Connecting Firebird db and SQL Server - sql-server

I would like to connect Firebird db to my SQL Server database. Purpose of this is that I want the SQL Server database refreshed with Firebird data every night, so obviously make a job.
I looked around and saw a lot of tools and drivers that you need to get in order for this to work, and when I looked at them, they are ether a work in progress or a scam.
Does anyone have any ideas how to do this reliably?

Use SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) that runs a job in SQL Agent. SSIS supports any OLE-DB or ODBC data source, just set your SQL Server instance as the destination.
Here's an example using Firebird, SSIS and InterBase - but you can skip the parts for InterBase:


Migration of SQL Server 2012 database to Oracle 12c

I'm trying to migrate a SQL Server 2012 database backup file, which I wanted to migrate to Oracle 12c. I tried to use SQL Developer tool for migration using this reference:
The problem is in SQL Developer tool, I didn't see any option where I can generate database capture script for SQL Server 2012, because there is no option which is showing up there.
I'm open for other suggestions as well. the SQL Server is installed on my same system, where I've installed Oracle 12c, so even if there is way by which we can directly connect with SQL Server on my local system.
Hello for migration from SQL SERVER to Oracle. There are many articles are available on web. You can google it. For as one reference use this article and try for migration of data.

Want to have a SQL Server run query against a SQL Anywhere DB on another server

I have a SQL Server 2012 database on one server, and a SQL Anywhere 12 database on another server. I want to schedule a nightly select query that pulls data from the SQL Anywhere DB to the SQL Server DB.
This is all easily done between two SQL Server databases, even on different servers, but I have no option for "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Anywhere" and everything I find on the subject seems to assume that both the SQL Server and the SQL Anywhere DBMS are on the same server. That is not an option for me.
Is there some way I can get and install just what is needed on the SQL Server system to let me get the SQL Anywhere provider option? Legally and without involving additional licensing?
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Anywhere is exactly the right one.
This creates the necessary installer:
Start Menu\Programs\SQL Anywhere 16\Administration Tools\Deploy to Windows
Then just install it on the SQL server and you're ready to go.

Syncing a SQL Server CE database with a regular SQL Server database

There's an Umbraco site that various people been contributing content to. It runs on a hosted domain using a SQL Server Compact edition database for the CMS. It's about to go live and I need to sync the dev database to the live SQL Server instance which is hosted by a third party.
I just ass(u)me(d) that I could attach the .sdf to my local SQL Server and use a commercial tool (Redgate/SQLDelta etc.) to copy it to the live db. This does not seem to be possible. While I have managed to attach the .sdf using Linqpad, I can't connect to it like a regular database.
The best option seems to be to script out the entire database, but this seems like an impossible task using just Linqpad (no flies on Linqpad, obviously - it isn't the tool for such a task). Any less onerous options would be gratefully accepted.
You can use my free "SQL Server Compact Toolbox" Visual Studio extension for this. It can generate a script of the entire SQL Server Compact database, that you can then run against an empty SQL Server database.
In the past I did this kind of scenario wherein I need to copy the data from the SQL Server CE to a SQL Server database. Have you tried adding the .sdf to an ODBC then linked that ODBC to SQL Server?

Managing sql server database from sql lite or vice versa

I'm a newbie,Can you please specify any tools or methods for managing sql server database from sqlite or vice versa...or both,if possible..
What do you mean by managing? Neither MS SQL Server nor SQLite is a manager for SQL databases and specially not managers for each others.
For managing a SQL Server database, you can use SQL Server Management Studio.
For managing a SQLite database, you can use for example Firefox SQLite manager plugin
See also how to export from SQLite to SQL Server

copying oracle to sqlserver 2005 jdbc

Is there any way of copying a database from oracle to sqlserver 2005? Thanks
You can migrate from Oracle to SQL Server with Microsoft's SQL Server Migration Assistant. It is available both to SQL Server 2005 and 2008.
If you have lots of (complicated) stored procedures and such, the migration might get a bit tedious. I have only experience with databases with simple procedures and could just rewrite them and do the data copy to empty tables in SQL Server with the import functionality using Oracle connector (usable from SQL Server if you have installed Oracle client tools to the SQL Server machine). This way I didn't even need to use the Migration Assistant tool.
