How do I trigger the change event on a react-select component with react-testing-library? - reactjs

Given that I can't test internals directly with react-testing-library, how would I go about testing a component that uses react-select? For instance, if I have a conditional render based on the value of the react-select, which doesn't render a traditional <select/>, can I still trigger the change?
import React, { useState } from "react";
import Select from "react-select";
const options = [
{ value: "First", label: "First" },
{ value: "Second", label: "Second" },
{ value: "Third", label: "Third" },
function TestApp() {
const [option, setOption] = useState(null);
return (
<label htmlFor="option-select">Select Option</label>
onChange={option => setOption(option)}
{option && <div>{option.label}</div>}
export default TestApp;
I'm not even sure what I should query for. Is it the hidden input?

My team has a test utility in our project that lets us select an item easily after spending too much time trying to figure out how to do this properly. Sharing it here to hopefully help others.
This doesn't rely on any React Select internals or mocking but does require you to have set up a <label> which has a for linking to the React Select input. It uses the label to select a given choice value just like a user would on the real page.
const KEY_DOWN = 40
// Select an item from a React Select dropdown given a label and
// choice label you wish to pick.
export async function selectItem(
container: HTMLElement,
label: string,
choice: string
): Promise<void> {
// Focus and enable the dropdown of options.
fireEvent.focus(getByLabelText(container, label))
fireEvent.keyDown(getByLabelText(container, label), {
keyCode: KEY_DOWN,
// Wait for the dropdown of options to be drawn.
await findByText(container, choice)
// Select the item we care about., choice))
// Wait for your choice to be set as the input value.
await findByDisplayValue(container, choice)
It can be used like this:
it('selects an item', async () => {
const { container } = render(<MyComponent/>)
await selectItem(container, 'My label', 'value')

You can try the following to get it working:
Fire focus event on the ReactSelect component .react-select input element.
Fire a mouseDown event on the .react-select__control element
Fire a click on the option element that you want to select
You can add a className and classNamePrefix props with the value of "react-select" in order to specifically select the component you are trying to test.
PS: In case you are still stuck I'd encourage you to take a look at this conversation from where the above answer is borrowed -


Hide current value on focus of react-select

When a user sets focus on the edit box of a single-selection react-select component, the currently-selected option will continue to be shown until the user types a key. I don't like this behavior. Instead I'd like do to what Google does which is to clear the edit box on focus.
How to do this?
I noticed there's a long-open issue in the react-select GitHub repo, but the solutions on that issue seem either complex or have UX tradeoffs that I'd like to avoid.
It took some experimentation, but the easiest solution was creating a custom SingleValue component that renders no content when the menu is open. Posting the answer here to save the time of others who may run into the same problem.
Note that the text shown isn't actually in the edit box. It's a separate HTML element of static text that's hidden by the library when the user types. I'm just accelerating that process. :-)
Live example
import { Fragment, useState } from "react";
import Select, { components } from "react-select";
const options = [
{ label: "one", value: 1 },
{ label: "two", value: 2 },
{ label: "three", value: 3 }
export default function App() {
const [selectedOption, setSelectedOption] = useState(options[1]);
return (
components={{ SingleValue }}
placeholder="Pick a number"
/** Hide the selected value when showing the dropdown list */
function SingleValue(props) {
const { children, } = props;
const { selectProps } = props;
if (selectProps.menuIsOpen) return <Fragment></Fragment>;
return <components.SingleValue {}>{children}</components.SingleValue>;
// For TypeScript, declare like this:
// function SingleValue<T>(props: SingleValueProps<T, false>) {
If you want to show a placeholder instead of a blank edit box, you can just return your placeholder in place of children. Like this: (live example)
/** Show a placeholder instead of the selected value when showing the dropdown list */
function SingleValue(props) {
const { children, } = props;
const { selectProps } = props;
let contents = children;
if (selectProps.menuIsOpen) {
contents = selectProps.placeholder ? (
<div style={{ color: "#999" }}>{selectProps.placeholder}</div>
) : (
return <components.SingleValue {}>{contents}</components.SingleValue>;
It's a shame that the docs for each react-select prop are so limited and they lack a table of contents to easily navigate. It's really full-featured once you figure out how the advanced stuff works like replacing custom components. If you're considering contributing feature PRs to that library, consider enhancing the docs too!

Moving slider with Cypress

I've got a Slider component from rc-slider and I need Cypress to set the value of it.
onChange={(value) => this.updateInput("amount",value)}
This is my Cypress code:
it.only("Changing slider", () => {
.invoke("val", 23000)
.click({ force: true })
What I've tried so far does not work.
Starting point of slider is 20000, and after test runs it goes to 22000, no matter what value I pass, any number range.
Looks like it used to work before, How do interact correctly with a range input (slider) in Cypress? but not anymore.
The answer is very and very simple. I found the solution coincidentally pressing enter key for my another test(date picker) and realized that pressing left or right arrow keys works for slider.
You can achieve the same result using props as well. The only thing you need to do is to add this dependency: cypress-react-selector and following instructions here: cypress-react-selector
Example of using {rightarrow}
it("using arrow keys", () => {
const currentValue = 20000;
const targetValue = 35000;
const increment = 500;
const steps = (targetValue - currentValue) / increment;
const arrows = '{rightarrow}'.repeat(steps);
.should('have.attr', 'aria-valuenow', 20000)
.should('have.attr', 'aria-valuenow', 35000)
#darkseid's answer helped guide me reach an optimal solution.
There are two steps
Click the slider's circle, to move the current focus on the slider.
Press the keyboard arrow buttons to reach your desired value.
My slider jumps between values on the sliders, therefore this method would work. (I am using Ion range slider)
This method doesn't require any additional depedency.
// Move the focus to slider, by clicking on the slider's circle element
cy.get(".irs-handle.single").click({ multiple: true, force: true });
// Press right arrow two times
You might be able to tackle this using Application actions, provided you are able to modify the app source code slightly.
Application actions give the test a hook into the app that can be used to modify the internal state of the app.
I tested it with a Function component exposing setValue from the useState() hook.
You have used a Class component, so I guess you would expose this.updateInput() instead, something like
if (window.Cypress) { = { updateInput: this.updateInput };
App: index.js
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import './style.css';
import Slider from 'rc-slider';
import 'rc-slider/assets/index.css';
function App() {
const [value, setValue] = useState(20000);
// Expose the setValue() method so that Cypress can set the app state
if (window.Cypress) { = { setValue };
return (
<div className="App">
onChange={val => setValue(val)}
<div style={{ marginTop: 40 }}><b>Selected Value: </b>{value}</div>
render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
Test: slider.spec.js
The easiest way I found assert the value in the test is to use the aria-valuenow attribute of the slider handle, but you may have another way of testing that the value has visibly changed on the page.
describe('Slider', () => {
it("Changing slider", () => {
.should('have.attr', 'aria-valuenow', 20000)
cy.window().then(win => {;
.should('have.attr', 'aria-valuenow', 35000)
For whoever comes across this with Material UI/MUI 5+ Sliders:
First off, this github issue and comment might be useful:
I tried changing the value by accessing the input with type range that is used underneath in the slider, but for me that did not do the trick.
My solution with MUI 5+ Slider:
onChange={(event, newValue) =>
//Handle change
What is important here is the enabled marks property. This allowed me to just click straight on the marks in the cypress test, which of course can also be abstracted to a support function.
cy.get('[data-cy=control-percentage]').within(() => {
// index 11 represents 55 in this case, depending on your step setting.
I got this to work with the popular react-easy-swipe:
.trigger('touchstart', {
touches: [{ pageY: 0, pageX: 0 }]
.trigger('touchmove', {
touches: [{ pageY: 0, pageX: -30 }]

How to Manipulate Dropdown placeholder, onFocus?

Am new to ReactJS. I need to make the "placeholder" which is set to "State" initially to Empty/Null when onClicked or onFocus and then when it's not focused on, it goes back to "State" again. Can someone help me with this, am very new to react so any help will be appreciated.
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { Container, Button, Modal, Dropdown } from "semantic-ui-react";
const stateOptions = [
{ key: "AL", value: "AL", text: "Alabama" },
{ key: "NY", value: "NY", text: "New York" }
const App = () => (
render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
From React's perspective, placeholder is a state that needs to be changed according to user's actions (onClick, onBlur)
So create a state to hold placeholder value that need to change.
There are two ways (since v16.8.0 with the introduction of React Hooks).
Using Class Component
class DropDown extends React.Component {
defaultPlaceholderState = "State";
state = { placeholder: this.defaultPlaceholderState };
clearPlaceholder = () => this.setState({ placeholder: "" });
resetPlaceholder = () =>
this.setState({ placeholder: this.defaultPlaceholderState });
render() {
return (
In the code above, placeholder declared as a state with default value set to this.defaultPlaceholderState.
When a user clicks on the dropdown, onClick clears the placeholder value by setting it to an empty string. Same for onFocus when the Dropdown is on focus.
When a user clicks outside (onBlur), resetPlaceHolder sets the placeholder value to the default this.defaultPlaceholderState.
Using Function Component with useState hook
React v16.8.0 introduces Hooks, which enables Function Components (not a Functional Component, as it refers to Functional Programming) to hold states.
You can use React.useState hook to hold placeholder value.
const DropDownUsingHook = () => {
const defaultPlaceholderState = "State";
const [placeholder, setPlaceholder] = React.useState(defaultPlaceholderState);
const clearPlaceholder = () => setPlaceholder("");
const resetPlaceholder = () => setPlaceholder(defaultPlaceholderState);
return (
⚠ Note: Unlike the Class version, clearPlaceholder, resetPlaceholder methods and placeholder state don't use this. prefix.
The implementation is similar but you use useState hook to declare the state and the setter (setPlaceholder).
Refer to the Hooks documentation, Using State Hook for more info.
You can play around with the working code on CodeSandbox.

How to simulate selecting from dropdown in Jest / enzyme testing?

I'm trying to write jest tests for my React component that has a dropdown like this:
<select id="dropdown" onChange={this.handlechange} ref={this.refDropdown}>
{ => {
return (
<option key={} value={}>
and the handler looks like this:
handlechange = () => {
const sel = this.refDropdown.current;
const value = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value;
I want to simulate a user selecting the 2nd entry (or anything other than the first) in the list but am having trouble. If I simulate a "change" event it does fire the call to handlechange() but selectedIndex is always set to zero.
I tried this code in the jest test but it doesn't cause selectedIndex to be accessible in the handler.
const component = mount(<MyComponent/>);
component.find("#dropdown").simulate("change", {
target: { value: "item1", selectedIndex: 1 }
What happens is almost correct. If I look at the incoming event, I can see e.value is set to "item1" as I set, but it doesn't act like the selection was actually made.
I've also tried trying to send "click" simulations to the Option element directly but that does nothing.
What's the right way to simulate a selection from a dropdown?
Try this approach:
wrapper.find('option').at(0).instance().selected = false;
wrapper.find('option').at(1).instance().selected = true;
You can trigger a change event since you have your this.handlechange trigger onChange:
const component = mount(<MyComponent/>);
component.find('#dropdown').at(0).simulate('change', {
target: { value: 'item1', name: 'item1' }
I would say you have to add .at(0) because Enzyme will find a list of values even if you only have one element with that ID.
Try changing the html "onInput" to "onChange" because you are simulating the "change" event in jest.
Short Answer -
Use the following snippet
import userEvent from "#testing-library/user-event";
userEvent.selectOptions(screen.getByTestId("select-element-test-id"), ["option1"]);
Detailed Answer -
.tsx file
aria-label="Select a value from the select dropdown"
onChange={(e) => {
console.log("Option selected from the dropdown list",;
.test.tsx file
import userEvent from "#testing-library/user-event";
it("Check entire flow", async () => {
const selectDropdown = await waitFor(
() => screen.getByTestId("select-element-test-id"),
timeout: 3000,
expect(selectDropdown ).toBeInTheDocument();
//"option2" is the element in the select dropdown list
userEvent.selectOptions(screen.getByTestId("select-element-test-id"), [
The above code will trigger the onChange function of the select element.

react-select: Do we need CSS as well just to display a normal select list?

I have following code which displays a normal select list. It is working fine logically and i am able to log when any change happens. But the problem is, very small box is being displayed instead of a text box which is adequate to show the options.And my placeholder is being displayed as a normal text. But when i click on placeholder, all values are being displayed.
import Select from 'react-select;
class SelectList extends Component {
onChange() {
console.log("Value Changed");
render() {
var Select = require('react-select');
var options = [
{ value: 'one', label: 'India' },
{ value: 'two', label: 'Singapore' },
{ value: 'three', label: 'IceLand' }
name="Select List"
do I need any CSS things here. Could anybody let me know what am I missing here?
You're already importing Select at the top, why are you doing
var Select = require('react-select');
again in the render function?
Also your onChange handler should be onChange={this.onChange} and you can bind the handler at the top in the constructor like this:
this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this);
Or you can pass it to the Select component like this
onChange={() => {this.onChange()}}
As for the CSS issue, from github:
// Be sure to include styles at some point, probably during your bootstrapping
import 'react-select/dist/react-select.css';
