Recursion angular directives - angularjs

I need to use recursion in angular directives.
Follow the code with the template without recursion.
It is a left menu that must be created recursively.
I'm not sure how to put the recursion.
I tried '<leftmenu menuLeft = "itemmenu"> </ leftmenu>', but so only the profile image appears several times.
.directive('leftmenu', ['$compile', function ($compile) {
return {
retrict: 'E',
scope: { menuLeft: '=?' },
template: '<div class="user-panel">' +
'<div class= "pull-left image">' +
'<img src="{{ menuLeft.profileImgSrc }}" class="img-circle" alt="{{ menuLeft.profileName }}" />' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="pull-left info">' +
'<p>{{ menuLeft.profileName }}</p>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<ul class="sidebar-menu">' +
'<li class="header">{{ menuLeft.header }}</li>' +
'<li class="treeview" ng-repeat="itemmenu in menuLeft.itens">' +
'<a href="{{ itemmenu.actionLink }}">' +
'<i class="{{ itemmenu.visualClass }}"></i> <span>{{ itemmenu.label }}</span>' +
'<span class="pull-right-container" ng-show="{{ itemmenu.subItems.length > 0 }}">' +
'<i class="fa fa-angle-left pull-right"></i>' +
'</span>' +
'</a>' +
'<ul class="treeview-menu">' +
'<li ng-repeat="subItem in itemmenu.subItems">' +
'<a ng-if="subItem.openInNewWindow" target="_blank" href="{{ subItem.actionLink }}">' +
'<i {{ subItem.class }}></i>{{ subItem.label }}' +
'</a>' +
'<a ng-if="!subItem.openInNewWindow" target="_self" href="{{ subItem.actionLink }}">' +
'<i {{ subItem.class }}></i>{{ subItem.label }}' +
'</a>' +
'</li>' +
'</ul>' +
'</li>' +
compile: function (element) {
controller: function ($location, $http, $scope) {
$scope.menuLeft = {
"profileName": "",
"header": "",
"token": token

A little late to the party, if you're still looking to resolve this with a recursive directive, it depends what your data structure looks like, but assuming from what you've posted it looks like this:
"profileName": "",
"items": [{
"label": "title1",
"class": "class1",
"items: [...]
"label": "title1",
"class": "class1",
"items: [...]
You can split them into two directives:
One is the parent sidePanel directive that contains the top level
One is the menuList directive that will recursively display sub items
// profile image
// profile name
// etc
<menu-list items="leftMenu.items"></menu-list>
where menu list template was like:
<li ng-repeat="item in items">
<span class="{{item.class}}">{{item.label}}</span>
<menu-list ng-if="item.items" items="item.items"></menu-list>
So in each instance of a menu object (label,class,items) the items will be converted into a sub menu-list. You might need to play with it a little and add in some other features.


md-button disappears when adding an href

I'm new to angularjs and i'm getting some troubles. Usually I find a way to fix it but not this time.
So the problem is I want to use an md-button as a link to another page. But, when I add an href, the button disappears from the page.
Here is my code:
<body ng-app="friend-s-app">
<div ng-controller="friendsappController">
<div class="md-toolbar-tools">
<md-button href="/home.html" >
<script src="bower_components/angular/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-aria/angular-aria.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-animate/angular-animate.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/hammerjs/hammer.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-material/angular-material.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-messages/angular-messages.min.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
app.js in case you want it :
(function(angular, undefined){
"use strict";
.module('friend-s-app', ['ngMaterial', 'ngMessages', 'ng'])
.controller('friendsappController', inscriptionEditor)
.controller('InscriptionSheet', InscriptionSheet);
function inscriptionEditor($scope, $mdDialog) {
var alert;
$scope.myPathVariable = 'path/to/somewhere';
$scope.showInscription = showInscriptionSheet;
$scope.showSignIn = showSignIn;
function showInscriptionSheet($event) {
targetEvent: $event,
'<md-dialog layout="column">' +
'<md-content>' +
'<form style="padding: 20px;">' +
'<div layout="row">' +
'<md-input-container>' +
'<label>First name</label>' +
'<input ng-model="user.firstName" required/>' +
'<div ng-messages="userForm.firstName.$error" ng-show="userForm.firstName.$dirty">' +
'<div ng-message="required">This is required!</div> '+
'</div>' +
'</md-input-container>' +
'<md-input-container>' +
'<label>Last name</label>' +
'<input ng-model="user.lastName" required/>' +
'<div ng-messages="userForm.lastName.$error" ng-show="userForm.lastName.$dirty">' +
'<div ng-message="required">This is required!</div> '+
'</div>' +
'<md-input-container style="width: 50%">' +
'<label>Nickname</label>' +
'<input ng-model="user.nickname" required minlength="5" maxlength="15"/>' +
'</md-input-container>' +
'<div layout="row">' +
'<md-input-container>' +
'<label>Password</label>' +
'<input ng-model="user.password" type="password" required minlength="5" maxlength="15"/>' +
'</md-input-container>' +
'<md-input-container>' +
'<label>Repeat password</label>' +
'<input ng-model="user.repassword" type="password" required minlength="5" maxlength="15"/>' +
'<md-input-container>' +
'<label>E-mail</label>' +
'<input ng-model="" required/>' +
'<div layout="row">'+
'<md-button ng-Click="closeDialog()" style="width:50%">' +
'Cancel' +
'</md-button>' +
'<md-button style="width: 50%">' +
'Validate' +
'</md-button>' +
controller: 'InscriptionSheet',
onComplete: afterShowAnimation,
locals: { employee: $scope.userName }
function afterShowAnimation(scope, element, options) {
function showSignIn($event) {
targetEvent: $event,
'<md-dialog>' +
'<md-content>' +
'<md-input-container>' +
'<label>Nickname</label>' +
'<input ng-model="user.nickName" required/>' +
'<div ng-messages="userForm.nickName.$error" ng-show="userForm.nickName.$dirty">' +
'<div ng-message="required">This is required!</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</md-input-container>' +
'<md-input-container>' +
'<label>Password</label>' +
'<input ng-model="user.password" required type="password"/>' +
'<div ng-messages="userForm.password.$error" ng-show="userForm.password.$dirty">' +
'<div ng-message="required">This is required!</div> '+
'</div>' +
'</md-input-container> ' +
'<div layout="row">'+
"<md-button ng-Click=\"closeDialog()\" style=\"width: 50%\" >" +
'Cancel' +
'</md-button>' +
'<md-button style="width: 50%" href="home.html">' +
'Validate' +
'</md-button>' +
'</md-content>' +
controller: 'InscriptionSheet',
onComplete: afterShowAnimation,
locals: { employee: $scope.userName }
function afterShowAnimation(scope, element, options) {
function InscriptionSheet($scope, $mdDialog, employee) {
$scope.employee = employee;
$scope.closeDialog = function() {
And there are the results :
Without the href :
With it :
thanks for helping me.
I just experienced a similar issue. Note when you switch from an ng-click to an ng-href it will inject an anchor tag instead of a button. To maintain the same visual characteristics I needed to apply an display: inline-block; to the .md-button class (which gets added to the aforementioned anchor tag) in my CSS. This may be the cause of it disappearing on your side.
Let me know if that makes sense or requires any further elaboration.

Calling function inside a directive in Angular

Sorry If this question has been asked before, but my issue is bit different and hope someone can help me out.
1) I have a Directive which has many buttons. I want to call a function on this buttons and inside a directive. But I don't know how.
// Directive for the login header to avoid the duplication of the code
restrict: 'AE',
template:'<h1 class="logo"> My App </h1>'+
'<button class="btn btn-primary">New User</button>'+
'<button class="btn btn-primary">New Product</button>'+
'<span class="dropdown" on-toggle="toggled(open)">'+
'<a href class="dropdown-toggle">'+
'<img class="userProfile" src="" alt="User Profile">'+
'<b class="caret"></b>'+
// Here on my profile ????
'<ul class="dropdown-menu pull-right">'+
'<li> My Profile </a> </li>'+
'<li class="divider"></li>'+
// Here on my logout ??????
// This does not work
'<li> <a href="" ng-click="logOut()"> Sign Out </li>'+
My controller
(function() {
var logOutController = function($scope){
$scope.logOut = function(){
// Want to call this
logOutController .$inject = ['$scope'];
angular.module('App').controller('logOutController ',logOutController );
And my view will be only one line
<div main-header></div>
I don't know how to do this
Update 1: -
Please have a look at the Plunker
You will just need to add an isolate scope to your directive:
// Directive for the login header to avoid the duplication of the code
angular.module('App').directive('mainHeader', function () {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
template: '<h1 class="logo"> My App </h1>' +
'<button class="btn btn-primary">New User</button>' +
'<button class="btn btn-primary">New Product</button>' +
'<span class="dropdown" on-toggle="toggled(open)">' +
'<a href class="dropdown-toggle">' +
'<img class="userProfile" src="" alt="User Profile">' +
'<b class="caret"></b>' +
'</a>' +
// Here on my profile ????
'<ul class="dropdown-menu pull-right">' +
'<li> My Profile </a> </li>' +
'<li class="divider"></li>' +
// Here on my logout ??????
// This does not work
'<li> <a href="" ng-click="logOut()"> Sign Out </li>' +
'</ul>' +
scope: {
'logOut': '&onLogOut' //<- this ties your directive's logOut function to an attr on the HTML tag
Then you just modify your HTML to:
<div main-header on-log-out="logOut()"></div>
Plunker Example

Conditional logic in ng-class in directives template

I'm using AngularJS and i'm writing my own directive. I want to use conditional logic in my custom directive. The problem is caused in the template part. Here's a piece of my code:
angular.module('myDirectives').directive('widget', function() {
return {
replace: true,
restrict: 'E',
'<div class="widget">' +
'<div class="panel panel-default">' +
'<div class="panel-heading">' +
'<a href="" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="isCollapsed = !isCollapsed">' +
'<i class="fa" ng-class=" { 'fa-angle-up': !isCollapsed, 'fa-angle-down': isCollapsed } "></i>' +
'</a>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="panel-body" collapse="isCollapsed">' +
'<p>Panel Content</p>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
transclude: true
This line throws an error.
'<i class="fa" ng-class=" { 'fa-angle-up': !isCollapsed, 'fa-angle-down': isCollapsed } "></i>'
The '' around fa-angle-up and fa-angle-down are causing this.
There's probably a very simple workaround, but I haven't figured it out yet. So my question for you guys; Is there any other way to write this line?
You have to escape the apostrophes
'<i class="fa" ng-class=" { \'fa-angle-up\': !isCollapsed, \'fa-angle-down\': isCollapsed } "></i>'

Compiling HTML in growl alert

I am trying to get HTML to compile in a growl alert. Here is my code:
var html = '<h3>' + rejection.config.method + ' '+ rejection.config.url + '</h3>' +
'<hr><div>' +
(_.isObject( ? ('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2) + '</pre>') : +
'</div>' + '<a ng-click="reportError($event)"><i class="fa fa-bullhorn hoverable"></i> Report this error</a>';
enableHtml: true
On the page the HTML looks like:
<div ng-bind-html="message.text" ng-switch-when="true" class="ng-scope ng-binding"><h3>GET services/link</h3><hr><div>null</div><a><i class="fa fa-bullhorn hoverable"></i> Report this error</a></div>
The html should have the directive that I appended: "<a ng-click="reportError($event)" and it is not being added. Any ideas?

Using ngOptions inside directive

I have the following shuttle boxes directive:
<shuttle-boxes ng-options="item for item in itemList" ng-model="myModel" />
My template looks like this:
template: '<div class="shuttle-boxes">' +
'<select multiple="multiple" class="shuttle-boxes-left"></select>' +
'<button class="shuttle-boxes-btn" type="button"><i class="icon icon-arrow-right"></i></button>' +
'<button class="shuttle-boxes-btn" type="button"><i class="icon icon-arrow-left"></i></button>' +
'<select multiple="multiple" class="shuttle-boxes-right"></select>' +
What I want to do is take the ng-options repeater from <shuttle-boxes> and use it to populate <select class="shuttle-boxes-left">.
The way I am trying to do it that isn't working is simply copying over the ng-options attribute to the select list like so:
var availableList = cElement.find('.shuttle-boxes-left'),
repeater = cAttrs.ngOptions;
availableList.attr('ng-options', repeater);
Here is the fiddle:
What am I doing wrong?
I suggest you only pass the itemList to the directive (and myModel) and put the ng-options inside your template:
<shuttle-boxes items="itemList" ng-model="myModel"></shuttle-boxes>
myApp.directive('shuttleBoxes', function($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: { items: '=', ngModel: '='},
template: '<div class="shuttle-boxes">' +
'<select multiple="multiple" class="shuttle-boxes-left"
ng-options="item for item in items" ng-model="ngModel"></select>' +
'<button class="shuttle-boxes-btn" type="button">' +
'<i class="icon icon-arrow-right"></i></button>' +
'<button class="shuttle-boxes-btn" type="button">' +
'<i class="icon icon-arrow-left"></i></button>' +
'<select multiple="multiple" class="shuttle-boxes-right"></select>' +
replace: true
