I tried to find internal vertices in variable-length-edges on AgensGraph.
But, It returns error message like following.
Is there problem on CYPHER query on mime?
How can I view internal vertices of VLE?
Attaching sample script follow.
create graph vle;
create vlabel o;
create vlabel l;
create elabel e;
create property index on o ( id );
create property index on l ( id );
create property index on e ( id );
create (:o{id:1})
create (:o{id:2})
create (:o{id:3})
create (:o{id:4})
create (:o{id:5})
create (:o{id:6})
create (:o{id:7})
create (:o{id:8})
create (:o{id:9});
match (o:o) create (:v{id:o.id});
match (n:v) where n.id >= 1 and n.id <= 9
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+1)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+1})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+2)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+2})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+3)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+3})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+4)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+4})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+5)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+5})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+6)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+6})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+7)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+7})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+8)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+8})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+9)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+9});
match (n:v) where n.id >= 11 and n.id <= 99
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+1)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+1})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+2)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+2})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+3)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+3})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+4)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+4})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+5)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+5})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+6)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+6})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+7)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+7})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+8)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+8})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+9)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+9});
match (n:v) where n.id >= 111 and n.id <= 999
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+1)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+1})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+2)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+2})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+3)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+3})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+4)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+4})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+5)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+5})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+6)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+6})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+7)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+7})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+8)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+8})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+9)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+9});
match (n:v) where n.id >= 1111 and n.id <= 9999
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+1)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+1})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+2)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+2})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+3)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+3})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+4)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+4})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+5)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+5})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+6)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+6})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+7)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+7})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+8)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+8})
create (n)-[:e{id:'v:'+n.id+'->v:'+(n.id*10+9)}]->(:v{id:n.id*10+9});
match p = ( (v1:v{id:1})-[:e*]->(v2:v{id:11111}) ) return nodes(p);
ERROR: graph path and variable length edge cannot be used at the same time
LINE 1: match p = ( (v1:v{id:1})-[:e*]->(v2:v{id:11111}) ) return no...
Please, help...
It is impossible to get nodes between VLE path on older version of AgensGraph.
Think upgrading version of AgensGraph.
agens (AgensGraph 2.1.0, based on PostgreSQL 10.4)
Type "help" for help.
agens =# match p = ( (v1:v{id:1})-[:e*]->(v2:v{id:11111}) ) return nodes(p);
[v[6.1]{"id": 1},v[6.10]{"id": 11},v[6.91]{"id": 111},v[6.820]{"id": 1111},v[6.7381]{"id": 11111}]
(1 row)
How Normal Create Works in a Database
In most create circumstances, you don't want to create a new node if one of the unique or primary keys already exist in the database. I also don't want to update the node, as that would be an upsert. I want to do nothing if the key exists in the database. This will work just like a unique constraint.
Create with a Unique Key
If I want only the email field to be unique, I can do this:
MERGE (u:User { email: 'me#you.com' })
ON CREATE SET u.name='Jon Smith'
It won't create the user if there is already an email.
Create with Multiple Unique Keys ?
Let's say I don't want the user to be able to create a user where a username or email is already in the database. You would think this would work:
MERGE (u:User { email: 'me#you.com', username: 'bill' })
ON CREATE SET u.name='Jon Smith'
However, this will still create the node, as only the COMBINATION has to be unique. I want both values separately to be unique... or fail.
Conditional Create
What I want is a conditional create: IF X THEN Y where:
x = email OR username IS NOT IN User
y = CREATE User email="me#you.com", username="bill", role="admin", ...
How can this be done?
Please consider the following query:
GRAPH.QUERY g "cypher email='a' username='b'
WHERE n.email = $email OR n.username = $username
WITH n is null as missing
WHERE missing = true
CREATE ({email:$email, username:$username})"
Given an empty graph:
GRAPH.QUERY g "cypher email='a' username='b' OPTIONAL MATCH (n) WHERE n.email = $email OR n.username = $username WITH n is null as missing WHERE missing = true CREATE (n {email:$email, username:$username})"
1) 1) "Nodes created: 1"
2) "Properties set: 2"
3) "Cached execution: 0"
4) "Query internal execution time: 1.469000 milliseconds"
GRAPH.QUERY g "cypher email='a' username='b' OPTIONAL MATCH (n) WHERE n.email = $email OR n.username = $username WITH n is null as missing WHERE missing = true CREATE (n {email:$email, username:$username})"
1) 1) "Cached execution: 1"
2) "Query internal execution time: 0.614000 milliseconds"
Running the exact same query twice, the first execution created the missing node the second one didn't modified the graph.
I would like to create a table in snowflake, appending the date to the end of its name. What is the best way to do that?
original table = "DB"."SCHEMA"."CLONEME"
desired new table = "DB"."SCHEMA"."CLONEME_20200812BKP"
Tried setting the date variables, but it didn't work.
First attempt:
set var2 = concat('DB.SCHEMA.CLONEME_',$var1);
create table $var2 clone DB.SCHEMA.CLONEME;
-- and got the following error:
-- SQL compilation error: syntax error line 1 at position 13 unexpected '$var2'.
I'd recommend using the IDENTIFIER function:
src_string VARCHAR(20));
VALUES('JKNHJYGHTFGRTYGHJ'), ('ABC123'), (null), ('0123456789');
set var2 = concat('CLONEME_',$var1);
SELECT getvariable('VAR1'), getvariable('VAR2');
--20200812 CLONEME_20200812
create table identifier($var2) clone CLONEME;
--Table CLONEME_20200812 successfully created
I tried to use shortest-path on AgensGraph.
But, It is quietly slower than other graph database.
How can I increase performance of shortest-path on AgensGraph?
I want to some tips or configuration parameters.
Attaching sample script follow.
create graph shortestpath;
create vlabel o;
create vlabel l;
create elabel e;
create property index on o ( id );
create property index on l ( id );
create property index on e ( id );
create (:o{id:1})
create (:o{id:2})
create (:o{id:3})
create (:o{id:4})
create (:o{id:5})
create (:o{id:6})
create (:o{id:7})
create (:o{id:8})
create (:o{id:9});
match (o:o) create (:l{id:o.id});
match (n:l) where n.id >= 1 and n.id <= 9
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+1)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+1})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+2)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+2})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+3)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+3})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+4)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+4})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+5)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+5})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+6)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+6})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+7)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+7})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+8)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+8})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+9)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+9});
match (n:l) where n.id >= 11 and n.id <= 99
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+1)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+1})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+2)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+2})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+3)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+3})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+4)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+4})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+5)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+5})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+6)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+6})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+7)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+7})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+8)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+8})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+9)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+9});
match (n:l) where n.id >= 111 and n.id <= 999
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+1)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+1})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+2)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+2})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+3)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+3})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+4)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+4})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+5)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+5})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+6)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+6})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+7)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+7})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+8)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+8})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+9)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+9});
match (n:l) where n.id >= 1111 and n.id <= 9999
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+1)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+1})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+2)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+2})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+3)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+3})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+4)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+4})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+5)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+5})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+6)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+6})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+7)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+7})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+8)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+8})
create (n)-[:e{id:'l:'+n.id+'->l:'+(n.id*10+9)}]->(:l{id:n.id*10+9});
match p = allshortestpaths( (l1:l)-[:e*]->(l2:l) ) where l1.id = 1 and l2.id = 11111 return l1.id as l1id, l2.id as l2id, count(p) order by l1id, l2id;
l1id | l2id | count
1 | 11111 | 1
(1 row)
Time: 133.547 ms
Is it possible that improve to under 10ms.
There is an improvement on Shortest-Path on "AgensGraph Version 2.1".
Algorithm is changed to "Bidirectional BFS" from "BFS".
agens (AgensGraph 2.1.0, based on PostgreSQL 10.4)
Type "help" for help.
match p = allshortestpaths( (l1:l)-[:e*]->(l2:l) ) where l1.id = 1 and l2.id = 11111 return l1.id as l1id, l2.id as l2id, count(p) order by l1id, l2id;
l1id | l2id | count
1 | 11111 | 1
(1 row)
Time: 1.776 ms
If you use "Version 1.3" or "Version 2.0", It is better choice upgrade to "Version 2.1"
After connected to AgensGraph.
I try to create node on AgensGraph.
But, there is a error on action.
kurt=# create (:v{id:1});
ERROR: graph_path is NULL
HINT: Use SET graph_path
How to set graph_path?
You must create graph, before create vertex(node).
assam=# create graph new_graph;
After creating graph, set graph_path.
assam=# set graph_path = new_graph;
Finally, You can create a vertex(node).
assam=# create (:v{id:1});
assam=# match (n:v) return n;
v[3.1]{"id": 1}
(1 row)
I try to build a menu using the datatype hierarchyid.
I have the root node and the current selected node. now I want to list of all elements that are related wetween root and selected node AND there siblings.
I get all related elements with following sql query
DECLARE #rootNode hierarchyid, #selectedNode hierarchyid
SELECT #rootNode = MenuNode FROM CMS_Menu WHERE MenuItemID = 3;
SELECT #selectedNode = MenuNode FROM CMS_Menu WHERE MenuItemID =15;
SELECT CMS_Menu.MenuNode
WHERE #selectedNode.IsDescendantOf(MenuNode) = 1 /*all related elements*/
AND MenuNode.GetLevel() >= #rootNode.GetLevel() /*nothing below root*/
Now I have to do something like MenuNode.GetAncestor(1) = result for each row in the query above.
Does anyone have an idea how to get this in a sql query?
Thanks : )
Not entirely sure I understand the question but could you not do something like the following with the WHERE clause:
WHERE #selectedNode.IsDescendantOf(MenuNode.GetAncestor(1)) = 1