OverWriting URL using angular resource not working - angularjs

I am using angular resource in order to retrieve a record from my AP.
Below is my relevant controller information.
$scope.formInformation = formService.get({id:$state.params.form_id });
Below is my service
"use strict";
.factory("formService", formService);
function formService($resource)
return $resource(apiLink + 'form/:id',
//{id: '#_id'}, //this breaks it
'query' : {
method: 'GET',
isArray: true,
'get' : {
method: 'GET',
url: apiLink + 'form/individualForm/:id',
When I try to overwrite the url variable, it still uses the original one which is.
"apiLink +"form/:id"
as opposed to
apiLink + 'form/individualForm/:id',
which should be overwritten by the following line.
url: apiLink + 'form/individualForm/:id',
but when I remove.
My url is overwritten.
I am trying to understand why that is the case.
I am using angular and angular resource version 1.7.7.

The actions parameter is malformed:
function formService($resource)
return $resource(apiLink + 'form/:id',
//{id: '#_id'}, //this breaks it
'query' : {
method: 'GET',
isArray: true,
̶ ̶}̶,̶
'get' : {
method: 'GET',
url: apiLink + 'form/individualForm/:id',
The actions parameter should be a hash of all the resource actions. When the actions were spread over two objects, only the first object overrode the default. The action declaration for get was ignored and the default was used.


Angular $resources Cancel requests : $q

I'm trying to understand...
How can I implement a requests cancell for this kind of services.
I was reading, that I shoud use $q.defer()
angular.module('App').service('TService', function ($resource, portal) {
return $resource(portal.getUrlServer() + 'api/T/:id', { id: '#Id' }, {
T_GET: {
method: 'GET',
id_turno: '#id_turno',
url: portal.getUrlServer() + 'api/T/T_GET/'
G_GET_Turno: {
method: 'GET',
params: {
id_tramite_relevado : '#Id_Tramite_Relevado'
url: portal.getUrlServer() + 'api/T/G_GET_Turno/'
What I want to do is when any method is called twice, I just want to let run the last called and cancel the other requests.
From AngularJS docs:
If an action's configuration specifies that it is cancellable, you can cancel the request related to an instance or collection (as long as it is a result of a "non-instance" call).
// ...defining the `Hotel` resource...
var Hotel = $resource('/api/hotel/:id', {id: '#id'}, {
// Let's make the `query()` method cancellable
query: {method: 'get', isArray: true, cancellable: true}
// ...somewhere in the PlanVacationController...
this.onDestinationChanged = function onDestinationChanged(destination) {
// We don't care about any pending request for hotels
// in a different destination any more
// Let's query for hotels in '<destination>'
// (calls: /api/hotel?location=<destination>)
this.availableHotels = Hotel.query({location: destination});

update factory value when controller data changed

i have a factory in my app:
dashboard.factory('ProxyStatusFactory', ['$resource','CodisData', function ($resource,CodisData) {
return $resource('http://' + CodisData.Addr + '/api/proxy', {}, {
query:{ method: 'GET', url : 'http://' + CodisData.Addr + '/api/proxy/list', isArray: true },
setStatus:{ method: 'POST' }
the CodisData is a angular value
then i use it in my controller like this:
$scope.codis_name = selected.Tag;
$scope.codis_addr = selected.Addr;
CodisData.Addr = selected.Addr;
$scope.proxy_array = ProxyStatusFactory.query();
i changed CodisData.Addr ,but in ProxyStatusFactory ,$resource also return 'http://na/api/proxy'
so when CodisData change,how synchronized update ProxyStatusFactory and return correct $resource?
try this:
dashboard.factory('ProxyStatusFactory', ['$resource', function ($resource) {
return $resource('http://:addr/api/proxy/', {}, {
query: {
method: 'GET',
url: 'http://:addr/api/proxy/list',
params: {},
isArray: true
setStatus:{ method: 'POST' }
then use in controller like this:
ProxyStatusFactory.query({addr: CodisData.Addr});
Moving forward with explanation...
angular factory/service are singletons, so they are created only ONCE. So http url is also created only once, based on current value of CodisData.Addr.
Thats why + CodisData.Addr + is changed to :addr to make this part of url configurable....
I hope this helps :)
tested on local project and injecting variables into url part, works as expected, but when desired url is external rest api then it fails with message you describe.
In that case You can dynamically create $resource object. Here is jsfiddle with working factory that creates resources dynamically.

Building one object with only one $resource

I'm building a fullrest app with $resources, I read about It but I didn't find any answer.
return $resource('/rings', {}, {
getRings: {
method: 'GET',
isArray: true
patchRing: {
method: 'PATCH',
params: {
slug: '#slug'
Get Rings is doing ok, but How can I "patchRing"? I mean I want to PATCH for endpoint: /rings/:slug Is this possible? or Do I need another $resource for that (like next one)?
return $resource('/rings/:slug', { slug: '#slug'}, { [...]
EDIT: I don't want the "PATCH" like this /rings?slug=lorem just /rings/lorem
EDIT 2: My point is only the endpoint construction... because $resource is requesting to /rings?slug=lorem instead of build request like /rings/lorem
Try this in your config
$resourceProvider.defaults.stripTrailingSlashes = true;
This will not end as /
Try putting the param in the $resource definition instead of the PATCH method:
var Ring = $resource('/rings/:slug', {slug: '#slug'}, {
getRings: {
method: 'GET',
isArray: true
patchRing: {
method: 'PATCH',
ring = Ring.patch({slug: 'lorem'}, function() { ... });
If the slug parameter is not passed, then it is not added to the HTTP path.

Invalidate $resource Cache After Post Request

I am using $resource and caching the results of get requests. My problem is that, after post requests, the cache is not being invalidated.
Here is the return value from the service:
return $resource('http://url.com/api/url/:id', {}, {
'query' : {
method : 'GET',
cache : true
'get' : {
method : 'GET',
cache : false
Here is the save method I am using inside my controller. As you can see, I'm using the callback on the post request to recalculate the query/list of nouns.
var newNoun = new Noun($scope.noun);
newNoun.$save(function(x) {
$scope.nouns = Noun.query();
I would like to invalidate the cache after calling post or another non-get method. How could I do this? Is this already built into $resource or do I need to implement it on my own?
You could create a wrapper service to do the caching like you want, for example:
app.factory('cachedResource', function ($resource, $cacheFactory) {
var cache = $cacheFactory('resourceCache');
var interceptor = {
response: function (response) {
console.log('cache removed', response.config.url);
return response;
return function (url, paramDefaults, actions, options) {
actions = angular.extend({}, actions, {
'get': { method: 'GET', cache: cache },
'query': { method: 'GET', cache: cache, isArray: true },
'save': { method: 'POST', interceptor: interceptor },
'remove': { method: 'DELETE', interceptor: interceptor },
'delete': { method: 'DELETE', interceptor: interceptor },
return $resource(url, paramDefaults, actions, options);
Then replace any $resource with cachedResource.
Example plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/lIQw4uogcoMpcuHTWy2U?p=preview
While #runTarm's answer above is great, it does not allow actions to be easily customized from the inheriting service, e.g. the following would not be possible:
app.factory('Steps', function (CachedResource) {
return CachedResource('/steps/:stepId', {}, {
save: { method: 'POST', params: { stepId: '#stepId' } }
In this case, this definition of save would be replaced by the one present in CachedResource.
But it can be fixed easily from Angular 1.4 by replacing
actions = angular.extend({}, actions, {
actions = angular.merge({}, actions, {
so that both objects are deep-merged.
Even better solution
In the above scenario, action options defined in CachedResource would be preferred over custom configuration in inheriting services. To fix that, switch the order of arguments passed to merge:
actions = angular.merge({}, { /* default options get, query, etc. */ }, actions);
With this solution, the following will work as expected (i.e. use DESTROY instead of default DELETE when calling remove):
app.factory('Steps', function (CachedResource) {
return CachedResource('/steps/:stepId', {}, {
remove: { method: 'DESTROY' }
$resource is using the default cache for $http.
You can access it using: $cacheFactory.get('$http')
You can remove a key value pair, using the returned caches remove({string} key) method.
var key = '...the key you want to remove, e.g. `/nouns/5`...';

Can someone give me an example on how I can call $resource directly?

In my code I have:
var EntityResource = $resource('/api/:entityType', {}, {
postEntity: { url: '/api/:entityType/', method: 'POST' },
getEntity: { url: '/api/:entityType/:entityId', method: 'GET' },
putEntity: { url: '/api/:entityType/:entityId', method: 'PUT' },
deleteEntity: { url: '/api/:entityType/:entityId', method: "DELETE" },
getEntities: { url: '/api/:entityType/:action/:id', method: 'GET', isArray: true },
Then I am using the following to get data:
getProjects: function (
deptId) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
action: "GetProjects",
entityType: entityType,
deptId: deptId
function (resp) {
return deferred.promise;
and the following to call getProjects:
.then(function (result) {
$scope.grid.data = result;
}, function (result) {
$scope.grid.data = null;
I think the intermediate function getProjects is not needed and I would like to directly use $resource.
Can someone give me some advice on how I could do this? I looked at the AngularJS documentation for $resource and it's not very clear for me.
$resource calls by default return empty arrays and then fill them up when the response is received. As mentioned in documentation
It is important to realize that invoking a $resource object method
immediately returns an empty reference (object or array depending on
isArray). Once the data is returned from the server the existing
reference is populated with the actual data.
There are default 5 methods already defined on resource, get,save,query,remove,delete. You can directly call these rather than defining your own as you have done like postEntity, but the url template remains the same.
So once you define resource like this
var entityResource = $resource('/api/:entityType');
you can make calls like
var entity=entityResource.get({entityType:1},function(data) {
//The entity would be filled now
See the User example in documentation
If you want to return promise then you have to wrap the calls into your your service calls like you did for getProjects.
Update: Based on your comment, the definition could be
var entityResource = $resource('/api/:entityType/:action/:id')
Now if you do
entityResource.get({},function(){}) // The query is to /api
entityResource.get({entityType:'et'},function(){}) // The query is to /api/et
entityResource.get({entityType:'et',:action:'a'},function(){}) // The query is to /api/et/a
entityResource.get({entityType:'et',:action:'a',id:1},function(){}) // The query is to /api/et/a/1
Hope it helps.
$resource does expose $promise but it is on return values and subsequent calls.
