Testing Echarts react component with jest, EchartElement is null - reactjs

Doing a snapchot test of a component with several nested children components, one which holds a Echart (bar-chart). When rendering in browser, EchartElement is set to the chart dom element:
<div class="echarts-for-react " _echarts_instance_="ec_1551342959315" size-sensor-id="1" style="height: 360px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; user-select: none; position: relative; background: transparent;">
But running the test, its null, which makes the test fail. Do I need to mock this somehow? Doesn't sound right...All the properties it is expecting are passed in correctly also in test mode...I checked...
Is there some configuration/setup I need to make Echarts work with Jest?

Turns out that my first answer didn't work for me at the end... I kept running the test and fixing whatever it was complaining about, but there was always something else...
So with some help from a colleague, the solution was to stop React Echarts to call Echarts by mocking the function triggering the rendering.
let spy: any
beforeAll(() => {
spy = jest.spyOn(echarts, 'getInstanceByDom').mockImplementation(() => {
return {
hideLoading: jest.fn(),
setOption: jest.fn(),
showLoading: jest.fn()
afterAll(() => {
it('Renders show correctly', () => {
const tree = renderer
<Show />
In our case we were not interested in actually testing the canvas rendering part, so that worked for us.

Yes, I had to mock the ref object:
function createNodeMock(element: any) {
return {
getSomething: jest.fn(() => 'pizza'),
setSomething: jest.fn(),
property: null,
it('Renders show correctly', () => {
const options = { createNodeMock }
const tree = renderer
Every time I ran into an error running the test, I went to where the method or property was called, console logged, looked what the value was while in the browser and set the data in the mockData. Maybe there is a better way of doing this, but it got it done...


Test ResizeObserver and contentRect.height in TypeScript React Enzyme test

I created a simple Hook that uses ResizeObserver to run setState when an Mui Box element is resized before/after a certain point. The purpose was to apply different styles based on whether the flex component was wrapped or not.
It works in the browser, but now the problem that I have is that I have no idea how to write tests for it. I tried with Jest, Enzyme, but I cannot find a way to really run a test against it. I would like to mount the component with one width and verify that it has the proper class, then trigger the resize event and verify that the class changed. I will need to mock the ref and the height. I am searched the web for hours for a solution but haven't found anything that works.
Here is the component:
function Component {
const [isWrapped, setIsWrapped] = useState(false);
const myRef = useRef() as React.MutableRefObject<HTMLInputElement>;
React.useEffect() {
const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
if (entries[0].contentRect.height > 100) {
} else {
return (
<Box {...{ ref: myRef }} display="flex" id="my-element" className={isWrapped ? classes.wrappedClass : classes.inlineClass}>{"someText"}</Box>
At the top of my test file I have
global.ResizeObserver = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({
observe: jest.fn(),
unobserve: jest.fn(),
disconnect: jest.fn(),
what I want my test to be like:
it("Test wrap/unwrap conditional styling", () => {
// mount with height 80px
let wrapper = mount(
<ReduxProvider store={store}>
<Component />
const myElement = wrapper.find("#my-element");
// trigger resize with height 110

How to test for tooltip title in jest and testing/library

I want to test that the tooltip title is equal to a specific text or not.
This is my antd tooltip I want to write a test for that:
this.props.connection ? "Connected" : "Disconnected (Try again)"
<Badge status="default" data-testid="connection-sign" />
and this is my test in jest:
test("Show error title in tooltip", async () => {
baseDom = render(cardComponent);
fireEvent.mouseMove(await baseDom.findByTestId("connection-sign")); //To hover element and show tooltip
"Disconnected (Try again)"
but this test failed and unable to find an element with this title. How can I test that my tooltip contain "Disconnected (Try again)"?
There are multiple mistakes in your test.
Passing component type instead of component instance to render
// this is wrong, passing component type
baseDom = render(cardComponent);
// this is right, passing component instance created with JSX
baseDom = render(<cardComponent />);
Using mouseMove instead of mouseOver event
Searching element by title and passing text instead of searching by text
// wrong, because, the prop on the Tooltip is called 'title'
// but it is actually text as 'getByTitle' looks for HTML
// title attribute
baseDom.getByTitle("Disconnected (Try again)");
// right, because you are actually looking for text not
// HTML title attribute (but wrong see (4))
baseDom.getByText("Disconnected (Try again)");
Using sync method for Tooltip search instead of async
// wrong, because, Tooltip is added dynamically to the DOM
baseDom.getByText("Disconnected (Try again)");
// right
await baseDom.findByText("Disconnected (Try again)");
To sum up, with all mistakes fixed the test should look like this:
import React from "react";
import { render, fireEvent } from "#testing-library/react";
import App from "./App";
test("Show error title in tooltip", async () => {
const baseDom = render(<cardComponent />);
await baseDom.findByText("Disconnected (Try again)")
In addition to the accepted answer, it's important to make sure if you set the prop getPopupContainer for an Antd tooltip, the popup might not be visible to react testing library as it happened in my case since the DOM container set may not be available in the body when testing the component especially if it's a unit test. e.g
In my case I had
getPopupContainer={() => document.getElementById('post--component-drawer')}
content={<h1>Hello world</h1>}>
<span data-testid="symbol-input--color-input">Click me</span>
div post--component-drawer was not available for that unit test. So I had to mock Popover to make sure I override prop getPopupContainer to null so that the popup would be visible
So at the beginning of my test file, I mocked Popover
jest.mock('antd', () => {
const antd = jest.requireActual('antd');
/** We need to mock Popover in order to override getPopupContainer to null. getPopContainer
* sets the DOM container and if this prop is set, the popup div may not be available in the body
const Popover = (props) => {
return <antd.Popover {...props} getPopupContainer={null} />;
return {
__esModule: true,
test('popver works', async () => {
await waitFor(() => {
expect(screen.getByRole('heading', {level: 1})).toBeInTheDocument();
I was tried many ways but didn't work, therefore I tried
mouse enter instead of mouseOver or mouseMove and it's worked for me.
here is a solution to test tooltip content, like as:
import { render, cleanup, waitFor, fireEvent, screen } from '#testing-library/react';
// Timeline component should render correctly with tool-tip
test('renders TimeLine component with mouse over(tool-tip)', async () => {
const { getByTestId, getByText, getByRole } = render(
onTimeLineItemChange={() => {}}
const courseTitle = "Course collection-3";
await waitFor(() => getByText(courseTitle));
I found this to be the most up to date way. You've got to do async() on the test and then await a findByRole since it isn't instantaneous!
render(<LogoBar />);
await screen.findByRole(/tooltip/);
This is a slight modification to the Akshay Pal's solution:
import { render, cleanup, waitFor, fireEvent, screen } from '#testing-library/react';
// Timeline component should render correctly with tool-tip
test('renders TimeLine component with mouse over(tool-tip)', async () => {
onTimeLineItemChange={() => {}}
const courseTitle = "Course collection-3";
expect(await screen.getByText(courseTitle)).toBeTruthy();

A warning is thrown because of an update to ForwardRef when testing a component animated with react-spring with #testing-library/react

I have a component animated with react-spring using the useSpring hook. Something like:
function Toggle({ handleToggle, toggled }) {
const x = useSpring({
x: toggled ? 1 : 0
return (
<div className={styles.switch} onToggle={handleToggle} data-testid="switch">
transform: x
range: [0, 0.4, 0.8, 1],
output: [0, 5, 10, 16]
.interpolate((x) => `translateX(${x}px)`)
When testing the component a warning is thrown:
Warning: An update to ForwardRef inside a test was not wrapped in act(...).
When testing, code that causes React state updates should be wrapped into act(...):
act(() => {
/* fire events that update state */
/* assert on the output */
This ensures that you're testing the behavior the user would see in the browser. Learn more at https://reactjs.org/docs/test-utils.html#act
in ForwardRef (created by Toggle)
in Toggle
The code for my test is:
test("Toggle works", () => {
let toggled = false;
const handleToggle = jest.fn(() => {
toggled = true;
const { getByTestId, queryByTestId } = render(
<Toggle toggled={toggled} handleToggle={handleToggle}/>
How should I test components animated with react-spring using #testing-library/react?
I had this warning while testing a component that uses useSpring and <animated.div> in a react-test-renderer renderer snapshot creation:
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';
it('matches snapshot', () => {
const tree = renderer.create(<Component />).toJSON();
I've found inspiration in this link, and could solve it just by adding the Jest's useFakeTimers call:
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';
it('matches snapshot', () => {
jest.useFakeTimers(); //ADDED
const tree = renderer.create(<Component />).toJSON();
See that wrapping stuff with act, like in the referenced link, was not necessary in this case.
While researching I also found this following blog post, that explains the reasons and describes some cases in which this warning is shown, including a case when you do use jest.useFakeTimers(), the warning keeps being displayed and using act is necessary: Fix the "not wrapped in act(...)" warning

How to simulate a click on a Font Awesome Icon using Jest?

I'm testing through Jest and am trying to test the click on a Font Awesome Icon. I've tried different ways to find the 'node', but I get the error that "Method “simulate” is meant to be run on 1 node. 0 found instead." Any insight would be helpful.
The error I get when I try different inputs to component.find() is: Method “simulate” is meant to be run on 1 node. 0 found instead.
const clearInput = () => {
render (
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={['fal', 'times-circle']} className="clear-button"
onClick={clearInput} /> : null`
onRemove is a callback function.
it('should call clearInput thus onRemove', () =>{
const onRemove= jest.fn()
const component = mount(<StringEditor {...defaultProps} onRemove={onRemove} />)
component.find('<dont know what to put>').simulate('click')
Try this:
it('should call clearInput thus onRemove', () =>{
const onRemove= jest.fn()
const component = mount(<StringEditor {...defaultProps} onRemove={onRemove} />)
component.find({ className: "clear-button" }).simulate('click');
You can use the Object Property Selector: https://airbnb.io/enzyme/docs/api/selector.html#4-object-property-selector
Or a React Component Constructor: https://airbnb.io/enzyme/docs/api/selector.html#2-a-react-component-constructor

How to test React components inside react-responsive tags

Inside a <MyComponent> component I am using react-responsive <MediaQuery> components to distinguish between rendering mobile and desktop content.
export class MyComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
<MediaQuery query="(max-width: 600)">
<div className="inside-mobile">mobile view</div>
I want to test the HTML inside <MyComponent>'s render() using enzyme, but can't seem to dive into the child elements of <MediaQuery>:
it('should dive into <MediaQuery>', () => {
const wrapper = mount(<Provider store={mockedStore}><MyComponent/></Provider>)
const actual = wrapper.getDOMNode().querySelectorAll(".inside-mobile")
A console.log(wrapper.debug())shows that nothing inside <MediaQuery> is being rendered, though.
I'm guessing in a test (with no actual browser) window.width is not set which leads to the <MediaQuery> component not rendering anything.
What I want to do:
I want to be able to test <MyComponent>'s content using enzyme with react-responsive (or something similar such as react-media) to deal with mobile vs desktop viewports.
Things I've tried:
circumventing this by using enzyme's shallow with dive() instead of mount, to no avail.
using react-media's <Media> instead of react-responsive's <MediaQuery>, which seems to set window.matchMedia() to true by default. However, that's not working either.
console.log(wrapper.debug()) shows:
<MyComponent content={{...}}>
<Media query="(min-width: 600px)" defaultMatches={true} />
I found a working solution, using react-media instead of react-responsive, by mocking window.matchMedia so that matches is set to true during the test:
Create specific media components for different viewports:
const Mobile = ({ children, content }) => <Media query="(max-width: 600px)" children={children}>{matches => matches ? content : "" }</Media>;
const Desktop = ...
Use specific media component:
<Mobile content={
<div className="mobile">I'm mobile</div>
<Desktop content={...}/>
Test content per viewport:
const createMockMediaMatcher = matches => () => ({
addListener: () => {},
removeListener: () => {}
describe('MyComponent', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
window.matchMedia = createMockMediaMatcher(true);
it('should display the correct text on mobile', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent/>);
const mobileView = wrapper.find(Mobile).shallow().dive();
const actual = mobileView.find(".mobile").text();
expect(actual).to.equal("I'm mobile");
