React - Old promise overwrites new result - reactjs

I have a problem and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who ever had it... Although I tried to find a solution, I didin't really find something that fits my purpose.
I won't post much code, since its not really a code problem, but more a logic problem.
Imagine I have the following hook:
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
Imagine the result of fetchFromApi is displayed in a simple table in the UI.
Now lets say the user clicks on an entity in the navigation, so the ID prop in the browser URL changes and the effect triggers, leading to an API call. Lets say the call with this specific ID takes 5 seconds.
During this 5 seconds, the user again clicks on an element in the navigation, so the hook triggers again. This time, the API call only takes 0,1 seconds. The result is immediatly displayed.
But the first call is still running. Once its finished, it overwrites the current result, what leads to wrong data being displayed in the wrong navigation section.
Is there a easy way to solve this? I know I can't cancel promises by default, but I also know that there are ways to achieve it...
Also, it could be possible that fetchFromApi is not a single API call, but instead multiple calls to multiple endpoints, so the whole thing could become really tricky...
Thanks for any help.

The solution to this is extremely simple, you just have to determine whether the response that you got was from the latest API call or not and only then except it. You can do it by storing a triggerTime in ref. If the API call has been triggered another time, the ref will store a different value, however the closure variable will hold the same previously set value and it mean that another API call has been triggered after this and so we don't need to accept the current result.
const timer = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
fetchFromApi(, timer);
}, []);
function fetchFromApi(id, timer) {
timer.current =;
const triggerTime = timer.current;
fetch('path').then(() => {
if(timer.current == triggerTime) {
// process result here
// accept response and update state
Other ways to handle such scenarios to the cancel the previously pending API requests. IF you use Axios it provides you with cancelToken that you can use, and similarly you can cancel XMLHttpRequests too.


How to compare oldValues and newValues on React Hooks useEffect? Multiple re-renders

The kinda the same problem as described here
How to compare oldValues and newValues on React Hooks useEffect?
But in my case, usePrevious hook does not help.
Imagine the form with several inputs, selects, and so on. You may want to look at to make a similar visualization. There are several actions and data updates that will be happened on almost any change, which will lead to several re-renders, at least 4. For example.
I have 2 inputs, each represents a token. Base(first one) and Quote(second one).
This is a state for Base
const [base, setBase] = useState({
balance: undefined,
price: undefined,
value: initState?.base?.value,
token: initState?.base?.token,
tokenId: initState?.base?.tokenId,
and for Quote
const [quote, setQuote] = useState({
balance: undefined,
price: undefined,
value: initState?.quote?.value,
token: initState?.quote?.token,
tokenId: initState?.quote?.tokenId,
They gonna form a pair, like BTC/USD for example.
By changing token (instead of BTC I will choose ETH) in the select menu I will trigger several actions: fetching wallet balance, fetching price, and there are gonna be a few more rerenders with input view update and modal window close. So at least 4 of them are happening right now. I want to be able to compare base.token and basePrv with
const basePrv = usePrevious(base?.token); but on the second re-render base.token and basePrv gonna have the same token property already and it is an issue.
I also have the swap functionality between the inputs where I should change base with quote and quote with base like that
setBase(prevState => ({
base: quote
setQuote(prevState => ({
quote: base
In that case, there are no additional requests that should be triggered.
Right now I have useEffect with token dependency on it. But it will be fired each time when the token gonna be changed which will lead to additional asynchronous calls and 'tail' of requests if you gonna click fast. That's why I need to compare the token property that was before the change to understand should I make additional calls and requests because of the formation of new pair (BTC/USD becomes ETH/USD) or I should ignore that because it was just a "swap" (BTC/USD becomes USD/BTC) and there is no need to make additional calls and fetches. I just had to, well, swap them, not more.
So in my story, usePrevious hook will return the previous token property only once, and at the second and third time, it would be overwritten by multiple re-renders(other properties would be fetched) to the new one. So at the time when useEffect gonna be triggered, I would have no chance to compare the previous token property and the current one, because they will show the same.
I have several thoughts on how to solve it, but I am not sure is it right or wrong, because it seemed to me that the decisions look more imperative than declarative.
I can leave everything as it is (requests would be triggered always on any change no matter what it was. Was it a swap or user changed a pair). I can disable the swap button until all of the requests would be finished. It would solve the problem with requests 'tail'. But it is a kinda hotfix, that gonna be work, but I do not like it, because it would lead to additional unnecessary requests and it would be slow and bad for UX.
I can use a state to keep the previous pair on it right before the update by setBase or setQuote happens. It will allow me to use useEffect and compare previous pair to the current one to understand did the pair was changed, or just swapped and take the decision should I make fetches and calls or not.
I can get rid of useEffect with base.token and quote.token dependencies and handle everything inside of onClick handler. Because of that, the swap functionality would not trigger useEffect, and calls and fetches would be fired only if the user gonna click and choose something different. But as I said this option seemed a little bit odd to me.
I tried to use closure here, to "remember" the previous state of tokens, but it is kinda similar to use the current component state. Also, you have to initialize closure outside of the functional component body, and I do not see a possibility to transfer the init state into it that way, so the code becomes more spaghettified.
So any other ideas guys? I definitely missing something. Maybe that much of re-renders is an antipattern but I am not sure how to avoid that.
There could be multiple solutions to your problem. I would suggest to pick one which is easier to understand.
1. Modify the usePrevious hook
You can modify the usePrevious hook to survive multiple renders.
Tip: use JSON.stringify to compare if you think the value will be a complex object and might change the reference even for same real value.
function usePrevious(value) {
const prevRef = useRef();
const curRef = useRef();
if (value !== curRef.current){
// or, use
// if ( JSON.stringify(value) !== JSON.stringify(curRef.current)){
prevRef.current = curRef.current;
curRef.current = value;
return prevRef.current;
2. Sort useEffect dependency array
Since you're using tokens(strings) as dependency array of useEffect, and you don't mind their order (swap shouldn't change anything), sort the dependency array like
() => {
// do some effect
[base.token, quote.token].sort()
3. Store the currently fetched tokens.
While storing the API response data, also store the tokens(part of request) associated with that data. Now, you'll have 2 sets of tokens.
currently selected tokens
currently fetched tokens
You can chose to fetch only when the currently fetched tokens don't fulfil your needs. You can also extend this and store previous API request/responses and pick the result from them if possible.
Out of all these, 3rd seems a nice & more standardised approach to me, but an overkill for your need (unless you want to cache previous results).
I would have gone with 2nd because of simplicity and minimalism. However, It still depends on what you find easier at the end.

RxJS and repeated events

I am new to RxJs in general but am investigating a bug in some React code in which, upon an unrelated action, an old event seems to be emitted and rendered to a display error. Think if you had two buttons that generated two messages somewhere on screen, and clicking one button was showing the message for the other button.
Being new to RxJs I'm not positive where the problem lays. I don't see a single ReplaySubject in the code, only Obserables, Subjects, and BehaviourSubjects. So this is either misuse of an RxJs feature or just some bad logic somewhere.
Anyway I found the code with the related Observable and I'm not quite sure what this person was trying to accomplish here. I have read up on combineLatest, map, and pipe, but this looks like pointless code to me. Could it also be somehow re-emitting old events? I don't see dynamic subscriptions anywhere, especially in this case.
Tldr I don't understand the intent of this code.
export interface IFeedback {
id: number
text: string
export interface IFeedbackMessages {
message: IFeedback | undefined
feedback$ = new BehaviorSubject<IFeedback | undefined>(undefined)
feedbackNotifs$: Observable<IFeedbackMessages> = combineLatest([
map(([feedback]) => ({
I also found this which maybe be an issue. In the React component that displays this message, am I wrong but does it look like each time this thing renders it subscribes and then unsubscribes to the above Subject?
const FeedbackDisplay: React.FC () => {
const [feedbackNotifications, setFeedbackNotifications] = React.useState<IFeedbackMessages>()
React.useEffect(() =>
const sub = notification$.subscribe(setFeedbackNotifications)
return () => sub?.unsubscribe()
}, [notifications$])
Could it also be somehow re-emitting old events?
Yes, it probably is. BehaviorSubject has the unique property of immediately emitting the last value pushed to it as soon as you subscribe to it.
It's great when you want to model some persistent state value, and it's not good for events whose actual moment of occurrence is key. It sounds like the feedback messages you're working with fall into the second category, in which case Subject is probably a better choice.
does it look like each time this thing renders it subscribes and then unsubscribes to the above Subject?
Not exactly. useEffect accepts a callback, and within that callback you can optionally return a "cleanup" function. React will hang onto that function until the effect is triggered again, then it calls it to clean things up (which in this case consists of closing out the subscription) to make room for the next effect.
So in this case, the unsubscribe will only happen when the component is rendered with a new value for notifications$. Also worth pointing out that notifications$ will only change if it's either passed as a prop or created within the component function. If it's defined outside the function (imported from another file for example), you don't need to (and in fact should not) put it into useEffect's dependency array.

Global variables in React

I know Redux solves this but I came up with an idea.
Imagine I have an app that gets some JSON on start. Based on this JSON I'm setting up the environment, so let's assume the app starts and it downloads an array of list items.
Of course as I'm not using Redux (the app itself is quite simple and Redux feels like a huge overkill here) if I want to use these list items outside of my component I have to pass them down as props and then pass them as props again as deep as I want to use them.
Why can't I do something like this:
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => {
window.consts = json.list;
This way I can access my list anywhere in my app and even outside of React. Is it considered an anti-pattern? Of course the list items WON'T be changed EVER, so there is no interaction or change of state.
What I usually do when I have some static (but requested via API) data is a little service that acts kind like a global but is under a regular import:
// get-timezones.js
import { get } from '../services/request'
let fetching = false
let timez = null
export default () => {
// if we already got timezones, return it
if (timez) {
return new Promise((resolve) => resolve(timez))
// if we already fired a request, return its promise
if (fetching) {
return fetching
// first run, return request promise
// and populate timezones for caching
fetching = get('timezones').then((data) => {
timez = data
return timez
return fetching
And then in the view react component:
// some-view.js
getTimezones().then((timezones) => {
this.setState({ timezones })
This works in a way it will always return a promise but the first time it is called it will do the request to the API and get the data. Subsequent requests will use a cached variable (kinda like a global).
Your approach may have a few issues:
If react renders before this window.consts is populated you won't
be able to access it, react won't know it should re-render.
You seem to be doing this request even when the data won't be used.
The only downside of my approach is setting state asynchronously, it may lead to errors if the component is not mounted anymore.
From the React point of view:
You can pass the list from top level via Context and you can see docs here.
Sample of using it is simple and exists in many libraries, such as Material UI components using it to inject theme across all components.
From engineering concept of everything is a trade of:
If you feel that it's gonna take so much time, and you are not going to change it ever, so keep it simple, set it to window and document it. (For your self to not forget it and letting other people know why you did this.)
If you're absolutely certain they won't ever change, I think it's quite ok to store them in a global, especially if you need to access the data outside of React. You may want to use a different name, maybe something like "appNameConfig"..
Otherwise, React has a feature called Context, which can also be used for "deep provision" - Reference

ReactJS fetching new data on prop

As a preface, I'm still new to React, so I'm still fumbling my way through things.
What I have is a component that fetches data to render an HTML table. So I call my Actions' fetchData() (which uses the browser's fetch() API) from within componentWillMount(), which also has a listener for a Store change. This all works well and good, and I'm able to retrieve and render data.
Now the next step. I want to be able to fetch new data when the component's props is updated. But I'm not exactly sure what the proper way to do so is. So I have a three part question
Would the proper place to do my fetchData() on new props be in componentWillReceiveProps(), after validating that the props did change, of course?
My API is rather slow, so it's entirely possible a new prop comes in while a fetch is still running. Is it possible to cancel the old fetch and start a new one, or at least implement logic to ignore the original result and wait for the results from the newer fetch?
Related to the above question, is there a way to ensure only one fetch is running at any time besides having something like an isLoading boolean in my Action's state (or elsewhere)?
Yes, componentWillReceiveProps is the proper place to do that.
Regarding point 2 and 3:
The idea of cancelling the task and maintaining 'one fetch running' seems to be inadequate. I don't think this kind of solution should be used in any system because implementation would limit an efficiency of your app by design.
Is it possible to cancel the old fetch and start a new one, or at least implement logic to ignore the original result and wait for the results from the newer fetch?
Why don't you let a 'newer fetch' response override an 'old fetch' response?
If you really want to avoid displaying the old response you can implement it simply using a counter of all fetchData calls. You can implement it in this way:
var ApiClient = {
processing: 0,
fetchData: function(){
return yourLibForHTTPCall.get('http://endpoint').then(function (response)){
return response
isIdle: function(){
return processing == 0
and the place where you actually make a call:
I hope yourLibForHTTPCall.get returns a Promise in your case.

Nesting Flux Data

In my app, I make two ajax calls to for one piece of data. First I make a call to get a list of ecommerceIntegrations. Once I have those, I can then grab each of their respective orders.
My current code looks something like this:
componentDidMount: function() {
_onIntegrationStoreChange: function() {
var ecommerceIntegrations = EcommerceIntegrationStore.getEcommerceIntegrations();
this.setState({ecommerceIntegrations: ecommerceIntegrations});
ecommerceIntegrations.forEach(function(integration) {
_onOrderStoreChange: function() {
pendingOrders: OrderStore.getAllPendingOrders(),
pendingOrdersByIntegration: OrderStore.getPendingOrdersByIntegration()
I'm trying to follow Facebook's Flux pattern, and I'm pretty sure this doesn't follow it. I saw some other SO posts about nesting data with Flux, but I still don't understand. Any pointers are appreciated.
Everything here looks good except this:
ecommerceIntegrations.forEach(function(integration) {
Instead of trying to fire off an action in response to another action (or worse yet, an action for every item in ecommerceIntegrations), back up and respond to the original action. If you don't yet have a complete set of data, and you need to make two calls to the server, wait to fire the action until you have all the data you need to make a complete update to the system. Fire off the second call in the XHR success handler, not in the view component. This way your XHR calls are independent of the dispatch cycle and you have moved application logic out of the view and into an area where it's more appropriately encapsulated.
If you really want to update the app after the first call, then you can dispatch an action in the XHR success handler before making the second call.
Ideally, you would handle all of this in a single call, but I understand that sometimes that's not possible if the web API is not under your control.
In a Flux app, one should not think of Actions as being things that can be chained together as a strict sequence of events. They should live independently of each other, and if you have the impulse to chain them, you probably need to back up and redesign how the app is responding to the original action.
