Timeline for availablity of azure search indexing on ADLS Gen2 [closed] - azure-cognitive-search

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Our team is heavily using ADLS gen2 to store our analytical data. We want to build azure search indexes on top of this data. But seems like currently azure search doesn't support indexing on ADLS Gen2. Is there any guidance on the timeline when it would be supported?

It is correct that we do not currently support ADLS Gen2 as a source for our Azure Search indexer. This is in the works, however we do not have a timeline I can provide yet.
In the meantime, you can use our PUSH api to programmatically send content from it to Azure Search.

We have announced a public preview of an indexer that supports Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 as a data source.
Request access to the preview here:
More documentation on the preview indexer:


How to choose database for an ecommerce app [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Hi I am new to mobile app development and want to make an ecommerce app in flutter. I am using firebase. But is it cost efficient what are the other alternative which is cheaper than firebase yet easy as firebase.
Also is parse server suitable for ecommerce app . I have seen the pricing for firebase and it seems soon my application will cross the free tier limit
Would recommend Amazon AWS for ecommerce app. Number of services like user authentication ( Cognito ), No Sql database( DynamoDB ), Api ( Api Gateway, Lambda function ) are available. Also free tier quota is great.

any alternative SQL for flutter rather than sqflite [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I was wonder if there any alternative way to store offline data in dependencies database rather than using sqflite!!
if any one knows any SQL or even nosql libraries for flutter that's is not complicated like sqflite please mention it!
This is a alternative, use a NoSql database.
Yet another NoSQL persistent store database solution for single process io applications. The whole document based database resides in a single file and is loaded in memory when opened. Changes are appended right away to the file and the file is automatically compacted when needed.
Works on Dart VM and Flutter (no plugin needed, 100% Dart). Inspired from IndexedDB, DataStore, WebSql, NeDB, Lawndart...
Supports encryption using user-defined codec.
This is a link when you can get the library:

OpenAuth in ASP.NET MVC/SQL Server [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Enabling OpenAuth and allowing the user to login via Google, Yahoo, Facebook etc. is an common occurrence in websites. Is there an open-source library or project which can be consumed or referred to for implementing this functionality in ASP.NET MVC with SQL Server repository?
Nerd Dinner by Scott Hanselman, Phil Haack, Rob Conery et.al. is a good fit for your need.
It is a ASP.NET MVC project using DotNetOpenAuth for the log-on entities DotNetOpenAuth supports.
You can use DotNetOpenAuth. It supports Google, Yahoo,AOl, Wordpress etc..
This link has a sample project which gives you a good idea how to do this.
For Facebook, you may need to look into facebook connect.
You can create a table in your database to store the Open Id (after hashing) . When user login with their other providers details (ex : google) you will get the open id. You can check that with what you have in your table and let the user to be a logged in user.

What database viewer to use for CouchDB? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm pretty new to CouchDB. I have googled without finding a database viewer for CouchDB.
How do you view a CouchDB database without manipulating the raw HTTP messages ?
Ideally, the tool would meet the following requirements :
Cross-platform (Windows or Linux mainly)
Desktop application or Web application
Allow editing of documents, databases etc
There is built-in web application that allows you to manage CouchDB instance -- http://guide.couchdb.org/draft/tour.html#welcome
And your question is very ambiguous. You ask for the web application as option but without "a classic browser" you cannot use it.
In case you don't find Futon very intuitive, please checkout CouchDB Query Explorer. The tool is aimed at providing an intuitive approach to configure & use. Define your own fields & filters. Querying is as simple as selecting one or more filters. For more information please visit here

Database in the cloud? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Some of my recent clients are asking for remote connections to the office server, for standalone work, etc, in winForm applications.
Since the concept of the web is remote connection to a server both of data and resources, it should be possible to place both of this in cloud and have the winForm apps connect to it as if web Apps.
As any one tested this, is working like this?
Is it fast enough?
Is it secure?
What is the best cloud host for this type of work ?
Also what DB engines support this ?
Some of my friends have used MongoHQ with greate success.
Also Xeround is a cloud-hosted database. It is compatible with MySQL. I have used it before, but never for a winForm application.
