React add local state changes to browser history - reactjs

I'm new to react, and I'm wondering if there is a way to add local state changes to the browser history to allow users to use back browser button to navigate back. I know this could cause problems sometimes, but I'll do it just in some specific and managed cases.
In my real application I'm using react-router v4 and experimented with history.push(location,state) but it didn't worked out
Here is an example application on codesandbox:
In this application I'd like the user to be able to browse back with the browser button between status changes.
Is that possible in any way?


Separate pages vs updating components on the same page

So I am just wondering if there are any common practices or basic guidelines as to when you should create separate pages vs just updating the components on the current page when using React? I tried to look online and could not find anything.
There are some scenarios in which you need your data or some state persisted, just some update in the UI, like Atlassian Login page.
When you write your email, it changes the route and changes some css (changes password field display from none to block).
Or in Jira next gen, there are tasks, if you click on one of the tasks in a scrum board, the page component is the same, but it brings up a modal component showing up the details of that task.
Why different routes? cause you can share the link and whenever someone navigates to that route, it brings up the page with the same UI that you saw when you copied the link.
Otherwise it's a cleaner approach to handle navigation using separate pages. So it's totally up to you and the kind of UI/UX design.

React problem routing : no need re-rendering on second time

I’m making a simple app with react-routing component.When user enter in /config path, it open a configuration page where he can choose element from select.
After this, user save data and the application set state of main component correctly (App.js). Then i make a “view change” using history to return in home (/ path).
The problem is : if user click on second time in /config routes, it lose all previous change made on DOM and it seems to be a new istance.
How i can preserve user interaction after first change? I cannot understand if i need to make a state inside this (Config.js) or there are an alternative solution.
Thanks for all
If you have an app level configuration which should be preserved between renders/navigation you should consider using some sort of a state management like Redux or you should store your config inside sessionStorage/localStorage (sessionStorage keeps track only while your browser tab is active = not closed. localStorage saves for the future when user closes and reopens your app).
Learn more about Web Storage API on how to use sessionStorage and localStorage.
NOTE: When you navigate away from your component, it gets unmounted which means that the component's state is destroyed/trashed. That's probably the situation you're facing now with your project.
You need to store the data/state/config somewhere. If it's just a few things (nothing heavy or complex), you can use localStorage (it saves the data between sessions, doesn't matter if you close tab and open it again)... But if you need to have a greater control over the app's state you should consider diving into Redux Store.
Have in mind that by default redux doesn't support data persistence so you'll need to plug-in Redux Persist package to achieve that (it's like saving in localStorage, but now the whole Redux (with all the states) will be saved between sessions)
I am not sure what you mean by
lose all previous change made on DOM
Where do you store these changes made and could you not check for this state and render the contents of the /config component or even the component itself depending on whether or not the changes to the state have been made?

Block page change

I have a problem with blocking page changes in the application. The application is written in react and installed in liferay (CMS). It wants to keep the user on the payment intermediary selection screen. Unfortunately, the methods I know do not work properly. Blocking on the "beforeunload" event only blocks the closing of the page or its refresh (I'm only interested in closing the tab, but it is an additional condition). Blocking the website by react router doesn't work properly either. The prompt component works only within the scope of the added page, and no longer works in the navigation created on liferay. This is the same for useHistory (history.block('msg')), because it works just like the prompt component. I also tried to get this effect with other events, unfortunately to no avail. Does anyone have an idea to solve this problem? Thank you in advance.
I'm not aware about Liferay navigation behavior but I can see two resolutions:
you could go on using react router to block the transition to another route:
You could find a full example on the official docs (
message={location =>
`Are you sure you want to go to ${location.pathname}`
if there are parts of your application not handled by react-router you could rely on some event from history, like the one described here:
A popstate event is dispatched to the window each time the active history entry changes between two history entries for the same document.

Set an externally accessible URL for a React component

I developed a React component representing a window that allows the user to interact with a chatbot. This window opens when the user clicks a button. Now, I want to make this button available in any site or application of my choice. The first idea that came to mind is to associate a URL to this button so I can call it in our site or application by simply creating a link like:
Chat with the robot .
I find the idea functional but I do not know how to associate a URL to a component in React. I looked at the React-Router side of what I understood it just allows to create the navigation between component of the same application but I do not know if its URL can be accessible outside the application where they are created.
Do you know any tips for solving such problems?
And if you have ideas other than linking the URL to the component, I'm interested.
Thank you in advance !!!
You cannot use a react component by pulling it in as external code. react-router works by wrapping you application. Any component you want to use has to be part of the actual codebase.

React-router-redux takes two clicks on a Link to update location state

I have an issue with my app that I cannot find solution for anywhere. I use react-router-redux and syncHistoryWithStore.
When I click on my navigation to change a route using Link the new route loads, URL in the browser updates, however the location state doesn't update unless I click the Link two times.
I've noticed it might have something to do with Chrome React DevTools. If I open the React Devtools and select provider then unwrap the components tree one at a time, the location state updates and everything works fine. However, if I use the search bar to locate the target component, location state doesn't work any more and the app breaks. Weird?!
Has anyone encountered a similar issue before? Any idea how to fix this?
