Cannot read property 'value' of undefined for this.refs.variable.value - reactjs

I am new to react.
I have a input text like so
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Number Only"
ref={"qtype3" + item.questionId}
now in a method I want to get the value inputted in the textbox,so i wrote following block in the method:
const uniqueNames = Array.from(new Set(this.state.arrrefs));
if (uniqueNames.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < uniqueNames.length; i++) {
var inval = uniqueNames[i];
var ans = this.refs.inval.value;
var newans = {
taskId: this.props.location.state.tskId,
userId: this.props.location.state.userid,
questionId: "",
answer: ans
here arrrefs is an array in the state with refs of several textboxes. In the variable inval I am getting the first value of the arrrefs. but i am getting the exception in the line var ans = this.refs.inval.value;
TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined
If I pass a hardcode value in line this.refs.inval.value instead of inval I am getting response.
for example, my uniqueNames = ["qtype3800316", "qtype3800317", "qtype3800318", "qtype3800324"]
so i want this.refs.qtype3800316.value
What am I doing wrong here?

Try using the [] operators if you want to access within an array/object by a variable.

Try just with: this.refs.inval
Also you can console.log(this.refs) and check what you have there.


Iteration over an array of objects

I have an array of objects from which I intend to copy few of its fields to a different object values on a specific condition
fromPage: "home";
sample = [
` copyObj = [{id:string, name:string}] `
Expecting result:
copyObj = [
I want to copy these specific fields to my copyObj from the sample. I tried in below way but ended up getting undefined.
for(var i=0;i<=sample.length;i++){
if(this.fromPage == "home")
this.copyObj[i].id = this.sample[i].iD;
this.copyObj[i].name = this.sample[i].fName;
The above is throwing error like: cannot read property 'ID' of undefined
Any other way to implement this , please help. I also tried using forEach to iterate and then push the values to the new array but it didn't work.
Try the following code,
for(var i=0;i<=this.sample.length-1;i++){
if(this.fromPage === "home"){

Mobx, filter and unshift an array in #computed

Given an observable array holding an id-name-propertyName collection I'm trying to filter out a country array which has to be bound to a html select control in a React component. I need to present an empty default in my select html element. The filter for 'Country' works great, however when adding the .unshift(empty) portion I'm running into problems.
My observable:
class ReferenceStore {
#observable referenceData=[];
My #computed so far:
#computed get countries() {
var empty = { id: 0, name: '' };
var test = this.referenceData.filter(x => x.propertyName === "Country").unshift(empty);
return test;
The problem is that this code results in the following error message in my component : is not a function
How should I go about this? Thank you!
unshift returns the new length of the array, and not the array itself.
You can do unshift first, and then return the array instead.
#computed get countries() {
var empty = { id: 0, name: '' };
var test = this.referenceData.filter(x => x.propertyName === "Country");
return test;

ReactJS how to loop through dynamically named refs

I'm looking at a line of code that has dynamically named refs for an input, where 'item' is an incrementing value starting at zero.
"input type="text" ref={'name'+item} defaultValue={item} />"
How would I loop through these dynamic refs to scrape out the values? I tried this with no luck. It tells me object undefined. (the length of inputs will equate to the number of added elements)
var arr = this.state.inputs;
var arrayLength = arr.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
var c = + i.value
Though, this DOES work, but its dynamic, so I need to loop through it, not hard code it:
I believe you need to get the DOM objects for the inputs, not just the refs (at least that has been my experience):
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
const values = {};
.filter(key => key.substr(0,4) === 'name')
.forEach(key => {
values[key] = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs[key])).value || null;
Good luck!

How to get selected value from ng-option inside an ng-repeat

In my controller I loop through the questions in a questionnaire:
for (var j = 0; j < s.Questions.length; j++) {
var q = s.Questions[j];
var aq = datacontext.getAnsweredQuestion(propertySurvey.ID, q.ID);
if (q.QuestionType === 'SingleAnswer') {
q.dropdown = true;
q.selectedOption = aq.ActualAnswers.length > 0 ?
aq.ActualAnswers[0].AnswerID : null;
q.optionChanged = function () {
var debug = q.selectedOption; //ERROR - this is undefined
In my view I also loop through the questions:
<div class="card" ng-repeat="q in s.Questions">
<div class="item item-divider">{{q.Text}}</div>
<div class="item" ng-if="q.dropdown">
<select ng-model="q.selectedOption"
ng-options="va.AnswerID as va.Text for va in q.ValidAnswers"
When viewed in the browser, the correct selectedOption is displayed, and the q.optionChanged() function is called. But inside that function, q.selectedOption is undefined
This function appears to work. But I can't explain why!
q.optionChanged = function () {
var debug = q.selectedOption;
var answerid = this.selectedOption;
The reason is because you are creating a function with closure inside a loop, which causes this unintuitive behavior. Read: Creating closures in loops: A common mistake
What ends up happening is that the inner function captures the last q in the loop, for which (for some reason, perhaps not shown in code here), q.optionChanged is undefined.
In contrast, this is bound to the right q as supplied by the expression in ng-change="q.optionChanged()".
To fix, use a function generator to create a function for each loop iteration, like so:
for (var j = 0; j < s.Questions.length; j++) {
var q = s.Questions[j];
var aq = datacontext.getAnsweredQuestion(...);
// ...
q.optionChanged = makeOptionChangeFn(q, aq)
// ...
function makeOptionChangeFn(q, aq){
return function(){
Using this would have worked if you only needed to reference the right q, but you also need aq, so a function generator is necessary.
In order to auto select the option from the controller, the ng-model must hold a reference to the array item. Assign q.selectedOption the whole item from the aq.ActualAnswers. You will need to refactor your comprehension expression.
// in the controller
q.selectedOption = aq.ActualAnswers.length > 0 ?
aq.ActualAnswers[0] : null;
// in the view
ng-options="va as va.Text for va in q.ValidAnswers"
This has caused me pain in the past. Make sure you read the documentation carefully:

Converting string to array using filter and using it in ng-repeat

I have a string which is in "1200:2,1300:3,1400:2" format. I need this to be printed like
I tried using filter,
return function (input) {
//Validate the input
if (!input) {
return '';
var hoaArray = [];
var inputArray = input.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
var adminTimeArray = inputArray[i].split(':');
hoaArray.push({ 'adminTime': adminTimeArray[0], 'dose': adminTimeArray[1]?adminTimeArray[1]:'' });
return hoaArray;
and inside html like
<p ng-repeat="timing in timing_list | formatter">{{timing.}}</p>{{timing .adminTime}}</div>
I am getting the following error,
Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: [[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":36,"oldVal":34}],[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":38,"oldVal":36}],[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":40,"oldVal":38}],[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":42,"oldVal":40}],[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":44,"oldVal":42}]]
Could anyone please help me understand what am I doing wrong?
In the IndexController.js file:
var inputString = "1200:2,1330:3,1400:4,1500:3";
var formatInputString = function (input) {
//Validate the input
if (!input) {
return '';
var hoaArray = [];
var inputArray = input.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
var adminTimeArray = inputArray[i].split(':');
hoaArray.push({ 'adminTime': adminTimeArray[0], 'dose': adminTimeArray[1] ? adminTimeArray[1] : '' });
return hoaArray;
$scope.inputString = inputString;
$scope.formattedString = formatInputString(inputString);
In the HTML file:
<div ng-repeat="timing in formattedString" >
The issue here - possibly a limitation or a bug in Angular - is that your filter creates new array objects every time it runs. ng-repeat uses under the covers $scope.$watchCollection to watch for the expression "timing_list | formatter" - this watcher always trips up because, in trying to detect a change in a values in the collection, it compares objects with a simple "!==" - and the objects are always new and different objects.
In short, this is another way to reproduce:
$scope.items = [1, 2, 3];
$scope.$watchCollection("items | foo", function(){
where foo is a filter that operates on each element in the array creating a new object:
.filter("foo", function(){
return function(inputArray){
return {a: item};
So, to answer your question - you cannot with Angular v1.3.15 use a filter that returns an array with objects (without some funky object caching) with $watchCollection, and by extension, with ng-repeat.
The best way is to create the array first (with ng-init or in the controller), and then use it in the ng-repeat.
