records based on this query when a user types into it:
SELECT pupil_details.UPN,, pupil_details.date_of_birth FROM pupil_details
But then enter the details into the 'referrals' table when the user submits the form? Sort of like this that I mocked up in Photoshop:
I'm stumped, and half a day on Google has left me none the wiser... :(
You should use a continuous form, not a datasheet, it will give you a lot more control, but still look like Excel. Once you have the form, you can add a combobox to get the details you want. It is nearly always best to avoid Excel attitudes in Access.

SQL - Compare 2 text fields

I’m using a software known as FME Desktop. In this software we can issue SQL commands through an item called a transformer. I’m using a transformer called a SQLExecutor that uses a very simple query to make a comparison. Below is an explanation of what I’m trying to do with this SQL Query and the fact that it does not work when trying to compare 2 text fields.
I believe my issue is a limitation of SQL when used in the SQLExecutor. Let's say I have a layer of data called TEST.LEASE and I want to compare it to a layer called EDIT.LEASE based on one unique ID field. Both of these layers are in the same database. We use SQL Server for our stored data. There is a TEXT field in both layers called GIS_ID. This is a unique ID field. So what happens is we get updates on our LEASE layer and they start off being loaded to TEST.LEASE. When we have done our QA/QC of the data and we are satisfied that they are ready to be uploaded to EDIT.LEASE we then run an FME job that serves as our promotion tool. What this promotion tool does is that it checks various fields in TEST.LEASE to make sure they qualify for being uploaded (this part works 100% without issue).
Right before they are promoted to EDIT.LEASE we need to know if this will be a completely new record, in which case we will do an INSERT with FME. If by chance the GIS_ID already exists then we need to do an UPDATE to those records. The tool we have works perfectly for determining if it is an INSERT or UPDATE, except for one seemingly small thing … IT ONLY WORKS IF THE TEXT FIELD CONTAINS A NUMBER THAT DOESN’T HAVE A LETTER IN IT.
FYI: Someone at our company decided to make the GIS_ID field a text field. In my opinion it should have been an integer field because comparisons would have been super easy. But I can't change that now, it has already been decided by people who make way more money than I do that it will be a text field.
As mentioned … The GIS_ID is a text field (in both layers and they are both the same size, there is no difference in the field in both layers). As you may know, SQL doesn't care if it is a TEXT field or an INTEGER field when all that is contained in that field is a number. It can still compare 202 to 202 to see if they are equal to each other. For my example let's say I have a record in both TEST.LEASE and EDIT.LEASE where both of their GIS_ID fields equal 09198760. When I run the query below it runs perfectly.
where GIS_ID = #Value(GIS_ID)
It runs perfectly, as I’ve mentioned, on the data if both GIS_ID text fields have only numbers in them. But if just one record contains an actual alpha, the SQL query will error out.
So if GIS_ID has 09198760a01 once the query reaches the “a” in GIS_ID a SQL error is returned. I’m not looking for a way for the job to continue and ignore those records, because I need ALL OF THE RECORDS to load. I need to know if anyone would know how to add to or rewrite the query above so that it loads both “number only text fields” and “numbers containing a letter fields.”
I hope that long explanation is clear. Please let me know if it isn’t. Thanks for any help you might be able to provide for me
I am assuming that the #value is the function that is causing you problems. I briefly checked their docs. it looks like you need to encapsulate like so '#value(GIS)'
Jeff is right and as a generic answer for regular sql users and even people using sql in their application code, if you are comparing text like the op mentioned, then you need to use single ' quotes '.
Where avalue = 'myvalue'
Otherwise sql server thinks it is an int, hence why it works when the value he's passing in is only numbers. It's not always easy to tell what the problem is when you're passing in parameters.
Where avalue = #myvalue
So you'll need to pay attention to that. Just wanted to mention this so maybe it helps someone else with a similar issue. I figured this out when we were getting errors from a field that had concatenated an id field i.e. it worked when the value = 2, but not 2,3 etc. Wrapping the parameter in single quotes easily fixed that as we were truly only concerned with value = '2' in our case.
Hope this makes sense.

Cannot create new record through ACCESS form

FRONT END - Access 2010 (2000 format)
The system stores and retrieves data about technical documents. Broadly, there are three tables A, B and C, each of which maintains data about a different type of document.
The ACCESS front end provides a Search Form and Data Entry/Edit form (bound to the underlying table) for each document type. In all three document types, when adding a new record, the user will open the Search form and press a button called "Add". This opens the Data Entry/Edit form and in the Form_Load event is the line
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
When the data entry is complete, the user presses a "Close" button which simply runs the code
As I said, the design and code of the objects relating to the three document types is, for all intents and purposes, identical. However, while for tables A and B the process of adding a new record is seamless and extremely quick, for table C it has proved impossible to add a new record via the ACCESS UI. The edit form will open correctly to add the data, but when the user presses the "Close" button the form hangs, and eventually returns to the Search form without the new record having been added.
It is possible to bypass the UI by opening ACCESS while holding down the SHIFT key, opening the linked table, and adding new records directly. While this is acceptable as an interim measure, it is unacceptable in the long term. It should be noted that the system is about ten years old, and has been working entirely correctly for about nine of those years (apart from minor glitches moving between different versions of ACCESS).
Unfortunately this system is owned and operated by a major global corporation and it is very difficult for me, a subcontracted supplier, to get access to the SQL Server box to run diagnosis (SQL Profiler would be a good starting point). My gut feeling is that there is a subtle difference in the permissions model for that particular table but I don't know.
The situation is further complicated by the fact that I have a copy of the system at my work and I cannot reproduce the problem. Of course, there are bound to be subtle differences between the two architectures (for example, I don't know for certain what version of SQL Server it's running on, but I believe it's 2000, nor do I know how completely it is patched or updated) but the facts are that for one particular table bound to one particular form, it is not possible to add records, whereas for other tables there is no such problem.
I would be grateful if anyone has any ideas about how to go about diagnosing this or even solving it (if anyone has come across the same problem before).
Many thanks
As a general rule when you encounter problems to update a table, then this tends to suggests that the table does not have a PK or the form the query is based on does not have a PK exposed.
The next thing I would ensure is the table has a time stamp column as Access uses this to test for record changes behind the scenes.
Next up I would check the default locking for the form (while these settings generally don't effect odbc, they should be checked).
Next up is to check if the table has any "bit" column (true/false) and ensure that the defaults for such controls are set SQL SERVER side (they should default to 0). This null bits issue will cause updates to fail if not addressed.
I would also check if the form in question is based on a query or if the data source is set directly to the table. As noted the PK auto number ID of that table in query should be INTEGER value sql side – big int is NOT supported.
So check default values (both in sql table and on the form (those controls) to ensure nothing be set that would prevent the update.

Missing data in first record in MS Access (front end) and using SQL Server (back end)

I have a database that I just converted the back end to SQL Server using SSMA. I left the front end in MS Access. I only converted the tables and not the queries. It already had some data in it and that moved over just fine.
All was going well until just recently. On opening the database and loading the main form Event Interest it started having problems with the first record of the subform, called Names. The first field in the first record has data sometimes and not others. This is a text field. When data is in the field it puts in random numbers. I believe they may be related to SQL somehow. When there is no data/missing you can select the field and hit the backspace button and the data will appear minus the one character you just errased. I have no idea what is going on.
Any help you can supply I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
I am new to SQL Server and I have used older versions of MS Access for a few years.
I am not certain what the problem might be, but these are some considerations that come to mind:
try deleting and recreating your linked tables. Perhaps an update to the table structure (or view, if you're linked to a view) has invalidated some of the metadata stored in the table link in your front end.
does your table have a primary key? If not, you really need one. There really is no such thing as a properly-designed data table in a relational database that is PK-less.
does your table have a timestamp? If not, add one, as this helps Access keep track of whether or not the data has changed on the server.
However, let me add that none of these issues manifest themselves exactly with the symptoms you've described, so they may not help.
