Unit testing with Jest, expect problem receiving empty/undefined object - reactjs

i am new to unit testing and i am trying to test the length of a navigation bar, below you can see the nav bar component which is within a class
<AppBar className={classes.appBar} position="static">
<Toolbar className={classes.toolbar}>
{authenticated && this.state.layoutMode ==='desktop' ? (
<Grid container
direction ="row"
<div className={classes.root}>
<Tabs id="Tab" className = {classes.tabBar} value={value} onChange={this.handleChange}>
<Tab label="example" alt="example" onClick={() => Router.push('/example')}/>
<Tab label="example" alt="example" onClick={() => Router.push('/example')}/>
<Tab label="example" alt="example" onClick={() => Router.push('/example')}/>
<Tab label="example" alt="example" onClick={() => Router.push('/example')}/>
<Tab label="example" alt="example" onClick={() => Router.push('/example')}/>
<Tab label="example" alt="example" onClick={() => Router.push('/example')}/>
) : (
authenticated && <BurgerMenu/>
Below is the test i have written so far
describe('NavBar', () => {
const intialState = {
ui: { width: 1361 },
auth: { authenticated: true }
let container;
beforeEach(() => {
container = shallow(<Nav />);
it('should render self and subcomponents', () => {
it('should contain an AppBar', () => {
however my problem is that the .find(AppBar) doesnt seem to be found, when using a console log(container.find(AppBar)) it shows the following "ShallowWrapper {}" this would mean that the object is empty and therefore not equal to 1, however i do not know where to point the find to correctly find the tabs to test

The solution is
let container;
beforeEach(() => {
container = mount(<Nav />);
diving to deep within the DOM with shallow.


How to add onClick button to any tabs in MUI?

I wanna add onClick in button (like swap languages in google translate) to any tabs. I want like click Swap languages in google translate to other languages like en -> es to es -> en.
const [value_s, setValue_s] = useState('one');
const [value_t, setValue_t] = useState('four');
const handleChange_s = (event, newValue) => {
const handleChange_t = (event, newValue) => {
{languages.map((item) => (
<Tab key={item} label={item.Name} onClick={() => { setSource(item.langcode) }} />
{/* Swap languages Button*/}
<Tooltip title="Swap languages">
onClick={() => { setSource(target), setTarget(source) }}
<SwapHorizIcon />
{languages.map((item) => (
<Tab key={item} label={item.Name} onClick={() => { setTarget(item.langcode) }} />
You can add a value prop to the Tab component. Which will allow you to toggle on the value, instead the index.
For this we need to change the initial states of the source and target.
const [value_s, setValue_s] = useState("en");
const [value_t, setValue_t] = useState("es");
Now to can add the value prop to the Tab component, same by the target Tab
<Tabs value={value_s} onChange={handleChange_s}>
{languages.map((item) => (
value={item.langcode} // the value
onClick={() => {
Create a handleSwap function for the button
const handleSwap = () => {
Which we can use like this
<IconButton onClick={handleSwap}>

Passing click function from One component to other component

In React material ui i am having two components where i am calling save function on button click, is it right way or not can anyone suggest the better way:
const callback = {};
return (
{!state?.creditCard?.isSaved ? (
<Paper elevation={4} className={classes.paymentContainer}>
<Box className={classes.subPaymentContainer}>
<Typography className={classes.title}>Card Payment</Typography>
validationPassed={() => actionsCollection.booking.saveCard(true, state.creditCard.lastFourDigits)}
onClick={(e) => callback.saveCard(e)}
<div style={{ display: "flex", marginTop: 20 }}>
<img className={classes.lockIcon} src={lockIconInfo} alt="" />
<Typography className={classes.paymentInfo}>
<Link href="/terms" target={"_blank"}>
Terms of Payment
) : (
<div style={{ height: 373 }}>
<CardStored removeCard={removeCard} />
in CardPayementForm below calling the save function below is the code:
const CardPaymentForm = ({ classes, callback, validationPassed, formType, lastFourDigits }) {
useEffect(() => {
callback.saveCard = (e) => {
if (validateForm()) {
here without callback how to call save function directly in cardpaymentform, Any help please
I'm not sure this will apply to your problem but if you had a component_a
const ComponentA = ({handleClick}) => {
<button onClick(e => handleEvent(e))>
Click here
and a component_b
const ComponentB = () => {
const handleClick = (e) => {
// do something with the event from component a
<ComponentA handleClick={handleClick}/>

React Material UI - Tabs - How to disable lazy loading of tabs?

I am creating some react tabs based off of the example shown here for Material UI: https://material-ui.com/components/tabs/.
The problem I am encountering is that my tabs are lazy loading the linegraph components instead of performing all the queries on initial page load. Does anyone have some suggestions of where I can optimize this to make each tab load immediately on page load?
function TabPanel(props) {
const { children, value, index} = props;
return (
{value === index && <Box p={3}>{children}</Box>}
class SimpleTabs extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
value: 0
handleChange = (event, newValue) => {
this.setState({value: newValue});
render() {
return (
<AppBar position="static">
<Tabs value={this.state.value} onChange={this.handleChange}>
<Tab label="Item One"/>
<Tab label="Item Two"/>
<Tab label="Item Three"/>
<TabPanel value={this.state.value} index={0}>
<LineGraph className={styles.graphBox} name={"Guest Count"} url={'***/***'} initialFilterData={this.props.initialFilterData} filterData={this.props.filterData}/>
<TabPanel value={this.state.value} index={1}>
<LineGraph className={styles.graphBox} name={"Total Sales"} url={'***/***'} initialFilterData={this.props.initialFilterData} filterData={this.props.filterData}/>
<TabPanel value={this.state.value} index={2}>
<LineGraph className={styles.graphBox} name={"Avg Check Size"} url={'***/***'} initialFilterData={this.props.initialFilterData} filterData={this.props.filterData}/>
export default SimpleTabs;
Add hidden={value !== index} to the Typography in TabPanel and remove the value === index && condition inside the Typography so that the children of all the tab panels are rendered immediately but hidden (except for the currently selected one).
function TabPanel(props) {
const { children, value, index, ...other } = props;
return (
hidden={value !== index}
<Box p={3}>{children}</Box>

Using Grid with SortableJS

I am using SortableJS for React and I am trying to implement horizontal Grid, so that the final result would look like this:
I managed to do that, however the sort function does not work at all. I think it has something to do with the tag attribute. When I try tag={Grid} I get following error:
Sortable: el must be an HTMLElement, not [object Object]
Any ideas how can I implement Grid to the tag attribute? Here is my code:
<Grid container>
<Sortable options={{ fallbackOnBody: true, group: "items", handle: reorderHandle }} tag={Grid} onChange={handleChange}>
{items.map((item, index) =>
<Paper key={index} data-id={index} className={classes.item} elevation={0}>
<ButtonHelper {...getHandleClass(editable)} key={index} icon={
<Badge badgeContent={index + 1} color="default">
{editable && <ReorderIcon />}
<Grid item xs={4} key={index}>
<div className={classes.gridItem}>
<GalleryInput className={classes.image} style={{ width: '300px' }} label="image" source={`${source}[${index}].image`} />
<TextInput label="desc" source={`${source}[${index}].desc`} />
{editable && <ButtonHelper icon={<RemoveIcon />} onClick={handleRemove(index)} className={classes.left} />}
Thank you for any help.
Since you are using a custom component, the tag prop accepts it as a forwarRef component only.
So you need to update in that way.
Sample Snippet
// This is just like a normal component, but now has a ref.
const CustomComponent = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, any>((props, ref) => {
return <div ref={ref}>{props.children}</div>;
export const BasicFunction: FC = props => {
const [state, setState] = useState([
{ id: 1, name: "shrek" },
{ id: 2, name: "fiona" }
return (
<ReactSortable tag={CustomComponent} list={state} setList={setState}>
{state.map(item => (
<div key={item.id}>{item.name}</div>

React Material UI Delete Selected Cells

I am using a table example from material ui.
This is the link to the online project https://codesandbox.io/s/209kpmpvx0
The example allows you to cell multiple rows and a delete icon gets displayed when you click on the row.
I would like to be able to print out all the selected rows after the delete icon has been pressed.
This is the class that allows you to select a row.
class EnhancedTable extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selected: [],
handleClick = (event, id) => {
const { selected } = this.state;
const selectedIndex = selected.indexOf(id);
let newSelected = [];
this.setState({ selected: newSelected });
I put the following code selectedId={selected.id} into the EnhancedTableHead component.
return (
<Paper className={classes.root}>
<EnhancedTableToolbar numSelected={selected.length} />
<div className={classes.tableWrapper}>
<Table className={classes.table} aria-labelledby="tableTitle">
Then I added the selectedId to the EnhancedTableToolbar. I also added an event handler into the delete icon.
let EnhancedTableToolbar = props => {
const { numSelected, classes } = props;
return (
className={classNames(classes.root, {
[classes.highlight]: numSelected > 0
<div className={classes.title}>
{numSelected > 0 ? (
<Typography color="inherit" variant="subheading">
{numSelected} selected
) : (
<Typography variant="title" id="tableTitle">
<div className={classes.spacer} />
<div className={classes.actions}>
{numSelected > 0 ? (
<Tooltip title="Delete">
<IconButton aria-label="Delete">
<DeleteIcon onClick={printdeletearray} />
) : (
<Tooltip title="Filter list">
<IconButton aria-label="Filter list">
<FilterListIcon />
I get an error saying selectedId is undefined.
const printdeletearray = () => {
You made two mistakes I guess:
firstly you should pass selected as selectedId props in <EnhancedTableToolbar />:
the second mistake is that you should pass selectedId to printdeletearray() like this:
<DeleteIcon onClick={() => printdeletearray(selectedId)} />
and here is your Demo
