How to fix segmentation fault for while loop in c - c

I'm working on an assignment and trying to write the code to answer this question:
Write a program that computes the total weight of a cargo. The user has many types of boxes (numbered 1 to n). For each box type, the program asks the user about the weight and quantity. The program thencomputes and prints the total cargo weight.
In the output sample below, the user has three box types. For box type 2, the user enters the sentinel -1 to
indicate they’re done with the input. Your program should print Type 1, 2, 3, etc. as shown in the
output below.
Enter weight (lbs) of Type 1 box: 4
Enter quantity: 2
Enter weight (lbs) of Type 2 box: -1
The total weight is 8 lbs.
When i run this code it runs the first line to input weight but then gives me a segmentation fault and says (core dumped). -1 is the sentinel and even when the enter weight is inside the while loop the result is the same. What am I doing wrong? I'm sorry I'm new to C
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int weight; //weight of boxes
int quantity; //number of boxes
int total_weight; //total weight
int n = 1;
printf("Enter weight (lbs) of Type %d box: ", n);
scanf("%d", weight);
while(weight!=-1) //Iterate loop until w=-1
printf("Enter quantity: \n");
scanf("%d", quantity);
total_weight= total_weight + (quantity*weight);
printf("The total weight is %0.2d", total_weight);
return 0;

This is not how you use scanf
scanf("%d", weight);
scanf("%d", quantity);
You should pass the address of the variable, not the value of the variable.
That would look like this:
scanf("%d", &weight);
scanf("%d", &quantity);
Your while loop depends on value weight. The value of weight never changes in your loop, so the loop can never exit.
This line:
total_weight= total_weight + (quantity*weight);
uses the value of total_weight, which was never initialized.
You should initialize your variables.
All in all, I think your fixed code should look like:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int weight = 0; //weight of boxes
int quantity = 0; //number of boxes
int total_weight = 0; //total weight
int n = 1;
printf("Enter weight (lbs) of Type %d box: ", n);
scanf("%d", &weight); // Update weight **inside** the loop
printf("Enter quantity: \n");
scanf("%d", &quantity);
total_weight= total_weight + (quantity*weight);
printf("The total weight is %0.2d", total_weight);
return 0;

while(weight!=-1) //Iterate loop until w=-1
printf("Enter quantity: \n");
scanf("%d", quantity);
total_weight= total_weight + (quantity*weight);
Problem is in while condition, weight never change it's value so the condition always true so infinite loop.
Fix this statement scanf("%d", &weight);

Your problem is you are trying to assign a value to the pointer of quantity and weight, instead you need to put &quantity and &weight also you do not have another input for the weight, you should also use a do while instead of a while loop. It should look like this
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int weight; //weight of boxes
int quantity; //number of boxes
int total_weight; //total weight
int n = 1;
printf("Enter weight (lbs) of Type %d box: ", n);
scanf("%d", &weight);
printf("Enter quantity: \n");
scanf("%d", &quantity);
total_weight= total_weight + (quantity*weight);
}while (weight != -1);
printf("The total weight is %0.2d", total_weight);
return 0;


Calculate the discount in a program in C language

I have a plan that gives the total price of the products and if the purchase is more than 200, it should give a 15% discount. But when displaying the final amount, it displays the zero:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main()
int count;
printf("plz enter number of product :");
scanf("%d", &count);
int price;
int allprice;
float discounted_price ;
int i = 0;
printf("plz enter price %d : ",i+1);
scanf("%d", &price);
allprice +=price;
float discount_amount = (15*allprice)/100;
float discounted_price = (allprice-discount_amount);
printf("price before discount : %d ",allprice);
printf("price after discount : %d ",discounted_price);
return 0;
You have discounted_price twice.
Once where you calculate it inside the if.
Once outside, which you output.
Outputting hence ignores the calculated value.
float discounted_price = (allprice-discount_amount);
discounted_price = (allprice-discount_amount);
And you also need to change the way of printing it, to match the float type
(and thereby avoid undefined behaviour).
printf("price after discount : %f ",discounted_price);
Finally, the amounts will be more precise if you avoid the integer division:
float discount_amount = (15*allprice)/100.0;
And for good measure, init the summation variable (though the effect of that is not always seen) :
int allprice =0;
For readining input by a human (i.e. prone to format errors) it would be wise to check the return value of scanf() and use other verification techniques. But that is beyond the scope of an answer to your question.
First, you should initialize allprice to zero in order to calculate the total.
The inital value of the variable, if not initialized is undefined.
The expression
may result in zero because it's doing integer divion since all of the operands (15, allprice, 100) are integers. To avoid this, you can just convert one of the operands to a float, or just add a .0 after 100.
This should fix your problem. Let me know if it helps.
The resulting code should look like this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int count;
printf("plz enter number of product :");
scanf("%d", &count);
int price;
int allprice = 0;
float discounted_price ;
int i = 0;
printf("plz enter price %d : ",i+1);
scanf("%d", &price);
allprice +=price;
float discount_amount = (15*allprice)/100.0f;
discounted_price = (allprice-discount_amount);
printf("price before discount : %d ",allprice);
printf("price after discount : %f ",discounted_price);
return 0;

Incorrect output for a particular code. (Maximum, minimum, grade_scanner)

I've been trying to figure this out the last few days, but no luck. The objective is to find the sum, average, minimum, and maximum grades and display them.
Here is my code, everything except minimum, maximum and grade input seem to work
// Includes printf and scanf functions
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
unsigned int counter; // number of grade to be entered next
int grade; // grade value
int total; // sum of grades entered by user
float average; // average of grades
int maxi; // Max grade
int mini; // min grade
int i;
int max;
int min;
maxi = 1;
mini = 1;
printf("Enter number of grades: "); // User enters number of grades
scanf("%d", &counter); // Countss number of grades
//scanf("%d%d", &min, &max);
for (i = 1; i <= counter; i++) {
printf("Enter grade %d: ", i); // User enters grade
scanf("%d", &grade); // Counts grades
if (grade < 0 || grade > 100) {
printf("Please enter a number between 0 and 100!\n"); // Lets user know if input is invalid
else {
total = total + grade;
average = (float)total / counter; // NOTE: integer division, not decimal
max = (grade < maxi) ? maxi : grade;
min = (grade > mini) ? mini : grade;
printf("Class average is: %.3f\n", average); // Displays average
printf("Your maximum grade is %d\n", max); // Displays Max
printf("Your minimum grade is %d\n", min); // Displays minimum
printf("Sum: %d\n", total); // Displays total
Enter number of grades: 2
Enter grade 1: 4
Enter grade 2: 3
Class average is: 3.500
Your maximum grade is 3
Your minimum grade is 1
Sum: 7
For some reason when I start the program, I have to enter a few numbers, in this case 5 & 7 before it prompts me to "Enter grade" then from there it calculates everything. Also, it seems that the Maximum is always the last grade that I enter and shows 1 as the minimum when no where in the input is 1. I am supposed to use a conditional operator for the max/min, I tried looking it up and reading the book, but they just use letters like a,b,c, etc. Which just confused me so I'm not sure if I did it wrong.
Could that be what is messing everything up? If it isn't what am I doing wrong?
Another thing is I'm thinking I need a While loop if I want to make the counter have an input from 1-100, is that right?
Edit: just realized I had to remove the scanf for max and min. Taht's why I had to inptu 2 nubmers first
There are two major problems, as I see it
The variable total is not initialized, so the first occurrence of total = total + grade; would invoke undefined behaviour.
You have to initialize it explicitly to 0.
The same variable grade is used for holding the repeated input. After the loop, grade will only hold the last input value.
You need to either use an array for storing inputs and comparison, or, compare and update the min and max as you go, inside the loop.
For future references, please seperate your code in different functions or add comments, since analyzing an unfamiliar code always takes much time.
min: Your problem here lies, that you're initializing your min value with 1. That value is most of the time below your input grades. If you want to initialize it, you should use a high number.
For example:
#include <limits.h>
int min = INT_MAX;
max: Your "grade" will be always the last typed grade, which you scanned. That's not what you want. It would be good, to save all values, which you get as input in an array or a list.
Also your codesnippet at the end
max = (grade<maxi) ? maxi : grade;
min = (grade>mini) ? mini : grade;
will just compare one grade. You need to compare all values, which you entered.
You could just put them in the for-loop.
gradeinput: You need to temporarily save your inputs in a datastructure like an array/list to use them in your program.
int x[counter];
for (i = 1; i <= counter; i++) {
printf("Enter grade %d: ", i);
x[i]=scanf("%d", &grade);
.. have to enter a few numbers, in this case 5 & 7 before it prompts me to "Enter grade"
This happens because OP's stdout is buffered and not one character at a time.
To insure output is seen before the scanf(), use fflush().
See What are the rules of automatic flushing stdout buffer in C?
printf("Enter number of grades: ");
fflush(stdout); // add
scanf("%d", &counter);
Rather than set the min = 1, set to a great value
maxi = 1;
mini = 1;
maxi = 0;
mini = 100;
// or
maxi = INT_MIN;
mini = INT_MAX;
Move the test for min/max in the loop to test each value and fold maxi, max into the same variable.
if (max > grade) max = grade;
if (min < grade) min = grade;
The first total + grade is a problem as total is uninitialized.
// int total; // sum of grades entered by user
int total = 0; // sum of grades entered by user
Unnecessary to calculate average each time though the loop. Sufficient to do so afterward.
Style: After the break; the else is not needed.
Good that code tests user input range. Yet the i-- is incorrect. If code is to break, just break. If code it to try again, the i-- makes sense, but then code should continue.
The comment // NOTE: integer division, not decimal is incorrect as (float) total / counter is FP division.
if (grade < 0 || grade > 100) {
printf("Please enter a number between 0 and 100!\n");
total = total + grade;
} // end for
average = (float) total / counter;
In general, casting should be avoided.
Advanced issue: Consider the situation if later on code was improved to handle a wider range of integers and used higher precision FP math.
The 1st form causes total to become a float (this could lose precision) and perhaps use float to calculate the quotient, even if average was a double. Of course the (float) cast could be edited to (double) as part of the upgrade, but that is a common failure about updates. Types may be changed, but their affected object uses are not fully vetted.
The 2nd form below causes total to become the same type as average and use the matching math for the type. Reduced changed needed as the types change. This form is also easier to review as one does not need to go back and check the FP type of average to see if a cast to float, double or even long double was needed.
average = (float) total / counter;
// or
average = total;
average /= counter;
For some reason when I start the program, I have to enter a few numbers, in this case 5 & 7 before it prompts me to "Enter grade"
You have two scanf before "Enter grade"
scanf("%d", &counter);
scanf("%d%d", &min, &max);
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int counter; // number of grade to be entered next
int grade; // grade value
int total=0; // sum of grades entered by user
float average; // average of grades
int i;
int max;
int min;
printf("Enter number of grades: "); // User enters number of grades
scanf("%d", &counter); // Countss number of grades
for (i = 1; i <= counter; i++) {
printf("Enter grade %d: ", i); // User enters grade
scanf("%d", &grade); // Counts grades
if (grade < 0 || grade > 100) {
printf("Please enter a number between 0 and 100!\n"); // Lets user know if input is invalid
} else {
max = grade;
min = grade;
max = (grade < max) ? max : grade;
min = (grade > min) ? min : grade;
total = total + grade;
average = (float) total / counter; // NOTE: integer division, not decimal
printf("Class average is: %.3f\n", average); // Displays average
printf("Your maximum grade is %d\n", max); // Displays Max
printf("Your minimum grade is %d\n", min); // Displays minimum
printf("Sum: %d\n", total); // Displays total
I've edited your Code as there were some mistakes. First, you were not initialising the total, which may make it take some garbage value. The second one is no need of using break as you are reducing the value of i.The third one is that you are updating the min and max outside the for loop, where the value of grade will be the last entered grade. And maxi and mini are not at all needed. The code was running perfectly without waiting for dummy values. Cheers!

I have had a lot of trouble modifying this current code to set an undetermined amount of students for this C code

#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
/* variable definition: */
char StudentName[100];
float ExamValue, Sum, Avg;
int students,exams;
// Loop through 5 Students
for (students=0; students <5 ; students++) {
// reset Sum to 0
Sum =0.0;
printf("Enter Student Name \n");
scanf("%s", StudentName);
// Nested Loop for Exams
for (exams=0; exams < 3; exams++)
printf ("Enter exam grade: \n");
scanf("%f", &ExamValue);
Sum += ExamValue;
Avg = Sum/3.0;
printf( "Average for %s is %f\n",StudentName,Avg);
return 0; }
This is the code I need to change so that instead of inputing 5 student names with 3 exam scores, It will be an undetermined amount of students with 3 quiz scores. I could write it so that the user could enter the amount of students they want, but I dont think thats what they mean by "undetermined". What is the way that you could write it so you could enter as many student names you want. Im always willing to learn more, and any help is appreciated. Thank you.
You could do that by replacing the for loop with the while loop:
int bContinue = 1;
while (bContinue)
// your code goes in here
printf("Enter 0 if you wanna stop\n");
scanf("%d", &bContinue);
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
/* variable definition: */
char StudentName[100];
float ExamValue, Sum, Avg;
int students,exams,num_values;
printf("How many students to find the average for? ");
scanf("%d", &num_values);
// Loop through 5 Students
for (students=0; students < num_values ; students++) {
// reset Sum to 0
Sum =0.0;
printf("Enter Student Name \n");
scanf("%s", StudentName);
// Nested Loop for Exams
for (exams=0; exams < 3; exams++)
printf ("Enter exam grade: \n");
scanf("%f", &ExamValue);
Sum += ExamValue;
Avg = Sum/3.0;
printf( "Average for %s is %f\n",StudentName,Avg);
return 0; }
I figured out that the users could input the amount so I came up with this code. However I am going to practice the other answers given. Thank You!

Problems with a program [C arrays]

My friend and I are trying to build a program together, but it just doesn't seem to be working. Neither of us have much experience with C, so we just can't spot the issue... Any advice or help would be much appreciated!
Apologies for the slightly awkward lyrics?
[Edit] The problem is that when we input values, we get ridiculous figures like 4586368.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
void main()
int room[20] = {};
int i;
int rooms = 0;
char option = 0;
int lights = 0;
int hrsUsed = 0;
int Telly = 0;
int TVWatt =0;
int sumTV;
int TVuse = 0;
int Computer = 0;
int compWatt = 0;
int compUsed = 0;
int compTotal;
int kwH_lights;
int fridge = 0;
int washLoad = 0;
int dryerLoad = 0, dishLoad = 0, cookLoad = 0;
int showeruse = 0;
int total_kWh;
printf("Enter number of rooms");
scanf_s("%d", &rooms);
printf("input average wattage of lights");
scanf_s("%d", &lights);
printf("input number of hours use/day (average)");
scanf_s("%d", &hrsUsed);
printf("input number of TVs");
scanf_s("%d", &Telly);
printf("input average wattage");
scanf_s("%d", &TVWatt);
printf("input average use a day");
scanf_s("%d", &TVuse);
printf("Input number of fridge/freezer");
printf("input number of Computers and/or video game consoles in the house");
scanf_s("%d", &Computer);
for(i=0;i<Computer;i++) {
printf("input wattage");
scanf_s("%d", &compWatt);
printf("input average hrs used/day");
scanf_s("%d", &compUsed);
printf("Input average number of washing machine loads /day");
printf("Input average number of clothes dryer loads/day");
printf("Input average number of dishwasher loads/day");
printf("Input average cooking load/day");
printf("Input average hrs/day of shower usage");
printf("Total= %d", &total_kWh);
You should change this:
printf("Total= %d", &total_kWh);
to that:
printf("Total= %d", total_kWh);
Same is true for all your other integer variables.
There were quite a few mistakes in your code:
you printed the memory-address instead of result value (don't use & with printf if your variable is a plain int)
the computer for-loop had no curly brackets (so only the printf statement was looped)
results were not summed up (in all loops you've just overwritten your inputs from the last loop)
the rooms[] Array was never used - a few other variables also (possible error source, if you wanted to use them and just forgot it)
the result from a multiplication with 1.5 will hold a double value - you should cast that back to int (dishLoad)
The bold mistake is probably that one, why your values were wrong...
Also notice: The 'average number of washing machine loads/clothes dryer loads/ dishwasher loads' should better be asked by week or month... Or should hold Floating Point values: Because everyone I know don't use the washing machine and clothes dryer every day multiple times. So now you can't enter something like once a week (which would be an factor of 0.14, but is not enterable cause all values are stored as int).
Here Comes the code with everything fixed, I could found:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv){
int i = 0;
int rooms = 0;
int lights = 0;
int hrsUsed = 0;
int Telly = 0;
int TVWatt =0;
int sumTV = 0;
int TVuse = 0;
int Computer = 0;
int compWatt = 0;
int compUsed = 0;
int compTotal= 0;
int kwH_lights = 0;
int fridge = 0;
int washLoad = 0;
int dryerLoad = 0, dishLoad = 0, cookLoad = 0;
int showeruse = 0;
int total_kWh = 0;
printf("Enter number of rooms: ");
scanf_s("%d", &rooms);
printf("A few questions about room %d\n", i+1);
printf("input average wattage of lights: ");
scanf_s("%d", &lights);
printf("input number of hours use/day (average): ");
scanf_s("%d", &hrsUsed);
printf("input number of TVs: ");
scanf_s("%d", &Telly);
printf("input average wattage: ");
scanf_s("%d", &TVWatt);
printf("input average use a day: ");
scanf_s("%d", &TVuse);
printf("Input number of fridge/freezer: ");
printf("input number of Computers and/or video game consoles in the house: ");
scanf_s("%d", &Computer);
printf("A few questions about computer %d\n", i+1);
printf("input wattage: ");
scanf_s("%d", &compWatt);
printf("input average hrs used/day: ");
scanf_s("%d", &compUsed);
compTotal += ((compWatt/1000)*compUsed)*365;
printf("Input average number of washing machine loads/day: ");
printf("Input average number of clothes dryer loads/day: ");
printf("Input average number of dishwasher loads/day: ");
printf("Input average cooking load/day: ");
printf("Input average hrs/day of shower usage: ");
printf("Total= %d\n", total_kWh);
return 0;
I hope it helps you out - if you got any questions left, feel free to ask.
My first step would be to correct the second for loop { } ... fix this and ask again.
your calculations with usages of int values divided by other ints (compwatt / 1000) ... are you sure your idea of using int is correct?
why multiplying with 7 AND 365? should not the average / day be multiplied by 365 only?
For more readability of your code, you can employ compound assignment operators as below,
Operator Name Syntax Meaning
Addition assignment a += b a = a + b
Subtraction assignment a -= b a = a - b
Multiplication assignment a *= b a = a * b
Division assignment a /= b a = a / b

Unhandled exception in my modified code

I am writing a POS system for HW, and I had to take my first code which used hundreds of variables and change it into a more compact program using arrays. This is my new code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
//Discount Variables
int iPerPurchaseDiscountPercent = 0; //enter a number which will be later changed to a percentage
int iFinalPurchaseDiscountPercent = 0;//enter a number which will be later changed to a percentage
float fPerPurchaseDiscountPercent = 0;//the percentage value of discount per item
float fFinalPurchaseDiscountPercent = 0;//percentage value of final dicount
float fPerPurchaseDiscountPrice = 0;//price at which discounts will be applied
float fFinalPurchaseDiscountPrice = 0;//price at which the final shop discount will be appled
//Array values for math
float fItemPrice[100] = { 0 }; //Price of Item
int iItemQuantity[100] = { 0 }; //Quantity of that Item
float fBundleCost[100] = { 0 }; //Price before Discounts (fItemPrice[N] * fItemQuantity[N])
float fDiscountPerItem[100] = { 0 }; //What discount is recieved per item (fItemPrice[N] * iPerPurchaseAmount)
float fItemTotalDiscountRecieved[100] = { 0 }; //Total discount recieved on multiple items of same type (fDicountPerItem * iItemQuantity)
float fDiscountPrice[100] = { 0 };//Price for item after all discounts (fBundleCost - fDiscountRecieved)
//Values for while loop
bool bStillShopping = true;
int iItemCount = 0;
char cExitQuestion = 'y';
int main(void)
printf("Welcome to Blacketts bookstore!\t\t\t\t\t\tPOS V2\n");
//Taking values for the per item discounts
printf("Please enter the price that discounts per item will be applied: ");
scanf("%f", &fPerPurchaseDiscountPrice); //takes the value at which items will be discounted
printf("Please enter the percentage to be applied at this price: ");
scanf("%d", &iPerPurchaseDiscountPercent); //takes a value eg 10 to be later changed to .1 for 10%
fPerPurchaseDiscountPercent = iPerPurchaseDiscountPercent/100; //changes the int to a float and makes it appropriate for percentage calculations
//Taking values for the final purchase discount
printf("Please enter the price that end of sale discounts will be applied to: ");
scanf("%f", &fFinalPurchaseDiscountPrice); //takes the value at which the whole docket will be discounted by
printf("Please enter the percentage to be applied at this price: ");
scanf("%d", &iFinalPurchaseDiscountPercent);//takes a value eg 5 to be later changed to .05 for 5%
fFinalPurchaseDiscountPercent = iFinalPurchaseDiscountPercent/100; //changes the int to a float and make it appropriate for percentage calculations
//While loop to take values and input them into appropriate places
while(bStillShopping == true)
iItemCount = 1; // Counting how many items are being purchased, 0 = 1st item. therefore Total quantity Items must equal iItemCount+1
printf("\nPlease enter the price of the first item to be purchased: "); //enter price of item
scanf("%.2f", fItemPrice[iItemCount]);
printf("Please enter the quantity of that item: "); //enter quantity
scanf("%d", iItemQuantity[iItemCount]);
printf("\nWould you like to enter any more Items? (y/n): "); //ask to continue
scanf("%c", &cExitQuestion);
if(cExitQuestion == 'n')
bStillShopping = false; //if dont want to continue exit the loop
iItemCount++; //if do continue increment item loop and ask for more variables
When I get to inputting the quantity at iItemQuantity[iItemAmout] it will crash the program with an unhandled exception. I also did some debugging print statements inbetween code to see where it gets to and output what variables I inputed and the returned values did not match up, all I received were 0.00.
Help would be much appreciated and I hope I am not asking an already answered question somewhere else. Still don't really know how to navigate the site.
I know the code does not do anything else at present time but I do not see the point in continuing until the first problems are corrected.
use & in scanf for array elements also
like this
scanf("%.2f", &fItemPrice[iItemCount]);
scanf("%d", &iItemQuantity[iItemCount]);
The problem is that scanf expects pointers to the values, not the actual values themselves. You do it correctly before the loop, but not for the input inside the loop.
Change e.g.
scanf("%.2f", fItemPrice[iItemCount]);
scanf("%.2f", &fItemPrice[iItemCount]);
scanf("%.2f", fItemPrice + iItemCount);
Do the same for all input.
