Create array in convenience init - arrays

I was learning S.O.L.I.D right now from the book iOS programming Big Nerd Ranch. I want to make a an array from convenience init but I have a problem, I want to display the text and image like the exact order of an array but I don't know how. here I show you my code
This is my item class
class Item: NSObject {
var imageName: String
var label: String
init(imageName: String, label: String) {
self.imageName = imageName
self.label = label
convenience init(list: Bool = false) {
if list {
let imageList = ["milada-vigerova", "david-rodrigo", "quran"]
let labelList = ["Fiqih", "Hadist", "Tafsir"]
let sortImageName = imageList[imageList.count - 1]
let sortLabel = labelList[labelList.count - 1]
self.init(imageName: sortImageName, label: sortLabel)
} else {
self.init(imageName: "", label: "")
this my ItemStore class that create an array from Item class
class ItemStore {
var allItems = [Item]()
#discardableResult func createItem() -> Item {
let newItem = Item(list: true)
return newItem
// I make this for in loop to make the table view numberOfSection will return 3 of an allItems
init() {
for _ in 0..<3 {
Please help me

Good Lord, this is pretty nerdy and cumbersome code.
First of all a struct is sufficient, you get the initializer for free
struct Item {
let imageName: String
let label: String
In ItemStore create the array instantly
class ItemStore {
var allItems = [Item]()
func createArray() {
allItems = [Item(name: "Fiqih", image: "milada-vigerova"),
Item(name: "Hadist", image: "david-rodrigo"),
Item(name: "Tafsir", image: "quran")]
In the table view return allItems.count in numberOfRows (not numbersOfSection)


Swift Struct in Array of Structs not updating to new values

This is my data structure
struct SPPWorkout: Codable {
static let setKey = "Sets"
static let exerciseID = "id"
var id: Double? = 0.0
var duration: String?
var calories: Int?
var date: String?
var exercises: [ExerciseSet]
struct ExerciseSet: Codable {
let id: String
let name: String
var reps: Int
var weight: Double
extension ExerciseSet: Equatable {
static func ==(lhs: ExerciseSet, rhs: ExerciseSet) -> Bool {
return ==
and in a SwiftUI view I'm trying to modify an ExerciseSet from user input
#State private var sppWorkout: SPPWorkout!
EditSetPopup(isShowingOverlay: $isShowingOverlay,
update: { reps, weight in
guard let editingIndex = editingIndex else { return }
sppWorkout.exercises[editingIndex].reps = Int(reps) ?? 0
sppWorkout.exercises[editingIndex].weight = Double(weight) ?? 0.0
self.editingIndex = nil
The issue is here
sppWorkout.exercises[editingIndex].reps = Int(reps) ?? 0
sppWorkout.exercises[editingIndex].weight = Double(weight) ??
and I've tried in all ways to update it, both from the view and with a func in SPPWorkout. I've also tried to replace the object at index
var newSet = ExerciseSet(id: [...], newValues)
self.exercises[editingIndex] = newSet
but in no way it wants to update. I'm sure that somewhere it creates a copy that it edits but I have no idea why and how to set the new values.
Edit: if I try to delete something, it's fine
sppWorkout.exercises.removeAll(where: { $0 == sppWorkout.exercises[index]})
Edit 2:
It passes the guard statement and it does not change the values in the array.
Edit 3:
At the suggestion below from Jared, I've copied the existing array into a new one, set the new values then tried to assign the new one over to the original one but still, it does not overwrite.
EditSetPopup(isShowingOverlay: $isShowingOverlay,
update: { reps, weight in
guard let editingIndex = editingIndex else { return }
var copyOfTheArray = sppWorkout.exercises
copyOfTheArray[editingIndex].reps = Int(reps) ?? 0
copyOfTheArray[editingIndex].weight = Double(weight) ?? 0.0
//Copy of the array is updated correctly, it has the new values
sppWorkout.exercises = copyOfTheArray
//Original array doesn't get overwritten. It still has old values
self.editingIndex = nil
Edit 4: I've managed to make progress by extracting the model into a view model and updating the values there. Now the values get updated in sppWorkout, but even though I call objectWillChange.send(), the UI Update doesn't trigger.
full code:
class WorkoutDetailsViewModel: ObservableObject {
var workoutID: String!
#Published var sppWorkout: SPPWorkout!
func setupData(with workoutID: String) {
sppWorkout = FileIOManager.readWorkout(with: workoutID)
func update(_ index: Int, newReps: Int, newWeight: Double) {
let oldOne = sppWorkout.exercises[index]
let update = ExerciseSet(id:, name:, reps: newReps, weight: newWeight)
sppWorkout.exercises[index] = update
struct WorkoutDetailsView: View {
var workoutID: String!
#StateObject private var viewModel = WorkoutDetailsViewModel()
var workout: HKWorkout
var dateFormatter: DateFormatter
#State private var offset = 0
#State private var isShowingOverlay = false
#State private var editingIndex: Int?
#EnvironmentObject var settingsManager: SettingsManager
#Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss
var body: some View {
if viewModel.sppWorkout != nil {
VStack {
ListWorkoutItem(workout: workout, dateFormatter: dateFormatter)
.padding([.leading, .trailing], 10.0)
List(viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises, id: \.id) { exercise in
let index = viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises.firstIndex(of: exercise) ?? 0
DetailListSetItem(exerciseSet: viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises[index], set: index + 1)
.swipeActions {
Button(role: .destructive, action: {
viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises.removeAll(where: { $0 == viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises[index]})
} ) {
Label("Delete", systemImage: "trash")
Button(role: .none, action: {
isShowingOverlay = true
editingIndex = index
} ) {
Label("Edit", systemImage: "pencil")
.padding([.leading, .trailing], -30)
//iOS 16 .scrollContentBackground(.hidden)
.overlay(alignment: .bottom, content: {
.animation(.easeInOut (duration: 0.5), value: isShowingOverlay)
.navigationBarItems(leading: Button(action : {
do {
try FileIOManager.write(viewModel.sppWorkout, toDocumentNamed: "\( ?? 0).json")
} catch {
Debugger.log(error: error.localizedDescription)
Image(systemName: "arrow.left")
} else {
Text("No workout details found")
.font(.system(size: 35))
.onAppear(perform: {
viewModel.setupData(with: workoutID)
#ViewBuilder private var editOverlay: some View {
if isShowingOverlay {
ZStack {
Button {
isShowingOverlay = false
} label: {
EditSetPopup(isShowingOverlay: $isShowingOverlay,
update: { reps, weight in
guard let editingIndex = editingIndex else { return }
print("dupa aia:\n")
viewModel.update(editingIndex, newReps: Int(reps) ?? 0, newWeight: Double(weight) ?? 0.0)
self.editingIndex = nil
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
lineWidth: 3)
So I got a very good explanation on reddit on what causes the problem. Thank you u/neddy-seagoon if you are reading this.
The explanation
. I believe that updating an array will not trigger a state update. The only thing that will, with an array, is if the count changes. So
sppWorkout.exercises[index].reps = newReps
will not cause a trigger. This is not changing viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises.indices
So all I had to to was modify my List from
List(viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises, id: \.id)
List(viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises, id: \.hashValue)
as this triggers the list update because the hashValue does change when updating the properties of the entries in the list.
For the line
List(viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises, id: \.id) { exercise in
Replace with
List(viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises, id: \.self) { exercise in

How to unite two different structures into one array and sort it? Swift

I'm building a feed, where I want to unite two different structures and sort the feed by date, here's how I've tried. It shows mistakes in View. It writes either "compiler unable to type check in reasonable time", either something else that connects to the ForEach loop.
Maybe you have an idea what can be an issue? Or, if there's other way to build and sort the feed?
EDIT: The following error: "The compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time; try breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions"
class FeedViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var feed: [FeedCommonContent] = []
// download(ed) articles
self.feed.append(Article(id: doc.document.documentID, title: title, pic: pic, time: time.dateValue(), user: user))
// download(ed) tutorials
self.feed.append(Tutorial(id: doc.document.documentID, title: title, steps: [steps], notes: notes, pic: pic, time: time.dateValue(), user: user))
// sort the feed
self.feed.sort { (p1, p2) -> Bool in
return p1.time > p2.time
protocol FeedCommonContent {
// Define anything in common between objects
var time: Date { get set }
var id: String { get set }
var feedIdentity: FeedIdentity.RawValue { get } // Article, or Tutorial; or - { get set }
enum FeedIdentity: String {
// case Article, Tutorial
case Article = "Article"
case Tutorial = "Tutorial"
struct Article: Identifiable, FeedCommonContent {
var feedIdentity = FeedIdentity.Article.rawValue
var id: String = UUID().uuidString
var title: String
var pic: String
var time: Date
var user: User
struct Tutorial: Identifiable, FeedCommonContent {
var feedIdentity = FeedIdentity.Tutorial.rawValue
var id: String = UUID().uuidString
var titleImage: String
var name: String
var user: User
var inventory: [String]
var steps: [String]
var notes: String
var time: Date
var warnings: String
struct FeedView: View {
#StateObject var feedData = FeedViewModel()
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
ForEach(feedData.feed, id: \ { item in
// also tried type checking:
// if item is Article // or, if let article = item as? Article
if item.feedIdentity == FeedIdentity.Article.rawValue {
NavigationLink(destination: ArticleView(article: item, articleData: feedData)) {
ArticleUnitView(article: item, feedData: feedData)
} else if item.feedIdentity == FeedIdentity.Tutorial.rawValue { // if item is Tutorial
NavigationLink(destination: TutorialView(tutorial: item, feedData: feedData)) {
TutorialUnitView(tutorial: item, feedData: feedData)
When I did an array only of one of data structures, all worked. (i.e. either var articles: [Article] = [], or var tutorials: [Tutorial] = [] etc..)
this is the (test) code I used to show how to "sort" your feed by date, and display it in a View:
EDIT, using "Joakim Danielson" enum suggestion:
import SwiftUI
struct TestApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
class FeedViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var feed: [FeedCommonContent] = []
// for testing
init() {
self.feed.append(Article(title: "article title", pic: "pic1", time: Date(), user: User()))
self.feed.append(Tutorial(titleImage: "title1", name: "tut1", user: User(), inventory: [], steps: [], notes: "note1", time: Date(), warnings: ""))
func sortFeed() {
feed.sort { $0.time > $1.time }
protocol FeedCommonContent {
// Define anything in common between objects
var time: Date { get set }
var id: String { get set }
var feedIdentity: FeedIdentity { get } // Article, or Tutorial; or - { get set }
enum FeedIdentity: String {
// case Article, Tutorial
case Article
case Tutorial
struct User: Identifiable {
var id: String = UUID().uuidString
var name: String = "user"
struct Article: Identifiable, FeedCommonContent {
let feedIdentity = FeedIdentity.Article
var id: String = UUID().uuidString
var title: String
var pic: String
var time: Date
var user: User
struct Tutorial: Identifiable, FeedCommonContent {
let feedIdentity = FeedIdentity.Tutorial
var id: String = UUID().uuidString
var titleImage: String
var name: String
var user: User
var inventory: [String]
var steps: [String]
var notes: String
var time: Date
var warnings: String
struct FeedView: View {
#StateObject var feedData = FeedViewModel()
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
ForEach(feedData.feed, id: \.id) { item in
// switch item.feedIdentity {
// case FeedIdentity.Article:
// NavigationLink(destination: ArticleView(article: item, articleData: feedData)) {
// ArticleUnitView(article: item, feedData: feedData)
// }
// case FeedIdentity.Tutorial:
// NavigationLink(destination: TutorialView(tutorial: item, feedData: feedData)) {
// TutorialUnitView(tutorial: item, feedData: feedData)
// }
// }
// for testing
switch item.feedIdentity {
case FeedIdentity.Article:
NavigationLink(destination: Text(item.feedIdentity.rawValue + " " + {
case FeedIdentity.Tutorial:
NavigationLink(destination: Text(item.feedIdentity.rawValue + " " + {

Swift - Cannot append Object to Array

I have created a New View in my App, but the Identifiable Object won't append to the Array.
I really don't know why its not appending...
Here is the Code:
struct FirstSettingsIdentifiables: Identifiable {
var id: UUID = UUID()
var name: String
var icon: String
struct SettingsView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var settingItems: ContentModel
#State var firstArr: [FirstSettingsIdentifiables] = []
init() {
print("Settings successfully initialized.")
var body: some View {
return VStack {
NavigationView {
//Mitteilungen Liste
List(firstArr) { x in
// ForEach(firstArr) { x in
// VStack {
// Image(systemName: x.icon)
Text("Das ist ein test")
// }
// }
func createFirstList() {
let aText = "Mitteilungen"
let aIcon = ""
let aObject = FirstSettingsIdentifiables(name: aText, icon: aIcon)
The problem is probably in the createFirstList() Section. In this function, the Object aObject is full of data(This is working fine), but then the Object won't append to my firstArr. The count is always 0.
What am I doing wrong here?
You are changing the value of firstArr too early. Instead of calling createFirstList() in the init, remove that and instead add the following code onto the view body:
VStack {
/* ... */
.onAppear(perform: createFirstList)
Alternatively, you could do the following:
init() {
_firstArr = State(initialValue: getFirstList())
print("Settings successfully initialized.")
/* ... */
func getFirstList() -> [FirstSettingsIdentifiables] {
let aText = "Mitteilungen"
let aIcon = ""
let aObject = FirstSettingsIdentifiables(name: aText, icon: aIcon)
return [aObject]

Swift Array.append in init() not working in combination with Firestore (Google Cloud/FIrebase)

I have tried my first SwiftUI Project.
I only want to show some data stored in Firestore (Google Firebase).
Here is my code:
import SwiftUI
import FirebaseFirestore
import FirebaseFirestoreSwift
struct MonsterObj: Identifiable, Equatable, Hashable {
var id = UUID()
var name: String
var element: String
var immune: String
var size: String
var twoStarWeakness: String
var threeStarWeakness: String
static let exampleMonster = MonsterObj(id: UUID(), name: "Test Monster", element: "Test Element", immun: "Test immun", groesse: "Test groesse", twoStarWeakness: "Test 2 Weakness", threeStarWeakness: "Test3 Weakness")
class MonsterC: ObservableObject {
#Published var monsters = [MonsterObj]()
init() {
let db = Firestore.firestore()
var monsterNames: [String] = []
db.collection("Monster").getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
} else {
for document in querySnapshot!.documents {
print("document: \(document.documentID)")
for monsterName in monsterNames {
db.collection("Monster").document(monsterName).getDocument { (document, error) in
if let document = document, document.exists {
let elementGetter = document.get("element") as! String
let immuneGetter = document.get("immune") as! String
let sizeGetter = document.get("size") as! String
let twoStarWeaknessGetter = document.get("2 star weakness") as! String
let threeStarWeaknessGetter = document.get("3 star weakness")as! String
self.monsters.append(MonsterObj(name: monsterName, element: elementGetter, immune: immuneGetter, size: sizeGetter, twoStarWeakness: twoStarWeaknessGetter, threeStarWeakness: threeStarWeaknessGetter))
This is my View:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var monsterT: MonsterC
var body: some View {
List(monsterT.monsters, id: \.self) { monster in
And I did following to SceneDelegate.swift:
var window: UIWindow?
var monsterT = MonsterC()
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions {
// Create the SwiftUI view that provides the window contents.
let contentView = ContentView().environmentObject(monsterT)
if let windowScene = scene as? UIWindowScene {
let window = UIWindow(windowScene: windowScene)
window.rootViewController = UIHostingController(rootView: contentView)
self.window = window
So my Problem is the list is empty.
I figured out in init of class MonsterC the line monsterNames.append("\document.documentID)") does not append anything to monsterNames.
But print("document: \(document.documentID)") is printing all monsterNames.
My google Firestore structure looks like this:
Collection -> Document -> Fields
Monster -> Anjanath -> immune: fire,
element: fire
There's only one collection ("Monster").
Can anyone explain to a beginner why .append is not working here but print is doing everything right?
You need to understand calling asynchronous functions. My advice is to restructure your code, it is not a good idea to do these async calls in your init().
Your function "db.collection("Monster").getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in ..."
is asynchronous. You must either wait till it is finished to use the results, or do what you need inside the function. Note you also have another async function "db.collection("Monster").document(monsterName).getDocument {"
So .append is not working because the results of your function "db.collection("Monster").getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in ..." are not available when you do the .append.
So if you must use this dodgy code, try this to fix your array problem:
class MonsterC: ObservableObject {
#Published var monsters = [MonsterObj]()
init() {
let db = Firestore.firestore()
db.collection("Monster").getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
} else {
var monsterNames: [String] = []
for document in querySnapshot!.documents {
print("document: \(document.documentID)")
for monsterName in monsterNames {
db.collection("Monster").document(monsterName).getDocument { (document, error) in
if let document = document, document.exists {
let elementGetter = document.get("element") as! String
let immuneGetter = document.get("immune") as! String
let sizeGetter = document.get("size") as! String
let twoStarWeaknessGetter = document.get("2 star weakness") as! String
let threeStarWeaknessGetter = document.get("3 star weakness")as! String
self.monsters.append(MonsterObj(name: monsterName, element: elementGetter, immune: immuneGetter, size: sizeGetter, twoStarWeakness: twoStarWeaknessGetter, threeStarWeakness: threeStarWeaknessGetter))

How to handle data and data models in SwiftUI

I am having trouble with the structure of my data for creating a List in SwiftUI. Before SwiftUI I created my data models and held this data in separated files. For example,
In my UserModel.swift :
import SwiftUI
struct UserModel: Equateable {
var name: String
var items = [ItemModel]()
init(name: String, items: [ItemModel]? = nil) { = name
if let items = items {
self.items = items
In my ItemModel.swift :
import SwiftUI
struct ItemModel: Equatable {
var itemName: String
var price: Double
init(itemName: String, price: Double) {
self.itemName = itemName
self.price = price
Then I had a separate class called Data that held this data.
In my Data.swift :
import Foundation
class Data {
static var userModels = [UserModel]()
static var itemModels = [ItemModel]()
I would update the data by doing something like this in my views:
let user = UserModel(name: "Bob")
I'm having trouble populating a List from this framework in SwiftUI. I tried to make both of my model classes conform to Identifiable but that doesn't seem to help in updating the list. This is what I'm doing so far:
Updated UserModel :
struct UserModel: Identifiable {
var id = UUID()
var name: String
var items = [ItemModel]()
init(id: UUID, name: String, items: [ItemModel]? = nil) { = id = name
if let items = items {
self.items = items
Updated ItemModel:
struct ItemModel: Identifiable {
var id = UUID()
var itemName: String
var price: Double
init(id: UUID, itemName: String, price: Double) { = id
self.itemName = itemName
self.price = price
And in my ContentView.swift
List (Data.userModels) { user in
But this does not update the List when I am running the app. (Btw I take input from TextField, append it to Data.userModels, and try to populate it in the List with no luck.)
Is there a different way I should be structuring my data and data models? Or am I just not using the proper syntax when creating the list? Sorry for the long question. Thanks for the help!
