Azure Active directory with Umbraco 8 not working - azure-active-directory

'UmbracoCms.Core 8.0.0' is not compatible with 'UmbracoCms.IdentityExtensions 1.0.1 constraint: UmbracoCms.Core (>= 7.3.0 && < 8.0.0)'.
Anyone know how to get AzureAD working with Umbraco8?

Umbraco 8 is less than 48 hours old, so you probably shouldn't expect all extensions/packages to be working perfectly at the moment. Maybe go onto and ask if anyone else are having the same issues - or, if you are just starting a new project and you need AD integration right now, consider using the latest version 7 instead.


Data-Migration ElasticSearch 5.6.16 to 7.2.0

how can i perfom full data migration from ElasticSearch 5.6.16 to 7.2.0. I have an application running version 5.6.16. No i have to update some of the data to version 7.2.0. The manufacturer has written / provided an own tool for the migration, but this requires that the new installation (7.2.0) has been installed on a new separate server. But this is the only the last option for me. So what's an easy and good way to do this on the same machine? Or would it be an solution to install the new version (7.2.0) on the same machine with different port and then do my stuff as this would be two servers?
First backup the data and the re-import after installing new version? Did i get problems with the indexes (i read something about this.. that this could result in errors)
You have few questions but I will try to answer two important ones,
How can you run the two different version of elasticsearch on a single machine
Answer : it is possible although not recommended in production environment, as you guess it right, by running these two version on different ports.
How to migrate from ES 5.6 to 7.2
Answer: Elasticsearch provides the backward compatibility till last major version, so if you are upgrading to 7.X, than ES 6.X indices can be backed up and re-imported in ES 7.X but you can't do this for 5.X indices.
Note: Refer upgrade elasticsearch official doc for detailed explanation and process.

Latest stable version of solr

Now i am using solr4. I need to migrate solr to latest version.
Which solr version is latest and stable?
What are the conditions i need to check for migration?
How can i merge this version to latest version?
Which version can u prefer for me?
any migration tool is available for this migration?
I think about solr 6.3.0
Is it stable ?
What are the manger difference in solr 4 and 6 ??
When upgrading you really have to choices:
Reindex. This is the easiest (and you should have a way to reindex on request anyway, but some use cases makes reindexing hard, since Solr could be your primary datastore), most flexible and gives you the best end result.
Do a version-by-version upgrade, going from each version that supports the old index format to the most recent version that supports that format, then repeat until you're on your target version of Solr. Since old index versions are usually readable through each main version tree (I think), you'll have to go 4 -> 5 -> 6. You can use the IndexUpgrader tool to help with this, and as you can see at the bottom of that page, Jan made a tool that automates 4 -> 5 -> 6 for you.
The differences are far too many to really list, please refer to the Changelog for each release. In particular there's a world of difference regarding cloud / cluster support between 4.x and 6.x, and there's a lot of new features, such as streaming expressions.
Upgrading the schema is a matter of going through the datatypes you're using and checking if they've changed definitions (ints vs tries, for example). You'll probably be OK with just minor changes. The default schema factory has changed from the classic index schema to the managed schema, so if you want to keep editing the schema.xml as you're used to, you'll have to change to the ClassicIndexSchemaFactory in your configuration.

Upgrade SOLR 6.0 to 6.2

I've got a SOLR 6.0 instance on Windows. Not a cluster, a single server setup. I'd like to migrate to 6.2, the latest, because why not. There's an 600GB index that I don't want to lose.
Please, how? The guide at contains no guidance whatsoever.
Just changing the Solr versions should be enough. The index format will be updated when the new segments are written, but 6.2 are able to read 6.0 indexes just fine. Unless you're bitten by the 6.1-thing about historical dates, installing the new Solr version and pointing in to your existing dataDir should work.
As always, testing it out somewhere else than production first is a good idea.

Backing up iOS apps with outdated provisioning profiles

I created an iOS 8.X app with the company I previously worked for, and would like to keep the app for personal reasons. I have all of the code for the app, but it was written in swift 1, and hasn't been updated to the swift 2 syntax. Also, it was written using provisioning profiles for my old company, which I no longer have access to.
I haven't upgraded my personal device to iOS 9 yet so I can keep the app on my device to demonstrate at job interviews.
Is there a way I can locally save the app on my computer and install it on any device without the proper provisioning profiles, developer license, etc.?
You'll need your own developer account, which shouldn't be a problem because they are free now. But basically if you have the source code, you can simply re-build it with your personal provisioning profile. Because you won't be able to set up an explicit application ID, you will simply create a wildcard id on Apple's developer site, then create a developer provisioning profile using that wildcard ID and your personal certificate. Then simply build it to the device directly.
Why are you not updating your device to iOS 9? If properly written, your app will work fin on iOS 9 if it worked on iOS 8. The opposite is not necessarily true, as an app with a minimum OS version of 9 probably makes SDK calls that did not exist in 8. Although some changes may be needed, you should be able to build your app with the latest version of Xcode even though you originally coded it in Swift 1.2. You can find simple instructions on how to do that upgrade. This will also allow you to address any potential iOS 9 issues.
If you don't have the source code, but have the .ipa file, you could also resign it using the instructions here:
This is not as ideal, because if there are iOS 9 or iOS 10 issues, you will not be able to fix them. I think keeping the source code available (if you are legally allowed to) will be your best bet.

F# SQL Server Type Provider .NET SDK tools not found. Windows 10

Running Windows 10, Visual Studio Community 2015, and SQL Server 2014 Express. I also have .Net 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 installed.
My SqlDataConnection is throwing the compile time error "The type provider 'Microsoft.FSharp...' ... Error reading schema. The .NET SDK 4.0 or 4.5 tools could not be found". Searching for solutions I got directed to some registry keys.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows
I have two keys: \v8.0A and \v8.1A. (I didn't have a key for any I got to these keys from one online answer to this issue. Each of those keys has three keys under it: WinSDK-NetFx...Tools. For v8.0A the ellipses are "35" and for v8.1A they are "40". Plus each key is repeated with + "-x64" and + "-x86".
These six keys all have string values of "InstallationFolder" (as well as "ComponentName" and "ProductVersion").
I go to the installation folders, and each one has ResGen.exe and SqlMetal.exe (which are the files other answers said to look for). So it seems like I have the requisite registry keys which point to the requisite exe's.
Next to the installation folders for v7.0A and v8.1A, I also have one for v10.0A. So I tried creating some additional registry keys named v10.0A. In those v10.0A keys I tried putting the v10.0A folder as the InstallationFolder and I also tried putting the v8.1A folder as the installationFolder. (One reason I tried this permutation is because the error message asks for SDK 4.0 or 4.5, whereas the v10.0A folder has NETFX 4.6 Tools. So I tried to resolve possible inconsistency between v4.5 and v4.6 by varying the registry keys under v10.0A and using the path to v4.5 in the v8.1A folder.)
I've probably gone on too long trying to give the pertinent info. But I have the most current software installed and updated, and I"m trying to follow previous solutions given. And I'm stuck. Maybe all the newest versions aren't yet gotten tied together with each other?
Any help appreciated much.
Edit: Doing some more web searching, I'm now finding more fixes with more details. This one in particular looks very promising:
Need clarification regarding Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders
But I won't get to work on it until the end of today. So that link may be my answer, but I can't confirm for a bit.
Worth checking you are using the nuget version of the F# type providers. The version bundled with the framework does not have the fix applied that extends the list of registry keys searched to cope with later versions of the SDK (as would be installed on Windows 10)
