SQL expression cause ORA 00936 Missing Expression Error - sql-server

I'm trying to add a named calculation field in ssas project, the following expression works with sql server datasource not with an oracle one :
Thank you!

I guess you would like to convert your date value into string using format 110, which means mm-dd-yyyy (12-30-2019).
The way to do it in oracle is:

The first inner step of this SQL Server code is casting DATE_HR_INSC to a date. Then, this is being converted to a datetime with format mask 110. I'm not sure this makes sense, and I would instead have expected to see the following:
CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(date, DATE_HR_INSC), 110)
This would have generated a datetime with the format mm-dd-yyyy. We can try to approximate this in Oracle using the TO_DATE and TO_CHAR functions. Something like this:
TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(DATE_HR_INSC, 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 'mm-dd-yyyy')
This assumes that DATE_HR_INSC is in yyyy-mm-dd format. If its format is something else, then replace the mask used in the call to TO_DATE above.


Export sql convert datetime to yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS

I'm using SQL Server 2014.
I am required to export data via SQL. One of the fields needs to look like the below: (Not sure what the 'T' is). The source field is in datetime format.
Is there a specific datatype for this, or will I have to convert to varchar etc and concat the 'T'? As it stands my SQL is pretty simple:
SELECT [Jobf_DteLog] as DateLogged,
FROM [tblJobs]
2019-08-15T08:30:00 is the ISO 8601 date format.
To get the desired output you can use ether FORMAT() or CONVERT() function.
select format(Jobf_DteLog, 'yyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss')
, convert(varchar(30), Jobf_DteLog, 126)

SQL Server date formatting issue

I have a SQL Server 2008 database with a transaction table. There is a field defined as NVARCHAR(16). The data stored is date and time formatted like this:
I need to write a query that looks at that field and pulls data between two dates
select ... from...where convert(varchar,
between '9/29/2016' and '10/05/2016'
I have tried other converts but nothing returns any data. If I use >=getdate()-1
I get data so I should be seeing something returned. Any suggestions?
Replace WHERE Clause with
... WHERE CONVERT(DATETIME,LEFT(a.xact_dati,8)) BETWEEN '9/29/2016' AND '10/05/2016'
Assuming YMD order just
where cast(left('2016100708593100', 8) as date) between '20160929' and '20161005'
Note this clause is not satisfied.
The problem is you're trying to do a date comparison with varchar data.
You go half way to converting the initial value to datetime but then back to varchar.
You could rely on Sql to implicitly convert the between parameters to datetime.
select 'matched',convert(datetime,left('2016100708593100',8),112)
where convert(datetime,left('2016100708593100',8),112) between '2016/09/29' and '2016/10/10'
Take the date part of the string and CAST it as DATE and then compare it with the proper date format.
select ... from...
where cast(left('2016100708593100', 8) as date) between '2016-09-29' and '2016-10-10'
a very straight and fast approach could be to keep this in BIGINT
Something like this:
cast(left(a.xact_dati,8) as bigint) between 20160929 and 20161005
But anyway this will not be sargable and therefore cannot use an index.
You might even stick to varchar, as the YYYYMMDD format is safe with alphanumerical sorting. Cutting a string with LEFT is sargable (AFAIK):
left(a.xact_dati,8) between '20160929' and '20161005'

Timestamp confusion in SQL Server

I have a TimeStamp (varchar(50),null) column in my SQL Server 2008 table which looks misleading by the name TimeStamp. I mean it appears as if it's a datatype timestamp but it's varchar.
But it has values like 201403240004 which looks like a date. Can I convert it into date and use?
Read online that timestamp is only a sequence of numbers and has nothing to do with date and time.
You can.
Providing that the format is YYYYMMDDHHmm, a simple way to do that would be:
+SUBSTRING([TimeStamp],7,2)+' '+SUBSTRING([TimeStamp],9,2)+':'
FROM Table
This will take this "timestamp" and first transform it to SQL-readable datetime string, i.e. for your example it would be 2014-03-24 00:04:00.000. Then, it will be easily converted to datetime.
Yes, your column should be convertible to DATETIME, but you may have to do the converison yourself if CONVERT() does support the format.
I can't tell from you example what the time format really is.
If it is YYYYMMDDHHMM them
SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,LEFT('201403240004',8),112)
+CONVERT(DATETIME,SUBSTRING('201403240004',9,2)+ ':' + RIGHT('201403240004',2)+':00' ,108)

Search By Date in SQL Server 2012

We just upgraded to SQL Server 2012 from 2005. While I'm a novice, something this simple couldn't be this difficult. I used to be able to pull data from a table based on the date vs date and time. As it now stands I have:
Select * from receipts_table where receipt_cancel_date = '2013-09-20'
before we upgraded this would work fine. How can I run this and actually get the desired results as I know there's receipts with a cancel date of 2013-09-20.
If you are passing string for a date parameter, best format is ISO (yyyymmdd) format. Otherwise even though your string work in some servers it might not work in another depending on the culture of the server. ISO format is culture independent.
Also remove the time part from receipt_cancel_date column by converting it to a DATE (if DATETIME) for comparison purpose.
Try this:
Select * from receipts_table
where convert(date, receipt_cancel_date) = convert(date,'20130920')
Or use 120 style with your format:
Select * from receipts_table
where convert(date, receipt_cancel_date) = convert(date,'2013-09-20',120)

How to set date format for the result of a SELECT statement in SQL Server

I know how to use CONVERT function in SELECT statement to change the format of the Date column:
, CONVERT(varchar, [Date], 101) as Date
, Value
FROM my_table
But I was wondering if I can set the date format in general before running the SELECT statement, when I don't know the name of the date column in the following SELECT statement:
SELECT * from FROM my_table
Is any SET statement or other T-SQL that I can run before my SELECT statement so that I can change the Date format temporarily?
Thank you
In particular, any date columns which you select are not actually formatted at all, but are instead returned down the wire as an actual piece of date data in a binary "format" which is used for dates. If you are seeing them formatted, it's because your client (either management studio or some other tool) is converting them to strings to display.
When you use SELECT *, there is obviously no way to tell SQL Server to do any conversions on any particular columns, so the data is going to be returned in whatever the data types of the underlying query returns. So regardless of whether your data types are really date or not, no manipulation is going to happen at that point anyway.
I'm pretty sure there's no way to do what you're asking. However, there are ways to format the date string when you output it using your programming language.
