secure keys or sensitive data in angular2 nativescript - mobile

I am curious to know of available options, that a developer can use to secure sensitive information inside the mobile application. This is to prevent anyone from breaking the app and use keys for some nefarious purposes. Example of sensitive data includes passwords of APIs, which app can use seamlessly in the background to retrieve data.
Code obfuscation can help but cannot prevent from stealing the information;
Local storage options such as nativescript-couchbase or nativescript-secure-storage -if my understanding is correct- depends on feeding the information manually after installing the app. But the information needs to be available inside the app at the time of shipping.
OAuth is not an option as it requires the user to login in order to receive the tokens. JWT is neither an option, as the APIs are protected just using basic authentication.
I am using nativescript/angular2 but i would appreciate any generic simple yet effective ideas..

I think you are looking for obfuscation here, securing the information within your source code. By default {N} has uglify plugin configured within webpack, it gives the basic obfuscation.
There is Jscrambler support which is paid.
Also, speaking of Sqlite, there is commercial version of the plugin that supports encryptions but I haven't tried it personally. You may feed your data into it and pack your db at build time then install the db on first launch.


passport js vs firebase authentication system

Is there any valid reason to use passport js based authentication using express js in backend over firebase authentication system in frontend using react?
just explored passport js and want to know before using in a MERN Stack project
PassportJS is just an authentication middleware that can be used with different authentication strategies. If I understood you correctly you might be comparing Passport's local strategy with Firebase auth's username/password one, in this case:
My answer would be a classical "IT DEPENDS", first I will answer the first part:
Why use Firebase-auth (or any other third-party authentication service)
Authentication is hard, and you may not want to deal with it on your own (most of the time).
If you are planning to use a "local" authentication strategy with a username/email and a password, you might need to consider and maintain a set of best practices to avoid having a broken-authentication system, you will need to encrypt your passwords and ensure that they're safe on at-rest and in-transit, you also want to ensure that your system uses libraries or logic to avoid timing attacks. Also, you may need to consider forcing some rules on password lengths and that they're not too weak (ex: they belong to a list of most-known passwords)...
Besides these, you may also want to implement password recovery mechanisms, email change, and maybe "Email confirmation" logic which might be tricky sometimes.
Did I forget to mention reCaptcha and 2FA? Bots are getting smarter nowdays.
I definitely missed some other best practices or risks that should be considered when not using a managed service like Firebase-auth.
These services are built by people who only care about "Authentication" for you.
Firebase-auth is not the only service, you may want to look into other options like auth0.
Of course, this option is not the cheapest in terms of cost and flexibility. Firebase auth has a generous free tier, but it will be paid when your application grows, see:
So, if you go with this option, consider organizing your application code to be easily decoupled from Firebase in case you wanted to migrate from it someday.
Why use Passport-local
Using the middleware on your own means that you will have more flexibility in managing your different authentication strategies and you will only pay an extra cost of maintaining your application's authentication logic (which might be high as you need to keep in mind the best practices and risks)
Other considerations
This depends on your use case, and your team:
You may look into some services that handle the authentication out of the box like Keycloak
Use Passport.js as a core library but with strategies like Auth0's (

What should we use for offline-first with Flutter and Yii2?

We wanna create an app that is offline-fist. We're trying to use or create an auto sync database that allows work offline with app. Our client is Flutter and our back-end is Yii2. What is the best solution?
I have developed multiple offline sync applications. I can not tell you about the backend much but I can tell you about the Flutter.
For storing data on your device there are multiple plugins you can use.
sqflite-: It works well in android and ios.
shared_preferences-: If you want to support all the platforms then you use shared preferences but there might be some security issues here.
For Auto-sync
You can use the internet checker and sync your database with live.
connectivity_plus-: Works well but sometimes it does not trigger the callback for connectivity. (work well for all the platforms.)
Note-: This plugin does not give you if the internet is working or not.
internet_connection_checker-: work well in all cases and also provides if the internet is actually working or not.
If you want to sync when the app is in the background then you may need to use
Happy Coding ;)

NextJS advice for SSG/SSR and Google Analytics/cookies

I have a NextJS site which is statically generated at build (SSG).
There are two things I need to implement next
Google Analytics
GDPR compliant opt-in cookie options
The first one is easy enough to do, however i'm struggling with making this GDPR compliant.
The issue is I don't have access to cookies at server side when my site is statically generated. This means that without knowing whether the user has consented to cookies at the server, I can't serve (or not serve) the analytics script along with the rest of the page.
Possible solutions:
Handle everything at client side - ask for consent, then dynamically add the GA tag to the <head>. However i'm worried this will negatively effect the analytics, or break it altogether. Does anyone know?
Change my site to be server-side rendered (SSR). I'd love to avoid this if possible. I'm really happy with how fast the site is running with SSG. It's essentially just a basic blog so would be a shame to have to convert for the sake of analytics.
Any other ideas?...
If anyone has experience with this, whether they used Next or Nuxt, etc, your input would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance
Use Google Tag Manager to manage everything, your GA integration and your cookie integration using something like CookieHub for example (How to set up Google Analytics through Google Tag Manager for Next-Js?)
GTM will allow you to trigger the GA script only if the user specified he accepts analytics cookies.
Eitherway you could use built in analytics since your website is using Next.js wich is Vercel's framework.

Which is the better way to store my logincredentials(remember me option) and maintain session throughout the application in angular js

Iam developing angular js web application .I want to store the login credentials when the user checks on remember me option.can any one please suggest me which is the better way to store the details of user (local storage or cookies or etc).And I want to maintain the session throughout the application ..please give your suggestions.
Thanks in advance
There are already plenty of solutions for that kind of stuff. As this is a serious security issue, I would recommend to use one of those instead of "reinventing the wheel".
Whether the system is using cookies or localstorage doesn't really matter at the end of the day. It is however a bad idea in general to store the actual credentials. Instead, use a token-based system that will do a server-client handshake on request.
Personally, I am working with Firebase and Express at the moment.
Firebase is "backend as a service". They offer a free plan for production usage, have a look at it. If you like it, things are pretty easy here. You pay money and get a full-featured REST-like "backend" with built-in user management (See Firebase doc's for SimpleLogin). All you have to do is calling service methods.
This is the DIY way. If you want to have full-control and a free way of doing things, this is the way to go. I am no Express master, so you better have a look at some Tutorials (
If you don't like neither Firebase nor Express, have a look at other Backend-as-a-service offers. You could even use PHP. I would assume that one could say that this is the oldschool way of implementing user sessions :)

How to manage asymmetric keys without checking them into source control?

I have a google app engine application which needs to be given a public-private key pair. I don't want to check this into source control because it will be accessible by too many people. Since this is GAE I can't use the build system to write the keys to the file system of the server.
Is there a known best practice for this?
My first thought was does Jenkins provide a way to manage keys securely? I know I can just copy the keys to a location on the jenkins server and copy them into the build but this project will be used by third party teams so I need to provide a UI based solution in jenkins. I did not find any relevant plugin but I would like to make sure there isn't a better way before writing my own.
There are of course several approaches to this. I believe certificates are a concern of admins, not developers.
What we do is have custom admin pages where we upload certificates to blobstore under separate namespace. Then we have an internal "service" (just a simple factory) so that other pieces of code can retrieve certs.
If you are happy to use a cloud based Jenkins, we (CloudBees) have an oauth based solution at
You could roll your own. It is not excessively tricky. You will need to
Register with google's api console to get a client key and secret and define the endpoints that your app will show up as
Write some way if feeding those credentials to your Jenkins build. I would recommend using the credentials plugin
Either write a build wrapper that exposes the refresh token to your build (python sdk deployment) or exposes the access token (java sdk... Got to love that the two sdks do the same thing in different ways)
Or use our free service ;-)
