Watson assistant visit url or preview link is not working in IE - ibm-watson

Watson assistant visit url or preview link is not working in IE browser but the same link is working in Chrome browser.
Is there a limitation on IE version?
I am using IE11 version


How to open third party site in iframe using React JS

I want to open office 365 file in iframe of react web app, but it showing error in iframe but it's working propely in browser tab
Firefox Developer Edition Can’t Open This Page
To protect your security, login.microsoftonline.com will not allow Firefox Developer Edition to display the page if another site has embedded it. To see this page, you need to open it in a new window.

React app not loading in IOS Facebook in-app browser

I have a full stack web application. The backend is built in Django and the front end is built in React. Everything works fine.
But the only problem is when I send that website's link to someone on Facebook/Messenger and when they click on that link, it opens in the Facebook in-app browser but it shows blank page.
But If I copy that same link and paste in Safari or any other browser, it loads without any issue.
What might be the issue? Why doesn't it work on IOS Facebook in-app browser?

Why is my website's mobile version not working properly?

I have created a webpage using Dreamweaver and the mobile view is not showing properly on my website after uploading using Cpanel. This webpage is a practice site that my boss asked me to work on.
I have set the mobile view to trigger from 0 to 720px width. When I do live preview on my smartphone using the live preview of Dreamweaver all looks ok but when I upload the files on Cpanel and visit the actual site from my phone the mobile view does not trigger at all.
enter image description here
Here is how it looks in the actual website: http://www.simplifiednaturals.com/VivaslimSNC1/
Please help. I am very new to website development and only know basic stuff.

Why does angularjs site works on desktop but not on mobile?

Can anybody explain why this site (using angularjs) works in desktop but not in mobile?
The app allows searching for a timezone then when selected displays the time. On desktop it works but on mobile searching fails.
Visit site here

how to setup firebase javascript simple login with cordova

I have problem when using angular firebase javascript simple login with cordova.
Below is testing under cordova emulate android
user click on google login button
redirect to google login page
after submitted login form. the page stuck with loading.... please wait
and this error messsage in console not allowed to load local resouces
I got no problem when using desktop browser or mobile browser. It is just mobile app.
Anyone know what error is that?
Tools i use
iconic framework
There are some specific configuration issues (and a couple of bugs that needed to be worked out) but this should work well now. Firebase has a blog post explaining how to get this working "Using Firebase Simple Login with Ionic and PhoneGap".
