Adding element to array, old values turns to 0 but new shows - c

I have written this program where I can add pics to a staff using their names. but right now it adds the new value but the already existing values becomes 0.
this is the outcome:
type in the name you would like to add pic to
type in pic
1.Show existing
2.add pic to a staff
Adam 1,2,3,
Anna 0,0,0,55,
the rest of the code:
typedef struct Staff
char name[30];
int *pic;
int imagecount;
} Staff;
void printStaff(Staff *pStaff)
printf("%s ", pStaff->name);
if ( pStaff->pic) {
for(int i=0; i<pStaff->imagecount; i++){
void PrintList(Staff aLista[], int staffCount)
for (int i = 0; i < staffCount; i++) {
Staff addpic(Staff array[], int staffCount)
Staff newStaff = {};
printf("type in the name you would like to add pic to \n");
fgets(, 30, stdin);
for(int i = 0; i< staffCount; i++) {
if(strcmp(array[i].name, {
if(array[i].imagecount<5) {
printf("type in pic\n");
int newpic;
int *newpics = realloc(newStaff.pic, (array[i].imagecount) * sizeof(int));
newpics[array[i].imagecount-1] = newpic;
array[i].pic = newpics;
return newStaff;
the rest of the code:
int main(void)
int staffCount=0;
int input;
int test[3] = {1,2,3};
Staff myStaff[5] = { {"Adam", test, 3},{"Anna",test,3} };
printf("1.Show existing \n");
printf("2.add pic to a staff");
scanf("%d", &input);
case 1:
case 2:
printf("inccorect inpput\n");
}while (input<'1' ||input<'2');
return 0;
any help is appreciated, but I'm new to coding so keep that in mind.

In the addpic function you do
int *newpics = realloc(array[i].pic, ...);
One problem is that if you do it for one of the two elements you have initialized in array, then array[i].pic is pointing to the first element of an array (the array test in the main function).
Arrays can not be reallocated. If you want to reallocate the memory you need to allocate the original memory dynamically as well.

newStaff.pic is initialized to NULL and not updated then, so realloc(newStaff.pic, (array[i].imagecount) * sizeof(int)); is equivalent to malloc((array[i].imagecount) * sizeof(int));.
Elements allocated via malloc() and not initialized hae indeterminate value, and they happened to be zero in this case.
You can take over the contents by manually copying them.
int *newpics = realloc(newStaff.pic, (array[i].imagecount) * sizeof(int));
/* add this line to copy contents */
for (int j = 0; j < array[i].imagecount-1; j++) newpics[j] = array[i].img[j];
newpics[array[i].imagecount-1] = newpic;
Unfortunately, this method is not good because this may cause memory leak if addition like this to the same element of array is done multiple times.
Better way is to allocate the buffer to assign to img dynamically and pass them to realloc(). Then, realloc() will do the copying for you.
Initialization part:
int test[3] = {1,2,3};
Staff myStaff[5] = { {"Adam", test, 3},{"Anna",test,3} };
/* add this to change statically allocated arrays to dynamically allocated ones */
for (int i = 0; i < staffCOunt; i++) {
int* newpics = malloc(myStaff[i].imagecount * sizeof(int));
for (int j = 0; j < myStaff[i].imagecount; j++) newpics[j] = myStaff[i].img[j];
myStaff[i].img = newpics;
Updating part:
/* use array[i].pic instead of newStaff.pic */
int *newpics = realloc(array[i].pic, (array[i].imagecount) * sizeof(int));
/* then, no manual copying is required */
(error checkings are omitted)


How can I arrange the structs in an array of structs in an ascending order?

I am sorry if this sounds confusing, I will try to be as clear as possible. I have an array of structs, where the array stores a struct that I have defined as a Business Card. However, before adding any new business cards into the array, I have to store the structs in ascending order based on the integer value of the Employee ID.
Here is the struct:
typedef struct{
int nameCardID;
char personName[20];
char companyName[20];
} NameCard;
Hence, I tried to use relational operators to compare between the values of the ID and copy it in ascending order to another temporary array I named fakeHolder, before finally copying over to the actual array. However, I can't seem to understand why it is not in order after inputting my data as ID 9, 7, 5.
Here is my helper function:
int addNameCard(NameCard *nc, int *size){
int i = 0;
// Why is this a pointer?
NameCard fakeHolder[10];
char dummy[100];
char *p;
if(*size == MAX){
printf("The name card holder is full");
// To quit the program
return 0;
// Keeps it to Fake Name Card Holder First
printf("Enter nameCardID:\n");
scanf("%d", &fakeHolder->nameCardID);
scanf("%c", &dummy);
printf("Enter personName:\n");
fgets(fakeHolder->personName, 20, stdin);
if(p = strchr(fakeHolder->personName, '\n')){
*p = '\0';
printf("Enter companyName:\n");
fgets(fakeHolder->companyName, 20, stdin);
if(p = strchr(fakeHolder->companyName, '\n')){
*p = '\0';
// Compare the ID value
for(int j = 0; j < *size; j += 1){
if(fakeHolder->nameCardID == (nc+j)->nameCardID){
printf("The nameCardID has already existed");
else if(fakeHolder->nameCardID < (nc+j)->nameCardID){
fakeHolder[(j+1)].nameCardID = (nc+j)->nameCardID;
strcpy(fakeHolder[(j+1)].companyName, (nc+j)->companyName);
*size += 1;
// Transfer to the Actual Name Card Holder
for(int k = 0; k < *size; k += 1){
(nc+k)->nameCardID = fakeHolder[k].nameCardID;
strcpy((nc+k)->personName, fakeHolder[k].personName);
strcpy((nc+k)->companyName, fakeHolder[k].companyName);
printf("The name card has been added successfully\n");
return 0;
Your current code has several problems, and you can rewrite it to be much more maintainable and easier to work with. For example,
i (in int i = 0;) is not being used
scanf("%c", &dummy); is there, I assume, to remove trailing \n - but a 100-char buffer for a single character to read is... surprising. See scanf() leaves the new line char in the buffer for lots of discussion on different approaches to "trailing stuff after integer".
splitting addNameCard into 2 functions, one to actually request a NameCard and another to insert it into the array, would divide up responsibilities better, and make your program easier to test. Avoid mixing input/output with program logic.
The question you ask can be solved via the standard library qsort function, as follows:
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct{
int nameCardID;
char personName[20];
char companyName[20];
} NameCard;
void show(NameCard *nc, int n) {
for (int i=0; i<n; i++, nc++) {
nc->nameCardID, nc->personName, nc->companyName);
// comparison functions to qsort must return int and receive 2 const void * pointers
// they must then return 0 for equal, or <0 / >0 for lower/greater
int compareCardsById(const void *a, const void *b) {
return ((NameCard *)a)->nameCardID - ((NameCard *)b)->nameCardID;
int main() {
NameCard nc[10];
nc[0] = (NameCard){1, "bill", "foo"};
nc[1] = (NameCard){3, "joe", "bar"};
nc[2] = (NameCard){2, "ben", "qux"};
show(nc, 3);
// calling the libraries' sort on the array; see "man qsort" for details
qsort(nc, 3, sizeof(NameCard), compareCardsById);
show(nc, 3);
return 0;

Adding element to array, random number outcome

I'm trying to be able to add a pic to the existing staff using this function:
Staff addpic(Staff array[], int staffCount)
Staff newStaff = {};
printf("type in the name you would like to add pic to \n");
fgets(, 30, stdin);
for(int i = 0; i< staffCount; i++) {
if(strcmp(array[i].name, {
if(array[i].imagecount<5) {
printf("type in pic\n");
int newpic;
int *newpics = realloc(newStaff.pic, (array->imagecount) * sizeof(int));
newpics[array->imagecount-1] = newpic;
newStaff.pic = newpics;
return newStaff;
but it does now work as I was hoping. it adds a new pic but just a random number.
the out come will look like this:
type in the name you would like to add pic to
type in pic
1.Show existing
2.add pic to a staff
Adam 1,2,3,
Anna 1,2,3,-455802818,
The mistakes are:
array[i] is updated, but imagecount of array[0] is used to select the element to be updated.
array[i].pic is not updated while array[i].imagecount is updated. newStaff.pic, which is passed to realloc() and updated, is initialized to NULL and not related with array[i].pic.
Corrected verson:
Staff addpic(Staff array[], int staffCount)
Staff newStaff = {};
printf("type in the name you would like to add pic to \n");
fgets(, 30, stdin);
for(int i = 0; i< staffCount; i++) {
if(strcmp(array[i].name, {
if(array[i].imagecount<5) {
printf("type in pic\n");
int newpic;
/* use array[i].pic instead of newStaff.pic and use array[i].imagecount instead of array->imagecount */
int *newpics = realloc(array[i].pic, (array[i].imagecount) * sizeof(int));
/* use array[i].imagecount instead of array->imagecount */
newpics[array[i].imagecount-1] = newpic;
/* update array[i].pic instead of newStaff.pic */
array[i].pic = newpics;
return newStaff;

Initializing Strings in an Array of Sturts within a Struct

I have a struct gradebook with(among other things) an array of student structs that has two string fields
#define MAX_NAME_LEN 50
#define MAX_EMAIL_LEN 80
typedef struct students {
char *name;
char *email;
} Students;
typedef struct gradebook {
int number_of_students;
Students students[MAX_NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS];
int number_of_assignments;
char assignments[MAX_NUMBER_OF_ASSIGNMENTS][(MAX_NAME_LEN + 1)];
} Gradebook;
I have an initialization function
int init_gradebook(Gradebook *book) {
int row, col, ndx, count;
book->number_of_students = 0;
count += book->number_of_students;
for(ndx = 0; ndx < MAX_NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS; ndx++) {
book->students[ndx].name = 0;
book->students[ndx].email = 0;
book->number_of_assignments = 0;
count += book->number_of_assignments;
for(row = 0; row < MAX_NUMBER_OF_ASSIGNMENTS; row++) {
for(col = 0; col < (MAX_NAME_LEN + 1); col++) {
book->assignments[row][col] = 0;
count += book->assignments[row][col];
for(row = 0; row < MAX_NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS; row++) {
for(col = 0; col < MAX_NUMBER_OF_ASSIGNMENTS; col++) {
book->scores[row][col] = 0;
count += book->scores[row][col];
if (count == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
and I need to then insert, into those two string fields, the passed in strings, with my add_student function.
int add_student(Gradebook *book, char *nom, char *mail) {
int ndx, count;
if (book->number_of_students == 0) {
book->students[(book->number_of_students)].name = malloc(sizeof(51));
book->students[(book->number_of_students)].email = malloc(sizeof(81));
strcpy(book->students[(book->number_of_students)].name, nom);
strcpy(book->students[(book->number_of_students)].email, mail);
} else {
for (ndx = 0; ndx < book->number_of_students; ndx++) {
book->students[(book->number_of_students)].name = malloc(sizeof(51));
book->students[(book->number_of_students)].email = malloc(sizeof(81));
strcpy(book->students[(book->number_of_students)].name, nom);
strcpy(book->students[(book->number_of_students)].email, mail);
return 1;
My code compiles, but when I run it with the main function, I get a seg fault. The add_student function is what I am ultimately trying to do (copy the given string into book->student[ndx].name) If you need to see the main file or the gradebook.h file, let me know.
Edit: Thanks to all of you, this issue has been solved. The main problem, as abginfo pointed out, was my If Else + the For loop inside of it. But now I have other problems further along in my program. Haha, Thank You.
From what portion of your code I can see, I'm going to make the assumption that the init_gradebook function takes a non allocated reference to gradebook and attempts to initialize it.
In this case the gradebook reference you have has no memory allocated to it just yet. Try using the malloc() function to assign the required memory to your gradebook reference before attempting to initialize the rest of its variables.
gb = (Gradebook*)malloc(sizeof(*Gradebook));
I've changed the variable name to avoid any confusion.
To supplement varevarao's answer, you should allocate everything explicitly as a matter of habit instead of relying on segfaults to tell you something's not allocated. (Not that you necessarily do!) Messing with unallocated memory is undefined behavior, so in some cases this code does not trigger an error -
int main (void) {
Gradebook mybook;
printf("there are %i students\n", mybook.number_of_students);
add_student(&mybook, "blerf", "");
printf("now there are %i students\n", mybook.number_of_students);
printf("%s has an email address of %s\n", mybook.students[0].name, mybook.students[0].email);
return 0;
returned (on my machine)
there are 0 students
now there are 1 students
blerf has an email address of

Can't assign string to pointer inside struct

Here is a piece of my code, I tried to make it simpler I am trying to assign a string to a pointer inside a struct that is inside an array, also I would like to initialize pointers to NULL so I can check whether or not there is already a doctor using the room...
I keep getting seg fault errors
I would appreciate any help
struct appointment{
char *SSN;
int status;//is appointment already taken?
struct room{
int doctorID;
char *doctorname;
struct appointment hours[10];
struct room clinic[5];
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){ //I was trying to initialize all pointers to NULL but didn't work
clinic[i].doctorID = 0;
for(int j = 0; i < 10; i++){
clinic[i].hours[j].status = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
clinic[i].doctorname = malloc(sizeof(char) * 30); // Am I doing something wrong here?
*clinic[i].doctorname = "fernando";
printf("the name of the doctor on clinic %d is %s\n", i, clinic[i].doctorname
return 0;
If you want to assign a string user strcpy instead.
Change your line
*clinic[i].doctorname = "fernando";
strcpy(clinic[i].doctorname, "fernando");

problem in char array?

char *funcNames[]= {"VString","VChar","VArray","VData"};
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
char* temp = funcNames[i];
int len = strlen(funcNames[i]);
for(int j = 0;j<len ;j++)
char arr = temp[j];
here i want to separate "V" from all string in char array ...and create another char array without "V" in starting of the string.i want another char array {String,char,array,data}...i cant make a char array me to solve my issue...
Do you really need a copy? You could just make a new array pointing into the original strings:
char *newArray[4];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
newArray[i] = funcNames[i] + 1;
If you do need to make copies then you'll have to use dynamical allocation to create the buffers to hold the copies. What you will do is declare an array of pointers and place an allocated string buffer in each of the array's entries:
char *newArray[4];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
newArray[i] = malloc(sizeof(char) * streln(funcNames[0]));
strcpy(newArray[i], funcNames[i] + 1);
You will have to call free() on each allocated buffer.
Or if you don't want to do allocation and are know the maximum length of the strings in funcNames:
#define MAX_FUNC_NAME_LEN 32
char newArray[4][MAX_FUNC_NAME_LEN];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
strcpy(newArray[i], funcNames[i] + 1);
There's only small differences between arrays and pointers so I'd opt for:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
int main (void) {
int i;
char *funcNames[]= {"VString","VChar","VArray","VData"};
// This is the code that dupicates your strings by allocating an array,
// then allocating each string within that array (and copying).
// Note we use strlen, not strlen+1 to mallocsince we're replacing the
// 'V' at the start with the zero byte at the end. Also we strcpy
// from char offset 1, not 0 (to skip the fist char).
char **newNames = malloc (sizeof(char*) * sizeof(funcNames) / sizeof(*funcNames));
assert (newNames != NULL);
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(funcNames) / sizeof(*funcNames); i++) {
newNames[i] = malloc (strlen (funcNames[i]));
assert (newNames[i] != NULL);
strcpy (newNames[i], funcNames[i] + 1);
/* Use your newNames here */
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(funcNames) / sizeof(*funcNames); i++) {
printf ("funcNames[%d] #%08x = '%s'\n", i, funcNames[i], funcNames[i]);
printf (" newNames[%d] #%08x = '%s'\n", i, newNames[i], newNames[i]);
putchar ('\n');
// Finished using them.
// Free the strings themselves, then free the array.
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(funcNames) / sizeof(*funcNames); i++)
free (newNames[i]);
free (newNames);
return 0;
You can see from the output that the locations of the variables in memory are different and that the content of the new strings is what you wanted:
funcNames[0] #00402000 = 'VString'
newNames[0] #006601c0 = 'String'
funcNames[1] #00402008 = 'VChar'
newNames[1] #006601d0 = 'Char'
funcNames[2] #0040200e = 'VArray'
newNames[2] #006601e0 = 'Array'
funcNames[3] #00402015 = 'VData'
newNames[3] #006601f0 = 'Data'
