How to compile custom PulseAudio module? - c

I am trying to write a PulseAudio module. To start, first, I wrote the following minimal code for a module as mentioned by this documentation.
#include <pulsecore/module.h>
int pa__init(pa_module *m)
return 0;
I tried compiling it with this command:
gcc -g -shared -o module-test.c
But it gives error:
pulsecore/module.h: No such file or directory
#include <pulsecore/module.h>
compilation terminated.
After searching on the internet, I found that I have to installed libpulse-dev, but I have already installed pulseaudio and libpulse-dev as you can see below.
jyotesh#jyotesh-VM:~$ sudo apt install pulseaudio libpulse-dev
[sudo] password for jyotesh:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
libpulse-dev is already the newest version (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.2).
pulseaudio is already the newest version (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.2).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 10 not upgraded.
I have tried searching for the header file using locate, find, apt-file, etc. I am not able to find where this header file is.
Does anyone know how to compile the PulseAudio module?

I was able to compile the code and build file by following the steps from here and here. I will repeat the steps here:
First, I built and installed PulseAudio v12.2 from the source code.
# Clone PulseAudio git repository
git clone
# I wanted 12.2 version of PulseAudio, so I checked out that version
cd pulseaudio
git checkout tags/v12.2
# Install the dependencies
sudo apt-get -y build-dep pulseaudio
# Build PulseAudio source code
# Install and configure dynamic linker run-time bindings (so that
# ld can find the libraries that you specify while building your module)
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
After this, I wrote minimal code for a module.
#include <config.h> // this is required, otherwise you will get compilation errors
#include <pulsecore/module.h>
int pa__init(pa_module *m)
return 0;
To compile this, I used the command
gcc -g -shared -fPIC -I/home/jyotesh/pulseaudio -I/home/jyotesh/pulseaudio/src -L/home/jyotesh/pulseaudio/.libs -L/usr/local/lib/pulseaudio -o module-test.c -lpulsecore-12.2 -lpulsecommon-12.2 -lpulse


Compile an SDL project using gcc?

How can I compile a sdl project using gcc in the linux command line without using Cmake?
gcc SDLGAME.c pkg-config --cflags --libs sdl2
but i get error.
gcc: error: Pkg-config: No such file or directory
gcc: error: sdl2: No such file or directory
gcc: error: unrecognized command line option ‘--cflags’
gcc: error: unrecognized command line option ‘--libs’; did you mean ‘--libs=’?
source code --->>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) !=0)
printf("error SDL");
return 0;
SDL_Window* win=SDL_CreateWindow("Game",
return 0;
I get this error--->>
error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
error SDL
Caveat: This isn't a total solution but some suggestions and is prefaced by top comment's and comments under OP's [now deleted] answer.
To review ...
After fixing the original issue by use of:
gcc -o SDLGAME SDLGAME.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs sdl2`
OP running the program produces:
error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
This may be a general issue about the ubuntu install itself. Some resources for that: and
A workaround may be:
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/dir
mkdir -p /tmp/dir
But, I ran the program successfully on my home system, running fedora 29 and my ubuntu system running 18.04.5
On my systems, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR was set to /run/user/1000. However, with/without the workaround and even doing unset XDG_RUNTIME_DIR worked on my systems.
However: On my ubuntu system, I had removed the standard libsdl2 package and rebuilt and installed it from the source package a year ago due to some issues I had.
So, if the workaround doesn't work, I recommend libsdl2 rebuild/reinstall from source.
Even if the standard package is working, when debugging your app, it can be helpful to be able to consult the libsdl2 source.
Note that one change I made to your app was to add a sleep(3) at the bottom so you can see the window come up.
Here is the method I used to build/install from source:
It's probably necessary to uninstall/remove the binary libsdl2 package. So, you'll have to do (e.g.)
sudo apt-get remove libsdl2 libsdl2-dev
Or, whatever the binary package is called [I forget]. But, those also came from: apt-cache search libsdl2
So, once that's cleaned out, what I did was:
Create a directory (e.g.): $HOME/aptsrc
cd $HOME/aptsrc
Download the source package [without sudo]: apt-get source libsdl2
This extracts several files (e.g. *.tar.gz, *.tar.xz, *.dsc and a directory. On my system, it was: libsdl2-2.0.8+dfsg1, but for you it may be different. Do (e.g.): DIR=$HOME/aptsrc/libsdl2-2.0.8+dfsg1
cd $DIR
Configure with: $DIR/configure
Run cmake: cmake $DIR
Run make with: make
Install with: sudo make install
Note that this comes from an internal script I created. Even after the cd $DIR, I think it's necessary to use full path on the commands [where indicated].
Now, the library should be installed under /usr/local. The output of pkg-config --cflags --libs sdl2 should reflect this:
-D_REENTRANT -I/usr/local/include/SDL2 -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -lSDL2
The original output of this command would have looked like:
-I/usr/include/SDL2 -D_REENTRANT -lSDL2
This is for the standard install from the binary package, so if you still have that, the binary package may still be installed.
Otherwise, you should now be able to rebuild your app using the original gcc command. Now, it should be attached to the source built version of the library. You can confirm this with: ldd ./SDLGAME but just running it might be easier.

Including Linux Headers returns No such file or directory

I'm trying to write a C code that will make use of the memory information in Linux kernel (Virtual address space of a process, status of a process and such info.)
I'll need to include the below headers to get these info.
The actual files exists under the linux folder, but when compiling the file using gcc it returns that
No such file or directory
Can someone please explain why i'm getting this error! and what should i do?
I've already compiled the Kernel and installed all updates available (kernel version 3.16.0)
The answer to your question.
Install the missing package kernel-devel using apt-get
NOTE: I've mentioned apt install package you can use what is supported on your system for example yum.
If you're not able to install kernel-devel then you can try this which install generic Linux headers.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
Then you can check where the init.h or module.h using locate utility
and then add the path in your compilation using -I flag.
gcc -g your_file.c -I/usr/path/of/the/kernel/header/include

error when compiling testfiles from installed c-algorithms library

I'm trying to install and test c library c-algorithms from Github.
When I try to test the installation from the generated test folder with:
gcc -o test-arraylist `pkg-config --cflags --libs libcalg-1.0` test-arraylist.c
I get the following error massage:
test-arraylist.c:30:23: fatal error: arraylist.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
I use a Vagrant box: ubuntu/xenial32 with Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
Prior to installation of c-algorithms:
sudo apt-get install autoconf
sudo apt-get install libtool
sudo apt-get install pkg-config
To install the library I have done following:
sudo ./
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install
Any help would be highly apriciated
The test-arraylist.c has line #include "arraylist.h" but it is under the libcalg subdirectory not directly in the include path.
libcalg subdir should be added to the include path or you have to modify the include like #include "libcalg/arraylist.h"
If you want only run the tests, then run the
sudo make check from the build root (in your case it is the source root)
This is probably going to be stomped on by process-fetishizers.
When you build in a Unix/Linux operating system (and derivatives like RTEMS), you are building off other people's libraries - so you need those libraries and their header files ( just like c-alg... ) installed in locations that your compiler can find.
To find a file that is associated with a package, use dpkg as explained here:
But you have another problem you might not be aware of. You are trying to compile a test program using a gcc command when the software uses GNU autoconf automake and probably libtool to function PROPERLY.
Perhaps you don't understand you need to make sure autoconf, automake, and then libtool find the right configuration from one directory system to another. Fedora puts files in differing spots from Ubuntu distros.
Instead run:
autoreconf -fvi
first in the top level directory and see if this finds your header file.
THEN you run
and then
make test/check
(whichever it uses, some use recipe "all-tests", etc.)
make all
This would make all if your system is ready to handle them.

c - can't compile with <sys/times.h> ubuntu

I have 64bit ubuntu installed, and I am trying to compile a code with times.h however I keep getting sys/times.h No such file or directory
What I have tried so far
1. installing libc6-dev-i386, g++-multili, and libc6 and libc6-dev (Even though it is already installed)
2. I swapped <sys/times.h> to </usr/include/sys/times.h> and now I am getting features.h No such file or directory error
It is weird how it accepts </usr/include/sys/times.h> instead of <sys/times.h>, and help?
EDIT: I can access times.h, if it matters
I would recommend running:
$ locate /sys/time.h | grep include
Using the output you can determine what to do next:
If there is a file named /usr/include/<x86_64 or i386>-linux-gnu/sys/time.h, then simply run: $ sudo ln -s /usr/include/<x86_64 or i386>-linux-gnu/sys /usr/include/sys. This will direct the compiler to the right file if it checks . This seems to be what you are doing manually.
If there is no relevant output, then try downloading build-essential. It may be that something else is missing. $ sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install build-essential
Let me know if this helps!

linking clang address sanitizer on FreeBSD 10.1 Release

I'm trying to get address sanitizer working on FreeBSD 10.1 Release, but whenever I try to compile a program with -fsanitize=address I get undefined references to _asan_stack_malloc_1 etc, etc. I found on google but the suggestion of adding -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include didn't resolve the linking issue. I tried the llvm binaries for FreeBSD but when I go to compile with that clang I get /usr/bin/../lib/clang/3.6.0/lib/freebsd/libclang_rt.asan-x86_64.a , no such file or directory. . Either way I'm not sure what library I need to link or where it is.
Below is the program I tried compiling and here is the command I used,
clang -fsanitize=address san.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
return 0;
As an alternative to building LLVM, as suggested in this answer on Unix SE, you can install llvm37 from ports, which supports AddressSanitizer, and build with that:
# pkg install llvm37
$ clang37 -fsanitize=address san.c
To use asan on FreeBSD you can build llvm with asan support as shown below or you can install from packages/ports like in Kevinoid's answer.
Step one, grab the latest stable llvm source.
Now uncompress the llvm source directory.
tar -xvf llvm-3.9.0.src.tar.xz
Next change directory to llvm and grab the clang source files.
cd llvm-3.9.0.src/tools && fetch
Uncompress clang.
tar -xvf cfe-3.9.0.src.tar.xz
Enter the projects directory and grab compiler-rt.
cd ../projects && fetch
Uncompress compiler-rt.
tar -xvf compiler-rt-3.9.0.src.tar.xz
Goto the root llvm directory and make a build directory for cmake.
cd ../ && mkdir build && cd build
Use cmake to setup the llvm build.
Build llvm and go grab some tea, it will take a bit.
make -j12
If the build worked you should be left with clang with asan support. Make sure to remove the old compiler, /usr/bin/clang, /usr/bin/clang++ and /usr/bin/cc.
Then install the new clang by doing sudo make install. Finally you will probably want to link /usr/bin/cc to /usr/local/bin/clang by running sudo ln /usr/local/bin/clang /usr/bin/cc.
After doing all these steps you should be able to compile code with the -fsanitize=address compile option.
