Azure active directory using loginwithazureactivedirectory and expressmode - azure-active-directory

we want to use azure active directory for function app authetication after enabling azureactive directory express mode.we have selected loginwithazureactivedirectory option.
when we are hitting function through postman it is giving html of log in screen of micro soft.
with out that sceen cant we access the fucntion app uRL.
Please find the below screen for your reference
Any help is appreciated on this

After you successfully configure Azure AD for your web app, you need to use the access token to access your application.
I get an access token from AAD using clientID and clientSecret using the following code:
Url : directory ID/oauth2/token
HEADERS: Content-Type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded
BODY: grant_type+=client_credentials&resource+=”your Function url”&client_id+++++=”the application that your register id”&client_secret+=”the key you create”
Please note that according to the Azure Resources
portal(, the default allowedAudiences is
So I add the https://{functionAppName} as allowed
enter image description here
Then I can use the access token directly. I test it with postman.
enter image description here
Please note that if your azure function authentication level is not
anonymous, you need to add the function key


Two identical Azure apps with different access_token format - one JWT, the other non-JWT

When accessing /.auth/me, one app has the access_token in the correct JWT format, but in the other app it's not in JWT format.
This is the valid JWT one: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJu...eyJhdWQiOiJodHRwczov...B84ciSKwF2oOre5n
This is the non-JWT one: PAQABAAAAAAD--DLA3VO7QrddgJg7WevrTLy
The configuration for both apps appear to be identical.
Any idea how to fix the second app to also show JWT access token?
Usually when the authentication flow configuration has not included resource
as one of the parameter, the access token does not have form of a (
JSON Web Token)JWT token token format.
Please try to include resource with your application Id Uri or
resource that your application requires . To find the App ID URI, in
the Azure portal, click Azure Active Directory, click App
registrations, click the service application, and then click Settings
and Properties.
Also set the clientId and client secret in the request.
In other cases just to access the app service you could use id_token or Bearer as response_type in authorization header as Authorization:Bearer "{your-id-token}".
Reference:Oauth 2.0 grant credentials ,Access token request | Microsoft Docs
You can make use of azure resource explorer to edit the properties of the app service auth to include the resource if not already included. See resource provider and types
To get an access token, please try to set the resource using the Azure Resource Explorer.
Navigate to the Resource Explorer from the App Service.
Go to config > authsettings and click on Edit.
Update the additionalLoginParams with ["resource=<Name/ID of the resource>"] and click on PUT.
For example:
“additionalLoginParams”: [
“resource= ”
Then by saving changes and refreshing the App Service, try again and check that the value for the access token is in the form of a JWT token or not.

Azure Active Directory - UI > API - 401 Error

Good Day,
Currently I have a single tenent with a React UI and .NET Core Apis secured by Azure Active Directory without any problems.
We have recently moved to a new Azure Tenent, new Active Directory etc. I have create two new App Registrations, one single App Service for UI and one for API. I have linked the App Service to AAD (UI = UI App Registration, API = API App Registration).
The problem is the API is getting a 401 error and I think see that in the original tenent the Bearer token is in a JWT format but in the new instance it's not, I believe it my be a graph api access key.
New Tenent:
Authorization: Bearer PAQABAAAAAAD--DLA3VO7QrddgJg7WevrQvEQVbZEMD8su-tIp9k2bTFUTort7SZgeDI52P6KRYefHgtmj4YrecgUKZJ2wylGuhvIzIz642n7Sg0VMU1RwKtrzWlaMqK62CaSoJcstxiEf6 *****
Orginal Tenent:
Please someone kindly enought to provide some guidance / input where I am going wrong.
When using Azure AD to obtain an access token, an additional resource parameter is required. Otherwise, the access token is not a JWT.
For example, if your web API's application ID URI is and the scope name is Employees.Read.All, then with oidc-client the client configuration should be :
scope: 'openid profile email Employees.Read.All',
extraQueryParams: {
resource: ''
In App Service auth configuration, you can use additionalLoginParams
"additionalLoginParams": ["response_type=code", "resource="]
If you did not use a custom application ID URI, it may look like
Quickstart: Configure an application to expose a web API
Firstly, the scope is incorrect.
You should Expose an API in your API App Registration and then add it as a permission in your UI App Registration. You can refer to this document.
And when you try to call the '{tenant}/oauth2/authorize endpoint, you need to specify the scope to include api://{app id of the API App Registration}. For example: api://{app id of the API App Registration} openid profile email. Then the access token would be for calling your API.
At last, for CORS issue, please configure the CORS as * in your web app to see if it helps.
Try to follow this step: Configure App Service to return a usable access token
In my experience, this problem occurs, when you try to authorize against version 1 of the endpoint.
Instead of calling{tenant}/oauth2/authorize
You might be required to set something like "metadata URL" in you authorization library to:{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration
Make sure your builder follows this order...lifted from our API program.cs
These must be in order of
UseRouting -> UseAuthentication -> UseAuthorisation -> MapControllers
> app.UseRouting()
> app.UseAuthentication()
> app.UseAuthorization()
> app.MapControllers()
If app.UseAuthentication and app.UseAuthorization are not in this order in statement position you Will get 401 Unauthorised as at 01/2023 .Net 6 Core.

Issue in generating token with scope in Microsoft AAD using react. (401 Unauthorized)

I am using react-aad-msal and msal packages for implementing authentication using azure active directory. I am able to get the access token but every time the token is validated as "Invalid token" by back-end(.net core). Server is throwing error below error.
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Neither scope or roles claim was found in the bearer token.
I am able to access all web services by authenticating with response_type "code" in postman.
I have tried to decode the token in It is clearly the issue with scope. I am attaching the image of config file in react.
In the image, the blurred part in blue color is clientId from AAD app.
In above config, I have provided the scope, but after decoding the token I am not getting the scope field.
You cannot directly request /common, because it will not be able to respond to your scope or role because you can't find the tenant you want to request the token. You should add your tenant URI ( or tenant id when requesting .{your-tenant-uri-or-your-tenant-id}/oauth2/v2.0/token

Getting AzureAD implicit flow working with Swagger UI

As an exercise, I have been attempting to create a swagger configuration that can invoke the Azure Management API, and to run this from the online swagger editor.
I have configured it to use implicit authentication, and it almost works, but I just cannot get the Azure Framework to recognize the swagger editor as a valid redirect URL.
Here is all the steps I have taken. Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong?
Using the Azure AD portal, I create a new Azure AD Application
In the application registration's Reply URL's, I added
I created the following security entries in my Swagger 2.0 document:
flow: implicit
scopes: Accessing the Azure API
type: oauth2
- azureTokenAuthentication:
(The redacted GUID is my tenant id).
Now, when I click on the "Authorization" button, swagger opens up a dialog for me:
So I enter the application ID and click authorize. It then sends me to the logon URL with the following parameters:
response_type: token
client_id: eb482fb2-8229-434e-b5a6-9fc3e0f06968
state: <Base64 string>Wed Mar 13 2019 09:16:06 GMT+1000 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
Note that the redirect uri matches the value I entered in the app registration.
So I enter my username and password, and then the URL gets redirected to the following:'redirect_uri'+is+not+valid.+The+expected+value+is+a+URI+which+matches+a+redirect+URI+registered+for+this+client+application.&state=rQIIAdNiNtQztFJJTTKxMEpLMtK1MDKy1DUxNknVTTJNNNO1TEs2TjVIMzCzNLMoEuISWF1yo3vvud0Ozb9b9Z66bQ-cxcgZn5NZlqqXnJ-7ilEvo6SkoNhKXz81JbMkv0ivuDwxPT21SC8zXz8_sbQkw0i3CChTlJpcAlSZm7ODkfECI-MLRsZbTPz-jiB5EJFflFmVOos5JswoLNvT1TAjOdOxwrfSsdLXxdXU08XR1D_L1cg_y9HI0zXFL8y5uMLXxbHc0znDKSXCzyA51604Mdyt1NM1LCPZOCgnOdckPdQ4KCMpNygjOTcwPcw9pyQqONt2E7NKSqqpuZGhmZGuabJ5iq6JRVqSrmWSqaGuubmlabKpeaKZqWXyKWYZmI9yE_MS01NzU_NK9BKrSovAHr7BzHiBhfEVC48BsxUHB5cAgwSDAsMPFsZFrMCQmrTR22we8wzHyc1Bd633_2M4xapfku7mkeJk5qxfkpOb7lcUXB5SmOZb7Jef7l-c526UmVUQqV_q5Zzh4uzma2tkZTiBTeYDG2MHO8MuThID9haXiJGBoaWugbGuoZGCkbGVoZmVgXkUAA2
The interesting text I glean from this is:
The provided value for the input parameter 'redirect_uri' is not valid. The expected value is a URI which matches a redirect URI registered for this client application.
But it DOES match! What am I doing wrong?!?
reply url = "your web api's swagger page url" concatenated with "/oauth2-redirect.html"
example: https://localhost:44329/swagger/oauth2-redirect.html
configure that for each environment in your app registration including your localhost.
First of all, I changed the authorization URL from<tenant-id>/oauth2/authorize to<tenant-id>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
I then had to follow these instructions, and directly modify the application manifest to allow implicit flow:
Then I changed the scopes. I could not get running, but I could get by appending /.default to the scope. (
That got me another step further. Now it redirected to the Authorization URL, and Microsoft authenticated me, generated a token for me, and redirected my browser to
Then I was thwarted, when I realised that does not actually handle the path it's redirecting the browser to. (The file outh2-redirect.html exists on GitHub here:
That's when I gave up.

Azure active directory authentication Function App

I am doing azure active directory authentication for function app by following below URL
But when i hitting my url through function app
It is giving unauthorized do i need to do anything else
please find the below screen shots.
any help is appreciated
We could use the access token to access your Azure function API directly if your azure function authentication level is anonymous or function key is also required. The detailed steps are as below.
Configure Azure AD for Azure Function. Please refer to
Get Access token
I get an access token from AAD using clientID and clientSecret using the following code:
Url : directory ID/oauth2/token
HEADERS: Content-Type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded
BODY: grant_type+=client_credentials&resource+=”your Function url”&client_id+++++=”the application that your register id”&client_secret+=”the key you create”
Please note that according to the Azure Resources portal (, the default allowedAudiences is
So I added the https://{functionAppName} as allowed audiences.
Then I can use the access token directly. I tested it with Postman:
Please note that if your azure function authentication level is not anonymous, you need to add the function key
